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I spend so little money in Thailand that it's hard to open my wallet

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As long as the Cheap Charlie syndrome does not impact others, I guess it is fine, if it works for you. I have been out with friends, who have counted every baht on the bill, then began an adamant argument over 10 baht. That kind of behavior is simply ugly, and extremely unpleasant for everyone around. This guy looked like he was going to burst a blood vessel over 10 baht. And we know for a fact he is a property owner on Maui. He has cash! We had all just enjoyed a lovely couple of hours together, then this miserable saboteur ruins it with his antics. I told him straight up, this was the last time he was ever going to be invited to join our group, and that was also the last time I was ever going to have any contact with him. He was not a good friend. Just an acquaintance. And he was certainly not going to become a friend, after pulling an ugly stunt like that. Some call it cheap charlie. I call it poverty consciousness. If you just do not have any money, and need to do this to survive, my heart goes out to you. Otherwise, it is a bit tiresome for those around you.

So, it just depends on how seriously you take it. I know guys who are quite thrifty, but when it comes to sharing a meal, they are quite reasonable. Don't blow an artery over this. Just do your best. Life is short. You have to have some enjoyment, sometimes.

Yes sir....that is the type of cheap Charlie I think of when the word is used or people ask what that phrase means.

Worse than counting the bill and turning all chintzy over 10 Baht are the guys that never pay for the meal rather let someone else pay for the meal while they never even make an effort to at least make like they will pay for the bill.

I think we have all been there when 3 or 4 or 5 people are invited to go eat together and when the bill comes you begin to pull out your money and at least pay for your share but one of the guys ( maybe he is the well off guy ) insists that he pays ( his treat , so to speak ) while you say: "Well, let me pay for some of it or my share"... while the other guys say nothing and make no attempt at all to contribute and let the one guy pay for it all while you at least volunteer to leave a generous tip for the waiters...like that.

Same thing at the bars...they never buy a round or volunteer to pay for the drinks or just whip out 500 baht and say: "I think that covers my drinks".....Never....Only when it is made clear that everyone pays separately and then they scrutinize the bill and if there is any discrepancy or doubt about the cost of their drink and how many they drank then they will make a big fuss about it and even state: "I am not paying for your drink".....which is like 3 or 4 or 5 dollars.... if that is the case.

Just small minded Cheap Charlie thinking if ever there was

Then you notice that some guys never pay or share for anything when someone else does and even say they did not bring their wallet when it is suggested everyone pay their own way.

My one friends father in law was like that and every time they stayed in a hotel the guy would take all the soap and shampoo and ash trays and never shared the costs of meals and basically never pulled out his wallet and never shared the costs of anything or ever volunteered to pay for anything. and even said he did not bring his wallet with him on numerous occasions

My friend does not like the father in law...obviously...while even his wife laughs and tells stories about just how Cheap Charlie the father always was and is and always will be ...at the expense of other people..... is the point.

I have seen it and never sad anything but I noticed 2 people in particular were always pulling the Cheap Charlie at other peoples expense...such as shared taxi cab rides they would never volunteer to pay or contribute and will not pay unless you said to them: Give me 50 baht each for your share and watch their faces turn sour.

One time when sitting at a table with one of them around the bar area, I had one drink and then I had to be on my way and forgot to pay for my drink as I was talking with the other guy about something and finally said ..OK ..have to go.

2 days later when back at the same bar the waitress tells me how I did not pay for my drink while the friend refused to pay for my drink...all of 80 baht..... and argued with the girl on the principle that it was not his drink so why should he pay for it.

That is a cheap Charlie and a JERK if ever their was one while he was bound to see me again and could have told me I forgot to pay for my drink and tell me he paid for it and I would have given him the 80 baht without hesitation.

When I did see him again I brought up this subject and told him : You are a Jerk, really, and a Cheap Charlie on top of it while informing the dick head that the girl would have to pay for the shortage of 80 baht on her own and that is the reason she was so relieved to see me and get back the 80 baht difference.

Of course he did not care...and just laughed thinking it was so humorous while I called him an Axx hole

Anyhow, after that I never went out with them again or when someone invited us to go out for a meal and drinks after and either one of them were included in the invite I would decline and go off on my own.


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Yes sir....that is the type of cheap Charlie I think of when the word is used or people ask what that phrase means.

