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Protests turn violent outside Trump rally in New Mexico


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It's rich that the vile monster calls the protesters hate groups.

In reality, hate groups are part of the core of the vile monster's support base.

KKK, David Duke, American Nazis, various white supremacist organizations, etc.

They know an American fascist movement when they see one, and they're on board the vile monster train.

No, I don't support violent tactics from any side, and I don't really see that violent tactics used against the vile monster fascist movement is a good way to resist. The best way will be to hold your noses if you have to, and vote for Hillary Clinton. A normal politician vs. a dangerous nutcase.

A normal politician

ie a lying, seat warming, pork voting, trough feeding, bought and sold loser. You really want to vote for that?

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I don't condone violent protests.

Ironic though, that Trump is always feeding the anger of his supporters. If anyone asks, he'll say, "THEY'RE ANGRY" ....as if that's a good thing. And for Trump, that is good, because Trump can channel that anger (towards Wash DC, towards foreigners, towards dark skinned people, towards women, towards Mexicans, on and on) ....to his advantage. Mussolini did much the same, and it worked great from him also, until the bottom fell out at the end of the WWII.

So, there's Trump on the pedestal, fanning the flames of his fans' anger, and then along comes anger of a different sort. Anger by others who detest the idea of a person like Trump being prez.

It's quite a juggling act. On the one hand he's fanning the flames of anger, yet on the other hand he's getting a type of anger he doesn't want directed at him. It's like building a large burn pile in your backyard. You want the dead brush to burn, but you don't want the fire to spread to the neighbors' houses. Son Nom Na, Mr. Divider. You reap what you sow.

I'm sure Trump is actually happy to have rioters outside his rallies, as it only serves to make him more popular among people that are appalled by such behaviour.

Those rioters don't realise they are only bringing more voters to Trump's side.

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Trump bein' trump!

Face it folks, the temperament of the vile monster is totally wrong for president.

Will American voters do the sensible thing and reject this fascist horror show? Stay tuned.

The Daily 202: Trump’s attacks on the GOP’s most prominent Latina, Susana Martinez, should alarm Republicans

As Trump snipes at fellow Republicans, he continues to galvanize the left. Albuquerque police donned riot gear to disband a group of protesters who became violent. Rocks and bottles were thrown at officers. Several were injured in the fracas, and at least one rioter was arrested, per Kayla Epstein and Katie Mettler. While many progressives may not be enthused about Clinton at the top of the ticket, the scene outside offered another reminder of how much Trump gins up the Democratic grass roots.


Edited by Jingthing
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CNN reported gun shots directed towards the convention center from the mob outside. These Hillary Clinton/Bernie Sanders supporting rioters went to attack people at another political party's rally. They waved and wore Mexican flags, threw rocks, grunted out their usual anti-American slogans and chants and proved once again how they are a direct threat to American democracy. These are your fascists, your street goons, your violence prone hate hustlers. And a good portion of them, as indicated in the last paragraph of the OP, are illegals. In essence, they are invaders or people who are aiding and abetting invaders. Only the election of Trump can save America and deport the illegals in these type mobs who are loyal to another country and another flag.

Yeap. Democrats once again demonstrating their version of free speech and the political process.

Fashion Tip: Brown shirts & swastika arm bands are the appropriate dress on these occasions.

My neighbor defended dems to me by pointing out that you can't judge all of them by the actions of a very few. Hmmmm. Now where have we regularly heard that before? 'Guess we probably have some beheadings to look forward to at future Trump rallies, eh?

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I think the biggest problems in the US have been brought about by the "normal politicians" that have been tolerated and reelected by

the voters. The country needs leadership from people who have had to get out and work to support themselves and a family. They know how to budget and live within their means. They lived thru good and bad times and made adjustments when needed. What is needed is the good old ''salt of the earth type'' taking charge and get people working to make positive changes that need to be made

to bring America back into harmoney between its population living within its borders and the rest of the world living outside its borders. When you see indviduals with these qualities running for public office and they tell you how they intend doing what needs doing, then we can make a intelligent choice.

Get rid of those who have lived predominately on taxpayer money, doing little, accomplishing less while being paid and given benifets far greater than they are entitled to.

