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Blunt Brexit warning from International Monetary Fund’s Lagarde


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All that cash that it cost the UK to stay in the EU, will hep to keep them going while other trade deals are negotiated.

Well at least you admit that trade deals will be needed - even if you don't seem to realise what a poor negotiating position we will be in......

as for "cash" - well, that' and sovereignty are the 2 main myths that Brexiteers seem to cling to........

Why are they myths?

Britain is currently being dictated to by an unelected group of Euro bureaucratic idiots.Fact.

Why would we need trade deals? We don't have them with the bulk of our trading partners. Fact

Don't see your argument at all.

Idiots? That's not very polite

I agree there is a problem with democracy in EU

Fix it

Or are we too weak

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if you are british and support brexit like this post

..or rather if you are a British expat who is too lazy to or incapable of expressing an opinion, "like" the above post?

any way you like ,it is a bit of fun and a wind up for some.

This is serious!


You have kids?

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I only have to go into my city centre any day of the week, listen to people talking as I walk around, I hear English spoken maybe 20 to 30% of the time, this seems to have slowly increased in the last ten years.

Try it if and when you are in the UK, I won't go into the non existent jobs argument, The IMF is just backing up the EU structure maybe they think they can stop the rot before it takes hold, I hope not

My issues are with sovereignty, I see English or Britishness being eroded I am proud of being British and I wish to preserve it if I can, even if that means taking a hit on the economy for a while.

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Yeah right, because the IMF is so credible. They were predicting sunlit uplands in 2007... they totally failed to see the US recession! They are scandalous in their uselessness! They totally and completely missed the onset of the Global crisis. It's forecasts for Greece have been totally wrong - every year! Blanchard, who was this skank's mentor has stated that there was no risk whatsoever of a sovereign bond crisis, or a Gilts strike, or a sudden stop of any kind. “Will financing be more difficult after Brexit? Will investors see the British government as more risky? I don’t think so,” he said. Make of that as you will...

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From the OP "Opinion polls show Britons believe staying in the EU would be best for the economy but they are evenly split on how they intend to vote"

The Brits can clearly see the benefits of being in the European Economic Community, which they joined. Unfortunately Cameron and his cronies have completely failed to understand the mood of the people on the loss of national pride and sovereignty caused by "Ever Closer Union" which has been foisted undemocratically on member states.

Cameron's extremely lame "renegotiations" with the EU have done nothing to improve the mood.

"Ever closer union" has already been abandoned. Next....

According to EU commissioner Marianna Thyssen "we propose a broad,holistic vision for a future proof Euroens social policy" or in much plainer language by a senior EU commissioner.


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From the OP "Opinion polls show Britons believe staying in the EU would be best for the economy but they are evenly split on how they intend to vote"

The Brits can clearly see the benefits of being in the European Economic Community, which they joined. Unfortunately Cameron and his cronies have completely failed to understand the mood of the people on the loss of national pride and sovereignty caused by "Ever Closer Union" which has been foisted undemocratically on member states.

Cameron's extremely lame "renegotiations" with the EU have done nothing to improve the mood.

"Ever closer union" has already been abandoned. Next....

According to EU commissioner Marianna Thyssen "we propose a broad,holistic vision for a future proof Euroens social policy" or in much plainer language by a senior EU commissioner.


2014. Do keep up ?

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From the OP "Opinion polls show Britons believe staying in the EU would be best for the economy but they are evenly split on how they intend to vote"

The Brits can clearly see the benefits of being in the European Economic Community, which they joined. Unfortunately Cameron and his cronies have completely failed to understand the mood of the people on the loss of national pride and sovereignty caused by "Ever Closer Union" which has been foisted undemocratically on member states.

Cameron's extremely lame "renegotiations" with the EU have done nothing to improve the mood.

"Ever closer union" has already been abandoned. Next....

According to EU commissioner Marianna Thyssen "we propose a broad,holistic vision for a future proof Euroens social policy" or in much plainer language by a senior EU commissioner.


2014. Do keep up ?

Has she changed her position since 2014?

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All that cash that it cost the UK to stay in the EU, will hep to keep them going while other trade deals are negotiated.

Peanuts! Less than 0.1% of GDP

You understand percentages?

it's enough to give pensioners abroad their rightful pension increases
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Yesterday I spoke with another Welsh person and asked him his thoughts on Brexit. Will you vote in or out? He was the first person who told me he will vote to remain. What was most curious was his reasoning in how he reached his choice.

