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Egypt Air crash and the Paris link: Radical Islamic CDG airport workers?


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Egypt Air crash and the Paris link: Radical Islamic CDG airport workers?

PARIS: -- The missing Egypt Air plane took of yesterday from Charles de Gaulle also known as CDG Paris International Airport. This French airport is becoming part of a criminal investigation by French and Egyptian authorities as the possible weak link in the disappearance of an Egyptian airline yesterday.

CDG is the airport where seventy workers were suspected of being radical Islamists have had their security passes revoked since the deadly attacks last year. The question remains how many more may have been overlooked? Is there a possible link between the possible terror attack on Egypt Air yesterday and security at CDG Airport?

Of course officials in Paris confirmed very tied security had been in place at CDG airport after the November terror attack on the French capital - but was this enough?

After the Paris attacks French security agents have also examined the contents of around 4,000 workers' lockers at Charles de Gaulle and Orly as the airports authority attempts to weed out any potential terrorists working at the busy transport hubs.

Full story: http://www.eturbonews.com/71339/egypt-air-crash-and-paris-link-radical-islamic-cdg-airport-worke

-- eTN 2016-05-20

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They will need some sort of GESTAPO in France and at airports worldwide to oversee luggage handling, fuelling, maintenance and all the other thousands of little things that enable modern air transport. On a different note, why don't we reactivate at least some measure of TRANSPORT BY BOAT? I am talking about passenger transport here. Boats are not completely safe but I should say it's more difficult to blow them out of the sea, all hands lost, than to sabotage an airplane. I, for one, would gladly invest that one week that an average boat transport to a given location would take, in return for more safety and, who knows, maybe even more pleasure travelling !

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France, like most other EU countries, keeps letting in Muslims. The resident Muslims and newly arrived Muslims are going to have babies. Those babies grow up. Some of them will become radicalized, usually during their teenage years. The problems EU countries are experiencing now with radical Islam are going to be many times worse in coming decades. Do the math. Sharia is also on the European horizon.

Plus, it takes a lot of time and sleuthing to try and weed out baddies. While authorities are doing it, there are cries of "invasion of privacy!". Even if authorities weed out 1900 out of 2000 radicals, that still leaves 100 to cause harm. Sorry Europe, but you're heading down the tubes by allowing Muslims to take over.

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muslims and muslims don't mix very well, muslims and Christians don't mix at all and never will, unfortunately this is the reality, what will be the outcome of all this - ethnic removal back to where they came from seems to be gaining ground and getting closer.

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muslims and muslims don't mix very well, muslims and Christians don't mix at all and never will, unfortunately this is the reality, what will be the outcome of all this - ethnic removal back to where they came from seems to be gaining ground and getting closer.

As far as history goes, you're just wrong. Even currently, most Muslims in France are integrated into society. Turks in Germany. It's just that because they blend into the general populace, no one notices.

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muslims and muslims don't mix very well, muslims and Christians don't mix at all and never will, unfortunately this is the reality, what will be the outcome of all this - ethnic removal back to where they came from seems to be gaining ground and getting closer.

As far as history goes, you're just wrong. Even currently, most Muslims in France are integrated into society. Turks in Germany. It's just that because they blend into the general populace, no one notices.
nonsense. you tell the PC version. in reality 90% of muslim Belgian youths support the terrorists. It is possible a few of the 10% might have integrated.
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muslims and muslims don't mix very well, muslims and Christians don't mix at all and never will, unfortunately this is the reality, what will be the outcome of all this - ethnic removal back to where they came from seems to be gaining ground and getting closer.

As far as history goes, you're just wrong. Even currently, most Muslims in France are integrated into society. Turks in Germany. It's just that because they blend into the general populace, no one notices.

A street in Paris.


Integrated and blended in really well.

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Where are the muslims happy?

"They're not happy in Gaza ..
They're not happy in Egypt ..
They're not happy in Libya ..
They're not happy in Morocco ..
They're not happy in Iran ...
They're not happy in Iraq ..
They're not happy in Yemen ...
They're not happy in Afghanistan ..
They're not happy in Pakistan ..
They're not happy in Syria ..
They're not happy in Lebanon ..


They're happy in Australia .
They're happy in Canada .
They're happy in England ..
They're happy in France ..
They're happy in Italy ..
They're happy in Germany ..
They're happy in Sweden ..
They're happy in the USA ..
They're happy in Norway ..
They're happy in Holland .
They're happy in Denmark .