Spot on. In response to your last statement:

Illegal immigrants in fact absorb far more in benefits than they contribute. The Heritage Foundation in 2013 found that illegals contribute an average of $10,000 in total taxes (federal and payroll as well as local taxes) but use almost $24,000 in welfare and services, creating a net $14,000 per capita gain per illegal worker.


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Get rid of those who have lived predominately on taxpayer money, doing little, accomplishing less while being paid and given benifets far greater than they are entitled to.

How about getting not voting for the player(s) who have lived off their daddy's money plus large loans from banks, which they may or may not pay back?

As for those who get paid by taxpayer money ......I think we agree largely on that. Roughly 82% of taxpayer money is mis-spent, and a lot of that is on salaries of people who either do little, or do wrong. We can start with the War on Drugs. And then go to the bail-outs for too-big-to-fail corporations. Then to military spending, at least half of which is wasted. The amount of wasted taxpayer money in the US is phenomenal. It's a bottomless pit.

How about not voting for the player/s who have lived off the taxpayers?

The Democrats have two of them running in this election and you're reserving all your anger for the only candidate of the three that has ever held down a real job.

If you call elected politicians "people who live off of taxpayers" ok, in a sense that's on the mark. Yet is what you're saying is;; all politicians should be gotten rid of? Trump is running to be top politician. You don't want a president?

Without politicians running a country, what have you got? Royalty, like Saudi Arabia. Or one family, like N.Korea, or non-elected military like Thailand.

Even those mentioned are paid by government coffers. Are you saying we should have government run by independently wealthy people who get no monetary reward? Maybe you'd like someone like Pol Pot being in charge. Either way, it makes it clearer why you like the idea of Trump as top banana. BTW, if he wins, he will draw his salary as will all his staff, cabinet, S.Court justices, Republican Party do-nothings in congress, and the plethora of gov't paid do-nothings everywhere. Are you suggesting Trump should fire everyone getting taxpayer money, to show he's not beholden to government? Would you like the tel# of a psychiatrist, ....or perhaps a witch doctor?

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I don't condone violent protests.

Ironic though, that Trump is always feeding the anger of his supporters. If anyone asks, he'll say, "THEY'RE ANGRY" ....as if that's a good thing. And for Trump, that is good, because Trump can channel that anger (towards Wash DC, towards foreigners, towards dark skinned people, towards women, towards Mexicans, on and on) ....to his advantage. Mussolini did much the same, and it worked great from him also, until the bottom fell out at the end of the WWII.

So, there's Trump on the pedestal, fanning the flames of his fans' anger, and then along comes anger of a different sort. Anger by others who detest the idea of a person like Trump being prez.

It's quite a juggling act. On the one hand he's fanning the flames of anger, yet on the other hand he's getting a type of anger he doesn't want directed at him. It's like building a large burn pile in your backyard. You want the dead brush to burn, but you don't want the fire to spread to the neighbors' houses. Son Nom Na, Mr. Divider. You reap what you sow.

I'm sure Trump is actually happy to have rioters outside his rallies, as it only serves to make him more popular among people that are appalled by such behaviour.

Those rioters don't realise they are only bringing more voters to Trump's side.

Excellent Point.

Democrats have show actually no common sense whatsoever. They blindly run amok in the streets...forgetting that they are in plain public view. I am horrified by the Democrats vile, criminal, thuggery in the streets.

Trump is doing his campaign correctly and legally. Democrats are breaking the law. Hillary broke the law.

Only a fool would not see this.

There are some that "are so blind that they cannot see".

Your own worst enemy...Democrats. Breaking rules...Breaking laws.......sore losers.

Yes..they make it easy for Trump. Thanks

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A normal politician

ie a lying, seat warming, pork voting, trough feeding, bought and sold loser. You really want to vote for that?

You described Trump. Which one of those things, other than a seat warmer, is Trump?

