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Briton arrested as Chiang Mai pedophilia investigation widens


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have always been sickened by the openly pedophile roaming CM, so delighted that they are cleaning it up... the general complacency towards the pedos have been far too prevalent, I can't count the many times I have seen pedo's with kids on their labs around town...

99% were likely their father. Your kind of blanket ignorance would be better situated back in your home country.

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Sorry to be skeptical, but when you are a pedophile liking videos you don't just have ONE CD and ONE video.

That sounds like a planting job.

They go to the house, find nothing, they get pissed off, and want money. The guy refuses to pay. They blackmail him, he refused.

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Chiang Mai, and Thailand in general is still a hot-spot for these types, many exploit the single Thai mum marriage route to the realization of their fantasies. Don't you ever wonder about some of those old western men you see with their young Thai adopted 'daughters' in Tesco's?

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many exploit the single Thai mum marriage route to the realization of their fantasies. Don't you ever wonder about some of those old western men you see with their young Thai adopted 'daughters' in Tesco's?


Nope, can't say that I have. Be more subtle when you're trying to troll half the members on the forum though. biggrin.png

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I read a report some where that a Thai man had been arrested for pimping these kids , he was given 2000 ฿ and he gave the kids 500฿. We live in a sick world but what really gets me is the fact that these perverts, hanging material think this is normal behaviour and the abused kids like it. I belong to the hang them high brigade end of story.

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This sort of report makes my skin crawl. If the British authorities were aware of this 'man's' past behaviour and he has a record in the UK, <deleted> is he doing being allowed to travel? However, as much as he's not guilty until proven having done this, it makes me wonder just how many of these types are roaming around Asia looking for the vulnerable.

I'm in Australia at the moment on holiday and saw a report on ABC TV about the FBI in Los Angeles arresting a 34 year Melbourne man who had travelled to the US specifically for sex with a 6 year old boy.

It boggles the mind that such people exist. It's a sick world we inhabit.

As you say, in this specific case, he needs to be proven and convicted before he's guilty. The British police haven't got a good record on pedophiles, both heterosexual and homosexual. But to be fair several other Western European countries' police haven't either. I don't know about American law enforcement with all its agencies or Australia.

You can't ban someone from travel on suspicion and rumor. But you'd hope intelligence on all criminals was being shared through Interpol. It remains to be seen if he'd been convicted, cautioned or was under suspicion before leaving the UK.

It seems these pedos come in all ages, nationalities but are predominantly men, apart from the occasional female teacher. It seems they have managed to do a good job of hiding in the past or are the police around the world getting better at catching them.

It seems unbelievable that people do this, and now part of their sick behavior is networking on social media and sharing their depravity.

Well done RTP. Hope they follow this through and shake the tree and see if a few more are exposed.

In America, this sort of crime was not taken very seriously until the 1990's. Until then, criminal records were very localized, meaning that an offender could resume their activities by moving to a different state. Since the 90's centralized data means that a conviction follows the offender everywhere. Also in the 90's prisons introduced a mental health aspect to incarceration. Before then, convicts were at the mercy of the general population in prison. Now, there is a registry that basically identifies the offender to anyone who has a computer. The laws are very restrictive toward offenders. They cannot live within a given distance from schools, residents in neighborhoods must be notified, computer activities are monitored, mandatory counseling, etc. Even drivers licenses have them identified as sexual offenders. Many offenders cannot secure work and find themselves homeless. Tangentially related to this story is the problem the USA has in defining sexual abuse of a minor. This does not apply to the present case, but there are plenty of men who have been convicted because they were 18 years old, having sex with a 16 year old gf.

Are these practices common to the UK and other nations?

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Sorry to be skeptical, but when you are a pedophile liking videos you don't just have ONE CD and ONE video.

That sounds like a planting job.

They go to the house, find nothing, they get pissed off, and want money. The guy refuses to pay. They blackmail him, he refused.

Sorry to be skeptical, but if you have no knowledge, or possibly experience, how would you know ?

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Congratulations... now we're on "every man is a pedo and can't be trusted." This is the reason that there's a huge shortage of male teachers in the world. The assumption that every bloke who interacts with a child is somehow suspect. It's the suspicion which led to the British tragedy of Dunblaine (when a guy who cared for children all of his life was suddenly alleged by the community to be a pedophile; to date not one child has come forward to even suggest he acted inappropriately but hey better to be unsafe than sorry right?).

