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Khmer Times/Ven Rathavong

Interior Minister Sar Kheng called on immigration officials to finish counting and collecting information on all foreign nationals living in the Kingdom by July at the latest. Speaking at a ceremony on Monday marking the establishment of the National Police, Mr. Kheng said the General Department of Immigration is working on the foreign census.

“We can control them [foreigners], if we have accurate statistical information in hand,” he said. “We already discussed that we will create a working group in order to investigate those documents and supply ideas regarding laws,” Mr. Kheng added.

Lieutenant General Keo Vanthorn, spokesman for the General Department of Immigration, said he was working on the mostly-complete census project. “We will follow what Samdech Sar Kheng said to achieve our work,” Lt. Gen. Vanthorn said, adding that although the information cannot be disclosed now, the number of foreign nationals now living in the Kingdom will be made public after the census is complete.

read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/25072/census-of-foreigners-not-finished/


Obviously, data bases are not related coordinated to each other...seems like an accurate census of legal, registered immigrants could be accomplished with a few keystrokes...if this is an accurate reading of the situation, it's pretty amazing...you would think concerns of national security would mandate that an accurate count of legal immigrants by provence and nationality would be an easy task...


First Thailand, now Cambo... Looks like the whole of Southeast Asia has agreed on a common enemy now - the FOREIGNER !!! As one standup comedian once put it, important for any insufficient and/or unpopular government or group of influential people is to have a solid, common enemy - someone or something to point the finger at whenever it is required to cover up your own inadequacy... Just wonder when all those racist officials in charge will hand out the "shoot them at will" order. Never felt as uncomfortable than in the past two, three years in LOS... sad.png


First Thailand, now Cambo... Looks like the whole of Southeast Asia has agreed on a common enemy now - the FOREIGNER !!! As one standup comedian once put it, important for any insufficient and/or unpopular government or group of influential people is to have a solid, common enemy - someone or something to point the finger at whenever it is required to cover up your own inadequacy... Just wonder when all those racist officials in charge will hand out the "shoot them at will" order. Never felt as uncomfortable than in the past two, three years in LOS... sad.png

An excellent observation...things may only get worse, as Thais are exposed to their ASEAN counterparts...Thais are not too bright, and I can only imagine that the Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese will outsmart the citizenry here...and when things go bad in a society, it's so much easier and convenient to target an outsider (farang)...

I've often felt the racism here...almost on a daily basis as I just try to live (e.g., ubiquitous duel pricing)...and seeing the violence that targets whites is unsettling...

I wonder if there will eventually be "farang free" zones for Thais to live...to "preserve" their culture and heritage...


We can control them [foreigners]!

Was there ever any doubt...that all the constant trips to immigration...all the forms and verification documents were anything more than a country wishing to exact complete and total control of all foreigners?

Thailand may not yet be finished with their "foreign" intervention...but many foreigners are done with Thailand...wai2.gif


We can control them [foreigners]!

Was there ever any doubt...that all the constant trips to immigration...all the forms and verification documents were anything more than a country wishing to exact complete and total control of all foreigners?

Thailand may not yet be finished with their "foreign" intervention...but many foreigners are done with Thailand...wai2.gif

This is about Cambodia not Thailand.

@Mockingjay Cambodia is mainly looking for Vietnamese. Cambodia has a big problem with Vietnamese sneaking into Cambodia.

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