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Obama govt: US schools must respect transgender ‘identity’ over ‘bathroom laws’


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Schools are not the right environment for transexuals. Kids are impressionable, easily swayed by the latest fads and trends. Look at that Bruce Jenner, must be about 60 yrs old and still has absolutely no idea if he's Bruce or she's Caitlin. One minute lopping it off, next sewing it back on? Psychiatric help is urgent for any gender confused before getting the blades out and hacking away. Keep this whole mess far away from schools.

Your post info is widely known, and that's why it is happening. Kids are a tool, a device, to further special interests- they always have been. "For the children" has always been a dubious rallying cry of the left- for decades. It really means, tie down your wallet, your liberties are fleeing, certainly parental prerogative. But in this case, it really does mean for the children. The youth of America are being sexually preyed upon. Doesn't mean intercourse is involved, but this is a sexual crime wit large. No other civilization in the history of the world would have done this except perhaps in the Valley of the Children of Hinnom where they too places children on altars for the common good.

It does not surprise me one bit that Obama would personally wade into toilets... Imagine that: The president of the United States debasing the office of the Presidency of the United States by interjecting into toilet access; if a mayor he would be a yenta but President? In essence, abusing the office to pretty much fabricate a ready made civil rights issue just in time for an election- just add water and gender, and mix. After all, the Progressive Machine's primary product is victims and division.

This president has no legal or moral authority for this continued debasement of our nation . This president evidences once more the creation ex nihilo of American Victims.

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It's a bad law that needs to be struck down ASAP



If the photo above is for a single-stall toilet, then that's a sensible solution. Of course that's not good enough for our "transgender" friends. They need far more attention than that.

difficult to flash somebody, when you're the only one in there.
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No one could have imagined that Obama would be so desperate to stoop to rewriting the Civil Rights Act.

Simply amazing! facepalm.gif

How is he desperate? He's a champion of civil rights. He's not running for anything ever again. Really, the OPPOSITE of desperate.

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Liberals need to take their misguided agenda out of the rest-room. There are only two genders, why be politically correct, when you can be right.

Correction. In most places there are two gender choices for bathrooms. So a binary choice needs to be made for people using them. This change allows people who identify as the opposite of their birth gender to choose to use facilities matching their IDENTITY. It's not a mandate. If they are at an earlier stage of transition, or for whatever reason it's more comfortable, of course they are still free to use their birth gender facility.

Yes, it will take some time for the ignorant and the bigoted to process this, but something tells me most American young people are already there with this.

Edited by Jingthing
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No one could have imagined that Obama would be so desperate to stoop to rewriting the Civil Rights Act.

Simply amazing! facepalm.gif

How is he desperate? He's a champion of civil rights. He's not running for anything ever again. Really, the OPPOSITE of desperate.

His Legacy.

Whatever it is.

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Schools are not the right environment for transexuals. Kids are impressionable, easily swayed by the latest fads and trends. Look at that Bruce Jenner, must be about 60 yrs old and still has absolutely no idea if he's Bruce or she's Caitlin. One minute lopping it off, next sewing it back on? Psychiatric help is urgent for any gender confused before getting the blades out and hacking away. Keep this whole mess far away from schools.

Your post info is widely known, and that's why it is happening. Kids are a tool, a device, to further special interests- they always have been. "For the children" has always been a dubious rallying cry of the left- for decades. It really means, tie down your wallet, your liberties are fleeing, certainly parental prerogative. But in this case, it really does mean for the children. The youth of America are being sexually preyed upon. Doesn't mean intercourse is involved, but this is a sexual crime wit large. No other civilization in the history of the world would have done this except perhaps in the Valley of the Children of Hinnom where they too places children on altars for the common good.

It does not surprise me one bit that Obama would personally wade into toilets... Imagine that: The president of the United States debasing the office of the Presidency of the United States by interjecting into toilet access; if a mayor he would be a yenta but President? In essence, abusing the office to pretty much fabricate a ready made civil rights issue just in time for an election- just add water and gender, and mix. After all, the Progressive Machine's primary product is victims and division.