"Some kind of ban should be imposed on men from inviting children to their homes unless accompanied by an adult relative."

Would prevent a tutor from having a 14 year old come to their home to learn piano or English (or whatever). It would prevent children from visiting their friends' homes. And so on...

Knee-jerk stupidity will not cure pedophilia but it will make the world a much more miserable place to live in for everyone.

If we cared about children - we'd make sure that pedophiles were offered every possible means of help to control their impulses without hurting children and we'd throw the book (and away the key) at them if they did hurt children. This might actually prevent kids from being harmed but that's too logical for most; much better to assume that every man is animal who hurts kids right?

Though... it's worth noting that the vast majority of children who are sexually abused (the world over)... are sexually abused by a relative. So perhaps it's time to ban all men from becoming fathers too?

You're not honestly trying to suggest that the Dunblaine massacre was the fault of the community for wrongly suggesting that Hamilton was a paedo are you? If I were wrongly accused of being a paedophile, my reaction would not be to murder 16 5-year-old children.
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Congratulations... now we're on "every man is a pedo and can't be trusted." This is the reason that there's a huge shortage of male teachers in the world. The assumption that every bloke who interacts with a child is somehow suspect. It's the suspicion which led to the British tragedy of Dunblaine (when a guy who cared for children all of his life was suddenly alleged by the community to be a pedophile; to date not one child has come forward to even suggest he acted inappropriately but hey better to be unsafe than sorry right?).

"Some kind of ban should be imposed on men from inviting children to their homes unless accompanied by an adult relative."

Would prevent a tutor from having a 14 year old come to their home to learn piano or English (or whatever). It would prevent children from visiting their friends' homes. And so on...

Knee-jerk stupidity will not cure pedophilia but it will make the world a much more miserable place to live in for everyone.

If we cared about children - we'd make sure that pedophiles were offered every possible means of help to control their impulses without hurting children and we'd throw the book (and away the key) at them if they did hurt children. This might actually prevent kids from being harmed but that's too logical for most; much better to assume that every man is animal who hurts kids right?

Though... it's worth noting that the vast majority of children who are sexually abused (the world over)... are sexually abused by a relative. So perhaps it's time to ban all men from becoming fathers too?

Men, that invite minors to their residence, and they are the only adult in the house??

Why even put yourself in that situation?

Especially in Thailand, where perverted farangs and building jumpers go for one reason or another..

If parents care for their children, they should teach their kids not to go into strangers homes.

Dim wits voicing their support/opinion - that

pedophiles should be helped to control their urges.. Unbelievable!

You're saying, don't worry about these sick bastards..

Unless they hurt a child "again" then they should be locked up?

It's too late by then knucklehead!

Those sick shits that molest children....

Should die!

My opinion!

Your opinion is your opinion. I am saying we stop them from offending in the first place and that means teaching them to control their urges. I'm not sure which bit of "if they hurt a child" they should throw the book at them and throw the key away wasn't clear to you. But stopping someone from offending in the first place is far more valuable than punishing someone once they have; at least from a child's point of view. Though it may not be as macho and satisfying as "they should all die" to say.

This is particularly important when you consider that current estimates place somewhere between 5 and 20% of the population as having pedophilic tendencies. E.g. there are more kiddy fiddlers in the world than there are gay folks. Extermination seems both unlikely and genocidal in that instance.

When I was in China I regularly had children in the house and was the only adult around... they were variously dumped on me by the wife and her friends before going shopping. The house we rented, peculiarly, was owned by a toy manufacturer in Hong Kong and thus they'd all sit and play with the insane amount of garbage he'd left in the house and watch TV while I worked. There are plenty of perfectly acceptable reasons for a child to be in a home with a man without it being a case of child molestation. "Stranger danger" is something valuable to teach. "All men are pedophiles" not so much.