Basically, they're happy in every country that is not Muslim
and unhappy in every country that is!


Not Islam.
Not their leadership.
Not themselves.


AND THEN; They want to change those countries to be like....

Excuse me, but I can't help wondering...
How damn dumb can you get?
Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim
Terrorists are so quick to commit suicide.
Lets have a look at the evidence:

- No Christmas
- No television
- No nude women
- No football
- No pork chops
- No hot dogs
- No burgers
- No beer
- No bacon
- Rags for clothes
- Towels for hats
- Constant wailing from some idiot in a tower
- More than one wife
-More than one mother in law
- You can't shave
- Your wife can't shave
- You can't wash off the smell of donkey
- You cook over burning camel #$%$
- Your wife is picked by someone else for you
- and your wife smells worse than your donkey
Then they tell you that "when you die, it all gets better"??
Well no #$%$ Sherlock!....
It's not like it could get much worse

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muslims and muslims don't mix very well, muslims and Christians don't mix at all and never will, unfortunately this is the reality, what will be the outcome of all this - ethnic removal back to where they came from seems to be gaining ground and getting closer.

As far as history goes, you're just wrong. Even currently, most Muslims in France are integrated into society. Turks in Germany. It's just that because they blend into the general populace, no one notices.

A street in Paris.


Integrated and blended in really well.

Your picture dates back from 2011, when 2 mosques in a Parisien neighbourhood were closed due to overpopulation, read security reasons by the French authorities.

The Muslims had to wait 2 weeks for the newer, larger prayer location in the same 18th arrondissement. Some electrical, safety and general paint works were pending.

In the meanwhile, the Muslims decided to pray in the streets.

Looks like a simple temporary issue instead of a permanent habit applied in Europe.

Nice try...

Edited by Thorgal
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They will need some sort of GESTAPO in France and at airports worldwide to oversee luggage handling, fuelling, maintenance and all the other thousands of little things that enable modern air transport. On a different note, why don't we reactivate at least some measure of TRANSPORT BY BOAT? I am talking about passenger transport here. Boats are not completely safe but I should say it's more difficult to blow them out of the sea, all hands lost, than to sabotage an airplane. I, for one, would gladly invest that one week that an average boat transport to a given location would take, in return for more safety and, who knows, maybe even more pleasure travelling !

Well, two-week vacations are out then.

I agree a sea voyage can be attractive, if you have the time. However, they can also be quite expensive; especially, if you want more than a bunk, food, and beer.

I doubt there would be any problem blowing up a boat; what, more explosive?

However, I can swim, but cannot fly; so I do believe I would rather be on a boat blown-up at sea than a plane blown-up in air.

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muslims and muslims don't mix very well, muslims and Christians don't mix at all and never will, unfortunately this is the reality, what will be the outcome of all this - ethnic removal back to where they came from seems to be gaining ground and getting closer.

As far as history goes, you're just wrong. Even currently, most Muslims in France are integrated into society. Turks in Germany. It's just that because they blend into the general populace, no one notices.

A street in Paris.


Integrated and blended in really well.

Yep! and completely unnoticeable.

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Perhaps the French authorities could clear this up by getting all their Muslim staff to fill in a form, are you a moderate Muslim 'yes, or 'no' please tick as appropriate. Of course decent security screening would help but there's one of many political hot potatoes European governments seem unwilling or unable to deal with.

P.s looks like I called this one.

Edited by Steely Dan
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muslims and muslims don't mix very well, muslims and Christians don't mix at all and never will, unfortunately this is the reality, what will be the outcome of all this - ethnic removal back to where they came from seems to be gaining ground and getting closer.

As far as history goes, you're just wrong. Even currently, most Muslims in France are integrated into society. Turks in Germany. It's just that because they blend into the general populace, no one notices.
I don't suppose you've heard of the Zones Urbaines Sensibles (no go zones in English), there are 718 of them in mainland France. Be my guest to make arguments based on sophistry alone to dispute this.
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muslims and muslims don't mix very well, muslims and Christians don't mix at all and never will, unfortunately this is the reality, what will be the outcome of all this - ethnic removal back to where they came from seems to be gaining ground and getting closer.

As far as history goes, you're just wrong. Even currently, most Muslims in France are integrated into society. Turks in Germany. It's just that because they blend into the general populace, no one notices.

A street in Paris.


