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Protests turn violent outside Trump rally in New Mexico


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Guess those left wing commie losers think it's permissable to conduct anarchy at the expense of law-abiding folks? wink.png

How about right wing fascist billionaires.....

Trump Attacks Federal Judge in Trump U Case

The presumptive GOP nominee devotes 12 minutes of a 58-minute address to the suit

“In one of his most personal attacks against an apolitical figure since becoming the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump delivered an extended tirade about the federal judge overseeing the civil litigation against his defunct education program,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

“Mr. Trump’s attack on U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel was extraordinary not just in its scope and intensity but for its location: Before a crowd packed into a convention center here that had been primed for the New York billionaire with a warm-up speech from former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.”

After the audience chanted the Republican standard-bearer’s signature ‘build that wall’ mantra, Trump told them that Judge Curiel is “Mexican.”

The judge is looking out to enforce the law but now maybe the judge needs to look out for potus Mussolini Trump.

Edited by Publicus
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You forgot the part about driving down American citizens' wages, avoiding building standards, stealing social security numbers, claiming Earned Income Tax Credit, having citizens pay for the health care and education of their children, the drain they put on resources such as water, electricity, natural gas, and the extra wear on infrastructure and civic structure such as police, bilingual education, use of highways, sewer lines and everything else that was constructed for the commonweal of citizens, not squatters from another country who think they have the right to interfere in the sovereign affairs of the US. Oh, yes, and there is their (and their progeny's ) disproportionate crime rates, including everything from narcotrafficking to human smuggling, drunk driving, and murder and robbery. Again, neither the immigrant or illegal gets to decide who comes to the US. That is the privilege of Americans who have every right to take in people based only on America's need, not that of the person wanting to enter.

The post is myth shot down decades ago by numerous research projects across the political spectrum except that the valid data are stopped cold as soon as they arrive at the far right. That is where myth takes over again.

'Undocumented' Immigrants Pay Billions in Taxes

A new report suggests immigrants in the country illegally provide local economies billions of dollars in tax revenue.


On balance and including undocumented immigrants, all immigrants in the USA at any given time pay in far more than they absorb, in both the public and private sectors.

Reams of this information has been published countless times in numerous places but the extreme anti-immigrant right continues willfully to deal in myth while ignoring the actual data. The extreme wingnut right has always had their agenda and now in Donald Trump they have their guy.

Leaving aside the name calling in the above, there is this fact. In 2014, just under 18 million children under 18 were living with families headed by an immigrant. For each year that one of those children are in school, it costs US citizen taxpayers at $12,000. How many illegal aliens pay even $12,000 per year in taxes. And please don't cite sales taxes, as the US Today article above does. Because that would mean every person passing through the US and doing nothing more than changing planes and paying sales tax would have a claim to live in the US.

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You forgot the part about driving down American citizens' wages, avoiding building standards, stealing social security numbers, claiming Earned Income Tax Credit, having citizens pay for the health care and education of their children, the drain they put on resources such as water, electricity, natural gas, and the extra wear on infrastructure and civic structure such as police, bilingual education, use of highways, sewer lines and everything else that was constructed for the commonweal of citizens, not squatters from another country who think they have the right to interfere in the sovereign affairs of the US. Oh, yes, and there is their (and their progeny's ) disproportionate crime rates, including everything from narcotrafficking to human smuggling, drunk driving, and murder and robbery. Again, neither the immigrant or illegal gets to decide who comes to the US. That is the privilege of Americans who have every right to take in people based only on America's need, not that of the person wanting to enter.

The post is myth shot down decades ago by numerous research projects across the political spectrum except that the valid data are stopped cold as soon as they arrive at the far right. That is where myth takes over again.

'Undocumented' Immigrants Pay Billions in Taxes

A new report suggests immigrants in the country illegally provide local economies billions of dollars in tax revenue.


On balance and including undocumented immigrants, all immigrants in the USA at any given time pay in far more than they absorb, in both the public and private sectors.

Reams of this information has been published countless times in numerous places but the extreme anti-immigrant right continues willfully to deal in myth while ignoring the actual data. The extreme wingnut right has always had their agenda and now in Donald Trump they have their guy.

Leaving aside the name calling in the above, there is this fact. In 2014, just under 18 million children under 18 were living with families headed by an immigrant. For each year that one of those children are in school, it costs US citizen taxpayers at $12,000. How many illegal aliens pay even $12,000 per year in taxes. And please don't cite sales taxes, as the US Today article above does. Because that would mean every person passing through the US and doing nothing more than changing planes and paying sales tax would have a claim to live in the US.