I agree with much of what you say with the exception of "helping them to control their urges." This is manifestly naive. I have met these guys in Cambodia, staying in guesthouses and friends of friends. As an older travelling alone (in the old days before I remarried) I was occasionally approached as a potential accomplice. Frequently the approach was not blatant. "Why don't we take a couple of motos and go to XXX for a beer. It's a fun place. Lots of young girls" Etc Etc. The places they wanted to go was the clue!!! Believe me, this is what they live for. They organize their whole being around it. It is their reason for living and as such It dominates everything they do in their lives and they do not want to be helped to control it. What they want is a time, a place and a child. And the time is always now.

Edited by The Deerhunter
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IF you want this to stop, death sentence AND all assets confiscated. You can even go after family members if they are in Thailand, like racketeering. Stiff fines for them

Their home country also needs to prosecute and fine.

next step, death sentence for pimps....that might take time....

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Congratulations... now we're on "every man is a pedo and can't be trusted." This is the reason that there's a huge shortage of male teachers in the world. The assumption that every bloke who interacts with a child is somehow suspect. It's the suspicion which led to the British tragedy of Dunblaine (when a guy who cared for children all of his life was suddenly alleged by the community to be a pedophile; to date not one child has come forward to even suggest he acted inappropriately but hey better to be unsafe than sorry right?).

"Some kind of ban should be imposed on men from inviting children to their homes unless accompanied by an adult relative."

Would prevent a tutor from having a 14 year old come to their home to learn piano or English (or whatever). It would prevent children from visiting their friends' homes. And so on...

Knee-jerk stupidity will not cure pedophilia but it will make the world a much more miserable place to live in for everyone.

If we cared about children - we'd make sure that pedophiles were offered every possible means of help to control their impulses without hurting children and we'd throw the book (and away the key) at them if they did hurt children. This might actually prevent kids from being harmed but that's too logical for most; much better to assume that every man is animal who hurts kids right?

Though... it's worth noting that the vast majority of children who are sexually abused (the world over)... are sexually abused by a relative. So perhaps it's time to ban all men from becoming fathers too?

It wont cure them agreed but a nice cool drink of hemlock will definitely help

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Congratulations... now we're on "every man is a pedo and can't be trusted." This is the reason that there's a huge shortage of male teachers in the world. The assumption that every bloke who interacts with a child is somehow suspect. It's the suspicion which led to the British tragedy of Dunblaine (when a guy who cared for children all of his life was suddenly alleged by the community to be a pedophile; to date not one child has come forward to even suggest he acted inappropriately but hey better to be unsafe than sorry right?).

"Some kind of ban should be imposed on men from inviting children to their homes unless accompanied by an adult relative."

Would prevent a tutor from having a 14 year old come to their home to learn piano or English (or whatever). It would prevent children from visiting their friends' homes. And so on...

Knee-jerk stupidity will not cure pedophilia but it will make the world a much more miserable place to live in for everyone.

If we cared about children - we'd make sure that pedophiles were offered every possible means of help to control their impulses without hurting children and we'd throw the book (and away the key) at them if they did hurt children. This might actually prevent kids from being harmed but that's too logical for most; much better to assume that every man is animal who hurts kids right?

Though... it's worth noting that the vast majority of children who are sexually abused (the world over)... are sexually abused by a relative. So perhaps it's time to ban all men from becoming fathers too?

You're not honestly trying to suggest that the Dunblaine massacre was the fault of the community for wrongly suggesting that Hamilton was a paedo are you? If I were wrongly accused of being a paedophile, my reaction would not be to murder 16 5-year-old children.

What you would do is absolutely irrelevant to what he did do. All the post-massacre analysis shows that he snapped after being ousted from a lifetime of kind service to children (Hamilton was a sad, lonely man apart from his work) because of a community that decided that a "normal man" couldn't be involved with children without being some sort of child molester. No, the massacre was not the "fault" of the community - Hamilton was deranged in his response - but they sure did trigger the response all the same.

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I read a report some where that a Thai man had been arrested for pimping these kids , he was given 2000 ฿ and he gave the kids 500฿. We live in a sick world but what really gets me is the fact that these perverts, hanging material think this is normal behaviour and the abused kids like it. I belong to the hang them high brigade end of story.

that was another case in Pattaya in the news at the same time.

