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We do bring the money to this city and if we left what would be left ? If you think I am inacurate, please explain your thoughts

Depends who you class as we? I recall similar comments on how Thailand would never survive if the visa rules were changed, I never noticed any negative impact and never read any adverse reports.

I - We what ever don't include me in your little band of people who keep Pattaya alive and well.

Do you work here? are you paying tax apart from your 7% purchase tax which every one has to pay?

I doubt Pattaya would suffer if half of the long stay residents here left, as I am sure we will see in 90 days from the 1st of October.

It was a thriving city when I came here 10 years ago and there were probably only 30% of the whinging Cheap Charlies there are now.

Like i said why not test your theory and round up your band of big spenders and see if the rest of us here like it better or not.

As for what makes Pattaya look like a shit hole ask the Thais, they will tell you its the fat gutted farrangs walking around town with their bellies hanging out.

Soi Bukhow doesnt have many street dogs but it is the largest shit hole in Pattaya.

The way you carry on in this thread amazes me, shouting at any and every one, similar to the stray dogs that I keep bumping into.

You say and I quote “ Black Jack your posts are not even worthy of a reply you really are a pr*ck if you think that you are clever or funny

While black jack is saying “make owners responsible” seems like a clever idea to me

In my opinion only a pr*ck would say “I would not let my kids around stray dogs unless they have been trained again. “ and another corker “Just keep your children away from where you know the dogs are, its not rocket science, they tend to stay in the same places all the time.”

I know where the stray dogs are, all over Pattaya from the beach all the way to Bangkok. So are you suggesting that you don’t let you children out of your house? Must be fun growing up with you.

As for being bitten by the dog when you were a kid of 11 and received 53 (which I am sorry to hear) stitches in your face from a dog bite, dogs fault? I am amazed that you are not blaming your parents, I mean did they not teach you to stay away from dogs and where the dogs where?

You ask “So come on what do you do to help anyone or anything in Thailand on a regular basis? Unlike you I don't shout about it because its really only my business

I - We what ever don't include me in your little band of people who keep Pattaya alive and well. Unfortunately you are in this band, but it is a lot bigger than you seam to realise

Do you work here? are you paying tax apart from your 7% purchase tax which every one has to pay? I do not work, as I indicated prior, I am below 50 and retired and bring money to Thailand every month

You say "I doubt Pattaya would suffer if half of the long stay residents here left, as I am sure we will see in 90 days from the 1st of October You will find that the all the lorg term stayers will find an easy answer to the new rules. But you obviously do not understand economics; I mean you really believe Pattaya would not suffer if 50% of the farang residents left? What would happen to all the people that provide the services and products they require?

You Say "Like i said why not test your theory and round up your band of big spenders and see if the rest of us here like it better or not." With an attitude like yours, I believe you are asking the wrong band to leave, do you have a band, try here, www.leavingthailandwithattitude.com

You go on "As for what makes Pattaya look like a shit hole ask the Thais, they will tell you its the fat gutted farrangs walking around town with their bellies hanging out." So its not the garbage, unfinished building work, drunken thais on the beach promenade, holes in the pavements everywhere, blackfumes from cars that should be taken off the road, stray dogs and dog sh^t? Of course all Thai villages are beautiful retreats into the country with no plastic bottles, boxes and empty chang bottles every where, Do you and I live in a different country ?

You Go on and on"Soi Bukhow doesnt have many street dogs but it is the largest shit hole in Pattaya." And who built and design this street, was it farangs ?

Your don’t appear to be funny or clever,

No Doubt this thread will be closed because of flaming, so if you wish to carry on your barking prehaps you could pm them

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We do bring the money to this city and if we left what would be left ? If you think I am inacurate, please explain your thoughts

Depends who you class as we? I recall similar comments on how Thailand would never survive if the visa rules were changed, I never noticed any negative impact and never read any adverse reports.

I - We what ever don't include me in your little band of people who keep Pattaya alive and well.

Do you work here? are you paying tax apart from your 7% purchase tax which every one has to pay?

I doubt Pattaya would suffer if half of the long stay residents here left, as I am sure we will see in 90 days from the 1st of October.

It was a thriving city when I came here 10 years ago and there were probably only 30% of the whinging Cheap Charlies there are now.

Like i said why not test your theory and round up your band of big spenders and see if the rest of us here like it better or not.