The statement about "every person passing through the US" establishing some kind of a claim to live in the US has nothing to do with the matter of immigration, whether the statement was made for the sake of argument or whether it might be true or not true.

It is simply more misdirection, a wrong analogy, irrelevant comparison among other failures. A person in transit at an airport is as far removed from being an immigrant as Donald Trump is removed from reason, rationality, personal balance or stability.

It is just too much for the extremists on the right to respect fact or accurate respectable data, that's all there is to it. Same as Trump.

Carry on.

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People should resist the ascendancy of the vile monster movement. I don't think violence is the way any more than I approve of the violence the trump fascists exhibit towards protesters at his Mussolini style rallies. This movement is historic and if it succeeds it will be a historic MISTAKE. Learn from history.

Dudes, it is NO coincidence that the vile monster enjoys support of the most vile American hate groups -- KKK, David Duke, Neo-Nazis, white supremacists of all kinds.

This is not normal U.S. politics. It is EVIL.

Do you think it's normal that previous presidents in the vile monster's own party (which he has done a HOSTILE takeover of) refuse to endorse, and also the previous same party nominee?

This is a what did you do in the war Daddy moment.

Republicans that go along with the vile monster are shameful and I hope they pay for that sleazy move later. Those that resist are true patriots, and I hope the honorable republican Latina governor of N.M. RESISTS being bullied by the vile monster.

How to stop the vile monster? No, nobody has figured that out yet, but there is still time.

please allow me my prediction:

He will be stopped, but the powerbrokers are being smart about it.

They will win either way, as they have Hilliary in their pocket.

They will wait to see if Trump gets elected and of course, by then the party will have won and have the power.

The big boys will step in. They will pay billions to make Trump to P.O. which he will gladly take.

some scenario/story will be concocted by both Trump and the party, as to why he must leave politics (im guessing health reasons)

So the rich elites will replace him with their chosen man

They will stop him but they are waiting for the result first.

No way will the elites allow him be president.

Trump POTUS?? Not in our lifetimes buddy!

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A normal politician

ie a lying, seat warming, pork voting, trough feeding, bought and sold loser. You really want to vote for that?

You described Trump. Which one of those things, other than a seat warmer, is Trump?

He just hired a Goldman Sachs exec to run his fund-raising - hoping to get over a billion $$s. That's contradicting at least two of his prior ironclad no-no's. In other words, Trump is doing several things he chastised his opponents for doing just weeks ago. And that's with 5 1/2 months left to the election. How many more 180's will Trump take? Of course, his core sheeple fan base won't waver. Each time Trump contradicts himself, he can preface it with, "Well, folks. I love you all and I know you love me, so I just had to make a slight adjustment. You understand, don't you? (wild cheers). I'm a great businessman, a great deal-maker, I'm very rich, I know a lot of words, everybody likes me, .....so I make some adjustments along the way. Anybody got a problem with that? Ha ha ha. Buy my steaks and vodka, ha ha ha."

"He just hired Goldman Sachs" as opposed to Hillary being hired by Goldman Sachs. Big difference

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Same old tiring focus on Trump as Mussolini. Can't talk about why he has risen to power. No talk of the electorate that feel betrayed angry and worried about their future and a political class that has failed them. No just the same posters who have built a cage around their minds because they're comfortable there and enjoy the sensational rant

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Same old tiring focus on Trump as Mussolini. Can't talk about why he has risen to power. No talk of the electorate that feel betrayed angry and worried about their future and a political class that has failed them. No just the same posters who have built a cage around their minds because they're comfortable there and enjoy the sensational rant

Most of them, on this forum at least, will have no say in the matter. The vast majority posting the anti-Trump rants and posting the silly memes have already self identified as non-Americans. So, no vote in the matter. Doesn't matter what they think. America doesn't care.

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Same old tiring focus on Trump as Mussolini. Can't talk about why he has risen to power. No talk of the electorate that feel betrayed angry and worried about their future and a political class that has failed them. No just the same posters who have built a cage around their minds because they're comfortable there and enjoy the sensational rant

Most of them, on this forum at least, will have no say in the matter. The vast majority posting the anti-Trump rants and posting the silly memes have already self identified as non-Americans. So, no vote in the matter. Doesn't matter what they think. America doesn't care.

Cheers UN,

Sorry to confess that I also am not American so I will also unfortunately have no vote. But I feel entitled to comment out of interest and simply because of the implications this election will have on the rest of the world

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Same old tiring focus on Trump as Mussolini. Can't talk about why he has risen to power. No talk of the electorate that feel betrayed angry and worried about their future and a political class that has failed them. No just the same posters who have built a cage around their minds because they're comfortable there and enjoy the sensational rant

When the right says Trump means "change" they mean the end of the Bill of Rights then before too much longer the Constitution.

