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Amphur Divorce


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I would be very grateful for information from anyone living in Chiang Mai as to the location of the Amphur Office that I would go to to obtain an administrative divorce. Neither of us live in Chiang Mai.

We are both in agreement that the marriage has not worked. We married in Bangkok, but Chiang Mai is more suitable for the divorce.

I have no assets and there are no children. I have obtained a certified copy of my UK passport from British Embassy had it translated and have had it legalised by the MOFA Thailand.

I will be taking a qualified interpreter with me to ensure I fully understand the proceedings.

Many thanks

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my friends from aussie got married there,if you call sitting with a bloke with a computer,putting all your details in and printing out two marriage certificates,a ceremony,There were more thai couples coming in with there copies of marriage certificates and getting a divorce pretty quick,than anyone getting hitched.belive its a formality as long as you both agree with financial arrangements.hand in old certificates issued with divorce ones.

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Civil and Commecial Codes for Thailand is quite clear that it is no longer necessary to go the the Amphur at which you were married. However it is necessary to inform that particular Amphur that the divorce has taken place. I understand I also have to inform the Consulate at the Embassy and this will be confirmed when I meet with them next week.

As for the 'Religious Court' no one has mentioned such to me and I have spoken to two Amphurs and a couple of divorce lawyers who are friends. And there was nothing 'Religous' about my marriage ceremony at the Amphur in Bangkok (Bang Rak)

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I was married at Ampur in Phra Kanong BKK and nothing religious about it, pure cival ceremony. 9 years later I was divorced at Families Division of the Religious Court in BKK, quite close to the grand Palace.

I will also say that the female judge shed a tear at the end, after granting my divorce.

I informed the Brit Embassy and they said there was no need for me to do so as the Thai system would do so.


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From Stickman, legal advice. I divorced my wife, she did not consent.

If both parties agree to the divorce, it's as simple as going to any Amphur or District Office and filing for divorce. This option is referred to as an administrative divorce or a divorce by mutual consent.

The cost as well as timeline to complete this option makes this a highly recommended option. The caveat here is that this option is only available if the husband is willing to travel to Thailand to complete the process.

If he refuses to travel then the next course of action for your friend is to obtain a divorce by judgment. This step requires a submission to the Family Court and it should be noted that the court will only grant divorce on specific grounds.

In her case, the grounds for divorce requires a separation of 3 years. The fact that your friend has been separated for only 6 months would not be enough to obtain a divorce on this ground. There are other grounds that may be applicable but more information would be needed.


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