Worse than counting the bill and turning all chintzy over 10 Baht are the guys that never pay for the meal rather let someone else pay for the meal while they never even make an effort to at least make like they will pay for the bill.

yeah, but there is a distinction between being a frugal dougal and poncing off other people. In point of fact there is, of course, a huge group of people who "spend it like they've got it" and are all "hail fellow, well met", but it isn't generosity it's just incontinence. They're forced to be continually dishonest because they run through their money and can't stop spending. Samuel Smiles described this perfectly in "Self Help" 150 years ago. Worth reading.

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some of you make me laugh with your poor lifestyle.

I give you an example : you need hot shower because the ac is too cold.

why not get rid of your ac? no need of hot shower anymore and you save 6000 bahts a month that could be spend for proper food than your expensive American junk food.

once you start saving, you will realize it s like domino . you start to save everywhere and your lifestyle become better and better. works like magic.

another example :if you get rid of your junk, you don't need place to rent resulting more money saved for a better life because what count at the end? you or your junk?

Hey you could be saving money on air conditioning, clothes, laundry soap, just like this guy

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I really believe returnofthailand is sincere in what he says. He is showing a totally different perspective of how to live but I feel he is honest and not trolling.

I lived on Vancouver Island for 20 years and there were many people like him living in the Islands in the area.They study how to live cheap and healthy outside the norm.They are not bored or boring. They are well versed in nutrition,self sufficiency,and health issues. these types stay busy maintaining themselves. Busy with gardens,cleaning and cooking their healthy meals etc. Their day is spent supplying their needs. It fills their day and keeps them healthy but also places them well outside the box.

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As long as the Cheap Charlie syndrome does not impact others, I guess it is fine, if it works for you. I have been out with friends, who have counted every baht on the bill, then began an adamant argument over 10 baht. That kind of behavior is simply ugly, and extremely unpleasant for everyone around. This guy looked like he was going to burst a blood vessel over 10 baht. And we know for a fact he is a property owner on Maui. He has cash! We had all just enjoyed a lovely couple of hours together, then this miserable saboteur ruins it with his antics. I told him straight up, this was the last time he was ever going to be invited to join our group, and that was also the last time I was ever going to have any contact with him. He was not a good friend. Just an acquaintance. And he was certainly not going to become a friend, after pulling an ugly stunt like that. Some call it cheap charlie. I call it poverty consciousness. If you just do not have any money, and need to do this to survive, my heart goes out to you. Otherwise, it is a bit tiresome for those around you.

So, it just depends on how seriously you take it. I know guys who are quite thrifty, but when it comes to sharing a meal, they are quite reasonable. Don't blow an artery over this. Just do your best. Life is short. You have to have some enjoyment, sometimes.

Yes sir....that is the type of cheap Charlie I think of when the word is used or people ask what that phrase means.

Worse than counting the bill and turning all chintzy over 10 Baht are the guys that never pay for the meal rather let someone else pay for the meal while they never even make an effort to at least make like they will pay for the bill.

I think we have all been there when 3 or 4 or 5 people are invited to go eat together and when the bill comes you begin to pull out your money and at least pay for your share but one of the guys ( maybe he is the well off guy ) insists that he pays ( his treat , so to speak ) while you say: "Well, let me pay for some of it or my share"... while the other guys say nothing and make no attempt at all to contribute and let the one guy pay for it all while you at least volunteer to leave a generous tip for the waiters...like that.

Same thing at the bars...they never buy a round or volunteer to pay for the drinks or just whip out 500 baht and say: "I think that covers my drinks".....Never....Only when it is made clear that everyone pays separately and then they scrutinize the bill and if there is any discrepancy or doubt about the cost of their drink and how many they drank then they will make a big fuss about it and even state: "I am not paying for your drink".....which is like 3 or 4 or 5 dollars.... if that is the case.

Just small minded Cheap Charlie thinking if ever there was

Then you notice that some guys never pay or share for anything when someone else does and even say they did not bring their wallet when it is suggested everyone pay their own way.

My one friends father in law was like that and every time they stayed in a hotel the guy would take all the soap and shampoo and ash trays and never shared the costs of meals and basically never pulled out his wallet and never shared the costs of anything or ever volunteered to pay for anything. and even said he did not bring his wallet with him on numerous occasions

My friend does not like the father in law...obviously...while even his wife laughs and tells stories about just how Cheap Charlie the father always was and is and always will be ...at the expense of other people..... is the point.