Trump is known not to tolerate obstacles.

The Trump Train goes to south of the border and is full of Mexicans in its cattle cars. Dept. of Homeland Security figured several years ago the Feds can mass deport 400,000 migrants a year max. It's estimated there are 11 million undocumented migrants in the US, so a mass deportation would require a generation of time, effort, nightsticks.

If Trump in the White House were able to order up a capability to deport 1 million a year then the US would have a police state and indefinitely so. If not, and 400K remained the mass figure, then Benito Trump would almost surely call on the volunteer civilian militias armed to the teeth to lend a helping hand.

Violence and chaos would be the daily rule of life in the USA as initiated by the state.

So we see that foreign right wingnuts don't know any more about the realities of mass deportation than do the homegrown American rightwhingnuts. Or youse guyz don't care. Makes no difference actually cause either way Mussolini gets to wield his mace over the USA.

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Same old tiring focus on Trump as Mussolini. Can't talk about why he has risen to power. No talk of the electorate that feel betrayed angry and worried about their future and a political class that has failed them. No just the same posters who have built a cage around their minds because they're comfortable there and enjoy the sensational rant

Most of them, on this forum at least, will have no say in the matter. The vast majority posting the anti-Trump rants and posting the silly memes have already self identified as non-Americans. So, no vote in the matter. Doesn't matter what they think. America doesn't care.

I'm American and I recognize the trump movement for the danger to the USA and the world that it obviously is. More so to Americans though. This is not a USA forum and all nationalities are welcome to comment on any national election. Of course, who the U.S. president happens to be definitely does have a major international impact.

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Same old tiring focus on Trump as Mussolini. Can't talk about why he has risen to power. No talk of the electorate that feel betrayed angry and worried about their future and a political class that has failed them. No just the same posters who have built a cage around their minds because they're comfortable there and enjoy the sensational rant

When the right says Trump means "change" they mean the end of the Bill of Rights then before too much longer the Constitution.

Trump is known not to tolerate obstacles.

The Trump Train goes to south of the border and is full of Mexicans in its cattle cars. Dept. of Homeland Security figured several years ago the Feds can mass deport 400,000 migrants a year max. It's estimated there are 11 million undocumented migrants in the US, so a mass deportation would require a generation of time, effort, nightsticks.

If Trump in the White House were able to order up a capability to deport 1 million a year then the US would have a police state and indefinitely so. If not, and 400K remained the mass figure, then Benito Trump would almost surely call on the volunteer civilian militias armed to the teeth to lend a helping hand.

Violence and chaos would be the daily rule of life in the USA as initiated by the state.

So we see that foreign right wingnuts don't know any more about the realities of mass deportation than do the homegrown American rightwhingnuts. Or youse guyz don't care. Makes no difference actually cause either way Mussolini gets to wield his mace over the USA.

As usual it's easiest to descend into referenced name calling which always ruins a contribution and dissolves any chance of a reader wanting to take the contribution seriously but just turns useful points into alarmist rant.

Trump, if he wins, will moderate the mechanism he has used to garner support (he already changes his mind regularly) and will never or will be prevented from implementing most of what he has threatened to do even if he was serious in the first place.. He won't lose support from his base because they have no where else to go. Like most politicians he's using rhetoric to get into power except he does it in spades to capture the populist vote. Every politician breaks their election promises and I don't expect Trump will be any different once faced with the realities of office. It certainly will be gripping for sure to see how he can resolve his predicaments.

But the point is that some do not see or want to see the message facing America. Easier to just shoot the messenger or his followers and bounce of the walls. Again I never see any useful discussion on why and what allowed the rise of Trump which a harder intellectual challenge.. The easier path is to make fanciful projections with a lot of melodramatic illustration thrown in for effect and join the competition for worst possible insults available which tediously is opted for more often than not.

Laughably the very same methodology that Trump opts for, that's the irony!

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Same old tiring focus on Trump as Mussolini. Can't talk about why he has risen to power. No talk of the electorate that feel betrayed angry and worried about their future and a political class that has failed them. No just the same posters who have built a cage around their minds because they're comfortable there and enjoy the sensational rant

When the right says Trump means "change" they mean the end of the Bill of Rights then before too much longer the Constitution.

Trump is known not to tolerate obstacles.