This president has no legal or moral authority for this continued debasement of our nation . This president evidences once more the creation ex nihilo of American Victims.

Good grief Charlie Brown. Your misinformed views are exactly why an informed leader like President Obama is forced to step in. Is there any issue that you are not totally behind the curve on?

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Wow,,,Is Obama & his (FirstLady) Using the same Bathroom according to Her/His Birth Gender ? facepalm.gif

He's the president and she's the first lady -- they can use any damn bathroom they please, dude. He could take a dump in the Rose Garden if he likes. Perhaps that could be a shout out to India which has such a big issue with people pooping in public.

Edited by Jingthing
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What a shame that the idea that all people should be respected is so controversial i The United States.

What's wrong here is why should this be a topic of discussion in the first place? You're either male or a female, there is no "inbetween people," genetically that I can recall. Obama and his final days causing as much social unrest is really the issue here, not who should use what bathroom.

If you want to cross dress and or think your a different sex than you actually genetically are, then I suggest the right place for you would be under medical supervision, not demanding access to bathrooms you do not belong in.

These ideas are directly aimed by intent at children in schools by those who started this gay agenda and now its got traction from the highest office in the land. Ask yourself this, less than 1% of the country calls itself gay, why does the 99% that does not call itself gay need to bend over for this issue?

Edited by N2it
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What a shame that the idea that all people should be respected is so controversial i The United States.

What's wrong here is why should this be a topic of discussion in the first place? You're either male or a female, there is no "inbetween people," genetically that I can recall. Obama and his final days causing as much social unrest is really the issue here, not who should use what bathroom.

If you want to cross dress and or think your a different sex than you actually genetically are, then I suggest the right place for you would be under medical supervision, not demanding access to bathrooms you do not belong in.

These ideas are directly aimed by intent at children in schools by those who started this gay agenda and now its got traction from the highest office in the land. Ask yourself this, less than 1% of the country calls itself gay, why does the 99% that does not call itself gay need to bend over for this issue?

"there is no "inbetween people," genetically that I can recall. "

Google " hermaphrodite" you may learn something.

​When yo know who they are, get back to me and let me know if we need separate restrooms for them too!

Edited by willyumiii
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“offensive, intrusive and totally lacking in common sense”.

Perfect description of the Obama Administration's use of the government to enact social engineering on issues that would likely never pass a Congressional hearing...

When you think he is done screwing with the states and country...he dreams up something else to divide the nation...

Counting the days!

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Excuse me, do at least some of you not live in Thailand? I've been in many toilets where women, men, ladyboys were all present, so what? Toiletry use is just that, use. I'm surprised some of you have not had strokes from seeing a ladyboy. Or maybe you just hide at home behind you keyboard? Oh and the only problems I have heard about is Republican politicians soliciting in the mens toilet, choke on right wing troglodytes.

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Schools are not the right environment for transexuals. Kids are impressionable, easily swayed by the latest fads and trends. Look at that Bruce Jenner, must be about 60 yrs old and still has absolutely no idea if he's Bruce or she's Caitlin. One minute lopping it off, next sewing it back on? Psychiatric help is urgent for any gender confused before getting the blades out and hacking away. Keep this whole mess far away from schools.

Your post info is widely known, and that's why it is happening. Kids are a tool, a device, to further special interests- they always have been. "For the children" has always been a dubious rallying cry of the left- for decades. It really means, tie down your wallet, your liberties are fleeing, certainly parental prerogative. But in this case, it really does mean for the children. The youth of America are being sexually preyed upon. Doesn't mean intercourse is involved, but this is a sexual crime wit large. No other civilization in the history of the world would have done this except perhaps in the Valley of the Children of Hinnom where they too places children on altars for the common good.