I have seen it and never sad anything but I noticed 2 people in particular were always pulling the Cheap Charlie at other peoples expense...such as shared taxi cab rides they would never volunteer to pay or contribute and will not pay unless you said to them: Give me 50 baht each for your share and watch their faces turn sour.

One time when sitting at a table with one of them around the bar area, I had one drink and then I had to be on my way and forgot to pay for my drink as I was talking with the other guy about something and finally said ..OK ..have to go.

2 days later when back at the same bar the waitress tells me how I did not pay for my drink while the friend refused to pay for my drink...all of 80 baht..... and argued with the girl on the principle that it was not his drink so why should he pay for it.

That is a cheap Charlie and a JERK if ever their was one while he was bound to see me again and could have told me I forgot to pay for my drink and tell me he paid for it and I would have given him the 80 baht without hesitation.

When I did see him again I brought up this subject and told him : You are a Jerk, really, and a Cheap Charlie on top of it while informing the dick head that the girl would have to pay for the shortage of 80 baht on her own and that is the reason she was so relieved to see me and get back the 80 baht difference.

Of course he did not care...and just laughed thinking it was so humorous while I called him an Axx hole

Anyhow, after that I never went out with them again or when someone invited us to go out for a meal and drinks after and either one of them were included in the invite I would decline and go off on my own.


I think you will never find a guy like the OP in a bar or restaurant.He is outside the box.

All your examples of cheap charlies are just that examples of cheap charlies. the OP is more of a fanatic. His type are obssesed with beating the system by learning how to live healthy ,not how to attain things cheap. In their persuit they slowly move away from the norm.Mainly because in reality most people do not know or care to take responsibilty for their own health and well being.Drink,smoke,and eat shiit.

Guys like the OP find to stay healthy and happy it takes little and find happiness in maintaining that and ask for no more.So he is right but he is also out of the loop as far as social and acceptance, by peers because most people are threatened by some one who is healthy and happy with out all the bells and whistles others need to fullfill their wants.

Just because some one has read his postings does not mean they understand his postings.

Edited by lovelomsak
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I really believe returnofthailand is sincere in what he says. He is showing a totally different perspective of how to live but I feel he is honest and not trolling.

I lived on Vancouver Island for 20 years and there were many people like him living in the Islands in the area.They study how to live cheap and healthy outside the norm.They are not bored or boring. They are well versed in nutrition,self sufficiency,and health issues. these types stay busy maintaining themselves. Busy with gardens,cleaning and cooking their healthy meals etc. Their day is spent supplying their needs. It fills their day and keeps them healthy but also places them well outside the box.

Whether he means to do it or not shouldn't be an issue. He is an annoying piece of work and even if he is socially awkward that his posts are unintentionally offensive he should be quelled for the good of man kind.

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I really believe returnofthailand is sincere in what he says. He is showing a totally different perspective of how to live but I feel he is honest and not trolling.

I lived on Vancouver Island for 20 years and there were many people like him living in the Islands in the area.They study how to live cheap and healthy outside the norm.They are not bored or boring. They are well versed in nutrition,self sufficiency,and health issues. these types stay busy maintaining themselves. Busy with gardens,cleaning and cooking their healthy meals etc. Their day is spent supplying their needs. It fills their day and keeps them healthy but also places them well outside the box.

Whether he means to do it or not shouldn't be an issue. He is an annoying piece of work and even if he is socially awkward that his posts are unintentionally offensive he should be quelled for the good of man kind.

i agree with "annoying" but disagree with "unintentionally". he is definitely trying to insult but does not succeed because anybody with an IQ above 82 should be able to recognise his ridiculous claims and/or suggestions.

but i have to admit that several times i had to laugh out loudly reading his rubbish laugh.png

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seriously, a man doesn't need more than just feeding himself, having a shower or 2 a day and 8 hours sleep.

I have never understand how is it possible to spend more than 8000 bahts a month. we are no much different from animal.

look at your dog, once he is fed, he go sleep . why would it be different with you .?does your dog need a elite visa card too ?

Why do you need a shower, clothes? live in the forest.
why are you on the forum.
your dog need enternet?
and do not wipe or wash ass. stinks like an animal.
8000 is very much to your explanations of the meaning of life.
Must be 0 and find a host that will feed you
I have a suspicion that the arms and legs, you do not imagine a lot of food gather (fishing / hunting)
you like your life and you not have many needs and your needs not costly.
but no need say it NORMAl.
someone needed food for the mind and nervous system. not only for the stomach.
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Never understood how people spend so much money here...

