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Obama govt: US schools must respect transgender ‘identity’ over ‘bathroom laws’


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Looks like a political "solution" looking for a problem it's supposed to solve.

I think that's right. It's a non-issue, but since its being pressed so hard as a "civil rights" issue, which is laughable, people are beginning to wonder if its the thin end of the wedge for a whole bunch of crazy social engineering to come. Mostly it's a way to distract from the fact that either a crook or a kook will become the next president.

Edited by lannarebirth
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It certainly is a non-issue but you will be made to care!

The SJW's (Social Justice Warriors) will see to it society conforms to their low standards.

You will bake that cake too! wink.png

Edited by Boon Mee
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It certainly is a non-issue but you will be made to care!

The SJW's (Social Justice Warriors) will see to it society conforms to their low standards.

You will bake that cake too! wink.png

I'm sure it will just fade away back to the non-story it is and remain in biblical folklore as part of the "War on Christians".


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As seen recently at the White House: smile.png


That picture would have had a whole different meaning 50 years ago.

Very apt point! It was about bigotry then and it's about bigotry now. Back then the bigots claimed they were afraid of catching diseases from blacks.


Edited by Jingthing
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But now the SJW's have gone full-retard to the point normal folks don't feel comfortable going to a restroom outside their own homes! facepalm.gif

Dude, the people that feel most uncomfortable now in this era of bigot bathroom laws, are actual transgender people and also cisgender people that present as gender ambiguous such as butch lesbians and effeminate straight men (common among republicans elected officials).

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Seven pages and counting............Big Boobs does not make you a woman, having a dick doesn't necessarily make you a man, having a Vagina on the other hand qualified you to be a woman, but if you think you are a Man, you can use my bathroom any day but Just because you dress like a man doesn't make you a man..............Oi Vey, I am glad I grew up in simpler times in the US Northeast, in a mixed neighborhood, where we were taught to respect females and the females respected the men.

If you have a dick, use the men's room,

If you have a vagina, use the women's room

If you a problem with that, I don;t have an answer for you.

Now a Gender universal bathroom makes sense, but low & behold, that wasn't good enough because it discriminates against trannies(??) How(??) Segregating them from their chosen Gender (yes, that happens) They have family bathrooms where any and all genders can go in together, is that discrimination against single no kids couples.??facepalm.gif facepalm.giffacepalm.giffacepalm.gif Think I'll go back to watching Thai Soaps.


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Seven pages and counting............Big Boobs does not make you a woman, having a dick doesn't necessarily make you a man, having a Vagina on the other hand qualified you to be a woman, but if you think you are a Man, you can use my bathroom any day but Just because you dress like a man doesn't make you a man..............Oi Vey, I am glad I grew up in simpler times in the US Northeast, in a mixed neighborhood, where we were taught to respect females and the females respected the men.

If you have a dick, use the men's room,

If you have a vagina, use the women's room

If you a problem with that, I don;t have an answer for you.

Now a Gender universal bathroom makes sense, but low & behold, that wasn't good enough because it discriminates against trannies(??) How(??) Segregating them from their chosen Gender (yes, that happens) They have family bathrooms where any and all genders can go in together, is that discrimination against single no kids couples.??facepalm.gif facepalm.giffacepalm.giffacepalm.gif Think I'll go back to watching Thai Soaps.


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Seven pages and counting............Big Boobs does not make you a woman, having a dick doesn't necessarily make you a man, having a Vagina on the other hand qualified you to be a woman, but if you think you are a Man, you can use my bathroom any day but Just because you dress like a man doesn't make you a man..............Oi Vey, I am glad I grew up in simpler times in the US Northeast, in a mixed neighborhood, where we were taught to respect females and the females respected the men.

If you have a dick, use the men's room,

If you have a vagina, use the women's room

If you a problem with that, I don;t have an answer for you.

Now a Gender universal bathroom makes sense, but low & behold, that wasn't good enough because it discriminates against trannies(??) How(??) Segregating them from their chosen Gender (yes, that happens) They have family bathrooms where any and all genders can go in together, is that discrimination against single no kids couples.??facepalm.gif facepalm.giffacepalm.giffacepalm.gif Think I'll go back to watching Thai Soaps.


There is always an answer. biggrin.pngbiggrin.png


$$ Millions went into research and development.

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Dude, I suppose this is a right wing fad, to try to insult people who favor civil rights for minorities as social justice warriors. As if being for civil rights is a bad thing. It's not. When it's civil rights vs. ignorant bigotry, the side on the right side of history is the civil rights side.

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True JingThing this whole issue was started by redneck North Carolina that set out to intentionally discriminate against transgender people. President Obama stood up and said respect transgender people in schools or have your funding cut. Rednecks lose mind. Bunch of tossers.

Interesting Trump has stopped pandering to the bigoted rednecks. First bit of common sense Trump has announced. Good call Trump.

A win for the Left Wing liberal progressives and the social justice warriors. Good folks those lot.

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Don't trust trump. I'm sure when he's asked about this issues, he's going to say it's a state's rights issue. Just like Jim Crow laws were. Take that to the bank. Also he has promised to appoint only far right wing judges. trump is trying to play all sides, but don't be fooled.

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Don't trust trump. I'm sure when he's asked about this issues, he's going to say it's a state's rights issue. Just like Jim Crow laws were. Take that to the bank. Also he has promised to appoint only far right wing judges. trump is trying to play all sides, but don't be fooled.

I know what you mean JT but as much as I detest his comments I have to give him credit on that position. It is the correct call, one you would expect a President to make. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could kick him though.

