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2 professors shot to death at college in eastern Bangkok


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Loss of face? Reason to kill someone?

Would Buddha have countenanced this? I think not. Morality not taught from young age by parents or education system?

Sadly, a sign of a deeply troubled society, despite their professed following of Buddhist teachings.

And the alleged shooter taught Buddhist Philosophy? He obviously did not seem to learn from his teachings.

Maybe he knew he was really teaching a load of old twaddle.......which it is.

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I really don't know why Thailand has a police force. As we can see here, it takes just three or four TV sleuths to crack such cases wide open.

Impressive beyond all telling.

Flawed as it maybe it shows some critical thinking.

That's something the local population including the Police seem to lack.

pls use correct terminology its "police farce"

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Never argue with a Thai... and that goes for Thais too.

problem is you dont hear about the probably millions of Thai confrontations everyday where someone doesnt get shot, Ive argued with Thais and Im still alive.

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Never argue with a Thai... and that goes for Thais too.

Erm... why?

I've argued with many Thais over my 30 years here - do you expect one to bend over and say "stick it up my bottom" at every confrontation?

Get real.

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The critical thinking has started coffee1.gif

Well ...If the news article does not supply the reasons and or the facts as to why the 2 professors were gunned down then ...Yes..... by all means the readers can "Hypothesize" all they want.

Everyone is an amateur Sherlock Homles.

Thai Visa .com should have a contest where they post a news article, such as this one, providing scant information used to titillate the readers interest while having them guessing the reasons for the crime(s) until the facts and the outcome of the police investigation prove otherwise.

Those who participate are required to guess the reason as to why the crime was perpetrated and how they came to that conclusion....as in:

Hypothesizing at large

The winner will be awarded ....???? ....

Well lets say we will allow you to dream up and suggest some sort of amusing award for the winner.


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The part that shocked me was "Police said they are looking for a suspect in the deadly shooting". Normally, they just wait for someone to turn themselves in at the station.

What utter nonsense. I wonder if some TV posters have any documented contact with reality.

Here he is! The professor has spoken.

I imagine the 'reality' you face down there in 'real' Thailand, Pattaya, is light years ahead of what us mere mortals living in smaller cities or villages oh Ajarn Somtwit will ever comprehend.

Oh the irony.

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I really don't know why Thailand has a police force. As we can see here, it takes just three or four TV sleuths to crack such cases wide open.

Impressive beyond all telling.

Flawed as it maybe it shows some critical thinking.

That's something the local population including the Police seem to lack.

pls use correct terminology its "police farce"

I am not an apologist for anyone but you all have to admit that many of the sentiments expressed here are too silly for words. Why do I say that? Well, for a start, it is perfectly clear that in this case, the reports coming out of the university are sketchy. The articles we have read here are sketchy at best. However, what passes for intelligentsia on TV have stated without reservation that loss of face is to blame, for example. At this stage, as far as I am aware, no one knows what these men said to each other but a verdict has been reached.

I never comment in any meaningful way on the Thai police or any other police force for that matter: there is incompetence everywhere, there is bribery everywhere and there are criminals everywhere. In this case, I am sure it is fair to assume that the murderer will be caught and tried ... then there will be the TV thread on cover ups, Koh Tao all over again ... you get the point.

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The critical thinking has started coffee1.gif

Well ...If the news article does not supply the reasons and or the facts as to why the 2 professors were gunned down then ...Yes..... by all means the readers can "Hypothesize" all they want.

Everyone is an amateur Sherlock Homles.

Thai Visa .com should have a contest where they post a news article, such as this one, providing scant information used to titillate the readers interest while having them guessing the reasons for the crime(s)....

The contest has already been going on for years. Sans award.

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Colleges in thailand have big gang problems among the students. It's a big problem here. Unheard of in the states.

The states? Provincial Thailand?

A little reading comprehension and a smidgen of inference would suggest the OP was referring to the USA.

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Reminds me of the case of Pipat Lueprasitkul.

If you don't know it, google it. He murdered his wife in a fit of rage, battered her to death.

The court unbelievably gave him a suspended sentence. Working for a university really gives you connections and a level of impunity here.

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The Thai habit of extreme retaliation for a loss of face crosses all SES and academic strata, apparently...

The weak ego of the Thais is amazing...you would think an academic could stand an verbal argument...

