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Bkk Pattaya Hospital Strikes Again


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It's been a while since Bkk/Patters hospital has been in the news so I thought I would remind everyone about how good they really are.

Last week a friend of mine went to Bkk/P to have a wisdom tooth pulled.

A couple of days later he was still in agony even after taking the pain killers they gave him.

Eventualy they admitted that they had broken his jaw.

Not even an apology.

Good old Bkk/Patters Hospital :o

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My experience with the Bangkok Pattaya Dental Department is that they are certainly not the cheapest, but I cannot fault their service. I think it is excellent. Though that could simply be I have been lucky with the Dentists that were allocated to me. The Endodontist that did two Root Canals was Dr. Pattamaporn and the Dentist that did the Crown's was Dr. Porndee.

I do not have a low tolerance for pain but for some reason Local Anaesthetics do not work very well on me. Therefore I persuaded them to give me a Total Intravenous Anaesthetic (TIVA). They had previously stopped this treatment on the recommendation of the Head Anaesthetist. I think it was a monetary based decision upon their yearly safety review. They may try and persuade you to go the route (no pun intended of a General Anaesthetic). This is a great deal more expensive at ฿40,000 a session. TIVA is ฿10,000 a session and is only required for stage one, or two as well if you are a chicken like me! :o

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@ Chopper ... Judging from your picture I have to say you don't look like the kind of guy who need a Total Intravenous Anaesthetic for a bit of dentistry :o

Anyway, oBtopic, We've stopped using BP, now using the Navy hospital in Si Racha. 100% better 1000% cheaper.

Edited by Phil Conners
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@ Chopper ... Judging from your picture I have to say you don't look like the kind of guy who need a Total Intravenous Anaesthetic for a bit of dentistry :D

:o:D:D I like your observation.

Anyway, oBtopic, We've stopped using BP, now using the Navy hospital in Si Racha. 100% better 1000% cheaper.

The Pyathai Hospital in Sri Racha is also good value for money.

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My business partners just been discharged from there after 2 weeks with heart trouble and a stomach op.

Bills totalled over 600000bht :o

Assuming you've got the right number of zero's........what was the high cost attributed to?

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My business partners just been discharged from there after 2 weeks with heart trouble and a stomach op.

Bills totalled over 600000bht :o

I'm sorry to hear that, Dave!

Is it 600.000,00 Baht (600K ?)

If that's for 2 weeks hospital isn't it better to have a full insurance from back home ? :D


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My business partners just been discharged from there after 2 weeks with heart trouble and a stomach op.

Bills totalled over 600000bht :o

Assuming you've got the right number of zero's........what was the high cost attributed to?

My business partners just been discharged from there after 2 weeks with heart trouble and a stomach op.

Bills totalled over 600000bht :D

I'm sorry to hear that, Dave!

Is it 600.000,00 Baht (600K ?)

If that's for 2 weeks hospital isn't it better to have a full insurance from back home ? :D


Yes 600000bht

He has an irregular heartbeat so his heart was stopped then started again, Whilst in they discovered that an earlier appendix removal op 20 years ago had caused a build up in his intestines and colon, he was operated on and now has a 7 inch scar down his stomach.

Whilst in he had convulsions and relapses due to certain reasons, in total he spent 12 days in the cardiac care unit under 24 hr emergency supervision.

He has no insurance, refused. :D

Edited by davethailand
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It's been a while since Bkk/Patters hospital has been in the news so I thought I would remind everyone about how good they really are.

Last week a friend of mine went to Bkk/P to have a wisdom tooth pulled.

A couple of days later he was still in agony even after taking the pain killers they gave him.

Eventualy they admitted that they had broken his jaw.

Not even an apology.

Good old Bkk/Patters Hospital :o

Sh1t. This place needs a Forum all to itself!!

Edited by Artisan
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My experience with teir dental dept has not been good other than deep root teeth cleaning which is done by a contacted dentist that only comes their once a week, so he really is not a full time employee.

My wife took my son in for teeth cleaning 400 baht. They told her he had four cavities, and she said she will make an appointment later. I made the mistake of going with them the second time and they charged 3000 baht to fill the small cavities and now his teeth cleaning cost the same as mine at 950 baht.

I think i'm going to look at the sriacha hospitals.

BPH is getting too expensive and too many mistakes especially by the dental dept.


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Thats is bad luck Kurgen..... what a bunch of F@##$kers. My missus is supposed to give birth there next month...... now having second thoughts, heard too many negative things about the place. Surely they must do some good?