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This is totally wrong.

For you idiots that support this...I hope, for your sake, your young daughter does not go into a bathroom alone....as there may be some weirdo...dressed like a lady ready to grope her.

Obama is a nut case. Time for him to go home.

Lets get somebody in the White house who can protect our children.

I see where being a "liberal" is kind of like being stupid.

What happened to "old fashioned morality?" You want dirty toilets..go to Walmart, and mingle.

You will then understand it all.


Calm down slippery the children will be just fine. I 100% support Obama's threat that if schools do not respect transgender minority cut their Federal funding till they do. The Sun will come up tomorrow and the world will go on undeterred. I promise.

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Don't trust trump. I'm sure when he's asked about this issues, he's going to say it's a state's rights issue. Just like Jim Crow laws were. Take that to the bank. Also he has promised to appoint only far right wing judges. trump is trying to play all sides, but don't be fooled.

I know what you mean JT but as much as I detest his comments I have to give him credit on that position. It is the correct call, one you would expect a President to make. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could kick him though.

He has already backtracked from his original more tolerant comment. So don't give him any credit. He deserves none.

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Don't trust trump. I'm sure when he's asked about this issues, he's going to say it's a state's rights issue. Just like Jim Crow laws were. Take that to the bank. Also he has promised to appoint only far right wing judges. trump is trying to play all sides, but don't be fooled.

I know what you mean JT but as much as I detest his comments I have to give him credit on that position. It is the correct call, one you would expect a President to make. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could kick him though.

He has already backtracked from his original more tolerant comment. So don't give him any credit. He deserves none.

Really, okay. Do you think he realises once the codes are put in and the key is turned and the 'fire' button is pressed you don't get to change your mind?

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Even as the president of The US Obama can't not impose any law or order to the citizens of the US.His so called "order" caries no weight.I would bet that his daughters would never be made to go into such a toilet.

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Even as the president of The US Obama can't not impose any law or order to the citizens of the US.His so called "order" caries no weight.I would bet that his daughters would never be made to go into such a toilet.

The question will eventually be decided in the supreme court. For the time being federal funds can be denied under current laws. It's a matter of who blinks first. I think most states will cave when they realize funds will really be cut if they don't. Edited by Jingthing
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Dude, I suppose this is a right wing fad, to try to insult people who favor civil rights for minorities as social justice warriors. As if being for civil rights is a bad thing. It's not. When it's civil rights vs. ignorant bigotry, the side on the right side of history is the civil rights side.

WOW, JT's bigotry card.........rolleyes.gif

Isn't it amazing how less than 1/2 of a percent of the populace in America - those who feel like they are of the other gender have become a civil rights minority ... NO they are not ... They are confused people - confused because they are mentally ill ,,, Civil Rights ... what a joke

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Isn't it amazing how less than 1/2 of a percent of the populace in America - those who feel like they are of the other gender have become a civil rights minority ... NO they are not ... They are confused people - confused because they are mentally ill ,,, Civil Rights ... what a joke

I wouldn't label it amazing at all.

Disgraceful is more apt. Blacks were brought to the US in chains, were forced into slavery, were denied voting rights, etc... All they wanted was to have the same rights as everyone else. Which was absolutely a just cause, in my opinion. To try and piggy back on their suffering to advance

These so called "transgender" people are looking for special treatment under the law. And there's nothing just about that.

Civil rights? rolleyes.gif

What's the rallying cry going to be?

Pee at last, pee at last, thank god almighty, I can pee at last?

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Dude, I suppose this is a right wing fad, to try to insult people who favor civil rights for minorities as social justice warriors. As if being for civil rights is a bad thing. It's not. When it's civil rights vs. ignorant bigotry, the side on the right side of history is the civil rights side.

WOW, JT's bigotry card.........rolleyes.gif

Isn't it amazing how less than 1/2 of a percent of the populace in America - those who feel like they are of the other gender have become a civil rights minority ... NO they are not ... They are confused people - confused because they are mentally ill ,,, Civil Rights ... what a joke

I don't think you grasp the concept of civil rights for MINORITY groups. It doesn't matter at all from an ethical standpoint if the minority in question is very small. It can impact on financial support and attention for a small minority cause though. In the U.S. we do have a civil rights coalition of GLBT people so that puts the number of strong allies way up there, as well as Jewish people, who traditionally are very liberal and for civil rights causes for all minorities (yes, including Muslims).


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Here is what one Texas school Superintendent said about Obama's directive.


‘He Is NOT A Leader’: Superintendent Loses It On Obama Over Transgender Bathroom Decree
10:43 AM 05/14/2016
After news broke that President Barack Obama would tell all public schools to allow transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice, one Texas superintendent let him have it.
Port Neches-Groves Superintendent Rodney Cavness told 12News that Obama’s letter, which was sent out Friday and informs schools they could lose funding and face lawsuits for refusal to comply, will go “straight to the paper shredder.”
The Superintendent went on to add...
"I got news for President Barack Obama … That letter is going straight to the paper shredder. I have 5 daughters myself and I have 2,500 girls in my protection. Their moms and dads expect me to protect them. And that is what I am going to do. Now I don’t want them bullied … but there are accommodations that can be made short of this. [President Obama] is destroying the very fiber of this country. He is not a leader. He is a failure."
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Interesting message for his students. Ignore a letter from the federal government. Don't respect the civil rights of unpopular minority groups. Value IGNORANCE and INTOLERANCE over preserving funds for education.

Hope this bites him later.

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