Just get arrested and you get food and accommodation for free.

Do you though? One bag rice, one bag fish head curry - 800 kcals if you're lucky. It wouldn't get me to elevenses. The thought horrifies me.

Can go another coutryrolleyes.gif

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Happier? Because one sits in a hot room poaching internet from a Cafe, eating Bush tucker, likely dressed in rags. At the end of the month no different, just a few more digits showing on the Bank Account?

I have much respect for those who live simply (rejecting materialism) though they can afford otherwise. I can only think of two who are NOT also clearly mentally disturbed or do things related to their obsession with money that are clearly against their own best interests. Some grew up poor and have some issues with money, or they suffered abusive parents.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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in 50 years I have met very rich guys... millionaires. and I still meet some sometimes.

none of them told me "I'm happy"

instead they all complain about how much they pay tax, or how much they need to pay to maintain their backyard or how expensive it is to pay Council tax for their million dollars house and bla bla....

I have no much, and I am HAPPY !

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Shall we start another thread about how much money we spend in Thailand?

I have real difficulties, ... I spend so much that it's really hard for me to close my wallet.

(If it's ok for one to brag about how little he spends, it is certainly ok for another one to brag about how much he spends, right?).

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Shall we start another thread about how much money we spend in Thailand?

I have real difficulties, ... I spend so much that it's really hard for me to close my wallet.

(If it's ok for one to brag about how little he spends, it is certainly ok for another one to brag about how much he spends, right?).

i spend so much that it makes no sense to close my wallet wink.png

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I do not know if the guy is trolling or not, but I can kinda see where he's coming from.

I have been on relatively low income since moving here 3 years ago and during this time have still managed to save $50,000. The longer I stay in Thailand the less I need, for some reason. Yesterday I was so bored I decided to buy PS4 and when I turned it on I wondered why I made such purchase. This stuff does not give me any pleasure anymore and so do million other things. When I stay in a nice hotel I can't eat nice food because of reflux. When I get a room with an executive lounge I never use it anymore. Same story with a buffet spread. I could buy a nice car, but I know I would hate driving it in Bangkok. Another waste of money.

The only expense that gives me some benefit (but not pleasure because I hate working out) is a monthly gym membership.... 1000 baht + vat. What else can I spend my money on here? Nothing. Bore.

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Shall we start another thread about how much money we spend in Thailand?

I have real difficulties, ... I spend so much that it's really hard for me to close my wallet.

(If it's ok for one to brag about how little he spends, it is certainly ok for another one to brag about how much he spends, right?).

i spend so much that it makes no sense to close my wallet wink.png

You must be better than me at spending.

My wallet is still too fat... can't close it... even when on a spending spree. I should find ways to spend even faster :)

(Who is starting a new thread about our spendings? I promise to keep the thread alive for a long time) :)

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Or... Large bags?

But you need staff to carry them then... That may intrude a bit on your privacy ;)


I rather like the idea of mountains of gold stowed at home, as opposed to a nearly empty account at the local branch of a bank.

The best would be, of course, to not even open the bag(s) to check the amount inside. Just to be on the same line as those who don't open their wallet :)

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yesterday i told my wife "no more airconditioning, no more hot showers, no pool, no maid, no cook, no gardener, no driver/handyman! let's live on 7k Baht per head and experience true happiness."

she replied "<deleted> <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> <deleted>"

then i kept quiet and sipped my Port unsure.png

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yesterday i told my wife "no more airconditioning, no more hot showers, no pool, no maid, no cook, no gardener, no driver/handyman! let's live on 7k Baht per head and experience true happiness."

she replied "<deleted> <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> <deleted>"

then i kept quiet and sipped my Port unsure.png

Now I am starting to be truly jealous of your (new) lifestyle.

Let me try to do the same!!!

After I succeed in emptying my wallet...

Be patient :)

(Where was the port imported from, by the way).

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Gosh !!!

I never thought about that.

I bought mine in London last time :(

Could have saved tons of money...

But it was so expensive, I could not resist (cool bottle too, by the way).

Next time I will quickly fly to Lisbon to buy one :)

Was at the Ritz years ago. Still as good?

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