My missus had our baby there everything went ok she had a c section. If think the cost was around 35000 baht that was on the positive side on the negative side my mate had a bike accident and was taken to pattaya bkk it was the thais fault and she admitted it to the police. But when the insurance guy got to the hospital he told her to deni that was her fault. So then because no one would sighn the payment papers my mate was left six hours on a troly bleeding with bones sticking out of his leg i kid you not he was in a realy bad way. They would not even give him pain killers untill the insurance guy signed the payment papers which he only did when we got the police to come to the hospital. this place is all about money there have been a few other things about pattaya bkk that has out me off them i now use a hospital in bkk and would not use pattya bkk again. you could allways try pattya international on soi four

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its a numbers game and the numbers are better in Thailand

ie hospital re-infection rate in USA hospitals is far higher than here

cost here is lower than USA

waiting time here is lower in USA get referred all over the country for weeks until you get back to where you started

I'll take my chances here - even if they do bring out the machine that goes "ping"

guys - get insurance - thats all i can say

I did after a mate watched the rugby and had a 1 million baht heart attack!!!!!

go figure


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It's been a while since Bkk/Patters hospital has been in the news so I thought I would remind everyone about how good they really are.

Last week a friend of mine went to Bkk/P to have a wisdom tooth pulled.

A couple of days later he was still in agony even after taking the pain killers they gave him.

Eventualy they admitted that they had broken his jaw.

Not even an apology.

Good old Bkk/Patters Hospital :o

2 years ago - after bottling out of going to the dentist for several/many years I went to their dental department.

I had to have 25 hours worth of dental work done over a 6 week period. Before I went there the thought of the dentists filled me with dread.

I now would go back there again with no fear at all.

They were terrific.

Sorry to hear about your friend, but it sounds like there was an unfortunate unpleasant complication.

I could tell you of some horror stories of private treatment in the UK as well !!!

Is your friend OK now??

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It's been a while since Bkk/Patters hospital has been in the news so I thought I would remind everyone about how good they really are.

Last week a friend of mine went to Bkk/P to have a wisdom tooth pulled.

A couple of days later he was still in agony even after taking the pain killers they gave him.

Eventualy they admitted that they had broken his jaw.

Not even an apology.

Good old Bkk/Patters Hospital :o

2 years ago - after bottling out of going to the dentist for several/many years I went to their dental department.

I had to have 25 hours worth of dental work done over a 6 week period. Before I went there the thought of the dentists filled me with dread.

I now would go back there again with no fear at all.

They were terrific.

Sorry to hear about your friend, but it sounds like there was an unfortunate unpleasant complication.

I could tell you of some horror stories of private treatment in the UK as well !!!

Is your friend OK now??

The point is did you actually need the 25 hours of dental work? I went in there a few years ago to see about some veneers for my front teeth, after sitting me in a chair for 15 minutes and not taking any xrays he said that the crowns I had on my back teeth were infected and all needed replacing!!

Total cost 250,000 baht, he could start tomorrow and was insistent that I leave a 40,000 baht deposit at reception before leaving. Yeah Right.

So I asked some friends who reccomended me a small dental clinic, I visited and explaned what had happened and she then xrayed all of my existing crowns, her verdict was that they were fine, no infection and the root canals had been carried out well.

A major problem here in Pattaya with many dentists is that they will try an carry out work that isn't really required.

I would always suggest a second opinion.

As a side note I had a friend who had a tight chest this year, he was in his late 60's ge went in for a check up and was told he needed a heart bypass, now I am not saying that he didn't however it was very rushed, he was in recovery and had a relapse, they opened him up again and he died the following day. The question I have asked is did he actually need the operation there and then? Could he have flown home and had treatment at home and if so would he have passed away there!

Edited by fourbaht
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As a side note I had a friend who had a tight chest this year, he was in his late 60's ge went in for a check up and was told he needed a heart bypass, now I am not saying that he didn't however it was very rushed, he was in recovery and had a relapse, they opened him up again and he died the following day. The question I have asked is did he actually need the operation there and then? Could he have flown home and had treatment at home and if so would he have passed away there!

Do you know what tests and examinations were done which led the doctor to the diagnosis? And what was the cause of the relapse?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Too bad about your friend, but anyone who's ever had a tooth pulled knows that it takes a lot of force to get the thing out. If his jaw was broken in the process he would not have had to wait for days to know that. It raises the question of the quality of his bone structure because there would likely been some unusual weakness.

As for davethailand's friend the guy had some pretty serious problems but the operative word is that he was discharged (I'm assuming alive) so what is your point? Most people would gladly pay 600K for life and did you say that they corrected something that was screwed up by another doctor 20 years eariler. (a western doc?) 2 weeks in ICU? give me a break.

Let me see if I understand this. Your friend is in the ER in pain and waiting for a squabble over whose at fault it is to be resolved? with a compound fracture? So why dosen't he just say "fix the dam thing and we'll fight about it later. The hospital dosen't care who pays just as long as sombody does. Everyone knows that unlike the states where hospitals have to treat anyone, Thailand requires proof that you can pay upfront. As blackjack pointed out expat insurance is available and you get a card that gets you treatment. I have a visa gold card and can pay myself. That is one of the reasons that thai healthcare is cheaper they don't have to treat anyone who cannot pay.