The Trump Train goes to south of the border and is full of Mexicans in its cattle cars. Dept. of Homeland Security figured several years ago the Feds can mass deport 400,000 migrants a year max. It's estimated there are 11 million undocumented migrants in the US, so a mass deportation would require a generation of time, effort, nightsticks.

If Trump in the White House were able to order up a capability to deport 1 million a year then the US would have a police state and indefinitely so. If not, and 400K remained the mass figure, then Benito Trump would almost surely call on the volunteer civilian militias armed to the teeth to lend a helping hand.

Violence and chaos would be the daily rule of life in the USA as initiated by the state.

So we see that foreign right wingnuts don't know any more about the realities of mass deportation than do the homegrown American rightwhingnuts. Or youse guyz don't care. Makes no difference actually cause either way Mussolini gets to wield his mace over the USA.

As usual it's easiest to descend into referenced name calling which always ruins a contribution and dissolves any chance of a reader wanting to take the contribution seriously but just turns useful points into alarmist rant.

Trump, if he wins, will moderate the mechanism he has used to garner support (he already changes his mind regularly) and will never or will be prevented from implementing most of what he has threatened to do even if he was serious in the first place.. He won't lose support from his base because they have no where else to go. Like most politicians he's using rhetoric to get into power except he does it in spades to capture the populist vote. Every politician breaks their election promises and I don't expect Trump will be any different once faced with the realities of office. It certainly will be gripping for sure to see how he can resolve his predicaments.

But the point is that some do not see or want to see the message facing America. Easier to just shoot the messenger or his followers and bounce of the walls. Again I never see any useful discussion on why and what allowed the rise of Trump which a harder intellectual challenge.. The easier path is to make fanciful projections with a lot of melodramatic illustration thrown in for effect and join the competition for worst possible insults available which tediously is opted for more often than not.

Laughably the very same methodology that Trump opts for, that's the irony!

Why don't we just cut through the crap and call this Trump effort what it is in corporate terms. It's a hostile takeover attempt of the GOP and of the US by a highly clever media manipulator who is using the message you refer to; a person of questionable integrity and demonstrated ignorance of governance. In the real world the takeover artist usually assembles a killer team to turn around the failing enterprise or chop it up in pieces and sell it off.

Trump so far has not proven he can attract that team. We'll see if he does or if he gets "re-educated" or stopped in his tracks by the GOP machine somehow.

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Same old tiring focus on Trump as Mussolini. Can't talk about why he has risen to power. No talk of the electorate that feel betrayed angry and worried about their future and a political class that has failed them. No just the same posters who have built a cage around their minds because they're comfortable there and enjoy the sensational rant

When the right says Trump means "change" they mean the end of the Bill of Rights then before too much longer the Constitution.

Trump is known not to tolerate obstacles.

The Trump Train goes to south of the border and is full of Mexicans in its cattle cars. Dept. of Homeland Security figured several years ago the Feds can mass deport 400,000 migrants a year max. It's estimated there are 11 million undocumented migrants in the US, so a mass deportation would require a generation of time, effort, nightsticks.

If Trump in the White House were able to order up a capability to deport 1 million a year then the US would have a police state and indefinitely so. If not, and 400K remained the mass figure, then Benito Trump would almost surely call on the volunteer civilian militias armed to the teeth to lend a helping hand.

Violence and chaos would be the daily rule of life in the USA as initiated by the state.

So we see that foreign right wingnuts don't know any more about the realities of mass deportation than do the homegrown American rightwhingnuts. Or youse guyz don't care. Makes no difference actually cause either way Mussolini gets to wield his mace over the USA.

As usual it's easiest to descend into referenced name calling which always ruins a contribution and dissolves any chance of a reader wanting to take the contribution seriously but just turns useful points into alarmist rant.

Trump, if he wins, will moderate the mechanism he has used to garner support (he already changes his mind regularly) and will never or will be prevented from implementing most of what he has threatened to do even if he was serious in the first place.. He won't lose support from his base because they have no where else to go. Like most politicians he's using rhetoric to get into power except he does it in spades to capture the populist vote. Every politician breaks their election promises and I don't expect Trump will be any different once faced with the realities of office. It certainly will be gripping for sure to see how he can resolve his predicaments.

But the point is that some do not see or want to see the message facing America. Easier to just shoot the messenger or his followers and bounce of the walls. Again I never see any useful discussion on why and what allowed the rise of Trump which a harder intellectual challenge.. The easier path is to make fanciful projections with a lot of melodramatic illustration thrown in for effect and join the competition for worst possible insults available which tediously is opted for more often than not.