As for what makes Pattaya look like a shit hole ask the Thais, they will tell you its the fat gutted farrangs walking around town with their bellies hanging out.

Soi Bukhow doesnt have many street dogs but it is the largest shit hole in Pattaya.

What does it have to do with the stray dogs?

Should Thais let them breed more and extend their presence to places where they are not now?

We do bring the money to this city and if we left what would be left ? If you think I am inacurate, please explain your thoughts

Depends who you class as we? I recall similar comments on how Thailand would never survive if the visa rules were changed, I never noticed any negative impact and never read any adverse reports.

I - We what ever don't include me in your little band of people who keep Pattaya alive and well.

Do you work here? are you paying tax apart from your 7% purchase tax which every one has to pay?

I doubt Pattaya would suffer if half of the long stay residents here left, as I am sure we will see in 90 days from the 1st of October.

It was a thriving city when I came here 10 years ago and there were probably only 30% of the whinging Cheap Charlies there are now.

Like i said why not test your theory and round up your band of big spenders and see if the rest of us here like it better or not.

As for what makes Pattaya look like a shit hole ask the Thais, they will tell you its the fat gutted farrangs walking around town with their bellies hanging out.

Soi Bukhow doesnt have many street dogs but it is the largest shit hole in Pattaya.

What does it have to do with the stray dogs?

Should Thais let them breed more and extend their presence to places where they are not now?

If it was up to fourbaht, there would only be stray dogs in pattaya and no long term fat or un-fat farang resisdents, but the Thai people would be able do ok without the income,,,, :o:D:D


don't include me in your little band of people who keep Pattaya alive and well.

Do you work here? are you paying tax?

Like i said why not

Your don't appear to be funny or clever,

No Doubt this thread will be closed because of flaming, so if you wish to carry on your barking prehaps you could pm them

For some reason, the above quoted interlude reminds me, dog20fight202.jpg

has any consideration been given to having sanctioned and supervised dog fights as a means of controlling the soi dog population? It seems like it might be successful if done in proper enclosures and duly taxed.

It would improve the plight of the dogs by controlling their numbers as well as generate revenue that possibly could go to defray the costs of neutering and thus help controlling the over-population problem even further that way.


Was chased by a giant rottweiler last night, I never saw it until he ran out from a dark spot, his breathing was what made me turn my head, that s how close he was. Had I been on foot, I was screwed, good thing I was on the motorcycle.

I won't be sorry running that one over with the truck if the opportunity presents itself. Stupid dog owners. :o

mmmmm... if he's in good health, let me know when you do the right thing and please try to do it in such a way that you can save me a big, undamaged hind quarter for me... Big breed dogs like Rottweilers are great on a Rotisserie bar-b-q. :D

The feast we could have on a rotweiler.. :D

Heck, we can hang it under my car port, gut it, split it in quarters, 50/50.

Rot Chops, Rotî, Rot Dogs, bRotwurst, Rot-au-Feu, Rot-au-vin.

With red or white wine?


Was chased by a giant rottweiler last night, I never saw it until he ran out from a dark spot, his breathing was what made me turn my head, that s how close he was. Had I been on foot, I was screwed, good thing I was on the motorcycle.

I won't be sorry running that one over with the truck if the opportunity presents itself. Stupid dog owners. :o

mmmmm... if he's in good health, let me know when you do the right thing and please try to do it in such a way that you can save me a big, undamaged hind quarter for me... Big breed dogs like Rottweilers are great on a Rotisserie bar-b-q. :D

The feast we could have on a rotweiler.. :D

Heck, we can hang it under my car port, gut it, split it in quarters, 50/50.

Rot Chops, Rotî, Rot Dogs, bRotwurst, Rot-au-Feu, Rot-au-vin.

With red or white wine?

well, I'd have to go along with this recommendation and have a nice

bottle of Trentino Cabernet Sauvignon, but it's good to know beforehand we'll need 6 kilos of meat if we're going to make a double recipe and those hindquarters are tops

Stewed Dog (wedding style)

Serving Size: 30

Preparation Time: 3:00

Categories: Ethnic/Philippines

3 kg dog meat

1/2 cup vinegar

60 peppercorns -- crushed *I heard you like pepper*

6 tablespoons salt

12 cloves garlic -- crushed

1/2 cup cooking oil

6 cups onion -- sliced

3 cups tomato sauce

10 cups boiling water

6 cups red pepper -- cut into strips

6 pieces bay leaf

1 teaspoon tabasco sauce

1 1/2 cups liver spread -- ** see note

1 whole fresh pineapple -- cut 1/2 inch thick

1. First, kill a medium sized dog, then burn off the fur over a hot fire.

2. Carefully remove the skin while still warm and set aside for later (may be

used in other recpies)

3. Cut meat into 1" cubes. Marinade meat in mixture of vinegar,

peppercorn, salt and garlic for 2 hours.

