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Chelsea Fc Thread


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What an oppotunity missed! A partnership of Chelsea, Roman,Harry, Terry and not forgetting Buck slithering around in the background polluting everything around him

But undoubtedly the funniest three pages on the Chelsea thread to date.

i know Benitez had to get back in the game but such a shame it had to be this job.

This job would have been so perfect for the Harry.

Yes carms, would have been a match made in heaven !

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What an oppotunity missed! A partnership of Chelsea, Roman,Harry, Terry and not forgetting Buck slithering around in the background polluting everything around him

But undoubtedly the funniest three pages on the Chelsea thread to date.

i know Benitez had to get back in the game but such a shame it had to be this job.

This job would have been so perfect for the Harry.

Yes carms, would have been a match made in heaven !

I still live in hope that this dream team will be realised at the end of the season. It could become a sucessful tv soap. What a combination. They could also sign El Hadj Diouf as assistant manager

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Looking forward to the chelsea v man city game now, should be interesting how up for it Rafa gets the chelsea team, and if Torres starts to play again now his old manager is in charge.

Never a dull moment in the premier league thats for sure.

I agree, how much of an influence it was to Abramovich's decision to appoint Benitez, being that Torres is there

and not scoring enough.

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Well, having slept on it my reflections on the matter are as follows.

Sacking RDM was stupid. I know we can all look back on results with a 'what if' slant, but I think it's quite relevant here.

QPR game. We should have had at least one of the penalty shouts, 2 points gained.

Man U game. When it was 11 v 11 it looked like chelsea were the most likely to win, but bad ref decisions swung it the other way. 3 points gained.

That would put us at the top of the table.

The only league games where we have looked poor were Swansea and West Brom. Is this really the form for a manager to be sacked?

FA cup we are still in. League cup we are in and are probably favourites with Arsenal being the only other strong team.

In the cl we are a bit of a disaster, but we are a team in transition and Juvenile and Shaktar are not the easiest of opponents. Also Man U went out in the group stages last year and the world didn't crack in half. Still shouldn't be reason enough to sack a manager.

Now to Rafa.

No bones about it I don't like him. I think is record is lacking and I just don't like him. Objectively I think he is the worst possible appointment for chelsea with regard to his standing with the fans. Chelsea fans don't like him.

BUT, I am not a dogmatic man and while he will never be held in the same regard as Jose, I won't knock him at every opportunity. Should he turn things around for Chelsea I will respect his abilities even if I can't the person. Mind you, I say turn things around, with rdm I didn't see chelsea getting any lower than 3rd in the league this year, so Rafa needs to do something special.

What I am looking forward is the fans reaction at Stamford Bridge and how Rafa deals with it. If he can diffuse any hostility with charm, charisma or wit, then he will go up in my estimation. He must know the fans don't like him, surely?

My 2 cents on Pep is that if he comes to the Bridge, he will fail.

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Thats fair enough Mjj. i hope your supporters are pragmatic enough to get behind him for the good of the club. He has had ups and downs in his carrer but when he's been good he's been very good.

I have a bad feeling about the reaction next weekend and if its as unpleasant as i think it might be then i'll probably watch another channel as Benitez doesn't deserve any abuse. h e's a manager being paid to do a job by his employer and fans should try and remember that he had no part in the sacking of the very popular DiMatteo.

BTW, Guardiola would be utterly insane to work for Abramovich

Edited by carmine
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I think it is embarrassing that Benitez would take a position that is defined as interim 6 months! and shows that he is not the great manager a lot of the Liverpool lot think,also a slap in the face to them that he has joined a club that they have not had the best relationship with.

Still plenty of Spanish resto's down the King's Road to keep him happy and a bit of part time work if in 6 month's the need arises,hope he gets his facts straight........everyone loves Rafa wub.pnglaugh.png

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The still don't understand that their great rivalries are with QPR and Fulham not Liverpool. There are not very bright

liverpool fans find this hugely amusing. chelsea tried to manufacture a rivalry with us based around a few champions league games and two managers with big personalities. truth is we genuinely don't give a toss about them. we're bigger rivals with bloody villa for goodness' sake.

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The still don't understand that their great rivalries are with QPR and Fulham not Liverpool. There are not very bright

liverpool fans find this hugely amusing. chelsea tried to manufacture a rivalry with us based around a few champions league games and two managers with big personalities. truth is we genuinely don't give a toss about them. we're bigger rivals with bloody villa for goodness' sake.