Laughably the very same methodology that Trump opts for, that's the irony!

Trump, if he wins, will moderate the mechanism he has used to garner support

Thx for the insight about the Trump 'mechanism'. The statement is truly Trumpian.

(he already changes his mind regularly)

Several times a day. Trump is spastic, erratic, wild, radical. There isn't any defending that in a candidate for the office of Potus.

and will never or will be prevented from implementing most of what he has threatened to do even if he was serious in the first place..

Trump is seriously about Trump and only Trump. Anyone seriously supporting Donald Trump is overly serious about himself too.

Every politician breaks their election promises and I don't expect Trump will be any different once faced with the realities of office.

Neither Trump nor the Trumpfanboyz know reality. They are imbalanced and they not only believe they are clever and smarter than everyone else, they believe other people will believe that too.

Laughably the very same methodology that Trump opts for, that's the irony!

Saying Trump has a 'methodology' is comical. If Trump might have a methodology it is to create chaos then move in to exploit it completely. Which is why the Constitutional system of checks and balances will be mangled by Trump in the White House.

The root cause of Donald Trump's success thus far in this campaign is that there are tens of millions of people who support an ignoramus. They are not enough to put the ignoramus in the White House -- they are nowhere near enough to do it.

Any Trump fanboyz btw who like to pretend to have a special and unique insight into Donald Trump as a serious man, or unique insight into political campaigning to include governance, would need to speak to each item Donald Trump has blurbed in passing, and of how each erratic blurb would affect the Bill of Rights, which are the first ten amendments to the Constitution.

A serious man who is serious about Donald Trump being a serious man needs to begin with the serious matter of mass deportations and, specifically, the 14th Amendment, which guarantees each resident of the United States the equal protection of the laws. This is necessary and obligatory because a high-handed dismissal of Trump's Trumpisms is not a serious approach to the campaign or the office of Potus. Ignoring or dismissing Trump's Trumpisms is not a serious approach to supporting him or the Constitution as the military is sworn to do -- the Constitution always and forever, not a strongman radical.

Trump's statements about the libel laws as they affect the mass media ignore the First Amendment and all the case law of Scotus, especially and in particular NYT v Sullivan decided in 1964 which provides that a citizen who choose to run for public office is fair game. If one wants libel laws such as they are in some tropical country in the ancient East, or something like them, then one needs to say so. In the meantime, the marketplace of political discourse provides that Trump gets his due whipping in the general election.

One who dismisses Trump's statements about carpet bombing or proliferating nuclear weapons cannot himself be taken seriously. Both must necessarily and rightfully be dismissed entirely and completely. Because Donald Trump is serious about Donald Trump only, period.

No Trump supporter is an intellectually serious person btw. They might be serious right wingers who learned a bit about making arguments of a reactionary kind and in certain obtuse ways, but nothing more. The right loves Trump and the right support him with enthusiasm and glee. They are indeed frustrated hotel deal makers. Trump fanboyz are absent a serious attitude in respect of the issues Trump knows nothing about, beginning with the Constitution of the United States and its Bill of Rights in particular.

And I myself wrote all of this without once having mentioned until now that Donald Trump is the original and unique American Mussolini. The far out right does not know how to deal with the fact they love Trump as the unique American Mussolini. So youse guyz do not dare to try to address Mussolini Trump and the Bill of Rights, because youse support the former and do not support the latter.

So trying to seriously present Donald Trump as serious is seriously laughable. It is also contemptible. None of youse can openly support Trump as what he is, i.e., the unique American Mussolini. Not yet and only if and when the time comes.

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Same old tiring focus on Trump as Mussolini. Can't talk about why he has risen to power. No talk of the electorate that feel betrayed angry and worried about their future and a political class that has failed them. No just the same posters who have built a cage around their minds because they're comfortable there and enjoy the sensational rant

Most of them, on this forum at least, will have no say in the matter. The vast majority posting the anti-Trump rants and posting the silly memes have already self identified as non-Americans. So, no vote in the matter. Doesn't matter what they think. America doesn't care.

I'm American and I recognize the trump movement for the danger to the USA and the world that it obviously is. More so to Americans though. This is not a USA forum and all nationalities are welcome to comment on any national election. Of course, who the U.S. president happens to be definitely does have a major international impact.

Pure fear mongering.

Liberals are on the back foot afterna disastrous 8 years with the most divisive president ever.

The fear mongering is but a smokescreen.