Integrated and blended in really well.

Everyone blocking that street to pray should have been deported within 3 hours .... That's the problem with giving them an inch.... They won't stop pushing until they have it all their way ...

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Human remains, an airplane seat and luggage were found about 5 miles south of where an EgyptAir flight lost contact with radar and went missing over the Mediterranean Sea, a Greek official said today.
Egyptian officials also said wreckage and passenger belongings were spotted about 180 miles north off the coast of the Mediterranean port city of Alexandria, Egypt.
Edited by NeverSure
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Now that The Religion of Pieces has left another debris field of pieces, it's time for the French to:

Order more white flags.

Apologize for any feelings they hurt.

Tell their people that only a fraction of Muslims are violent.

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I don't suppose you've heard of the Zones Urbaines Sensibles (no go zones in English), there are 718 of them in mainland France. Be my guest to make arguments based on sophistry alone to dispute this.

Altough unable to engage in comversation I can still read a bit of French with the minute amount I retain from my high school studies nearly 50 years ago. So I Googled Zones Urbaines Sensibles and without resort to any sophistry I immediately found this on Wikipedia"

"In January 2015, after the Charlie Hebdo shooting, several items on Fox News labeled the ZUS as "Islamic no-go zones".[6] French media agencies denied these claims.[7][8] After complaints Fox News issued an apology, saying that there was "no credible information to support the assertion there are specific areas in these countries that exclude individuals based solely on their religion".

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France, like most other EU countries, keeps letting in Muslims. The resident Muslims and newly arrived Muslims are going to have babies. Those babies grow up. Some of them will become radicalized, usually during their teenage years. The problems EU countries are experiencing now with radical Islam are going to be many times worse in coming decades. Do the math. Sharia is also on the European horizon.

Plus, it takes a lot of time and sleuthing to try and weed out baddies. While authorities are doing it, there are cries of "invasion of privacy!". Even if authorities weed out 1900 out of 2000 radicals, that still leaves 100 to cause harm. Sorry Europe, but you're heading down the tubes by allowing Muslims to take over.

Watch, Listen, and Absorb

This is chilling but finally it's being talked about.


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Here we go again - runaway speculation on an Air Crash before even the wreckage has been found let alone the official investigation has got fully underway.

There can be numerous reasons for this crash , that is why experts whose job it is to do an exhaustive investigation that can take upto 2 years to complete before the cause can be determined.

Edited by rocketman777
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30 years ago I worked airport security in Norway:In those days the requirements was almost the same as the security clearance in the military . You could prove that members in the family didn`t have a criminal record or wasn`t pro nazis during WW2.Nowadays looking at the "airport security" in many European airports I kinda doubt that many of the security detail would even pass stage 1 !!

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Now that The Religion of Pieces has left another debris field of pieces, it's time for the French to:

Order more white flags.

Apologize for any feelings they hurt.

Tell their people that only a fraction of Muslims are violent.

The problem, of course, NeverSure, is that you need only a fraction to be violent. I'm sure it's way more than a fraction, but that's all you need.

Let's see what evolves as the probable cause, and if it's muslim terrorist activity, watch islamic leaders (you won't hear them) condemn themselves by their very silence.

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muslims and muslims don't mix very well, muslims and Christians don't mix at all and never will, unfortunately this is the reality, what will be the outcome of all this - ethnic removal back to where they came from seems to be gaining ground and getting closer.

As far as history goes, you're just wrong. Even currently, most Muslims in France are integrated into society. Turks in Germany. It's just that because they blend into the general populace, no one notices.
nonsense. you tell the PC version. in reality 90% of muslim Belgian youths support the terrorists. It is possible a few of the 10% might have integrated.
And 60% of "British" Muslims support implementation of Sharia law. They support integration all right...of Western Europe into the Caliphate.
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Now that The Religion of Pieces has left another debris field of pieces, it's time for the French to:

Order more white flags.

Apologize for any feelings they hurt.

Tell their people that only a fraction of Muslims are violent.

You forgot "Place lots of candles, flowers, and Teddy bears outside the Egypt Air offices in Paris."

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This is the issue so many in Europe fear to discuss...the huge Muslim fifth-column living among them. The same issue of Muslim airport staff was raised by Brussels Airport authorities before the attacks there. However, the problem is so large now that there isn't much they can do about it anymore. This is another disaster the people of the EU can blame on their feckless "leaders."

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