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Three-year old girl died of suffocation in a locked van

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Three-year old girl died of suffocation in a locked van


SAMUT PRAKAN:-- A three-year old kindergarten girl died of suffocation and heat in a locked van at a housing estate in Bang Pu district of Samut Prakan Wednesday.

Bang Pu police said that the victim was among a total of 13 children picked up from the housing estate to be sent to a kindergarten school. However, the airconditioner of the van failed and a substitute van was sent to replace it.

All the children except one were transferred to the substitute van by the driver and the attendant without realizing that one was left abandoned on the back seat. The old van was then parked in the housing estate.

The driver and the attendant went back to the kindergarten school to pick up the children for home. But only 12 of them showed up so they phoned the parents of the missing kid to enquire whether they had already picked her up and the answer was no.

So they rushed back to the parked van and found the lifeless kid lying in the back seat apparently died of suffocation and heat.

Both the driver and the attendant are facing charge of manslaughter.

-- Thai PBS 2016-05-11

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Too much of a common occurrence over the last few years that are coming know through the media now. I wonder how many more children have suffered a similar fate but it was not shown or covered up in the past......

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Tragic, clearly neglient but still an accident.

A fine example of how quickly the police can lay charges against the not so wealthly but fail when a hiso is involved such as the merc driver, the actress who received forgiveness from the ghost, the red bull heir and the unlicenced bimbo who killed 9 and thought a few hours of community service was excessive and inconvenient.

Edited by Reigntax
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All the best to the families.. just sad.. a little common sense would have saved, prevented, this tragedy.. to the driver and attendant.. no high wais for you.. you are responsible.. may you find peace as well. sad

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This is a terrible occurrence, I'm sure it was an accident but one that should have been avoided by the use of a simple register, a little paperwork but against living with the knowledge that one was in some way responsible for a child's horrific demise it does not even come close, what a horrible way to perish - RIP little one

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What tragedy, could they not even be bothered to check the van or do a headcount of the children. They should suffer the same fate.

So sad, obviously the answer is NO>

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But how do u forget a child in a van when all the others get out? Why didn't the kid just got out too. Why didn't the other kids said their friend was there? I dont understand this situation...

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I would never trust a Thai to drive my children ,selfish stupid people ,I see van drivers taking kids to school in morning and their driving scares me ,driving fast wrong side of the road to get in front of 1 car

If it was my child that man would learn to count to 13 ,each time I broke a born he would have to count

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Every year there are kids dying in vans

Nothing is done

So why are you surprised to see it happen again and again?

Only mad people repeat the same things over and over and expect different results

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What kind of van doesn't allow you to go through from the back to the driver's seat and open the door? Most 3y olds seem adept at opening a car door, was this some sort of closed van and not the commuter type?

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