He just hired a Goldman Sachs exec to run his fund-raising - hoping to get over a billion $$s. That's contradicting at least two of his prior ironclad no-no's. In other words, Trump is doing several things he chastised his opponents for doing just weeks ago. And that's with 5 1/2 months left to the election. How many more 180's will Trump take? Of course, his core sheeple fan base won't waver. Each time Trump contradicts himself, he can preface it with, "Well, folks. I love you all and I know you love me, so I just had to make a slight adjustment. You understand, don't you? (wild cheers). I'm a great businessman, a great deal-maker, I'm very rich, I know a lot of words, everybody likes me, .....so I make some adjustments along the way. Anybody got a problem with that? Ha ha ha. Buy my steaks and vodka, ha ha ha."

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Very funny to watch Trump and his supporters incite violence and racism and ignorance then act the victim when it all turns to xxxx.

The regressive left mindset - Anti Trump protesters turn violent (many times during this campaign) and Trump gets blamed. Seems free speech is only for those who agree with the 'liberals'.

I don't like Trump, but some of the mental gymnastics by some people is simply astonishing.

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Very funny to watch Trump and his supporters incite violence and racism and ignorance then act the victim when it all turns to xxxx.

The regressive left mindset - Anti Trump protesters turn violent (many times during this campaign) and Trump gets blamed. Seems free speech is only for those who agree with the 'liberals'.

I don't like Trump, but some of the mental gymnastics by some people is simply astonishing.

Democrats have been brainwashed and misled by eight years of Obama and crooked hillary.

Lemmings...led by their noses. No original thought or plan...only violence and foolish behavior.

What gives them the right to throw rocks at our Police..and jump up and down on police cars?

No Republicans are doing this..as much as we despise Hillary..we do not stoop to their level.

You would think Hillary had enough problems...with today's breaking news on her being chastised by the State Department (wrongfully releasing classified information, through negligence, to foreign governments). A "Jane Fonda" syndrome? Hillarious Hillary and her Crooked doings are now ripe for a Solid Court case. Add to this, the picture of Riotous, ignorant supporters...and she looks the fool.

Her days in office...and her Presidential Dreams of sharing a desk with Bill (who knows how many other women will be there under it?) are finished.

Even Bill Chose Other Women.

Thanks Democrats.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Very funny to watch Trump and his supporters incite violence and racism and ignorance then act the victim when it all turns to xxxx.

The regressive left mindset - Anti Trump protesters turn violent (many times during this campaign) and Trump gets blamed. Seems free speech is only for those who agree with the 'liberals'.

I don't like Trump, but some of the mental gymnastics by some people is simply astonishing.

Democrats have been brainwashed and misled by eight years of Obama and crooked hillary.

Lemmings...led by their noses. No original thought or plan...only violence and foolish behavior.

Walk up to a random guy on the street and pick a fight with him. Get back to me on how it all turned out. Actually don't, I have reached my quota of Trump supporters whining. Trump wants to threaten people, incite violence, demean Mexicans and women and Muslims with his big fat mouth don't get all whiny when people push back and tell him 'how it is'.

Man Republican Right Wingers cause the problem and then play the 'oh poor me victim'. Like 2 year olds.

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Very funny to watch Trump and his supporters incite violence and racism and ignorance then act the victim when it all turns to xxxx.

The regressive left mindset - Anti Trump protesters turn violent (many times during this campaign) and Trump gets blamed. Seems free speech is only for those who agree with the 'liberals'.

I don't like Trump, but some of the mental gymnastics by some people is simply astonishing.

Democrats have been brainwashed and misled by eight years of Obama and crooked hillary.

Lemmings...led by their noses. No original thought or plan...only violence and foolish behavior.

Walk up to a random guy on the street and pick a fight with him. Get back to me on how it all turned out. Actually don't, I have reached my quota of Trump supporters whining. Trump wants to threaten people, incite violence, demean Mexicans and women and Muslims with his big fat mouth don't get all whiny when people push back and tell him 'how it is'.

Man Republican Right Wingers cause the problem and then play the 'oh poor me victim'. Like 2 year olds.

These whigning, unlawful Democrats (hooligans/thugs..whatever) you speak of...do not have the intelligence to convey their "alleged" allegations. As a Trump Supporter, I get bashed daily..but do I jump up and down on police cars and throw rocks.

They are ignorant cowards....unable to use our Political System correctly and without violence.

Why? Just look at them...the crowd.

Poorly dressed, ignorant rabbles of street gangs. Not a thought between them. Just pick up a rock and throw it.

