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Protests turn violent outside Trump rally in New Mexico


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Explaining the obvious. Violence as in San Jose, besides the obvious fact that it is just WRONG, HELPS the vile monster.

The message needs to get out to the people that are angered to the point of doing that, it's HELPING the enemy -- the fascist trump movement.

Detailed well here. This is not a normal election. This is a battle royale against a fascist demagogue taking over the USA. But violence only plays into his game.

After Donald Trump claimed the Republican presidential nomination, neoconservative scholar Robert Kagan wrote an essay for the Washington Post that made a simple but provocative claim: Trump, now a stone’s throw from the White House, was a vector for fascism. That, in running a campaign of threat and intimidation—against political adversaries, against foreign countries, against nonwhites and religious minorities—Trump had opened the door to the worst passions and darkest urges of American society.

“This is how fascism comes to America, not with jackboots and salutes,” wrote Kagan, “but with a television huckster, a phony billionaire, a textbook egomaniac ‘tapping into’ popular resentments and insecurities, and with an entire national political party—out of ambition or blind party loyalty, or simply out of fear—falling into line behind him.”


So you have switched from arguing that "Trump made us do it!" To "it wasn't really us"

Nice flip flop

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Is it any wonder that a candidate who has made a point of attracting white racists has also attracted the other end of the spectrum?

None of which condones ANY of the violence, but you'd have to be an idiot not to have seen it coming.

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Looks like a 'happy place' the USA ATM.

Wait until trump takes over, fema camps fill as the economy crashes following the dumping of the USD as the world reserve currency.

It will make all of this look like a walk in the park.

Why are people so unkind?

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Gay Latino Trump Supporter: So I Tried to Exercise My Freedom of Assembly. I Got My Nose Broken By Bands of Roving Thugs as Police Sat On Their Hands and Silently Cheered.


Why is the Democratic Party and their minions a party of Hate and violence? facepalm.gif

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Trump and his fanboyz need violence.

Violence is to be exploited more than it is to be condemned.

It helps Trump and his fanboyz to justify the whole of their Long March on Washington.


Callous and sadly dismissive.

Perhaps the most enduring moment of Donald Trump's March is when he publicly mocked a NYT reporter who has a congenital disability.

Violence takes many forms.

Mussolini Trump takes pride in violating every group he doesn't like and that the extreme right has targeted for decades. Benito Trump's victims include children in their schoolyards.

Trump and his fanboyz need violence.

Violence is to be exploited more than it is to be condemned.

It helps Trump and his fanboyz to justify the whole of their Long March on Washington.


How prescient of Publicus to announce beforehand, except he got the names mixed up.

Trump Clinton and his her fanboyz need violence

As unoriginal as Trump himself.

Trump's March on Washington has hit some serious snags lately as the violence he breeds has cost him in more ways than one. Republican fat cat donors have closed their wallets to Trump. Which means Benito Trump needs violence more than ever and to exploit it to the max.

Denounce and exploit. It's an old trick most peoples have long since closed the book on. Trump's campaign manager got an arrest warrant issued against him then dropped and Trump Himself has since simmered down his violent rhetoric.

Reality is Trump reaps that which he sows.

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Explaining the obvious. Violence as in San Jose, besides the obvious fact that it is just WRONG, HELPS the vile monster.

The message needs to get out to the people that are angered to the point of doing that, it's HELPING the enemy -- the fascist trump movement.

Detailed well here. This is not a normal election. This is a battle royale against a fascist demagogue taking over the USA. But violence only plays into his game.

After Donald Trump claimed the Republican presidential nomination, neoconservative scholar Robert Kagan wrote an essay for the Washington Post that made a simple but provocative claim: Trump, now a stone’s throw from the White House, was a vector for fascism. That, in running a campaign of threat and intimidation—against political adversaries, against foreign countries, against nonwhites and religious minorities—Trump had opened the door to the worst passions and darkest urges of American society.
“This is how fascism comes to America, not with jackboots and salutes,” wrote Kagan, “but with a television huckster, a phony billionaire, a textbook egomaniac ‘tapping into’ popular resentments and insecurities, and with an entire national political party—out of ambition or blind party loyalty, or simply out of fear—falling into line behind him.”


The post merits restating.

Donald Trump is the Uniquely American Mussolini.

His March on Washington and his wild rhetoric targeting groups is itself an ongoing incitement.

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Were you to go to these Trump topics stretching all the way back to before the primaries and follow them up until today, you would find early on a lot of smirks, pomposity, and endless virtue signalling. Soon, however, the fear and name calling erupted. And along with it, an endless series of hysterical posts that do nothing than repeat themselves, which, btw, is good news for Trump, as it means the repetitive attacks are all the opposition has. And since they haven't worked before, I doubt they'll work any better now.

The language and the pace of the reaction to Trump is commensurate to Trump revealing HimSelf over the course of his march campaign.

During the summer of last year through the fall Donald Trump presented himself as the wild radical he is. After the primaries began in January Trump started saying wild things about nuclear weapons proliferation globally as a great thing, carpetbombing cities and villages in the ME; and that Putin was his buddy while the CCP was strong in its Massacre in Tiananmen Square, 1989. Trump likes all that. And then some.

First Trump got on Mexicans, then quickly women, then Muslims, then the media, a journalist with a congenital disability, all the while raging against demonstrators to the point his campaign confident got an arrest warrant, eventually shelved in return for Trump not aggravating the slashing and burning Trump had already done through the country to include impacting schoolyards.

The reaction to the asymmetrical Donald Trump has indeed been symmetrical, consistent, predictable, normal and too often much too restrained. The reaction should have been anticipated by Trump and his fanboyz. It is possible the reaction was figured beforehand by Trump and his crew. As was the exploitation of it to the max of time and intensity.

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