He said he was leaning to exit until he heard Obama's speech, then changed his mind to stay. I asked if he realized it was a threat and he said yes.

"You realize that when an argument begins with a threat there is usually weakness in the argument," I asked him?

The man gave some examples of firms saying they would build in Wales, then not, and the suffering and jobs lost since the coal problems, etc. He stated he was concerned about the future, jobs, and how UK was going to be punished by the EU and US. He offered that the UK/Wales was already being threatened with firms moving/jobs ending and he could not risk more if the threats were real.

He noted with pride that the UK is only as big as any number of US states but so independent and capable that it is a very powerful nation without any ties at all. But the threats?

"You realize that any aspect of any government that would follow through on threats to injure the UK and its people is evidence of the reason why the UK needs to be apart from such sickness?"

Yes, he said. But now that he has children... he cannot take the chance. He knows [they] are all threatening and intimidating. He accepts that [they] will follow through on the threats if for no other reason then to immediately punish the UK population and try to force them to change their vote. He realized this and felt it was better to to be subordinate in the EU then risk the damage as punishment. We discussed this openly. He accepted the weakness of his position, but feared for his family, Wales, and UK's security.

It must be a terrible thing for UK folks to deal with Brexit. I am pretty sure if Americans were able to take a vote to vote Obama/DC off the Island they would. It must be disappointing to have an ally of a "special relationship" come on to their soil and threaten their families and future. Be confident America would send Boris or Khan or even Harry packing if they did this in the US. This is a incredibly vital moment in UK/world history. Besides the tremendous implications of leaving it's pretty certain that if UK votes to remain, all the worst of the EU will be seen doubling down on all the worst of the agenda that led to the UK referendum.

I wish all Britons good luck in the manipulative, deceitful, hate filled weeks ahead.

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if you are british and support brexit like this post

..or rather if you are a British expat who is too lazy to or incapable of expressing an opinion, "like" the above post?

any way you like ,it is a bit of fun and a wind up fogigglem.gif r some.

This is serious!


You have kids

Yes, as i said, a bit of fun ...and a wind up for some..you do not have time for fun I see.Don't be afraid for my family, we are safe. but thank you for your posts as there is always one who wants to teach all us thickos 555 As you said in an earlier reply..."I do not like anything..".was that literal? Right here you say..."You have kids"... a question I guess? I do notice that only the Brexit camp have voted her on my admittedly silly post,,a sign of things to come in the real world?..I say go and vote as the more votes cast ,the less chance of it being ignored, either way..I am sorry but you have added nothing to persuade me to want the UK to stay in the EU. Please keep trying though because a fool like me will have 1 vote and it would cancel out yours, if you vote.

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All that cash that it cost the UK to stay in the EU, will hep to keep them going while other trade deals are negotiated.

Peanuts! Less than 0.1% of GDP

You understand percentages?

it's enough to give pensioners abroad their rightful pension increases

Pensions. Good point.

Your State pension is a benefit, and the question has been asked why is it classed as a benefit on another thread.

The simple answer is that after the next round of Political and Monetary integration that will start in 2020, no benefits will be payable outside the EU. there is going to be a lot of FUBAR people after 2020.

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Yesterday I spoke with another Welsh person and asked him his thoughts on Brexit. Will you vote in or out? He was the first person who told me he will vote to remain. What was most curious was his reasoning in how he reached his choice.

He said he was leaning to exit until he heard Obama's speech, then changed his mind to stay. I asked if he realized it was a threat and he said yes.

"You realize that when an argument begins with a threat there is usually weakness in the argument," I asked him?

The man gave some examples of firms saying they would build in Wales, then not, and the suffering and jobs lost since the coal problems, etc. He stated he was concerned about the future, jobs, and how UK was going to be punished by the EU and US. He offered that the UK/Wales was already being threatened with firms moving/jobs ending and he could not risk more if the threats were real.

He noted with pride that the UK is only as big as any number of US states but so independent and capable that it is a very powerful nation without any ties at all. But the threats?

"You realize that any aspect of any government that would follow through on threats to injure the UK and its people is evidence of the reason why the UK needs to be apart from such sickness?"

