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Meet the young kid making rotis for a living!

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Tragic more like,the lad should be out playing with friends and chasing after girls at his age.

People should be ashamed that his innocents is being robbed while all the time the Bangkok mob get richer.

It's no more than child exploitation and shouldn't be allowed in this day and age,laws should be in place to stop this exact problem.

As always rather than deal with the problem it gets turned into a good luck story.

Utter nonsense,how many Thai visa members would like to see their children slogging their guts out making rotis after school,I for one wouldn't.

Address the problem accordingly,reform the laws to stop this and many other children being exploited at the cost of the mega rich few,subsidies this misery with a cash payment for children in this very situation,it's shameful.

Your western way of thinking does not work in Thailand. Cash payments LOL you are totally out of touch with reality Asia does not run like your western socialist mentality.
Exactly, when i was his age growing up in the orphanage I was already working 12 hours a day in the coal mines before going to my 2nd job shining shoes outside the workhouse for another 6 hours. Then in summers be cleaning the chimneys until the Tb in my lungs left me lying in the gutter begging for scraps like every self respecting 10 yr old should be.
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,how many Thai visa members would like to see their children slogging their guts out making rotis after school

Don't even think about it! A "farang" or a "Partially Farang"(luk krung), stealing jobs from the thais, he would be imprisoned for life or at least until he had the money to buy his ticket out of the country and paid the fine for such an incredible heinous crime....oh and let's not forget being blacklisted for life to return if he survives, sometime i wonder what other punishment can be added to it, as it doesn't really feels that's enough yet


gee whiz how old are you TIME TRAVELLER? BEVAN BOY,SHOE SHINE BOY you got to be from another planet. we are looking for a organ grinder.



Until Thailand becomes your Utopia, how about setting up a small fund to help this child through school so he doesn't have to be used as slave labor.

I will contribute 1000 baht.

Or are you a armchair Utopianist.

As the say goes, "Improve the world, start with your own."

Me too.

Who else ?


I'm led to wonder just why all these self righteous folk are here, is it just to condemn the Thais and thus divert the spotlight away from similar situations in their own countries? I am of mixed race Thai English or English Thai whichever you may prefer to label me with. When in England in my younger days at school a number of the lads in our small town had part time jobs, delivering newspapers pedaling grocers and butchers bikes around or helping out in a family shop or on the farm etc.

None of them have grown up any the worse for those experiences, I my self worked in the family business at weekends and during school holidays to make money.I learnt the value of money I had earned myself and also the value of my labour which stood me in good stead when in the U.K. and later when reading law and subsequently practicing law. ..

the young boy or man is to be admired for his enterprise, he isn't working in the sex industry , he isn't selling drugs, he isn't a thief, he is proving to be young and responsible citizen who no doubt will certainly prosper as time goes on. ,.

Yes a foundation or a fund set up to benefit him and others in the same situation is an admirable idea, but you know, self respect is a wonderful idea too, this young man has self respect and a social conscience. If you find the young mans actions and also my country so repugnant all I can say is I am very sorry for you and that it seems as if your outlook on life and its realities here and in your home countries is indeed distorted.

All of you with negative comments why are you not at the forefront of a fund raising drive? Oh I forgot it isn't your country and the self perceived social problems and issues you see do not exist in your home countries so being as they are Thai only trait you can only disparage Thailand, its peoples and customs.

Yes we fail in many ways but in the main the family unit prevails and the young and old are not put into institutions and then ignored or forgotten by their family. This young man as I said is a credit to himself and his family, why don't you trendy bleeding heart on a sleeve woolly minded liberals look for the good in the situation as opposed to expecting the state to step in. Look at your posts elsewhere here where you malign that state step in action and howl down in other areas as state interference with freedom.


So he's 13. Good time to start working for a living, but 10 was a bit too early. He'll certainly know the value of money, let's hope he gets to graduate and get a better job later.


More stories like this is what we need, but with out the negative comments by uninformed "Non Thai's"

What we don't need is "farangs" negative comments on how Thai society works and has worked for a long time.

In a perfect world things might be different, but it is NOT a perfect world and it will never be!

Congratulations to this enterprising Thai lad, keep up the good work.

It'll never be perfect with those that are running it now or future...if they're not rooted-out..


Westerners may be shocked at the idea of a child working for a living. However, this doesn’t deter millions of them from buying designer gear churned out in Third World sweatshops by kids even younger than Ball. So let’s not be too hypocritical.

Thailand is a country in transition from a rural to an industrial society, and the authorities take a sensibly pragmatic view of children who skip school. They know many do so to in order help run family businesses - just as was the case in developed countries like Britain and the US not so long ago.

With no social welfare safety net in place here, one can imagine the hardship which would result if child labour and school attendance laws were suddenly enforced to the letter.

I’d be more concerned about Ball and other kids missing out on formal education if the state school system had a better track record. Unfortunately, it churns out some of the dumbest school leavers in South-east Asia, with IQs which have actually shrunk over ten years of rote learning. Small wonder the current Prime Minister is demanding drastic reforms!