It does not surprise me one bit that Obama would personally wade into toilets... Imagine that: The president of the United States debasing the office of the Presidency of the United States by interjecting into toilet access; if a mayor he would be a yenta but President? In essence, abusing the office to pretty much fabricate a ready made civil rights issue just in time for an election- just add water and gender, and mix. After all, the Progressive Machine's primary product is victims and division.

This president has no legal or moral authority for this continued debasement of our nation . This president evidences once more the creation ex nihilo of American Victims.

Good grief Charlie Brown. Your misinformed views are exactly why an informed leader like President Obama is forced to step in. Is there any issue that you are not totally behind the curve on?

Apparently not. However, I believe we went to the moon and the earth is round. Perhaps here I break the mold you imagine. The OP is not about TV posters.

"My views..." are "why an informed leader like President Obama" has to take action; "my views?" Its seems a volume of empty space can be measured.

American policies are now entirely predicated upon the greatest division with the greatest estrangement, for the greatest amount of people (an Obama Imperative); courtesy of our 'fundamental transformation.'

One thing is sure, Obama and his (Sturmabteilung) sycophants have applied themselves:

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Excuse me, do at least some of you not live in Thailand? I've been in many toilets where women, men, ladyboys were all present, so what? Toiletry use is just that, use. I'm surprised some of you have not had strokes from seeing a ladyboy. Or maybe you just hide at home behind you keyboard? Oh and the only problems I have heard about is Republican politicians soliciting in the mens toilet, choke on right wing troglodytes.

The only time I felt uncomfortable in a Thai toilet was when the ladyboy toilet attendant offered a shoulder massage while I was peeing.

I thought that was a bit over the top.

(Which is probably where he was looking.)

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Excuse me, do at least some of you not live in Thailand? I've been in many toilets where women, men, ladyboys were all present, so what? Toiletry use is just that, use. I'm surprised some of you have not had strokes from seeing a ladyboy. Or maybe you just hide at home behind you keyboard? Oh and the only problems I have heard about is Republican politicians soliciting in the mens toilet, choke on right wing troglodytes.

The only time I felt uncomfortable in a Thai toilet was when the ladyboy toilet attendant offered a shoulder massage while I was peeing.

I thought that was a bit over the top.

(Which is probably where he was looking.)

The poster above is certainly correct. In places in the world such sights are common- men, women, ladyboys (I have no problem with it)- and work out fine for all involved. How they differ from the US, though, is they are not contrived or forced. They exist as a slow, natural evolution in their places, perhaps even dogged determination of some parties- but they are not contrived agenda inflicted on others. I actually have less a problem with the issue then the politics!

The US is currently not undergoing a natural transformation/evolution in this direction. This OP is among the many things being force fed America. Where it was previously a single bite of the sandwich at at time, America now has the entire sandwich shoved down their collective throat and told its their social evolution.

No, its not social evolution in the US. Its insurgency!

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JetsetBkk, yea, I feel a little uncomfortable, period, with that back massage while peeing. Now with ladies I "know" I don't really care what they do while I'm peeing...lol. I do have a ladyboy friend that gives a great shoulder/neck massage while I'm have a beer or 3 at the local watering hole. She is professionally trained. A little for some peoples edification, of course the ones that need to read won't or won't comprehend. http://thinkprogress.org/progress-report/a-promise-of-equal-rights/

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What a shame that the idea that all people should be respected is so controversial i The United States.

What's wrong here is why should this be a topic of discussion in the first place? You're either male or a female, there is no "inbetween people," genetically that I can recall. Obama and his final days causing as much social unrest is really the issue here, not who should use what bathroom.

If you want to cross dress and or think your a different sex than you actually genetically are, then I suggest the right place for you would be under medical supervision, not demanding access to bathrooms you do not belong in.

These ideas are directly aimed by intent at children in schools by those who started this gay agenda and now its got traction from the highest office in the land. Ask yourself this, less than 1% of the country calls itself gay, why does the 99% that does not call itself gay need to bend over for this issue?