Yes, he said. But now that he has children... he cannot take the chance. He knows [they] are all threatening and intimidating. He accepts that [they] will follow through on the threats if for no other reason then to immediately punish the UK population and try to force them to change their vote. He realized this and felt it was better to to be subordinate in the EU then risk the damage as punishment. We discussed this openly. He accepted the weakness of his position, but feared for his family, Wales, and UK's security.

It must be a terrible thing for UK folks to deal with Brexit. I am pretty sure if Americans were able to take a vote to vote Obama/DC off the Island they would. It must be disappointing to have an ally of a "special relationship" come on to their soil and threaten their families and future. Be confident America would send Boris or Khan or even Harry packing if they did this in the US. This is a incredibly vital moment in UK/world history. Besides the tremendous implications of leaving it's pretty certain that if UK votes to remain, all the worst of the EU will be seen doubling down on all the worst of the agenda that led to the UK referendum.

I wish all Britons good luck in the manipulative, deceitful, hate filled weeks ahead.

Although this conversation troubles me, it does not surprise me.

Over the last 40 years the Nanny State has reduced most people to sheep, who cannot think for themselves and are scared of shadows.

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IMF have increased the threat. From say Brexit will be bad, to very bad.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk


The IMF have just released a statement in which an imaginary sky fairy will unleash a lightening bolt of nuclear proportions at 0800, 24 June if there is a BREXIT.

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Dateline London today 1st 15 mins very lively. When the host asked the UK newspaper correspondent which foreign person of influence backed Brexit. The French guy pipes in Le Pen. She replied it's nothing to do with foreigners, its a British affair.

The French guy says UK should stay in to stop a domino effect.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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Dateline London today 1st 15 mins very lively. When the host asked the UK newspaper correspondent which foreign person of influence backed Brexit. The French guy pipes in Le Pen. She replied it's nothing to do with foreigners, its a British affair.

The French guy says UK should stay in to stop a domino effect.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

The very reason that Greece are still in the EU.

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IMF have increased the threat. From say Brexit will be bad, to very bad.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk


The IMF have just released a statement in which an imaginary sky fairy will unleash a lightening bolt of nuclear proportions at 0800, 24 June if there is a BREXIT.

Would this be before or after the Martians invade earth if there is a BREXIT

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IMF have increased the threat. From say Brexit will be bad, to very bad.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk


The IMF have just released a statement in which an imaginary sky fairy will unleash a lightening bolt of nuclear proportions at 0800, 24 June if there is a BREXIT.

Would this be before or after the Martians invade earth if there is a BREXIT

and in other breaking news some equally detached from reality person has likened the EU to a Nazi superstate.

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IMF have increased the threat. From say Brexit will be bad, to very bad.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk


The IMF have just released a statement in which an imaginary sky fairy will unleash a lightening bolt of nuclear proportions at 0800, 24 June if there is a BREXIT.

Would this be before or after the Martians invade earth if there is a BREXIT

and in other breaking news some equally detached from reality person has likened the EU to a Nazi superstate.

Yes, der Dicke himself!

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IMF have increased the threat. From say Brexit will be bad, to very bad.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk


The IMF have just released a statement in which an imaginary sky fairy will unleash a lightening bolt of nuclear proportions at 0800, 24 June if there is a BREXIT.

Both sides in this issue have merit in their argument, reflected in how close the polls are.

But, The IMF has a valid point. Markets hate uncertainty,and a Brexit will introduce enough uncertainty to make an already precarious world economic condition, even more so, and as such the timing could not be worst.

Lagarde is right to worry and so should the British people.

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IMF have increased the threat. From say Brexit will be bad, to very bad.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk


The IMF have just released a statement in which an imaginary sky fairy will unleash a lightening bolt of nuclear proportions at 0800, 24 June if there is a BREXIT.

Both sides in this issue have merit in their argument, reflected in how close the polls are.

But, The IMF has a valid point. Markets hate uncertainty,and a Brexit will introduce enough uncertainty to make an already precarious world economic condition, even more so, and as such the timing could not be worst.

Lagarde is right to worry and so should the British people.

I am not worried that there may be a down turn, If thats the price then so be it, we handled it before and we will handle it again, if need be, I should add that IMO that is worst case scenario.

IMF are joining in the bully tactics,along with Dave and co, it just puts my back up and it's a long time since I left the school playground.

