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Pratamnak Music/Noise Pollution


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Music with occasional accompanying tannoy announcements have been blaring out since about 9.30am this morning & it's still ongoing.

Reminds me of the racket that used to blare out when they tried a russian market on soi 6 a while back.

Can anyone shed some light on what/who is doing this?


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No idea about the specific problem you are talking about, but in general noise pollution is at or near the top of the problems the City needs to take action on. It has gotten way out of hand. On Jomtien Beach, they did put up some signs warning people not to play loud music (2000 bhat fine, I think). This type of thing needs to be expanded, especially in residential areas where there are lots of bars with screaming girls and loud music. Farangs needs to get together on this and take a petition to City Hall demanding action on noise pollution. Signs should be put up in front of offending bars:





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I'll say one thing: calling that number does actually seem to work.

It isn't instant and it may take a few calls over a few days/weeks but in my limited experience someone does actually go and sort the noise out in the end.

So bonus points to them for that.

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Music with occasional accompanying tannoy announcements have been blaring out since about 9.30am this morning & it's still ongoing.

I think that music and announcements that start early are usually some socio-religious event. (Weddings, deaths, building openings, blessings etc.) They dont usually last long.

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Its coming from some sort of Chinese tourist Olympic games on the beach right in front of Pattaya Park, if you walk past the actual place the music/din hurts your ears, absolutely no need to blast it out like that, you can hear it allover Jomtien.

BTW The Russian market still has its moments of very loud boom, boom, boom, i pity the people that brought Winner Condo's and Nova Ocean View that have to listen to that every night

And nothing seems to be able to stop the taxi drivers (illegal ones) that sit outside the 7/11 on soi 6 Pratumnak outside Nova Ocean View from blasting music from their stationary cars at all times of the day, many people have complained to City Hall about them

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Its coming from some sort of Chinese tourist Olympic games on the beach right in front of Pattaya Park, if you walk past the actual place the music/din hurts your ears, absolutely no need to blast it out like that, you can hear it allover Jomtien.

BTW The Russian market still has its moments of very loud boom, boom, boom, i pity the people that brought Winner Condo's and Nova Ocean View that have to listen to that every night

And nothing seems to be able to stop the taxi drivers (illegal ones) that sit outside the 7/11 on soi 6 Pratumnak outside Nova Ocean View from blasting music from their stationary cars at all times of the day, many people have complained to City Hall about them

I noticed this also lately enjoying diner at Cabbages and Condoms... Usually a great spot but the noise from nearby was very annoying

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I noticed this also lately enjoying diner at Cabbages and Condoms... Usually a great spot but the noise from nearby was very annoying

Oh dear, that's not good, that's one of the places i go to have a relaxing early evening dinner

Not been for about 6 months

hope its a one off.

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I noticed this also lately enjoying diner at Cabbages and Condoms... Usually a great spot but the noise from nearby was very annoying

Oh dear, that's not good, that's one of the places i go to have a relaxing early evening dinner

Not been for about 6 months

hope its a one off.

It started around 21.00 hr so early diner should be ok..

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I live in Pratumnak 6 also, those taxi drivers should be moved on, so many people have complained about them, and nothing ever done, they are mafia type guys I think the police keep away from them.

I wonder what they would do if someone sat outside their home with boom boom speakers at all times of the day?

And yes this recent music from Pattaya Park is another nail in coffin of what was a nice peaceful area 4/5 years ago

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I like to jog/walk around sunset from Jomtien (south) all the way past the "Pattaya Water Park" to the place where it ends (a parking lot). Now even the "marine police" just past the Water Park are sometimes blaring out music. The parking lot at the end, with very expensive condo units, is now filled with Thai morons from Hell who blare out music. Nobody is doing anything about this. This is not tolerable and it is tarnishing the image of the city and dragging it down to sub-Third World status. No doubt it is causing major damage to the real estate market. Why the "big shots" with money do not get together and demand that the city put an end to it is a mystery to me. As stated, signs need to be put up in residential areas warning people not to play loud music and letting them know they will be fined if they do. And the police need to do something other than the nothing they are doing now. I have called 1337 numerous times and nothing was done; others have had better luck. It is up to the people who are being negatively impacted by noise pollution to form a group (individuals, condo owners, real estate moguls, hotel owners, restaurant ownersd, etc) and demand that the city do something. This place is going fo far downhill is it scary.

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I like to jog/walk around sunset from Jomtien (south) all the way past the "Pattaya Water Park" to the place where it ends (a parking lot). Now even the "marine police" just past the Water Park are sometimes blaring out music. The parking lot at the end, with very expensive condo units, is now filled with Thai morons from Hell who blare out music. Nobody is doing anything about this. This is not tolerable and it is tarnishing the image of the city and dragging it down to sub-Third World status. No doubt it is causing major damage to the real estate market. Why the "big shots" with money do not get together and demand that the city put an end to it is a mystery to me. As stated, signs need to be put up in residential areas warning people not to play loud music and letting them know they will be fined if they do. And the police need to do something other than the nothing they are doing now. I have called 1337 numerous times and nothing was done; others have had better luck. It is up to the people who are being negatively impacted by noise pollution to form a group (individuals, condo owners, real estate moguls, hotel owners, restaurant ownersd, etc) and demand that the city do something. This place is going fo far downhill is it scary.

Yes, I think it was you posted a picture from along Jomtien beach of a sign put up warning of a fine for playing music from a stationary car, thats the only one i have ever seen anywhere

Thats what we need down our road and the area you mentioned at the end of the beach car park, the police are forever getting called out to go down there at night

Are you still getting noise from the hotel near your condo?

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The noise near where I live is horrible, mainly from screaming bar girls. The "hotel" that you referred to continues to play loud music, but mostly during the high season. They did "tone it down" a bit after all of the complaints. What I am suggesting could happen if a lot of prominent people work together and take action. The City has refused to do any "planning" that involves zoning. So, we have loud and annoying bars located all over the city in residential areas. They need to post "No Excessive Noise, Residential Area" signs in these areas and start giving out large fines for ignoring the warnings.

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Centara Grand Hotel Pratumnak threw themselves into the fray last night, with a booming roof party that could be heard a mile away, I had to get out of my condo it was so annoying, i heard only 50 people attended , but yet again hundreds had to suffer from this selfish behavior from a company that should know better.

To the owners of Centara Grand Hotel, people live, relax sleep in a very close environment to your hotel in Pratumnak, please keep the noise inside your hotel

I called 1337, I am sure i was not the only one

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