Really? So you would prefer a win over villa than a win over chelsea??


With regard to Rafa getting abuse, he will get abuse like in the above clip. It's just about how he reacts. He needs to take it in good humour, even if its not in good humour against him and win over the fans with results. In interviews he cannot be negative to even the few, just let them know he will perform for them. Kind of like killing them with kindness.

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It's just about how he reacts. He needs to take it in good humour, even if its not in good humour against him and win over the fans with results. In interviews he cannot be negative to even the few, just let them know he will perform for them. Kind of like killing them with kindness.

So, he has to pretend just to please the fans?

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The still don't understand that their great rivalries are with QPR and Fulham not Liverpool. There are not very bright

liverpool fans find this hugely amusing. chelsea tried to manufacture a rivalry with us based around a few champions league games and two managers with big personalities. truth is we genuinely don't give a toss about them. we're bigger rivals with bloody villa for goodness' sake.

Really? So you would prefer a win over villa than a win over chelsea??


With regard to Rafa getting abuse, he will get abuse like in the above clip. It's just about how he reacts. He needs to take it in good humour, even if its not in good humour against him and win over the fans with results. In interviews he cannot be negative to even the few, just let them know he will perform for them. Kind of like killing them with kindness.

I disagree. I think the fans should do something i've never heard them do before and thats show a bit of class. Your supporters can't even muster up the moral fibre to respect a minutes silence

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This is the manager that slated chelsea fans about the plastic flags. I'm not defending the flags, but he mocked the fans. Are you telling me he should not get any flak? Really?

At football matches you hear banter, in fact the whole of football has more rival banter in it than any other sport, just look at these threads! If Rafa thinks he can dish it and not get any in return he can go back under the rock where he came from. And that goes for any person in football. Man up, take it on the chin and see the funny side.

And Carmine, I thought we were having an adult conversation. Bring the classless fans, THAT EVERY CLUB HAS, into to it is dumb.

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This is the manager that slated chelsea fans about the plastic flags. I'm not defending the flags, but he mocked the fans. Are you telling me he should not get any flak? Really?

At football matches you hear banter, in fact the whole of football has more rival banter in it than any other sport, just look at these threads! If Rafa thinks he can dish it and not get any in return he can go back under the rock where he came from. And that goes for any person in football. Man up, take it on the chin and see the funny side.

And Carmine, I thought we were having an adult conversation. Bring the classless fans, THAT EVERY CLUB HAS, into to it is dumb.

It is an adult conversation. I think you are wrong on this one but i also think you try to be generally quite reasonable.

Yes we all have some classless fans its just that you seem to have a lot more than anyone else. I don't have to explain myself further because we've all seen and heard it numerous times, be it at games or via the tele.

<deleted>, he's your manager trying to win a game for Chelsea fc.....and you are trying to argue its reasonable and to be expected he is abused! Come off it!

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Thats fair enough Mjj. i hope your supporters are pragmatic enough to get behind him for the good of the club. He has had ups and downs in his carrer but when he's been good he's been very good.

I have a bad feeling about the reaction next weekend and if its as unpleasant as i think it might be then i'll probably watch another channel as Benitez doesn't deserve any abuse. h e's a manager being paid to do a job by his employer and fans should try and remember that he had no part in the sacking of the very popular DiMatteo.

BTW, Guardiola would be utterly insane to work for Abramovich

You have a bad feeling do you, well hold the front page, and you,ll probably watch another channel,. Ain,t your mob kicking off at the same time. Shame on youclap2.gif
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Thats fair enough Mjj. i hope your supporters are pragmatic enough to get behind him for the good of the club. He has had ups and downs in his carrer but when he's been good he's been very good.

I have a bad feeling about the reaction next weekend and if its as unpleasant as i think it might be then i'll probably watch another channel as Benitez doesn't deserve any abuse. h e's a manager being paid to do a job by his employer and fans should try and remember that he had no part in the sacking of the very popular DiMatteo.

BTW, Guardiola would be utterly insane to work for Abramovich

You have a bad feeling do you, well hold the front page, and you,ll probably watch another channel,. Ain,t your mob kicking off at the same time. Shame on youclap2.gif

Bravo Keith, thats hilarious.

