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School In Thailand


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Hey - my wife is going back to finish her high school degree - and right now she is taking one class a week, and has 2-3 terms left to finish. She's quite a bright girl, and my and our son are waiting in the US for her to finish before she comes over to the US.

My question - is there either some sort of Thai GED test or a fast track so she can finish her last year faster? (she's 24)


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I think such a thing exists...in my village some of the men who never finished school took a quick program to finish up and get their diplomas. Seems like it took a couple three months......but I don't think that the idea was to learn much....mostly just to get the diploma so that they would be qualified for certain jobs.....I would go ask at a school about this.

Also, if she took 3 or 4 classes per week she would probably finish sooner....in Thailand there is usually no possibility of failure so if the idea is to finish up and you are not worried about what is learned then this might be an option.

Also, have you considered having her finish her schooling in the US? It might not only get her a credential that would be more recongnised in the US but it would make her somewhat of a star back in Thailand....and it would give her some useful English lessons and practice to help her transition (if she might benefit from this type of help).


Edited by chownah
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Well, the idea is that she finishes high school in Thailand - she is almost done - and then going to University in the States. Going though high school in the US isn't much of an option - she's too old for high schools here so would have to get her GED anyway - and having a high school diploma - even from a foreign country - would her her get work and, of course, into University here. Thats the thinking. When she finishes Uni she can go back to Thailand and get some nice jobs with her educatio and experience (plus her intelligence and work ethic - which has had her promoted above older co-workers in Thailand before) Incidentally, she dropped out when she saw some of her co-workers had Uni degrees and were getting the same pay as her...)

Any advice, input, or eprsonal expeirience would be appreciated.


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