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Same old tiring focus on Trump as Mussolini. Can't talk about why he has risen to power. No talk of the electorate that feel betrayed angry and worried about their future and a political class that has failed them. No just the same posters who have built a cage around their minds because they're comfortable there and enjoy the sensational rant

Most of them, on this forum at least, will have no say in the matter. The vast majority posting the anti-Trump rants and posting the silly memes have already self identified as non-Americans. So, no vote in the matter. Doesn't matter what they think. America doesn't care.

I'm American and I recognize the trump movement for the danger to the USA and the world that it obviously is. More so to Americans though. This is not a USA forum and all nationalities are welcome to comment on any national election. Of course, who the U.S. president happens to be definitely does have a major international impact.

Pure fear mongering.

Liberals are on the back foot afterna disastrous 8 years with the most divisive president ever.

The fear mongering is but a smokescreen.

Were you to go to these Trump topics stretching all the way back to before the primaries and follow them up until today, you would find early on a lot of smirks, pomposity, and endless virtue signalling. Soon, however, the fear and name calling erupted. And along with it, an endless series of hysterical posts that do nothing than repeat themselves, which, btw, is good news for Trump, as it means the repetitive attacks are all the opposition has. And since they haven't worked before, I doubt they'll work any better now.

Edited by Usernames
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Same old tiring focus on Trump as Mussolini. Can't talk about why he has risen to power. No talk of the electorate that feel betrayed angry and worried about their future and a political class that has failed them. No just the same posters who have built a cage around their minds because they're comfortable there and enjoy the sensational rant

When the right says Trump means "change" they mean the end of the Bill of Rights then before too much longer the Constitution.

Trump is known not to tolerate obstacles.

The Trump Train goes to south of the border and is full of Mexicans in its cattle cars. Dept. of Homeland Security figured several years ago the Feds can mass deport 400,000 migrants a year max. It's estimated there are 11 million undocumented migrants in the US, so a mass deportation would require a generation of time, effort, nightsticks.

If Trump in the White House were able to order up a capability to deport 1 million a year then the US would have a police state and indefinitely so. If not, and 400K remained the mass figure, then Benito Trump would almost surely call on the volunteer civilian militias armed to the teeth to lend a helping hand.

Violence and chaos would be the daily rule of life in the USA as initiated by the state.

So we see that foreign right wingnuts don't know any more about the realities of mass deportation than do the homegrown American rightwhingnuts. Or youse guyz don't care. Makes no difference actually cause either way Mussolini gets to wield his mace over the USA.

As usual it's easiest to descend into referenced name calling which always ruins a contribution and dissolves any chance of a reader wanting to take the contribution seriously but just turns useful points into alarmist rant.

Trump, if he wins, will moderate the mechanism he has used to garner support (he already changes his mind regularly) and will never or will be prevented from implementing most of what he has threatened to do even if he was serious in the first place.. He won't lose support from his base because they have no where else to go. Like most politicians he's using rhetoric to get into power except he does it in spades to capture the populist vote. Every politician breaks their election promises and I don't expect Trump will be any different once faced with the realities of office. It certainly will be gripping for sure to see how he can resolve his predicaments.

But the point is that some do not see or want to see the message facing America. Easier to just shoot the messenger or his followers and bounce of the walls. Again I never see any useful discussion on why and what allowed the rise of Trump which a harder intellectual challenge.. The easier path is to make fanciful projections with a lot of melodramatic illustration thrown in for effect and join the competition for worst possible insults available which tediously is opted for more often than not.

Laughably the very same methodology that Trump opts for, that's the irony!

Trump, if he wins, will moderate the mechanism he has used to garner support

Thx for the insight about the Trump 'mechanism'. The statement is truly Trumpian.

(he already changes his mind regularly)

Several times a day. Trump is spastic, erratic, wild, radical. There isn't any defending that in a candidate for the office of Potus.

and will never or will be prevented from implementing most of what he has threatened to do even if he was serious in the first place..

Trump is seriously about Trump and only Trump. Anyone seriously supporting Donald Trump is overly serious about himself too.

Every politician breaks their election promises and I don't expect Trump will be any different once faced with the realities of office.

Neither Trump nor the Trumpfanboyz know reality. They are imbalanced and they not only believe they are clever and smarter than everyone else, they believe other people will believe that too.

Laughably the very same methodology that Trump opts for, that's the irony!

Saying Trump has a 'methodology' is comical. If Trump might have a methodology it is to create chaos then move in to exploit it completely. Which is why the Constitutional system of checks and balances will be mangled by Trump in the White House.

The root cause of Donald Trump's success thus far in this campaign is that there are tens of millions of people who support an ignoramus. They are not enough to put the ignoramus in the White House -- they are nowhere near enough to do it.