Not much better than monkeys. And probably paid to do it.

Edited by slipperylobster
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It's rich that the vile monster calls the protesters hate groups.

In reality, hate groups are part of the core of the vile monster's support base.

KKK, David Duke, American Nazis, various white supremacist organizations, etc.

They know an American fascist movement when they see one, and they're on board the vile monster train.

No, I don't support violent tactics from any side, and I don't really see that violent tactics used against the vile monster fascist movement is a good way to resist. The best way will be to hold your noses if you have to, and vote for Hillary Clinton. A normal politician vs. a dangerous nutcase.

In short, when your 'side' commits acts of violence, it's not their fault? It's the victims fault, right?

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It's rich that the vile monster calls the protesters hate groups.

In reality, hate groups are part of the core of the vile monster's support base.

KKK, David Duke, American Nazis, various white supremacist organizations, etc.

They know an American fascist movement when they see one, and they're on board the vile monster train.

No, I don't support violent tactics from any side, and I don't really see that violent tactics used against the vile monster fascist movement is a good way to resist. The best way will be to hold your noses if you have to, and vote for Hillary Clinton. A normal politician vs. a dangerous nutcase.

In short, when your 'side' commits acts of violence, it's not their fault? It's the victims fault, right?

It's their twisted logic that makes them appear so foolish.

They resort to foolish tactics, such as street violence...rather than debates.

A sure sign of a defeated party....lets get our thugs out there and try to get Trumper's to throw a punch (remember the old guy who slugged one of these saps?) They have it coming..but no way it's going to happen.

A dumb tactic...at best. What you got out there are illegals, thugs, drug addicts, walmart people (look how they dress) and single dads/moms with eight kids who don't work (food stamps and welfare).

They feel threatened...as they should...and that is why it all happens like this.

It's like shooting fish in a fishpond....they are cutting their own hands off.

Let them do it...lol

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Get rid of those who have lived predominately on taxpayer money, doing little, accomplishing less while being paid and given benifets far greater than they are entitled to.

How about getting not voting for the player(s) who have lived off their daddy's money plus large loans from banks, which they may or may not pay back?

As for those who get paid by taxpayer money ......I think we agree largely on that. Roughly 82% of taxpayer money is mis-spent, and a lot of that is on salaries of people who either do little, or do wrong. We can start with the War on Drugs. And then go to the bail-outs for too-big-to-fail corporations. Then to military spending, at least half of which is wasted. The amount of wasted taxpayer money in the US is phenomenal. It's a bottomless pit.

How about not voting for the player/s who have lived off the taxpayers?

The Democrats have two of them running in this election and you're reserving all your anger for the only candidate of the three that has ever held down a real job.

If you call elected politicians "people who live off of taxpayers" ok, in a sense that's on the mark. Yet is what you're saying is;; all politicians should be gotten rid of? Trump is running to be top politician. You don't want a president?

Without politicians running a country, what have you got? Royalty, like Saudi Arabia. Or one family, like N.Korea, or non-elected military like Thailand.

Even those mentioned are paid by government coffers. Are you saying we should have government run by independently wealthy people who get no monetary reward? Maybe you'd like someone like Pol Pot being in charge. Either way, it makes it clearer why you like the idea of Trump as top banana. BTW, if he wins, he will draw his salary as will all his staff, cabinet, S.Court justices, Republican Party do-nothings in congress, and the plethora of gov't paid do-nothings everywhere. Are you suggesting Trump should fire everyone getting taxpayer money, to show he's not beholden to government? Would you like the tel# of a psychiatrist, ....or perhaps a witch doctor?

"Would you like the tel# of a psychiatrist, ....or perhaps a witch doctor?"

No thanks, I don't need a psychiatrist. However I recently read an article that some doctor in Mogadishu can reverse lobotomies. I'll PM you the link if I can find it.

Now I will respond to all your hysteria with this simple question.

Have you ever heard the two words "Term Limits" used in a sentence?

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I love it smile.png Even on a non-important forum like this, Trump is showing people what these looney left Liberals are really like.