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Congratulations... now we're on "every man is a pedo and can't be trusted." This is the reason that there's a huge shortage of male teachers in the world. The assumption that every bloke who interacts with a child is somehow suspect. It's the suspicion which led to the British tragedy of Dunblaine (when a guy who cared for children all of his life was suddenly alleged by the community to be a pedophile; to date not one child has come forward to even suggest he acted inappropriately but hey better to be unsafe than sorry right?).

"Some kind of ban should be imposed on men from inviting children to their homes unless accompanied by an adult relative."

Would prevent a tutor from having a 14 year old come to their home to learn piano or English (or whatever). It would prevent children from visiting their friends' homes. And so on...

Knee-jerk stupidity will not cure pedophilia but it will make the world a much more miserable place to live in for everyone.

If we cared about children - we'd make sure that pedophiles were offered every possible means of help to control their impulses without hurting children and we'd throw the book (and away the key) at them if they did hurt children. This might actually prevent kids from being harmed but that's too logical for most; much better to assume that every man is animal who hurts kids right?

Though... it's worth noting that the vast majority of children who are sexually abused (the world over)... are sexually abused by a relative. So perhaps it's time to ban all men from becoming fathers too?

I was sexually abused and my first experience was with a relative....

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Does anyone find it odd that they have searched his PC so fast?

I would assume that the PC search is done by IT people and not the local cops. If so it would take a few days at least.

I'm not saying the guy is innocent, but it i know i wouldn't want some bent cop on my PC. It doesn't take long to copy and paste.

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I surmise there are more Thai pedophiles' than foreigner pedophiles here in Thailand....you would think??

Meantime.....it seems they are everywhere these days and more so than before.

Yep...it is unanimous, the pedophiles are a lowly lot that have to be exposed and extracted from society and then kept in prisons so they can not prey upon children that are easily preyed upon.

What else can be done because if they are not "quarantined', so to speak, then they will not stop what they like to do while self convinced that what they do is not really a crime at all, in their minds....just fun and games and harmless stuff....to their thinking.

For sure they need an attitude re-adjustment while time in isolation is the way to keep them from doing any further harm.

See how merciful I am.....lol


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It gets me how a man of this age can lay low for so long grooming children. Surely, he must've previously been involved somewhere else before he decided to start his kiddy fiddling in Chaing Mai.

Some kind of ban should be imposed on men from inviting children to their homes unless accompanied by an adult relative.

This kind of BS needs to be curbed and offenders thrown out of the country if found with children in their homes without being with chaperones. No excuses for asking children to come play games since most of the time there is hidden agenda that sometimes results in murder.

Sick Bastard if you ask me !!!

Absolutely, I guess you think they should also deport all those sick thai's who make up the vast majority of child abusers in this country ???

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I surmise there are more Thai pedophiles' than foreigner pedophiles here in Thailand....you would think??

Meantime.....it seems they are everywhere these days and more so than before.

Yep...it is unanimous, the pedophiles are a lowly lot that have to be exposed and extracted from society and then kept in prisons so they can not prey upon children that are easily preyed upon.

What else can be done because if they are not "quarantined', so to speak, then they will not stop what they like to do while self convinced that what they do is not really a crime at all, in their minds....just fun and games and harmless stuff....to their thinking.

For sure they need an attitude re-adjustment while time in isolation is the way to keep them from doing any further harm.

See how merciful I am.....lol


No need to be an Einstein to figure that one out considering the Thais are the mainstream population.

Why not face the facts, Pedophiles are everywhere, people from all walks of life, teachers, priests, rabbis, monks, politicians, celebrities, from one end of the spectrum to the other. There are even female Pedophiles.

There are no absolute ways to protect children from sexual predictors except for warning them of the dangers and what to watch out for, providing the situation doesn`t become paranoid. I think it`s up to the parents and schools to educate children of the dangers out there and how to deal with them.

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Surely better to see the final outcome of due process of law than hand draw and quarter someone who should remain innocent until proven guilty - with the Japanese guy caught in the act the evidence is compelling but for the English 73 year old expat all seems a bit sketchy and qustionable. As always I am optimistic that the truth will prevail in the end -

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He can thank themselves .. for now he is sitting in the monkey house.

Are you a pedophile don´t go to Thailand.

sign up the Catholic church there are many of them, birds of a feather flock together

Edited by Bangkokazy
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