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Clinton discloses millions in book royalties, speaking fees


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Clinton discloses millions in book royalties, speaking fees
STEPHEN BRAUN, Associated Press
KEN THOMAS, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Clinton filed financial documents Tuesday night showing that in 2015 she earned more than $5 million in royalties from her book "Hard Choices" and about $1.5 million in speaking fees before she launched her presidential campaign.

Her husband, former President Bill Clinton, continued his lucrative speaking tour through last November, reaping more than $5 million from banking, tech and other corporate interests.

Hillary Clinton released the candidate financial disclosure form she filed to the Federal Election Commission earlier this week. The 11-page document shows that most of her personal wealth is held in a Vanguard 500 Index Fund and a separate JP Morgan Custody Account, both valued at $5 million to $25 million.

Clinton's campaign released her disclosure publicly hours after Republican Donald Trump put out financial documents describing his personal wealth at $10 billion. Clinton used the release to sting Trump for refusing to publicly release his tax returns, a theme she has repeated in recent days. Last year, Clinton released her own family tax returns covering 1977 to 2014.

"Despite Donald Trump's boasting, submitting his personal financial disclosure form is no breakthrough for transparency," Clinton campaign spokeswoman Christina Reynolds said. "The true test for Donald Trump is whether he will adhere to the precedent followed by every presidential candidate in the modern era and make his tax returns available, as Hillary Clinton has done."

Clinton's speeches to Wall Street interests between 2013 and 2015 spurred questions about her own transparency, leading to repeated calls from her Democratic rival, Bernie Sanders, for transcripts of her talks to banks, investment houses and other financial interests.

The five speeches disclosed in Clinton's latest documents include the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce paying her $150,000 for a talk in January 2015, following two other speeches in Canada that also were co-sponsored by the bank. Bill Clinton listed a February 2015 appearance in Nashville for UBS Wealth Management Americas — a Swiss international bank that Hillary Clinton also spoke to in July 2013.

Hillary Clinton's disclosure also shows that her husband made an undisclosed amount of money last year in consulting roles for two foreign interests — the Dubai-based Varkey GEMS Foundation and Laureate Education Inc., a global for-profit education firm. Clinton ended his relationship with Laureate last year after earning $16.5 million as the operation's honorary chancellor, according to previously-released Clinton tax records. Bill Clinton also has made more than $5.6 million in an honorary role for the GEMS foundation.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-05-18

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It will be the Clinton's foundation and the Emails server saga that will probably cost her the presidency...

"We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt."

Hillary Clinton on Monday, June 9th, 2014 in an interview on ABC

What a fantastic recovery I say.......

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It will be the Clinton's foundation and the Emails server saga that will probably cost her the presidency...

"We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt."

Hillary Clinton on Monday, June 9th, 2014 in an interview on ABC

What a fantastic recovery I say.......

While people don't like that she used a private server, she apparently has broken no laws. Also, there has not been even a whiff of wrong doing from the Clinton Foundation. Just unfounded accusations. However, some people believe everything they read and it has cost her. I still think she will dominate the election and win by a landslide. I think that the real dirt on Trump has not yet hit the news and when it does, he will bleed voters.

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I wouldn't bet the farm on the Clinton's election to the presidency. She will probably escape indictment on the emails, but it will used as a hammer against her. The Clinton Foundation, and the contracts etc. awarded by the State Dept. while perhaps, just perhaps, not illegal, stink to high heaven of corruption and will surely be used against her. This is a weird, and depressing, election with the fascist Trump, most disliked candidate ever and the neoliberal/neocon Hillary as the 2nd most disliked candidate ever. Both parties in disarray as they rightly should be. No, I wouldn't bet on anything except the loss of the Senate and more House seats if Clinton is anointed Empress to be by the DNC.

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The Clintons will sell their souls and the rest of the country to make an extra buck.

The problem is the Republican alternative that sold their souls to Corporate America 35 years ago with Reagan

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The Clintons will sell their souls and the rest of the country to make an extra buck.

The problem is the Republican alternative that sold their souls to Corporate America 35 years ago with Reagan

Look again. Trump just smashed them to smithereens.

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The Clintons will sell their souls and the rest of the country to make an extra buck.

The problem is the Republican alternative that sold their souls to Corporate America 35 years ago with Reagan

Look again. Trump just smashed them to smithereens.

Trump IS! Corporate America

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I can,t quite understand why anyone would pay good money to hear her discourse on any subject, except maybe how to commit crimes and not get indicted !

Its not about the speeches.

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I can,t quite understand why anyone would pay good money to hear her discourse on any subject, except maybe how to commit crimes and not get indicted !

Because she is likely to become the next President and $1.5M buys a lot of favourable legislation for Corporate America. Not so good for the People who voted her in. It is commonly referred to as 'corruption'. This is just personal political bribery payments the big Corporate bucks go to the DNC via Superpac money and phony 'Foundations' and 'Think Tanks' 'donations' and run into hundreds of millions of bribe money.