Seriously, Thais are in such a state of arrested development...

you are actually correct, a land full of child mentalities with lethal adult "toys" a very dangerous combination in a land were laws and punnishment are not fully established or enforced, maybe in 50 years someone will get it - it cannot go on like this

It's been assessed using the Piaget scale, that the average Thai never develops emotionally past the equivalent age of a western 12-year-old child. Whilst I have a few minor quibbles with the methodology and the assessment, I think it probably accords pretty closely with what is seen and known about the Thai psyche.

This is not a random outcome. The development of Thai people has been deliberately stunted and Thais have been propagandised for decades (people who are relatively unintelligent and behaviourally puerile are easier to propagandise) as a specific exercise to keep them compliant and unquestioning while the rich mafias steal everything in Thailand that isn't actually nailed down (with appropriate kicks up the chain of course).

It's time this nonsense was stopped, but the question is - how? Democracy cannot change the Thai system in the face of armed forces who regularly use the weaponry that the Thai people paid for, against the Thai people who paid for it. International pressure will only work if it cripples the economy and shuts off the income of the mafias.

The only answer, in my view, and reluctantly, is the same solution that's had to be applied in countries which have gone down this path before Thailand. There's no shortage of examples, even in Thailand's new BFF, China. The people must decide on their own to stop accepting the country being run by mafias. Not the mafias at street level, the mafias that issue the franchises and gather in the big bucks - the ones at the very top of the mafia tree, the equivalent of the 'Commission' In the USA mafias. The problem is, Thais are now compliant, as was originally intended - so their ability/inclination to rebel has been stunted, as intended. Perhaps if Thais decided that the mafiosi 'commission' has to go? Cut the head off the snake? Get rid of the biggest families? Sieze assets and banish? They would have very few supporters outside of Thailand. It's possible but first they must counter the effects of the propaganda they've been exposed to for so long (decades).

First they must wake up or be woken up, and that's not my job, not do I think it's the job of any westerner or western government, though punishing and serious sanctions would be a very good start.


Edited by Winniedapu
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The latest Thai news reports said the shooter sent a 'suicide note' or 'parting instructions' via the Line messaging app to his elder brother yesterday talking about preparations for his funeral and detailing the wat in Lam Lu Ka he wants his body sent to, how long merit is too last for, that he wants his body cremated etc

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The Thai habit of extreme retaliation for a loss of face crosses all SES and academic strata, apparently...

The weak ego of the Thais is amazing...you would think an academic could stand an verbal argument...

Seriously, Thais are in such a state of arrested development...

you are actually correct, a land full of child mentalities with lethal adult "toys" a very dangerous combination in a land were laws and punnishment are not fully established or enforced, maybe in 50 years someone will get it - it cannot go on like this

It's been assessed using the Piaget scale, that the average Thai never develops emotionally past the equivalent age of a western 12-year-old child. Whilst I have a few minor quibbles with the methodology and the assessment, I think it probably accords pretty closely with what is seen and known about the Thai psyche.

This is not a random outcome. The development of Thai people has been deliberately stunted and Thais have been propagandised for decades (people who are relatively unintelligent and behaviourally puerile are easier to propagandise) as a specific exercise to keep them compliant and unquestioning while the rich mafias steal everything in Thailand that isn't actually nailed down (with appropriate kicks up the chain of course).

It's time this nonsense was stopped, but the question is - how? Democracy cannot change the Thai system in the face of armed forces who regularly use the weaponry that the Thai people paid for, against the Thai people who paid for it. International pressure will only work if it cripples the economy and shuts off the income of the mafias.

The only answer, in my view, and reluctantly, is the same solution that's had to be applied in countries which have gone down this path before Thailand. There's no shortage of examples, even in Thailand's new BFF, China. The people must decide on their own to stop accepting the country being run by mafias. Not the mafias at street level, the mafias that issue the franchises and gather in the big bucks - the ones at the very top of the mafia tree, the equivalent of the 'Commission' In the USA mafias. The problem is, Thais are now compliant, as was originally intended - so their ability/inclination to rebel has been stunted, as intended. Perhaps if Thais decided that the mafiosi 'commission' has to go? Cut the head off the snake? Get rid of the biggest families? Sieze assets and banish? They would have very few supporters outside of Thailand. It's possible but first they must counter the effects of the propaganda they've been exposed to for so long (decades).

First they must wake up or be woken up, and that's not my job, not do I think it's the job of any westerner or western government, though punishing and serious sanctions would be a very good start.


I do not know of this Piaget Scale you refer to in your opening para. But it sure smacks of Eugenics to me. This Piaget character wouldn't be a mate of Harry Laughlin, and Madison Grant would he?

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In the last hour Thai news media are reporting the shooter has been located hiding out at a hotel in BKK's Saphan Khwai district and police are currently negotiating with him to give himself up.