Running a roti stall may not inculcate Ball with the twelve “core values” Thai school kids are required to learn. But it will equip him vital practical and interpersonal skills needed to run a business success when he grows up.

Most importantly, he is learning something which cannot be taught in any classroom – survival.

Good luck to him and all the other working kids in LOS. Their entrepreneurial spirit will help ensure their nation will survive and prosper, irrespective of what bunch of adults happens to be running the show.


Whether you like this or not, it is after all child labour, the lad has no choice, at least he is continuing with school!

Many people from the west are espousing how they had part time jobs and it never hurt them.

Well great, so did I, however we had a choice! This lad doesn't. There is no state back up for him so he does what is needed.

Funny many expats moan about the nanny states back home but want to see some of it here.

I agree there should be assistance in these cases, problem is that all the other stuff has to be there too, namely tax, insurance, agencies etc.

One doesn't come without the others!

I just hope he gets time to study and play as he should be at this age.

As to dealing with the situation he is in, I applaud him.


yet another example of the authorities turning a blind eye to child labour.

So would you rather have him starve to death.

The young kid will be rich some day learning to work like that a young age. He will have a good life while all the old liberals living in a bedsit in the UK waiting on their next dole cheque will wish they would have worked harder.

Yeah this kids a star he works hard his paymaster may be exploiting him but if the kid has any sense he will fly the nest one day in search of something better and with that work ethic he will get it. If the story is true anyway and he applies himself whilst at school.


So is this a guy behind a mask trying to extort cash from this lads apparent situation. If you give such a damn go to the city get some pics of you and this lad tell us what you are going to do. Call the press tell them find a responsible adult IE his teacher. To be his guardian/trustee or better still once 20k baht is raised it will go viral. "Farang website steps in" then watch as that 20k turns into a much bigger figure. If you got the pics and info and a reputible means whereby we are 100% giving to this lad then I think even the pensioners could slip a 1000 baht into the coffers.

How else did you think people can contribute to a cause if you are not going to be transparent about the process. Or was this one if those "pm me I'll sort it" jobs.


Tragedy more likely. Where are social services and funding to support the child - Non existent? Child labour is what this is and an international embarrassment.

Do you live in Thailand ? It would have been considered a tragedy in Europe perhaps but in Thailand this is just another day trying to survive with a small income.

Normally the kid would not be alone , he would be a part of the family business, In my local thai place the whole family works , their young 8 year old son served me the rice the other day. This was after school , in the evening, They have a good reputation , the food is good and the whole family is involved. TIT and it would never be acceptable in the western world. Get used to it.


Tragedy more likely. Where are social services and funding to support the child - Non existent? Child labour is what this is and an international embarrassment.

Do you live in Thailand ? It would have been considered a tragedy in Europe perhaps but in Thailand this is just another day trying to survive with a small income.

Normally the kid would not be alone , he would be a part of the family business, In my local thai place the whole family works , their young 8 year old son served me the rice the other day. This was after school , in the evening, They have a good reputation , the food is good and the whole family is involved. TIT and it would never be acceptable in the western world. Get used to it.

You would be surprised what goes on in the Muslim community in the UK... much worse than this story


Anyone heard of Alan Sugar?

He was 12. Nothing wrong in any country with a kid grafting it serves a purpose for their development. The western world just sees it as child labour when every situation is different. I would bet many people here lied about their age to get jobs when you were unable to work due to being under age. Paper rounds, glass collectors in a bar etc.

If your kid likes to spend time with you mowing the lawn and gardening for nothing what's that then?

Social services? Do me a favour the stats in uk don't lie. They do more to push children into crime and drugs than they prevent. If you put 10 kids in a home 1 thing happens hierarchy and that hierarchy them transforms into command which if led by a deluded kid who has no morals no conscience then he is going to lead you astray or at least try and for every 1 that escapes the clutches the other 8 will pay some kind of price for having lived in that environment. The above is fact google lorenzo Simon birmingham he was the deluded one a good good friend of mine was the escapee. Social services lol good one.


Tragedy more likely. Where are social services and funding to support the child - Non existent? Child labour is what this is and an international embarrassment.

Do you live in Thailand ? It would have been considered a tragedy in Europe perhaps but in Thailand this is just another day trying to survive with a small income.

Normally the kid would not be alone , he would be a part of the family business, In my local thai place the whole family works , their young 8 year old son served me the rice the other day. This was after school , in the evening, They have a good reputation , the food is good and the whole family is involved. TIT and it would never be acceptable in the western world. Get used to it.

You would be surprised what goes on in the Muslim community in the UK... much worse than this story

Enlighten us with some links then bubba.

Back up your rhetoric.


Thailand can subscribe to whatever treaties/ conventions/international agreements it chooses, but if the money isn't available to implement the programs, it isn't going to work.

In spite of living in a developed country, I had a tough upbringing, alcoholic parents, violent father, out of school at 14, possibly not as tough as Ball, but I chose to blame no one but myself if I wasn't a success, so I was..

Good luck Ball.


Would you like to contribute? Talk is cheap - and sometimes dumb.


