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Vietnamese Couple Makes Fake OJ. Couple’s Photos Posted Online. Couple Arrested.


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Some unlucky smucks on this forum always getting ripped off by ' Johnny Thai'. I drink the various juices all the time. The pure juices on the street are the same as the pure juices in large supermarkets . Pressed daily and sold in small plastic bottles with a plastic ring pull top. Being ripped of in your imagination is a form of Karma dishonest people suffer from.

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Thai street food like Hanoi street food is well thought off throughout the world. Some is highly regarded by gourmets and foodies around the world. Anything you can see being prepared in front of you with people queuing for it is usually OK. What goes on in the kitchens of 5 star hotel and restaurants behind closed doors is another matter. I've been travelling around Asia since 73 and always eating local. Very few problems and usually from hotels and a well burger chain-not street food. There is a book of ' 50 Gourmet Bangkok food stalls' and in Hanoi they do street food tours. But hey if it makes you happy stick with your Coke n Fries and football! You can close your eyes and pretend your not here or dream of being constantly ripped off to give you something to whinge about!

Edited by The manic
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They should be checking the people who sell honey in whiskey bottles. Many more of them around than what they caught in this scam. Of course the honey merchants are mostly Thai, so they are overlooked. I expect to be served what is given me no matter what I ordered and if I order the same dish from the same vendor, and same cook I am not real surprised when it has a different taste about 2 out maybe 5 orders. Many of the vendors here, foreign and Thai just can not seem to accept honesty is the best policy

No problem with honey - it's very good. For you guys being ripped off is a state of mind. It makes me laugh.you wanna know about ripp offs and scams go to Kashmir or Morocco or Afghanistan. Thais are generally honest.
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Doi Kham Royal Project fruit juice is pretty good stuff. Their mango juice is about the best around. IMO. Which is why you don't see it around all the time as it seems to race off the shelves fairly quickly.

Tipco Fresh Valencia OJ is also another I find to be quite good.

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Local fresh cocos juice seller adds tons of refined sugar (which he hides from his customers) and claims it's 100% natural. """""Waan Maak Maak !"""""

When i told him I only want the fruit cut open and not the sugar-juice he keeps in his bowl (and no ice either) he told me he didn't understand why farang always "complicate" things. 555... When i told him ''''ADDING sugar to natural pretty sweet cocosmilk is the peak of complication'''' his brain slam tilted.................. cheesy.gif

Coconutmilk from the supermarket (in the fridge) tastes much better than from the market and is even cheaper.

On our market they sell cocomilk with or without water. But even the one without water tastes watery.

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