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Adsl In Bkk


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Any suggestions which company can provide reliable ADSL in Silom, BKK? Last year I got ADSL in my Silom office from TelecomAsia. All generally ok, although rather expensive.

Well, a few weeks ago I went back to TelecomAsia to order ADSL for my apartment in Silom. No such luck!! It was april 1st and the biggest joke of the day was that TelecomAsia had joined forces with several other telecom companies to create 'True' (maybe you have seen their red-logoed vans in BKK)

Can I get ADSL installed by them? Not a chance! They tell me that they have outsourced all their ADSL installations to a single freelance guy! And speaking to this guy seems to suggest that he is a totally ignorant moron who has no clue as to the admin process required to complete such an install. Three weeks later and we have not even been able to start the install process.

So can anyone suggest an alternative provider for my location? Thanks


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Guest chingy

ToT - 256/128 unlimited international for 500bht a month, not the best from the government but 500bht you can't go wrong

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Can I get ADSL installed by them?

I guess you don't have a phone line? I requested TRUE ADSL for my TA phone line on 7 April and was using it on 9 April. Just plugged the modem into USB, attached the phone line and loaded the software.

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Yes, I do have a phone-line! And its within their service area! But the Silom Road branch of 'True/TelecomAsia' seem to be totally stupid!! (And I went with my Thai GF who explained exactly what we wanted from them, unlimited, international ADSL, just like the service they provide to my office some 200 metres from my apartment)

It seems the guy they employ to do the work does not want to do any of the paperwork involved.

I'm in the UK this week but when I get back on Monday I will have a new attempt to get this service from them :o

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I have to say that I have been pretty happy with TA since I first signed up. Only problem I've ever had related to me not accessing the Internet is when my SMC modem craps out and loses the settings.

Although, I wanted to install another phone line from TA - sure enuff they were pretty quick to come and have some collect the 3K baht installation fee, but come time for the install of the actual fone line - no such luck.

True indeed

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I signed up with True about two weeks ago, and have had full flat-rate always-on International ADSL since the weekend, with no issues since it started working.

The only installation problem I had was insufficient filters for all the phones on the line so two phones are disconnected until I go and pick up more filters.

The other thing is I didn't need anyone to do the install (although they might have picked up on the filter issue faster than I did - as it wasn't connecting until I disconnected the unfiltered phones).

Router settings are pretty simple for True, but not well distributed. (and they're slightly different from the old TA ones)



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bkk_mike: How much is this package for flat rate always on international DSL? How fast is it? I was going to go with Pacific Internet unlimited users, unlimited use 512/256 but now that I've been with TA I've been a little hesitant to let them go. So instead I'm going with limited use1024/512 but the limited part is killing me.


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The only installation problem I had was insufficient filters for all the phones

Also have 3 extension phones on my live but went to lightning ground box where line enters house and removed leads/tied them together and then ran a new run of wire from ground box to computer/modem. This has the added benefit of upgrading line (dial up now connects at 52k vice 48k) and by using output of filter to feed extension wire only need the one.

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