That anyone can think they are justified/right in supporting the rioters, or in saying that it is Trump's fault, shows everyone with common sense what some of those against Trump are really like (and why). And the more this happens, the more sane and rational people are getting on the Trump Train. clap2.gif

I think it is important that the non-Americans here (and clueless, yet well-meaning American liberals) realize that 100% of all violent demonstrations on American streets are carried out by supporters of the Democrats/Leftists/Socialists. 100%.

They lie about being provoked when they are the ones out there provoking, disrupting, vandalizing, looting and attacking others.

Occupy Wall Street? Leftists.

Black Lives Matters? Leftists.

Anti-Trump protesters? Leftists.

"Anti-War" protesters (who oddly stopped caring about war as soon as a Democrat became president)? Leftists.

When you see someone in the street wearing a mask and throwing a Molotov cocktail it is someone who will never vote for a Republican/conservative/right wing candidate.

When you see someone looting during a "protest" it is someone who will never vote for a Republican/conservative/right wing candidate.

When you see someone attacking the police it is someone who will never vote for a Republican/conservative/right wing candidate.

And these leftists have the nerve to claim that it is the right wing who will destroy the country.

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These whigning, unlawful Democrats (hooligans/thugs..whatever) you speak of...do not have the intelligence to convey their "alleged" allegations. As a Trump Supporter, I get bashed daily..but do I jump up and down on police cars and throw rocks.

They are ignorant cowards....unable to use our Political System correctly and without violence.

Why? Just look at them...the crowd.

Poorly dressed, ignorant rabbles of street gangs. Not a thought between them. Just pick up a rock and throw it.

Not much better than monkeys. And probably paid to do it.

I wouldn't worry probably just those grubby poor folk or worse Mexicans or women, hold on maybe Muslims. They will all be thrown out of the country soon so nought to worry about slippery.

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I think this picture says more than a thousand words - it says it all about looney Liberals - and this is why I dont bother trying to debate/argue with many of them (I just ignore).

Many years ago a wise man told me to stop 'wrestling with pigs'. He said: "You can only do it by getting down to their level (in the pig pen), you will then get khpapp all over yourself and stink (which the pigs actually likes), you cant make them understand anything anyway (they are pigs), and because they have no understanding you cant beat them." "Far better" he said, "to just hit them through the fence when they misbehave - but never get over the fence and in there with them".

Sometimes I forget that lesson - but it always quickly comes back to me when I try to respond/debate with some of the looney Liberal posters on TV.

There are some rational logical normal left-wing people who you can debate things with on TV - not many, but there are some. Thgsi doesn't apply to them - but certainly most of the nutters making comments on this particular post:


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Very funny to watch Trump and his supporters incite violence and racism and ignorance then act the victim when it all turns to xxxx.

The regressive left mindset - Anti Trump protesters turn violent (many times during this campaign) and Trump gets blamed. Seems free speech is only for those who agree with the 'liberals'.

I don't like Trump, but some of the mental gymnastics by some people is simply astonishing.

I don't like Trump either so let's shake on it. biggrin.png

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Trump bein' trump!

Face it folks, the temperament of the vile monster is totally wrong for president.

Will American voters do the sensible thing and reject this fascist horror show? Stay tuned.

The Daily 202: Trump’s attacks on the GOP’s most prominent Latina, Susana Martinez, should alarm Republicans

As Trump snipes at fellow Republicans, he continues to galvanize the left. Albuquerque police donned riot gear to disband a group of protesters who became violent. Rocks and bottles were thrown at officers. Several were injured in the fracas, and at least one rioter was arrested, per Kayla Epstein and Katie Mettler. While many progressives may not be enthused about Clinton at the top of the ticket, the scene outside offered another reminder of how much Trump gins up the Democratic grass roots.


Oh my, my my...

They probably have been "ginned" up for years.

Did you see the flushed cheeks and gin noses?

If that is your grass roots, then I am going to dig some holes in their lawns and thow in a gopher.

They don't make sense at all, to me. They shout worse obscenities then trump ever did.

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I love it smile.png Even on a non-important forum like this, Trump is showing people what these looney left Liberals are really like.