4. Fry meat in oil using a large wok over an open fire, then add onions and

chopped pineapple and suate until tender.

5. Pour in tomato sauce and boiling water, add green peper, bay leaf and


6. Cover and simmer over warm coals until meat is tender. Blend in liver spread

and cook for additional 5-7 minutes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Suggested Wine: Trentino Cabernet Sauvignon


Trentino Cabernet Sauvignon

quite the feast, eh?


We do bring the money to this city and if we left what would be left ? If you think I am inacurate, please explain your thoughts

Depends who you class as we? I recall similar comments on how Thailand would never survive if the visa rules were changed, I never noticed any negative impact and never read any adverse reports.

I - We what ever don't include me in your little band of people who keep Pattaya alive and well.

Do you work here? are you paying tax apart from your 7% purchase tax which every one has to pay?

I doubt Pattaya would suffer if half of the long stay residents here left, as I am sure we will see in 90 days from the 1st of October.

It was a thriving city when I came here 10 years ago and there were probably only 30% of the whinging Cheap Charlies there are now.

Like i said why not test your theory and round up your band of big spenders and see if the rest of us here like it better or not.

As for what makes Pattaya look like a shit hole ask the Thais, they will tell you its the fat gutted farrangs walking around town with their bellies hanging out.

Soi Bukhow doesnt have many street dogs but it is the largest shit hole in Pattaya.

What does it have to do with the stray dogs?

Should Thais let them breed more and extend their presence to places where they are not now?

If it was up to fourbaht, there would only be stray dogs in pattaya and no long term fat or un-fat farang resisdents, but the Thai people would be able do ok without the income,,,, :D:D:D

Calm Down Rocket don't blow a fuse..Mr Four Baht doesn't like Ducks either..

I just hope one of his four legged friends doesn't eat me.. :o

So its not the garbage, unfinished building work, drunken thais on the beach promenade, holes in the pavements everywhere, blackfumes from cars that should be taken off the road, stray dogs and dog sh^t? Of course all Thai villages are beautiful retreats into the country with no plastic bottles, boxes and empty chang bottles every where, Do you and I live in a different country ?

You really do love it here.. I can see why you want to stay

So its not the garbage, unfinished building work, drunken thais on the beach promenade, holes in the pavements everywhere, blackfumes from cars that should be taken off the road, stray dogs and dog sh^t? Of course all Thai villages are beautiful retreats into the country with no plastic bottles, boxes and empty chang bottles every where, Do you and I live in a different country ?

You really do love it here.. I can see why you want to stay

It is messy here. We should all join that guy who writes to Pattaya Mail asking us to bend at the waist to pick up garbage. I do it and have been commended by police and Thai folks tell me I'm Number 1. Wear gloves and take a plastic bag (or 2) on you walks.


Was chased by a giant rottweiler last night, I never saw it until he ran out from a dark spot, his breathing was what made me turn my head, that s how close he was. Had I been on foot, I was screwed, good thing I was on the motorcycle.

I won't be sorry running that one over with the truck if the opportunity presents itself. Stupid dog owners. :o

mmmmm... if he's in good health, let me know when you do the right thing and please try to do it in such a way that you can save me a big, undamaged hind quarter for me... Big breed dogs like Rottweilers are great on a Rotisserie bar-b-q. :D

The feast we could have on a rotweiler.. :D

Heck, we can hang it under my car port, gut it, split it in quarters, 50/50.

Rot Chops, Rotî, Rot Dogs, bRotwurst, Rot-au-Feu, Rot-au-vin.