I have had all of my teeth fixed including cleening (by an on staff dentist)repair including a cap, laser whitning (not worth the money) I had a hernia repaired and was very satisfied with all my treatments. I did get sold a heart stress test that I probably didn't need, but hel_l I never had one before so no big deal. My TGF has had 2 wisdom teeth pulled and cavities fixed and recieved excellent care also

Prior to each treatment the doctor explained what should be done and why. I asked questions and satisfied myself that it was necessary and I understood what was happening. BPH has a new 64 slice CT scan that can produce a 3D color photo of any part of the body. If someone wanted me to have a bypass I would want to know why and show me where the problem is and explain to me how it is different from normal and on and on. There is no excuse for not taking personal responsability for your healthcare we are well beyond the days when doctors were considered gods. They are accustomed to explaining to patients what is wrong and what they want to do to fix it.

BPH treats hundreds of people everyday and clearly they must be doing something right. Yes they are more expensive than some other thai hospitals that do not treat a lot of westerners. The reason is they have the best facilities, the best doctors, the best technology and best staff.

That may explain why over 300,000 people came from somewhere else for treatment at BPH. They are months away from international accredation. They also are experenceing a 30% growth rate. mistakes and reinfections are less than 25% of US rates.

BPH is not perfect but I think there excellent healthcare providers and would not hesitate to recomend my friends and family use them.

I also agree that there are good smaller hospitals around. I've used Pattaya Memorial and they are very good, but they send anything complicated to BPH.

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Almost forgot mazo. The first rule of living in Thailand is that in a conflict/accident involving a thai and farang it is NEVER the thai's falt and it is ALWAYS the farangs fault. Don't forget that if you were not here than the accident would have never happened. Thus you have to prepair yourself.

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As I posted once before BPH gave me a test for BMI - body mass index - that was just a complete fraud. Whether they were doing it intentionally or actually believed the procedure, I couldn't tell, but in either case it would cause me serious doubts about their reliability.

After the nurse entered my height and weight into the calcultor, which resembled a game controller, I had to stand up, hold the calculator with both hands, arms out parallel to the floor, and then she pressed the "compute" button.

The hospital director was standing right there too.

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Almost forgot mazo. The first rule of living in Thailand is that in a conflict/accident involving a thai and farang it is NEVER the thai's falt and it is ALWAYS the farangs fault. Don't forget that if you were not here than the accident would have never happened. Thus you have to prepair yourself.

Mr. Schooner. Please would you tell us how long have you lived here or how many times have you visited Thailand? Thank you. The reason I ask, before you come back with the query, is that you are essentially wrong and obviously prejudiced......or have been largely misinformed of this hackneyed belief.

Edited by Artisan
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I have lived in Pattaya for just over a year. I agree that always and never statements are a little strong and actually I've never had a problem with this myself, but of all the things I worry about it is right up there. If I have an accident with a Thai I do believe that it will be my fault regardless because I am the farang. There are hundreds of stories to support this idea.

Every Thai I know including my TGF have the attitude that it will always be the farangs fault because we are considered the ones who can afford to pay. Just my observation. I would reccomend that anyone who drives here have insurance with at least 2 million baht bond coverage it is your get out of jail card. We also have the huge disadvantage that if we are involved in an accident the police will take your passport and it could get complicated.

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it is ALWAYS the farangs fault

Mr. Schooner. Please would you tell us how long have you lived here or how many times have you visited Thailand? Thank you. The reason I ask, before you come back with the query, is that you are essentially wrong and obviously prejudiced......or have been largely misinformed of this hackneyed belief.


let me add my two satangs to this topic. we live in Thailand permanently since two years. my wife and me have spent numerous visits as tourists in Thailand for the last three decades. as tourists we were not once confronted with the fact "the farang is always wrong". at least we can't remember any incidence.

BUT during the last two years we are frequently facing the problem -on a near day by day basis- "THE FARANG IS ALWAYS WRONG!" and that under the most incredulous/ridiculous circumstances. blatant lies are used to cover up small and big faults/mistakes and this behaviour has obviously something to do with avoiding to lose face. my wife is asian, i have worked and lived in her native country but never experienced something similar.

notwithstanding the afore mentioned facts, we do love Thailand, we do love thai people and we will get used (sooner or later) to the fact that "THE FARANG IS ALWAYS WRONG". it's a matter of weighing pros and cons. the pros definitely outweigh the cons.

Edited by Dr. Naam
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The specailists in the dental dept that come from BKK one time a week, and one of the pediatric dentists are good. The regular full time dentists make lots of mistakes. I was their getting my teeth cleaned this month by an endodantist, which is a specailist for your gums. He works in BKK and also has his own office. I told him the problems my wife experienced. He cleaned my wifes teeth last week and took an xray of a root canal. He said it was a crapy job and she will eventually need the tooth extracted. He told me he is going to bring these problems up with the hospital administrater.


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Been lucky enough to never need a hospital whilst in Pattaya, but, with their connection to Bumrungrad in Bangkok, I always have assumed this Bkk/Pattaya Hospital had to be the best. Not the first time I hear bad things about the bigger concern of the staff for big payments than the patients' health.

Is there a better/more honest hospital in Pattaya?

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