That anyone can think they are justified/right in supporting the rioters, or in saying that it is Trump's fault, shows everyone with common sense what some of those against Trump are really like (and why). And the more this happens, the more sane and rational people are getting on the Trump Train. clap2.gif

I think it is important that the non-Americans here (and clueless, yet well-meaning American liberals) realize that 100% of all violent demonstrations on American streets are carried out by supporters of the Democrats/Leftists/Socialists. 100%.

They lie about being provoked when they are the ones out there provoking, disrupting, vandalizing, looting and attacking others.

Occupy Wall Street? Leftists.

Black Lives Matters? Leftists.

Anti-Trump protesters? Leftists.

"Anti-War" protesters (who oddly stopped caring about war as soon as a Democrat became president)? Leftists.

When you see someone in the street wearing a mask and throwing a Molotov cocktail it is someone who will never vote for a Republican/conservative/right wing candidate.

When you see someone looting during a "protest" it is someone who will never vote for a Republican/conservative/right wing candidate.

When you see someone attacking the police it is someone who will never vote for a Republican/conservative/right wing candidate.

And these leftists have the nerve to claim that it is the right wing who will destroy the country.

All good - but I think I can add to the list of the type of people who are usually radical left-wing Liberal types and the majority of them vote Democrat:

Violent Criminals;

Convicted Felons;

Parole Violaters;

Drug Addicts;

Drug Dealers;

Illegal Immigrants (falsely claiming refugee status);

I can understand that they all vote left-wing/Democrat (vested self-interest). But I still I wonder why otherwise normal people somehow just dont get that the people they are 'saving' cant be saved, and in fact many of them dont want to be 'saved' - they just want more social payments/welfare.

History shows that the best form of Government is a Benevolent Dictator/King - unfortunately some of them are just not benevolent. So we have replaced that system with Democracy (in the West). But unfortuanely that means pandering to the minorities and becoming more and more 'politically correct'. People have had a gutful of that, and while they dont want to go back to Kings/Dictators, they would like to see someone 'strong' in charge who has some sort of purpose and reason. Trump is that man to more and more people. And more and more people see that HRC is just another one from the 'political system' who has been stuffing USA (and the West) up for years and years, while allowing more and more of the undesirable minorities to take advantage - who then hide behind political correctness (or violence) whenever challenged or questioned. Time for a change. Time for a new broom and someone strong and purposeful enough to use it.

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All good - but I think I can add to the list of the type of people who are usually radical left-wing Liberal types and the majority of them vote Democrat:

Violent Criminals;

Convicted Felons;

Parole Violaters;

Drug Addicts;

Drug Dealers;

Illegal Immigrants (falsely claiming refugee status);

I can understand that they all vote left-wing/Democrat (vested self-interest). But I still I wonder why otherwise normal people somehow just dont get that the people they are 'saving' cant be saved, and in fact many of them dont want to be 'saved' - they just want more social payments/welfare.

History shows that the best form of Government is a Benevolent Dictator/King - unfortunately some of them are just not benevolent. So we have replaced that system with Democracy (in the West). But unfortuanely that means pandering to the minorities and becoming more and more 'politically correct'. People have had a gutful of that, and while they dont want to go back to Kings/Dictators, they would like to see someone 'strong' in charge who has some sort of purpose and reason. Trump is that man to more and more people. And more and more people see that HRC is just another one from the 'political system' who has been stuffing USA (and the West) up for years and years, while allowing more and more of the undesirable minorities to take advantage - who then hide behind political correctness (or violence) whenever challenged or questioned. Time for a change. Time for a new broom and someone strong and purposeful enough to use it.

Or they could just be average Americans exercising their right to protest and demonstrate against Trump's hate speech. Sounds like a unruly minor fracas rather than a riot.

Definitely Left Wing. They will always protest against the incitement to violence, denigrating women, ethnic and religious bigotry that Trump preaches.

For Republicans if it isn't old white (or orange) and angry they get frightened by it.

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I love it smile.png Even on a non-important forum like this, Trump is showing people what these looney left Liberals are really like.

That anyone can think they are justified/right in supporting the rioters, or in saying that it is Trump's fault, shows everyone with common sense what some of those against Trump are really like (and why). And the more this happens, the more sane and rational people are getting on the Trump Train. clap2.gif

I think it is important that the non-Americans here (and clueless, yet well-meaning American liberals) realize that 100% of all violent demonstrations on American streets are carried out by supporters of the Democrats/Leftists/Socialists. 100%.

