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Powerful Storm Sends Cars Skidding and Inundates Roads in Bangkok


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Well, oxes/animals are pretty good at predicting weather (sensitive to air pressure).

Plus, the old lady down the road said she felt it in her knees. So I knew it was coming.

YEAH and I peed in my bed/sleep. I know what time of the year it is... coffee1.gif

(7 large leo's... no can do!)

Edited by Mook23
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I am glad to hear that some of Thailand is getting rain as it is so badly needed in all the country.

Seeing the big ponds, reservoirs and lakes all very empty is pretty depressing.

Climate change, with reasons like El Nino, La Nina, Volcanoes , and Earth quakes, of course

these are all man made, don't you know. Even the winds in western Canada called Chinooks, are also man made,

according to one actor. . Give me a break! I even heard a guy named David Suzuki beating the

drums, for how man kind is all to blame for our problems with the weather, and I am getting convinced

that the rest of us humans, do not know that, Mother nature, and the earth itself has cycles that

affect the weather in a lot of ways that us puny humans cannot control.

I hope that Thailand has lots of rain during the rainy months of the year, as it sure impacts the

country if drought conditions continue.


No worries, we'll get more than we could ever ask for,..... if you know what I mean.whistling.gifwhistling.gif

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It wasn't a lot of rain but usual blocked drainage and usual careless drivers & junk tyres causing most of the issues.

Quite a tame storm, I been in taxis in dindaeng/ratchadaphisek where blocked drainage would cause flash floods & you would have water almost up to top of transmission tunnel in footwells, better days with less media/internet fairytale news ...

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does anyone have an email contact for the two buffalos responsible? I would like to thank them. My house has been like a Kiln for the past few weeks. I was thinking of opening a pottery studio. Even the deep interior walls were extremely hot to touch. Welcome relief from a record breaking hot season.

Bucketing down, I was busy running around clearing gutters, drains and downpipes, checking for leaks, scrubbing down the back deck. Most physical thing I have done for weeks.

Buffalos and rockets? Gotta be happy with that. Beats listening to the incessant beat of the 'Climate Change' drum.

Amazing Thailand! Jing Jing!

How very Thai. No reason to check to make sure everything is ship shape before the storm hits. Wait until it hits then check to make sure nothing is blocked.

Amazing cpofc.

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I am glad to hear that some of Thailand is getting rain as it is so badly needed in all the country.

Seeing the big ponds, reservoirs and lakes all very empty is pretty depressing.

Climate change, with reasons like El Nino, La Nina, Volcanoes , and Earth quakes, of course

these are all man made, don't you know. Even the winds in western Canada called Chinooks, are also man made,

according to one actor. . Give me a break! I even heard a guy named David Suzuki beating the

drums, for how man kind is all to blame for our problems with the weather, and I am getting convinced

that the rest of us humans, do not know that, Mother nature, and the earth itself has cycles that

affect the weather in a lot of ways that us puny humans cannot control.

I hope that Thailand has lots of rain during the rainy months of the year, as it sure impacts the

country if drought conditions continue.


If the rain continues for to long there will be floods all over the place. All the rain water will run down and flood Bangkok as it heads out into the ocean. And no sooner does it stop raining then the country will be in drought conditions again.

Don't forget this is a place that needs to be told it gets colder during the winter, every year.

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I am glad to hear that some of Thailand is getting rain as it is so badly needed in all the country.

Seeing the big ponds, reservoirs and lakes all very empty is pretty depressing.

Climate change, with reasons like El Nino, La Nina, Volcanoes , and Earth quakes, of course

these are all man made, don't you know. Even the winds in western Canada called Chinooks, are also man made,

according to one actor. . Give me a break! I even heard a guy named David Suzuki beating the

drums, for how man kind is all to blame for our problems with the weather, and I am getting convinced

that the rest of us humans, do not know that, Mother nature, and the earth itself has cycles that

affect the weather in a lot of ways that us puny humans cannot control.

I hope that Thailand has lots of rain during the rainy months of the year, as it sure impacts the

country if drought conditions continue.


Man made climate change is real.

Denial will not help stop it.

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The storm was ' summoned ' by rockets !

Good God don't tell me the junta has decided that even the weather needs AA.

Yes, I was driving up 331 past an Army base just after 3pm today and about 10 rockets were exploding in the sky with white puffs of smoke at several hundred metres presumably from the army base, and this hideous black cloud in the distance towards Cambodia continued to bear down on us and 10 minutes later broke over us. It was what you could genuinely call a weather bomb. It delivered over 3 meters of water into our pond, trashed or uprooted 15 jackfruit trees and flooded the property in places nearly a meter deep. All in an hour. Family have never seen a downpour like that in recent, if not living memory. The wind was biblical, ripping canvas awnings straight off the house. Several of our farm security dogs were coming up to me shaking with fear to hide in the garage, terrified out of their wits. However, we have been very lucky or perhaps rewarded for our deliberate engineering efforts to control and divert storm water on the property over the last 24 months for exactly this event although our plans were not to intended cope with an event quite this extreme. However, cope they did. All the diversion stop banks held and nothing of importance was washed out. All the relief drains acted as planned and despite water being 3 inches up the outside of the North wall of the staff house, almost none got inside. I am seriously proud of what we have achieved in deliberately engineering to control this surface flooding problem that out property is blessed with. The storm was simply epic. I have never seen anything like it in my life. However, a quick hose down of the silt off the concrete paths and a quick squeegee of the unoccupied staff house floor and then inside for a rum and a shower. Chainsaws all around us till dark. A bit of a clean up of damaged trees awaits staff and us over the next couple of days, but by and large we came through it very well. A lot around us would not have been so fortunate.

Update: 3pm Hmmm! That was more like from the direction of the local temple than the army base. The base is at a slightly different angle but that was the temple they were coming from. I realized this last night. 3pm!!!! It would have been a funeral. We live near 3 temples and i often hear the fireworks but we are not close enough to see rockets but that is what it would have been. However, fast reverse to that huge ugly black cloud and the events of the next hour or so. Nothing else is changed.

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"Oxes" is not a word. The so-called author of this piece needs to get a dictionary ... or spellchecker.

Sorry. Not according to Cambridge or Merriam-Webster

Full Definition of ox

plural oxen play\ˈäk-sən\ also ox

  1. 1: a domestic bovine mammal (Bos taurus); broadly : a bovine mammal

  2. 2: an adult castrated male domestic ox


Edited by The Deerhunter
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