Until Thailand becomes your Utopia, how about setting up a small fund to help this child through school so he doesn't have to be used as slave labor.

I will contribute 1000 baht.

Or are you a armchair Utopianist.

As the say goes, "Improve the world, start with your own."

Really? What saying is that? and where does it say that when you see something wrong like abuse of children you should do/say nothing?


As happens so often on TV, some posters choose to focus on the messenger rather than the message!

I was taking a ‘macro’ view of what is really a world problem and, as a humanist, trying to draw attention to what should be a universality of concern and compassion, not limited to Western culture.

As far as the ‘micro’ view of this particular young man is concerned, of course he is to be praised for his efforts and of course it is better he sells roti than the alternatives facing him in the reality of his world. It’s great if people contribute to a fund for him and that will certainly help him. But it won’t help all the others like him and it is only ‘papering over the cracks’.

That he should be forced by circumstances to do what he has to do is a condemnation, not only of the failures and misguided priorities of this and previous governments, but of all governments everywhere, who by their apathy or expediency, be it economic or political, allow such conditions to continue to exist.

It is only by pointing out the reality of HIS situation that we can draw similar attention to the much wider problem of the millions like him whose stories remain untold. Or do we just stand by and look, saying “well done!”, without commenting on the wider picture?

The problem with our world is that there are too many humans and not enough humanity. Is it really being ‘Utopian’ to expect more of mankind (though certainly NOT Utopian perfection!) and to demand greater humanity? It is very sad for all of us, and ultimately catastrophic for the world, if the answer to that is yes.

If all we can say is “nothing will ever change” it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and nothing will ever change. If I could quote Plato, “Your silence gives consent.”!


US government need to hire him as a consultant...showing all the freeloaders how to fend for themselves...there are now 13 states that have more people receiving government assistance than those that are working...

One of the best ways to control a population...is to make them dependent upon the government...AKA government "entitlements" and the ponzi scheme Obamacare...

The downside...the government will eventually go broke (actually broke already)...the system of welfare will fail...and all hell will break loose...hit-the-fan.gif


Well done kid. You got more get up and go, ethics and intelligence than 90% of TV contributors. You get on with what life dealt you instead of hanging out of a bottle of chang and criticising everything. If I am up Sakhom Nakhon I will look him up and check out the roti. Be a very sizeable tip too.


Tragic more like,the lad should be out playing with friends and chasing after girls at his age.

People should be ashamed that his innocents is being robbed while all the time the Bangkok mob get richer.

It's no more than child exploitation and shouldn't be allowed in this day and age,laws should be in place to stop this exact problem.

As always rather than deal with the problem it gets turned into a good luck story.

Utter nonsense,how many Thai visa members would like to see their children slogging their guts out making rotis after school,I for one wouldn't.

Address the problem accordingly,reform the laws to stop this and many other children being exploited at the cost of the mega rich few,subsidies this misery with a cash payment for children in this very situation,it's shameful.

Your western way of thinking does not work in Thailand. Cash payments LOL you are totally out of touch with reality Asia does not run like your western socialist mentality.

it seems there's really two issues.

The young man should be applauded for his initiative and managing his circumstances as best he can. Hopefully he will gain from the experience, but it's just as likely to wear him down and rob him of the chance to be a child.

The second issue is that such a heavy load shouldn't be placed on someone that young. It's hardly only western thinking or socialist mentality that there should be a collective concern for the welfare of children. Actually in most western countries, the USA high on the list, there are a tragic number of children who are homeless and fending for themselves.

Your comments about Thailand and Asia are just cynical nonsense and do not demonstrate some great grasp of all things Thai or Asian.


yet another example of the authorities turning a blind eye to child labour.

So would you rather have him starve to death.

The young kid will be rich some day learning to work like that a young age. He will have a good life while all the old liberals living in a bedsit in the UK waiting on their next dole cheque will wish they would have worked harder.

Nobody starves to death n Thailand, this is child abuse


yet another example of the authorities turning a blind eye to child labour.

So would you rather have him starve to death.

The young kid will be rich some day learning to work like that a young age. He will have a good life while all the old liberals living in a bedsit in the UK waiting on their next dole cheque will wish they would have worked harder.

I don't follow your logic......If the authorities didn't turn a blind eye, he would be looked after and educated.....and realise maybe in later life that success and money aren't the same.......


sorry norvid its the other way round in thailand.

Kids need to understand that they don't grow on trees, or just come from parents pocket.

Many of my grade three students know that they didn't grow on a tree. A new way of cloning by coming out of a pocket? meatboy, please translate that for me.

P.S. How's your "mate.?" thumbsup.gif


Well done kid. You got more get up and go, ethics and intelligence than 90% of TV contributors. You get on with what life dealt you instead of hanging out of a bottle of chang and criticising everything. If I am up Sakhom Nakhon I will look him up and check out the roti. Be a very sizeable tip too.

And you belong to the 10 %, right? What a kind guy you are. Using if and when can be very difficult for some guys.

If I win the lottery, I'll buy him a Mercedes Rotri vehicle. And a sizable tip.

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