They lie about being provoked when they are the ones out there provoking, disrupting, vandalizing, looting and attacking others.

Occupy Wall Street? Leftists.

Black Lives Matters? Leftists.

Anti-Trump protesters? Leftists.

"Anti-War" protesters (who oddly stopped caring about war as soon as a Democrat became president)? Leftists.

When you see someone in the street wearing a mask and throwing a Molotov cocktail it is someone who will never vote for a Republican/conservative/right wing candidate.

When you see someone looting during a "protest" it is someone who will never vote for a Republican/conservative/right wing candidate.

When you see someone attacking the police it is someone who will never vote for a Republican/conservative/right wing candidate.

And these leftists have the nerve to claim that it is the right wing who will destroy the country.

They are all connected to moveon.org and other George Soros foundations and Hillary and Bernie are both in bed with all of them.

The riots in Albuquerque were, in part, sponsored by a group calling itself The Party for Socialism and Liberation, an offshoot from the Communist Party of America.

Here's one of their flyers for the riots.


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One arrest? Sure the Trump rally didn't coincide with the Ladies choir night out?

foolish post.

One only needs to watch the news videos.

The police could of arrested at least half of them....but that is what the dummies wanted.

What they are trying to achieve is a violent, reaction from Trump Security and the Police.

Never happened..never will.

Ask yourself why.... possibly because anyone with a brain has them figured out.

Push the suckers down the road....kiddies. Your childish aggression against the inevitable Trump Machine just backfired on your dumb rear ends.

Edited by slipperylobster
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One arrest? Sure the Trump rally didn't coincide with the Ladies choir night out?

foolish post.

One only needs to watch the news videos.

The police could of arrested at least half of them....but that is what the dummies wanted.

What they are trying to achieve is a violent, reaction from Trump Security and the Police.

Never happened..never will.

Ask yourself why.... possibly because anyone with a brain has them figured out.

Push the suckers down the road....kiddies. Your childish aggression against the inevitable Trump Machine just backfired on your dumb rear ends.

Or could be just average citizens protesting against Trump's hate speech. I've actually seen rowdier Hen's Nights than that minor skirmish. Hardly a riot. As usual Right Wingers blowing things out of proportion. Next you will be accusing the protesters of burning orphanages down.

You seem to be getting a little carried away slippery.

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People should resist the ascendancy of the vile monster movement. I don't think violence is the way any more than I approve of the violence the trump fascists exhibit towards protesters at his Mussolini style rallies. This movement is historic and if it succeeds it will be a historic MISTAKE. Learn from history.

Dudes, it is NO coincidence that the vile monster enjoys support of the most vile American hate groups -- KKK, David Duke, Neo-Nazis, white supremacists of all kinds.

This is not normal U.S. politics. It is EVIL.

Do you think it's normal that previous presidents in the vile monster's own party (which he has done a HOSTILE takeover of) refuse to endorse, and also the previous same party nominee?
This is a what did you do in the war Daddy moment.

Republicans that go along with the vile monster are shameful and I hope they pay for that sleazy move later. Those that resist are true patriots, and I hope the honorable republican Latina governor of N.M. RESISTS being bullied by the vile monster.

How to stop the vile monster? No, nobody has figured that out yet, but there is still time.

Edited by Jingthing
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Very funny to watch Trump and his supporters incite violence and racism and ignorance then act the victim when it all turns to xxxx.

You are saying that if you disagree with a US Presidential candidate's opinion, then you and those whom you support (in this case, violent rioters) are free to act out violently against individuals who want to attend the political rally to hear the message of that US presidential candidate with whom you disagree, and those whom dislike his opinion are vindicated in their violent acts (because Mr Trump called down that violence on himself - in your opinion). Those are dangerous ideologies you hold.

That's what I hear you saying, which means you and those who have 'Liked' your post support violent protests and violence to suppress political opinion and freedom of assembly. What's next? Will you come out and say that you all support violence against Mr. Trump himself?

It is good to know who supports politically motivated violence on US soil. I think you all are treading a very slippery slope regardless of the excuses you use.

Edited by connda
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