Sexual orientation (gay/lesbian/bi/straight/asexual) is an entirely different thing than non-cisgender gender identification (transgender people). Transgender people can have any kind of orientation. For example, a male to female transgender person may be into males, females, both, or nobody. As far as percentage of population, I think recent evidence shows the percentage that identifies as gay/lesbian is at least 5 percent (probably not as high as 10 as many people think) and of course the percentage of population that identifies as transgender is under one percent.

Also, I think the majority of males have had some kind of same sex experience, which doesn't make them gay any more than the fact that most males that do identify as gay have likely had some heterosexual experience.


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Watching CNN tonight. Listening to a lady who did not want to shower with men debate with a male who did want to take showers with women. I've noticed that the men who want to shower with women all refer to the problem as sharing toilets and the ladies who don't want to shower with men refer the the problem as a locker room problem.

Odd eh? Everyone can fathom peeing next to a person of another sex but showering may be a bit much to defend?

Personally I don't care as long as they are not liberals. Men or women are OK but - liberals - can't trust them.

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In Thailand I've seen many times ladyboys use the women's toilets and seems Thais don't mind it. However, I've never seen a tomboy go into the boy's toilets...

The most important question is how would the American school girls feel when a boy who claims he is "really a girl in a boy's body" enters the girls' toilets. I guess everybody has a right for self expression, and maybe those who feel they are in the wrong gender's body should be allowed to dress, act and feel any which way they want, but non transgenders also have rights. So I guess that there are only 2 options:

1. completely cancel the gender segregated toilets / gym dressing rooms / showers and have only unisex facilities everywhere

2. add a 3rd gender facilities for transgenders (but here comes the question whether 1 facility for both ladyboys and tomboys is enough or do you need to separate them as well???)

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In Thailand I've seen many times ladyboys use the women's toilets and seems Thais don't mind it. However, I've never seen a tomboy go into the boy's toilets...

The most important question is how would the American school girls feel when a boy who claims he is "really a girl in a boy's body" enters the girls' toilets. I guess everybody has a right for self expression, and maybe those who feel they are in the wrong gender's body should be allowed to dress, act and feel any which way they want, but non transgenders also have rights. So I guess that there are only 2 options:

1. completely cancel the gender segregated toilets / gym dressing rooms / showers and have only unisex facilities everywhere

2. add a 3rd gender facilities for transgenders (but here comes the question whether 1 facility for both ladyboys and tomboys is enough or do you need to separate them as well???)

Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this is also a locker room issue (something no one wants to discuss). I asked my wife and she told me she has never seen a lady boy in a ladies locker room in Thailand.

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JetsetBkk, yea, I feel a little uncomfortable, period, with that back massage while peeing. Now with ladies I "know" I don't really care what they do while I'm peeing...lol. I do have a ladyboy friend that gives a great shoulder/neck massage while I'm have a beer or 3 at the local watering hole. She is professionally trained. A little for some peoples edification, of course the ones that need to read won't or won't comprehend. http://thinkprogress.org/progress-report/a-promise-of-equal-rights/

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Watching CNN tonight. Listening to a lady who did not want to shower with men debate with a male who did want to take showers with women. I've noticed that the men who want to shower with women all refer to the problem as sharing toilets and the ladies who don't want to shower with men refer the the problem as a locker room problem.

Odd eh? Everyone can fathom peeing next to a person of another sex but showering may be a bit much to defend?

Personally I don't care as long as they are not liberals. Men or women are OK but - liberals - can't trust them.

Do liberals actually take showers now?

I always thought they just waited to be hosed down by the police at their next protest rally.

Learned something today.

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It's a Mental Health Disorder

Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist Drops Major TRUTH BOMB About Transgenders…

Acclaimed Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University and former psychiatrist–in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital, has just released his findings pertaining to transgenderism ...Dean James, Americas Freedom Fighters added that Dr. McHugh, who has studied transgendered people for 40 years, said it is a scientific fact that “transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men.”... All such people, Dr. McHugh explained in an article for The Witherspoon Institute, “become feminized men or masculinized women, counterfeits or impersonators of the sex with which they ‘identify.’”
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