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TM 28 & TM 30 now processed at Airport Immigration Office


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I bet a lot of people have no idea what a TM28 and TM30 are, maybe you should tell them.

Those that don't know will be using an agentfacepalm.gif ,thanks for the heads up

Dave,will save a wasted trip to Promanda,for some.

regards worgeordie

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TM.28 Form for Aliens to Notify Their Change of Address or Their Stay in the Province over 24 Hours


TM.30 Notification Form for House Master, Owner, or the Possessor of The Residence Where Aliens Have Stay


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Have never done a TM30 as every time I travel out of country I pay the rent ahead for where I live. It never changes.

I know some people do but I am not sure it is necessary if you have a lease and the rent has been paid before you depart. Maybe I am wrong and have just plain been lucky.

Most of the time my landlord has not even known I went and came back.

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TM.28 Form for Aliens to Notify Their Change of Address or Their Stay in the Province over 24 Hours


TM.30 Notification Form for House Master, Owner, or the Possessor of The Residence Where Aliens Have Stay


That's what I said, a lot of people won't know what this is, because they've never filled one out.

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So le me get this straight:

- if i decide to go to Chiang Moew (fictitious) for 3 days holiday, I'm supposed to notify the local immigration authority there through a TM28?

-And when I do, my House Master is supposed to notify his regional/local Immigration office when I am back through a TM30?

In addition, there is the TM6 that I fill in the airplane, the 90 days notification, my passport on me all the time . I have started taking it with me to the 7-11 across the road....just in case...!

I can see now the benefits of Government Enforced Wear of a Magnetised Bracelet/GPS on all Aliens, entering, residing moving around in Thailand!

Think of all the paperwork and trees saved...!

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So le me get this straight:

- if i decide to go to Chiang Moew (fictitious) for 3 days holiday, I'm supposed to notify the local immigration authority there through a TM28?

-And when I do, my House Master is supposed to notify his regional/local Immigration office when I am back through a TM30?

In addition, there is the TM6 that I fill in the airplane, the 90 days notification, my passport on me all the time . I have started taking it with me to the 7-11 across the road....just in case...!

I can see now the benefits of Government Enforced Wear of a Magnetised Bracelet/GPS on all Aliens, entering, residing moving around in Thailand!

Think of all the paperwork and trees saved...!

My cats and dog are chipped. The chips in the cats open the cat flap.But not for the neighbours cats. The dog can't get through the cat flap. (bah.gif ).

I could add a food dish only available to my cats but it is inside anyway.

Ok. So Iam utilising a concept way in advance of a bracelet. Pass(chip)port anyone?

Back to the future !wink.png

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Just another bureaucratic hurdle we must jump over for our privilege of staying in this lovely country.

Although I don't really see the benefit for the immigration staff let alone Thai population in general.

Maybe they are just trying to have a better understanding of our movements?

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Just another bureaucratic hurdle we must jump over for our privilege of staying in this lovely country.

Although I don't really see the benefit for the immigration staff let alone Thai population in general.

Maybe they are just trying to have a better understanding of our movements?

Immigration have stated it was top down from the Junta, they want to know where every foreigner is at all times.. Or at least can trace..

Started after the erawan bomb..

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So le me get this straight:

- if i decide to go to Chiang Moew (fictitious) for 3 days holiday, I'm supposed to notify the local immigration authority there through a TM28?

-And when I do, my House Master is supposed to notify his regional/local Immigration office when I am back through a TM30?

In addition, there is the TM6 that I fill in the airplane, the 90 days notification, my passport on me all the time . I have started taking it with me to the 7-11 across the road....just in case...!

I can see now the benefits of Government Enforced Wear of a Magnetised Bracelet/GPS on all Aliens, entering, residing moving around in Thailand!

Think of all the paperwork and trees saved...!

I never bother notifying anybody....just go on my holidays and never give it a thought.

What people don't know won't bother them....or...Let sleeping dogs lie....or ...No need to stir the pot.

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Just another bureaucratic hurdle we must jump over for our privilege of staying in this lovely country.

Although I don't really see the benefit for the immigration staff let alone Thai population in general.

Maybe they are just trying to have a better understanding of our movements?

Immigration have stated it was top down from the Junta, they want to know where every foreigner is at all times.. Or at least can trace..

Started after the erawan bomb..

Pray there isn't a bigger one!

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So le me get this straight:

- if i decide to go to Chiang Moew (fictitious) for 3 days holiday, I'm supposed to notify the local immigration authority there through a TM28?

-And when I do, my House Master is supposed to notify his regional/local Immigration office when I am back through a TM30?

In addition, there is the TM6 that I fill in the airplane, the 90 days notification, my passport on me all the time . I have started taking it with me to the 7-11 across the road....just in case...!

I can see now the benefits of Government Enforced Wear of a Magnetised Bracelet/GPS on all Aliens, entering, residing moving around in Thailand!

Think of all the paperwork and trees saved...!

When you go on holiday, you have to present your passport to the hotel - they report your temporary residence. On your return, your house master has to fill in the form to say you're back. I believe that you only have to be a part of the process if you move into a new house/apartment. The TM6 that you complete on arrival is enough from your part, but that does leave a glaring hole in the system - i.e. if you've been on holiday in another province within Thailand. Logic says that if your house master has to lodge a TM30, then really you should have to lodge a TM28 to match up with it on the computer system, but I can't recall seeing anyone saying that they have had a problem with it.

I think it's been the law for years and years, it's just another one of those laws which was never enforced until the bomb in Bangkok.

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I always used the Old Immigration Office to report TM28 and TM 30.

It is in the the Investigation section at the rear of the parking lot. There was a sign last time to say hotel and guest house report guest there.

First TM28 was in 2001 when I moved to Chiangmai....The front office did not know what to do with the TM28 and sent me to the back investigation Office.

Last December I reported my overnight guess with the TM30 over there.

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The need for a new TM30 is when you return from an OUT-OF-COUNTRY trip. Presumably Chiang Meow is somewhere in Thailand and the fact that the hotel submitted a TM30 for you during your stay doesn't mean you need to submit a new TM30 when you return to this Chiang.

At least that's the way it's been explained to me.

It's all related to your departure card being changed when you leave and then return to the country and messing up the Imm. computer system.

And the TM28 is just used when you changed your residence address. You return to the same old place from an out-of-country trip, no need for a new TM28.

Example: When I finally get fed up with all the snipping about how I accept freebies and abuse my vast power here in CM and decide to relocate my household of Hubby, Mr. Bitey and the Samurai Princess to Chiang Meow (where there is NO burning season), then I will find the Chiang Meow Imm. office and submit a TM28. I will also wear blinders and deliberately not take note of anything going on in that Imm. office. Also, I will ask the owner/possessor of the unit we rent to file a TM30. Then I think I will start to use my middle name socially in hopes I can lose my former identity.

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Will try that on Monday, just back from the other side of the disk today. So old Immi it is now again. Let's see how that goes. Also have to get a new extension next week. And a new driver license. Lot's of fun ahead :)

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