Actually i normally choose to take a dump when your games on

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Thats fair enough Mjj. i hope your supporters are pragmatic enough to get behind him for the good of the club. He has had ups and downs in his carrer but when he's been good he's been very good.

I have a bad feeling about the reaction next weekend and if its as unpleasant as i think it might be then i'll probably watch another channel as Benitez doesn't deserve any abuse. h e's a manager being paid to do a job by his employer and fans should try and remember that he had no part in the sacking of the very popular DiMatteo.

BTW, Guardiola would be utterly insane to work for Abramovich

You have a bad feeling do you, well hold the front page, and you,ll probably watch another channel,. Ain,t your mob kicking off at the same time. Shame on youclap2.gif

Bravo Keith, thats hilarious.

Actually i normally choose to take a dump when your games on

Well don,t change your habbits on my behalf Edited by keithsimmonds
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I think you are wrong on this one but i also think you try to be generally quite reasonable.

Not sure what is going on here but the longer MJJ contributes to this forum, the more reasonable he seems to get. I'm sure it can't be the affect of spending time here. biggrin.png

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Really? So you would prefer a win over villa than a win over chelsea??

i said villa are bigger rivals than chelsea are. chelsea are not rivals to liverpool, they're just another football club. in fact they're a small london club that won the pools.

nottingham forest are far, far bigger rivals to liverpool fans than chelsea will ever be.

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I think you are wrong on this one but i also think you try to be generally quite reasonable.

Not sure what is going on here but the longer MJJ contributes to this forum, the more reasonable he seems to get. I'm sure it can't be the affect of spending time here. biggrin.png

Is was simply trying to be nice because he's been sounding rather traumatised the 24 hoursbiggrin.png

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This is the manager that slated chelsea fans about the plastic flags. I'm not defending the flags, but he mocked the fans. Are you telling me he should not get any flak? Really?

At football matches you hear banter, in fact the whole of football has more rival banter in it than any other sport, just look at these threads! If Rafa thinks he can dish it and not get any in return he can go back under the rock where he came from. And that goes for any person in football. Man up, take it on the chin and see the funny side.

And Carmine, I thought we were having an adult conversation. Bring the classless fans, THAT EVERY CLUB HAS, into to it is dumb.

so you agree that benitez was correct about the flags, they are naff. but because he pointed that out when manager of liverpool chelsea fans are now going to give their own manager a load of stick?

i really hope they do, because it will be very, very funny to hear supporters booing their own new manager as he sits down in the home dugout for his first match. a proper embarrassment with the whole world watching.

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Not sure what is going on here but the longer MJJ contributes to this forum, the more reasonable he seems to get. I'm sure it can't be the affect of spending time here. biggrin.png

i reckon he went out and got very anaesthetised last night. he's probably still medicated.

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Not sure what is going on here but the longer MJJ contributes to this forum, the more reasonable he seems to get. I'm sure it can't be the affect of spending time here. biggrin.png

i reckon he went out and got very anaesthetised last night. he's probably still medicated.

Under stress I am very reasonable. The problem is when I'm relaxed I'm a bit of a d1ck. :-)

StevieH, the question of the flags is quite irrelevant. What is relevant is that Rafa chose to use it to rile the fans. He succeeded, so how can he expect nothing in return is beyond me.

Going to a football match is quite a strange phenomenon. I have seen reasonable people become complete idiots and as soon as they are back home, return to sanity. Maybe it's the tribal mentality, maybe it's just a way of letting off steam. Whatever it is I don't think an individuals behaviour at a football match is necessarily an indication of what they are like.

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Under stress I am very reasonable. The problem is when I'm relaxed I'm a bit of a d1ck. :-)

StevieH, the question of the flags is quite irrelevant. What is relevant is that Rafa chose to use it to rile the fans. He succeeded, so how can he expect nothing in return is beyond me.

Going to a football match is quite a strange phenomenon. I have seen reasonable people become complete idiots and as soon as they are back home, return to sanity. Maybe it's the tribal mentality, maybe it's just a way of letting off steam. Whatever it is I don't think an individuals behaviour at a football match is necessarily an indication of what they are like.

so shouldn't you now be glad that you have a manager who is a] good at getting under opponents' skin and b] absolutely hated by mister ferguson?

at least he'll be inside your tent pissing out now.

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