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So, if I understand the situation, you have on one hand, virtually every educated, rational economists saying this could be an almost suicidal decision for the UK to leave the EU, and on the other side you have bunch of people that cannot give a rational reason to leave, but instead appeal to people's hatred and fear as a reason to do so.

Yeah, go for it. After all, who likes to make objective decisions when you can go by what demagogue say.


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IMF have increased the threat. From say Brexit will be bad, to very bad.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk


The IMF have just released a statement in which an imaginary sky fairy will unleash a lightening bolt of nuclear proportions at 0800, 24 June if there is a BREXIT.

Both sides in this issue have merit in their argument, reflected in how close the polls are.

But, The IMF has a valid point. Markets hate uncertainty,and a Brexit will introduce enough uncertainty to make an already precarious world economic condition, even more so, and as such the timing could not be worst.

Lagarde is right to worry and so should the British people.

Worry by all means - that is all part of life's rich tapestry.

BUT, do not let worry/concern deter you from making a (difficult) decision. Sometimes the right decision requires balls.

Let's see who has them.

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IMF have increased the threat. From say Brexit will be bad, to very bad.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk


The IMF have just released a statement in which an imaginary sky fairy will unleash a lightening bolt of nuclear proportions at 0800, 24 June if there is a BREXIT.

Both sides in this issue have merit in their argument, reflected in how close the polls are.

But, The IMF has a valid point. Markets hate uncertainty,and a Brexit will introduce enough uncertainty to make an already precarious world economic condition, even more so, and as such the timing could not be worst.

Lagarde is right to worry and so should the British people.

Worry by all means - that is all part of life's rich tapestry.

BUT, do not let worry/concern deter you from making a (difficult) decision. Sometimes the right decision requires balls.

Let's see who has them.

" BUT, do not let worry/concern deter you from making a (difficult) decision"

only guide you in making the right one

" Sometimes the right decision requires balls."

But most of the times it requires brains.

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Both sides in this issue have merit in their argument, reflected in how close the polls are.

But, The IMF has a valid point. Markets hate uncertainty,and a Brexit will introduce enough uncertainty to make an already precarious world economic condition, even more so, and as such the timing could not be worst.

Lagarde is right to worry and so should the British people.

Worry by all means - that is all part of life's rich tapestry.

BUT, do not let worry/concern deter you from making a (difficult) decision. Sometimes the right decision requires balls.

Let's see who has them.

" BUT, do not let worry/concern deter you from making a (difficult) decision"

only guide you in making the right one

" Sometimes the right decision requires balls."

But most of the times it requires brains.

It does not really take much brains to read the EU website, it also does not take much brains to understand what is coming in 2020. It is laid out clearly and unequivocally.

Contrary to some peoples beliefs, the EU does understand that it has problems. The EU solution to that problem is further Political and Monetary integration.

2020 is the magic year for the start of this process. It is by no accident that this is the chosen date. It is the date that all the opt outs that various Countries enjoy, comes to an end. The exception being the euro.

There is a lot of talk about staying in the EU and being able to change the EU from the inside. Good luck with that, when you have 28 members who all want different things, it is not going to happen.

This is so much more than a trade argument. Personally speaking, a free trade agreement with a club that costs £ 50 Million a day is far from a free trade agreement, but that is a whole different discussion. This is a referendum that will decide if the UK, in its component parts disappears and becomes nothing more than an EU state.

2020. Read all about it on the EU website.

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So, if I understand the situation, you have on one hand, virtually every educated, rational economists saying this could be an almost suicidal decision for the UK to leave the EU, and on the other side you have bunch of people that cannot give a rational reason to leave, but instead appeal to people's hatred and fear as a reason to do so.

Yeah, go for it. After all, who likes to make objective decisions when you can go by what demagogue say.


You're making things up. Virtually every educated economist. Bit of an exaggeration. If we do leave the EU,we will still be Europeans.So why should we hate Europeans. What we will start to do is love ourselves and accept, and have confidence in our ability to govern ourselves,far better than the corrupt Bureaucrats in Brussels. This is Especially so when there is a greater call to abandon this titanic from within other EU countries. As for fear,again you are wrong,it is you who are afraid to take your country back,feeling it's safer to go to the polls waving a white flag.

Edited by nontabury
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