Edited by katana
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The Thai habit of extreme retaliation for a loss of face crosses all SES and academic strata, apparently...

The weak ego of the Thais is amazing...you would think an academic could stand an verbal argument...

Seriously, Thais are in such a state of arrested development...

you are actually correct, a land full of child mentalities with lethal adult "toys" a very dangerous combination in a land were laws and punnishment are not fully established or enforced, maybe in 50 years someone will get it - it cannot go on like this

It's been assessed using the Piaget scale, that the average Thai never develops emotionally past the equivalent age of a western 12-year-old child. Whilst I have a few minor quibbles with the methodology and the assessment, I think it probably accords pretty closely with what is seen and known about the Thai psyche.

This is not a random outcome. The development of Thai people has been deliberately stunted and Thais have been propagandised for decades (people who are relatively unintelligent and behaviourally puerile are easier to propagandise) as a specific exercise to keep them compliant and unquestioning while the rich mafias steal everything in Thailand that isn't actually nailed down (with appropriate kicks up the chain of course).

It's time this nonsense was stopped, but the question is - how? Democracy cannot change the Thai system in the face of armed forces who regularly use the weaponry that the Thai people paid for, against the Thai people who paid for it. International pressure will only work if it cripples the economy and shuts off the income of the mafias.

The only answer, in my view, and reluctantly, is the same solution that's had to be applied in countries which have gone down this path before Thailand. There's no shortage of examples, even in Thailand's new BFF, China. The people must decide on their own to stop accepting the country being run by mafias. Not the mafias at street level, the mafias that issue the franchises and gather in the big bucks - the ones at the very top of the mafia tree, the equivalent of the 'Commission' In the USA mafias. The problem is, Thais are now compliant, as was originally intended - so their ability/inclination to rebel has been stunted, as intended. Perhaps if Thais decided that the mafiosi 'commission' has to go? Cut the head off the snake? Get rid of the biggest families? Sieze assets and banish? They would have very few supporters outside of Thailand. It's possible but first they must counter the effects of the propaganda they've been exposed to for so long (decades).

First they must wake up or be woken up, and that's not my job, not do I think it's the job of any westerner or western government, though punishing and serious sanctions would be a very good start.


I do not know of this Piaget Scale you refer to in your opening para. But it sure smacks of Eugenics to me. This Piaget character wouldn't be a mate of Harry Laughlin, and Madison Grant would he?

No, it isn't eugenics Jean Piaget is perhaps the best authority on child development. Google is your friend. Read first then opine.


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It's been assessed using the Piaget scale, that the average Thai never develops emotionally past the equivalent age of a western 12-year-old child.

That's very interesting and wouldn't surprise me, but I couldn't find anything googling. Can you provide more info on the assessment of Thais?

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It's been assessed using the Piaget scale, that the average Thai never develops emotionally past the equivalent age of a western 12-year-old child.

That's very interesting and wouldn't surprise me, but I couldn't find anything googling. Can you provide more info on the assessment of Thais?

I'll have a bit of a rummage around and see what I can find. Have you read about the Piaget scale? If so then you can do your own adhoc assessment if you have a background in psychology. I'll also try to find a psychological assessment of Thais done by a Thai PhD some years ago if you're interested. It shouldn't be a real hoot because it's meant to be a serious document and it probably wasn't meant to be entertaining, but it is, nonetheless, a real hoot. Must be really easy to get a PhD in Psych in Thailand...


Edited by Winniedapu
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Colleges in thailand have big gang problems among the students. It's a big problem here. Unheard of in the states.

The states? Provincial Thailand?

A little reading comprehension and a smidgen of inference would suggest the OP was referring to the USA.

cheesy.gif You missed it didn't yah !

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Alleged gunman refuses to surrender after six hours of talks

The Nation May 19, 2016 6:07 pm

Dr Wanchai Danaitamonut refused to surrender after six hours of negotiation by police who besieged him at a Bangkok hotel Thursday.

The besiege took place at noon. Several senior police officers and those familiar with Wanchai took turn to try to convince the lecturer of Phranakhon Rajabhat University to surrender but he still held himself hostage, pointing the gun at his head most of the time.


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Dr. Wanchai Danaitamonut has carried out his threat to shoot himself. He was quickly taken away by ambulance. Thai PBS reports that the shot was fired at 18:44. Dr Wanchai was driven to the ICU at Paolo Memorial Hospital in the Suphan Kwai area. Reports are coming in that he has died from his self-inflicted wounds.

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