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The Clintons are powerful, knowledgeable and influential people. They have had many, many years of experience and knowledge about the ins-and-outs of US government policy and international affair.

Whether you like them or not, they have a lot of information and as a result they are in demand.

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The Clintons are powerful, knowledgeable and influential people. They have had many, many years of experience and knowledge about the ins-and-outs of US government policy and international affair.

Whether you like them or not, they have a lot of information and as a result they are in demand.

Problem is what they are selling is the American People not their own personal skills and knowledge. Republicans sell a vote in Congress to the highest Corporate bidder. This is the direction the Democrat Party has decided to get on board with. When your government is put up for auction and your Supreme Court can be relied upon to vote along Party lines and enforce cash backed Congressional votes, Government for the People by the People is no longer the rule. When people get jacked up and protest a militarised Police force move in and start beating up and shooting people.

Continue along this path and the result will be a violent revolution. The People simply take back their Government.

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If that's what they report, imagine what the real figure would be if all the money funneled through their money laundering foundation was added

It will be no where near the $900M+ the Koch Bros et al pool will be spending on Trump's campaign.

Cost needed to purchase the US Presidency $1B+

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If that's what they report, imagine what the real figure would be if all the money funneled through their money laundering foundation was added

It will be no where near the $900M+ the Koch Bros et al pool will be spending on Trump's campaign.

Cost needed to purchase the US Presidency $1B+

Koch Bros would be better off with a known, vetted entity like Hillary so not sure they want to unload that kind of money on an X factor like Trump...not that she is short of cash

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I wouldn't bet the farm on the Clinton's election to the presidency. She will probably escape indictment on the emails, but it will used as a hammer against her. The Clinton Foundation, and the contracts etc. awarded by the State Dept. while perhaps, just perhaps, not illegal, stink to high heaven of corruption and will surely be used against her. This is a weird, and depressing, election with the fascist Trump, most disliked candidate ever and the neoliberal/neocon Hillary as the 2nd most disliked candidate ever. Both parties in disarray as they rightly should be. No, I wouldn't bet on anything except the loss of the Senate and more House seats if Clinton is anointed Empress to be by the DNC.

As you stated, it is often easy for some to express the opinion that she has done nothing illegal, however for many, ethical behavior is an important factor in judging people. Both she and Bill have a lot of problems with ethics and moral behavior. Many tend to judge politicians by a higher bar than the average guy on the street and that's the way it should be. Politics in America is surely at a low. Trump, however, may be a loud mouthed egotist but I wouldn't describe him as a fascist by any means. Thailand's leadership is more Fascist than Trump could even hope to be if he was so inclined, which I don't think he is. He is just in his own mind the only guy that can make things work again. We will see how this all plays out. I am not anymore excited about the next for years as I have been over the last 16 years. All pretty pathetic.

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It will be the Clinton's foundation and the Emails server saga that will probably cost her the presidency...

"We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt."

Hillary Clinton on Monday, June 9th, 2014 in an interview on ABC

What a fantastic recovery I say.......

While people don't like that she used a private server, she apparently has broken no laws. Also, there has not been even a whiff of wrong doing from the Clinton Foundation. Just unfounded accusations. However, some people believe everything they read and it has cost her. I still think she will dominate the election and win by a landslide. I think that the real dirt on Trump has not yet hit the news and when it does, he will bleed voters.

"not even been a whiff of wrong doing from the Clinton Foundation" coffee1.gif Whiff?? You obviously have no sense of smell

Under Clinton’s leadership, the State Department approved $165 billion worth of commercial arms sales to 20 nations whose governments have given money to the Clinton Foundation



"the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia contributed at least $10 million to the Clinton Foundation"

"American defense contractors also donated to the Clinton Foundation while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state"

" Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Qatar all donated to the Clinton Foundation and also gained State Department clearance to buy caches of American-made weapons"

"In all, governments and corporations involved in the arms deals approved by Clinton’s State Department have delivered between $54 million and $141 million to the Clinton Foundation as well as hundreds of thousands of dollars in payments to the Clinton family, according to foundation and State Department records. The Clinton Foundation publishes only a rough range of individual contributors’ donations, making a more precise accounting impossible."

"at least seven foreign governments that received State Department clearance for American arms did donate to the Clinton Foundation while Hillary Clinton was serving as secretary: Algeria, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Thailand, Norway and Australia."

"During Hillary Clinton’s 2009 Senate confirmation hearings, Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., urged the Clinton Foundation to “forswear” accepting contributions from governments abroad. “Foreign governments and entities may perceive the Clinton Foundation as a means to gain favor with the secretary of state,” he said. The Clintons did not take Lugar’s advice."

"Clinton foundation donor countries that the State Department criticized for human rights violations and that received weapons export authorizations did not respond to IBTimes’ questions."

"Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Clinton Foundation did not respond to questions from the IBTimes."

Hillary talks about Trump's taxes? <deleted>? she should be in jail.

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