Any Trump fanboyz btw who like to pretend to have a special and unique insight into Donald Trump as a serious man, or unique insight into political campaigning to include governance, would need to speak to each item Donald Trump has blurbed in passing, and of how each erratic blurb would affect the Bill of Rights, which are the first ten amendments to the Constitution.

A serious man who is serious about Donald Trump being a serious man needs to begin with the serious matter of mass deportations and, specifically, the 14th Amendment, which guarantees each resident of the United States the equal protection of the laws. This is necessary and obligatory because a high-handed dismissal of Trump's Trumpisms is not a serious approach to the campaign or the office of Potus. Ignoring or dismissing Trump's Trumpisms is not a serious approach to supporting him or the Constitution as the military is sworn to do -- the Constitution always and forever, not a strongman radical.

Trump's statements about the libel laws as they affect the mass media ignore the First Amendment and all the case law of Scotus, especially and in particular NYT v Sullivan decided in 1964 which provides that a citizen who choose to run for public office is fair game. If one wants libel laws such as they are in some tropical country in the ancient East, or something like them, then one needs to say so. In the meantime, the marketplace of political discourse provides that Trump gets his due whipping in the general election.

One who dismisses Trump's statements about carpet bombing or proliferating nuclear weapons cannot himself be taken seriously. Both must necessarily and rightfully be dismissed entirely and completely. Because Donald Trump is serious about Donald Trump only, period.

No Trump supporter is an intellectually serious person btw. They might be serious right wingers who learned a bit about making arguments of a reactionary kind and in certain obtuse ways, but nothing more. The right loves Trump and the right support him with enthusiasm and glee. They are indeed frustrated hotel deal makers. Trump fanboyz are absent a serious attitude in respect of the issues Trump knows nothing about, beginning with the Constitution of the United States and its Bill of Rights in particular.

And I myself wrote all of this without once having mentioned until now that Donald Trump is the original and unique American Mussolini. The far out right does not know how to deal with the fact they love Trump as the unique American Mussolini. So youse guyz do not dare to try to address Mussolini Trump and the Bill of Rights, because youse support the former and do not support the latter.

So trying to seriously present Donald Trump as serious is seriously laughable. It is also contemptible. None of youse can openly support Trump as what he is, i.e., the unique American Mussolini. Not yet and only if and when the time comes.

Sorry to rattle your cage so much but it's obvious you took no notice of my post. More meanderings and verbiage and none of my points you highlighted were answered except to use them as a platform to launch onto something else. For example I had no idea Trump was spastic and I certainly didn't raise it. You still didn't address why the rise of Trump.You answered it by saying the root cause of Donald Trump's success was that there are tens of millions of people who support an ignaramus, i.e. he's successul because people support him. Really? That's not an answer, it's an emotional response about his success.You get off on castigating Trump so much, and using similar sneering rhetoric against his supporters I'm wondering if you're indeed related.

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Trump and his fanboyz need violence.

Violence is to be exploited more than it is to be condemned.

It helps Trump and his fanboyz to justify the whole of their Long March on Washington.


I'm not going to criticize publicus' comment above. It may be the only thing he has ever posted to TVF that was not a cut and paste job. I think we need to give the post a gold star for effort.

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Today at Trump rally in San Jose, California...more violence by Clinton supporters. Apparently, if you dare to support anyone but The Pantsuit, you get eggs and food thrown on your face or physically attacked and injured by the Hillary thugs. (Not to mention the omnipresent MEXICAN flags of the Reconquista mob).



Truly sickening..it will be interesting t hear Clinton supporters excuses for this.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Today at Trump rally in San Jose, California...more violence by Clinton supporters. Apparently, if you dare to support anyone but The Pantsuit, you get eggs and food thrown on your face. (Not to mention the omnipresent MEXICAN flags of the Reconquista mob).


Will be interesting t hear Clinton supporters excuses for this.

These are Third World gangsters who have no loyalty to the US. That is why they wave mexican flags and burn American ones. The American people are getting to see what the clear choice is: either accept Hillary Clinton's notion of open borders that flood the the US with tens of millions of more people just like this or restore the border, embrace the concept of an American nation, and treat citizenship with value, instead of giving it away to squatters like some cheap toy in the bottom of a box of Crackerjacks.

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The San Jose police are being criticized for their lack of response in defending American citizens attending a Trump rally from criminal Third World mobs who attacked the citizens as they left the rally. For the record, here is the San Jose City Council: http://www.sanjoseca.gov/index.aspx?NID=146

And here is their Puerto Rican police chief: http://www.sjpd.org/

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The San Jose police are being criticized for their lack of response in defending American citizens attending a Trump rally from criminal Third World mobs who attacked the citizens as they left the rally. For the record, here is the San Jose City Council: http://www.sanjoseca.gov/index.aspx?NID=146

And here is their Puerto Rican police chief: http://www.sjpd.org/

As a Bay Area native, I think I'm qualified to say that San Jose has always been very "ghetto," and el blancos from surrounding cities have long know to steer clear of the place.

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San Jose population is VERY heavily Mexican American (and also Vietnamese American).

The mayor is correct to put some blame on the vile monster.

The horrible demagogue is ginning up racial tensions with the his constant stream of anti-Mexican racist slurs.

He tries to defend his Trump University case with the fact that the judge is "Mexican" when actually he isn't, but that's how the vile monster runs ... endless lies and slurs.

George W. Bush was smart enough to avoid San Francisco as much as possible.

The vile monster on the other hand is intentionally BAITING these protesters by going to localities he knows are very hostile territory.

Yes, that's his game. He THINKS the violence that he BAITS is going to help win over more true believers to his American Mussolini movement.

I don't think it will ... but that's his play.

To add, as if it needs saying, of course I don't CONDONE protester violence.

But I also don't condone the RACIST message of the trump American fascist movement.

Edited by Jingthing
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The San Jose police are being criticized for their lack of response in defending American citizens attending a Trump rally from criminal Third World mobs who attacked the citizens as they left the rally. For the record, here is the San Jose City Council: http://www.sanjoseca.gov/index.aspx?NID=146

And here is their Puerto Rican police chief: http://www.sjpd.org/

Third world mobs? Seriously? That's such trumpian hate speech rhetoric. Third world because they're brown? Is that what you're trying to say?

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San Jose population is VERY heavily Mexican American (and also Vietnamese American).

The mayor is correct to put some blame on the vile monster.

The horrible demagogue is ginning up racial tensions with the his constant stream of anti-Mexican racist slurs.

He tries to defend his Trump University case with the fact that the judge is "Mexican" when actually he isn't, but that's how the vile monster runs ... endless lies and slurs.

George W. Bush was smart enough to avoid San Francisco as much as possible.

The vile monster on the other hand is intentionally BAITING these protesters by going to localities he knows are very hostile territory.

Yes, that's his game. He THINKS the violence that he BAITS is going to help win over more true believers to his American Mussolini movement.

I don't think it will ... but that's his play.

To add, as if it needs saying, of course I don't CONDONE protester violence.

But I also don't condone the RACIST message of the trump American fascist movement.

Hostile territory? So, parts of the US are off limits to some Americans--although not to illegals??? Very revealing comment.

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The San Jose police are being criticized for their lack of response in defending American citizens attending a Trump rally from criminal Third World mobs who attacked the citizens as they left the rally. For the record, here is the San Jose City Council: http://www.sanjoseca.gov/index.aspx?NID=146

And here is their Puerto Rican police chief: http://www.sjpd.org/

Third world mobs? Seriously? That's such trumpian hate speech rhetoric. Third world because they're brown? Is that what you're trying to say?

More hissy fits from the Clintonistas, I see. Third Word mobs because they are waving the flag of a corrupt, narco-trafficking country, Mexico, two inches from the faces of American citizens exiting a political rally which the mob is trying to physically intimidate and does threaten and attack.

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San Jose population is VERY heavily Mexican American (and also Vietnamese American).

The mayor is correct to put some blame on the vile monster.

The horrible demagogue is ginning up racial tensions with the his constant stream of anti-Mexican racist slurs.

He tries to defend his Trump University case with the fact that the judge is "Mexican" when actually he isn't, but that's how the vile monster runs ... endless lies and slurs.

George W. Bush was smart enough to avoid San Francisco as much as possible.

The vile monster on the other hand is intentionally BAITING these protesters by going to localities he knows are very hostile territory.

Yes, that's his game. He THINKS the violence that he BAITS is going to help win over more true believers to his American Mussolini movement.

I don't think it will ... but that's his play.

To add, as if it needs saying, of course I don't CONDONE protester violence.

But I also don't condone the RACIST message of the trump American fascist movement.

Hostile territory? So, parts of the US are off limits to some Americans--although not to illegals??? Very revealing comment.

Not really. Basic politics. There are hostile regions Obama avoids.

In the context of trump's race baiting "they're rapists" to have a rally in such a major center of Mexican Americans is basically trolling. But that's his thing. He's the super troll candidate.

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