With red or white wine?

well, I'd have to go along with this recommendation and have a nice

bottle of Trentino Cabernet Sauvignon, but it's good to know beforehand we'll need 6 kilos of meat if we're going to make a double recipe and those hindquarters are tops

Stewed Dog (wedding style)

Serving Size: 30

Preparation Time: 3:00

Categories: Ethnic/Philippines

3 kg dog meat

1/2 cup vinegar

60 peppercorns -- crushed *I heard you like pepper*

6 tablespoons salt

12 cloves garlic -- crushed

1/2 cup cooking oil

6 cups onion -- sliced

3 cups tomato sauce

10 cups boiling water

6 cups red pepper -- cut into strips

6 pieces bay leaf

1 teaspoon tabasco sauce

1 1/2 cups liver spread -- ** see note

1 whole fresh pineapple -- cut 1/2 inch thick

1. First, kill a medium sized dog, then burn off the fur over a hot fire.

2. Carefully remove the skin while still warm and set aside for later (may be

used in other recpies)

3. Cut meat into 1" cubes. Marinade meat in mixture of vinegar,

peppercorn, salt and garlic for 2 hours.

4. Fry meat in oil using a large wok over an open fire, then add onions and

chopped pineapple and suate until tender.

5. Pour in tomato sauce and boiling water, add green peper, bay leaf and


6. Cover and simmer over warm coals until meat is tender. Blend in liver spread

and cook for additional 5-7 minutes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Suggested Wine: Trentino Cabernet Sauvignon


Trentino Cabernet Sauvignon

quite the feast, eh?


I worry about you sometimes SJ :D:D:D


Was chased by a giant rottweiler last night, I never saw it until he ran out from a dark spot, his breathing was what made me turn my head, that s how close he was. Had I been on foot, I was screwed, good thing I was on the motorcycle.

I won't be sorry running that one over with the truck if the opportunity presents itself. Stupid dog owners. :o

mmmmm... if he's in good health, let me know when you do the right thing and please try to do it in such a way that you can save me a big, undamaged hind quarter for me... Big breed dogs like Rottweilers are great on a Rotisserie bar-b-q. :D

The feast we could have on a rotweiler.. :D

Heck, we can hang it under my car port, gut it, split it in quarters, 50/50.

Rot Chops, Rotî, Rot Dogs, bRotwurst, Rot-au-Feu, Rot-au-vin.

With red or white wine?

well, I'd have to go along with this recommendation and have a nice

bottle of Trentino Cabernet Sauvignon, but it's good to know beforehand we'll need 6 kilos of meat if we're going to make a double recipe and those hindquarters are tops

Stewed Dog (wedding style)

Serving Size: 30

Preparation Time: 3:00

Categories: Ethnic/Philippines

3 kg dog meat

1/2 cup vinegar

60 peppercorns -- crushed *I heard you like pepper*

6 tablespoons salt

12 cloves garlic -- crushed

1/2 cup cooking oil

6 cups onion -- sliced

3 cups tomato sauce

10 cups boiling water

6 cups red pepper -- cut into strips

6 pieces bay leaf

1 teaspoon tabasco sauce

1 1/2 cups liver spread -- ** see note

1 whole fresh pineapple -- cut 1/2 inch thick

1. First, kill a medium sized dog, then burn off the fur over a hot fire.

2. Carefully remove the skin while still warm and set aside for later (may be

used in other recpies)

3. Cut meat into 1" cubes. Marinade meat in mixture of vinegar,

peppercorn, salt and garlic for 2 hours.

4. Fry meat in oil using a large wok over an open fire, then add onions and

chopped pineapple and suate until tender.

5. Pour in tomato sauce and boiling water, add green peper, bay leaf and


6. Cover and simmer over warm coals until meat is tender. Blend in liver spread

and cook for additional 5-7 minutes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Suggested Wine: Trentino Cabernet Sauvignon


Trentino Cabernet Sauvignon

quite the feast, eh?


I worry about you sometimes SJ :D:D:D

Thanks. Just trying to come up with some alternatives (sparring matches... meat dishes... etc.) to deal with the problem outlined in the OP.

The obvious shortfall with consuming them is that they are unfit, but it could certainly help reduce the concurrent problem of dogs in good shape, but unattended to by their owners and allowed to roam free.

Personally, for the soi dogs, I think the supervised fighting option might be best. Instead of being considered a blight on the landscape, people could come to view their own particular neighborhood soi dog with pride, eg. "We got a big, bad soi dog in Sriracha that would kick the a$$ of any Pattaya soi dog." Also, they would be better looked after before a big match, which 4baht would appreciate. An entire, previously untouched, industry could be built up around the events, providing jobs and revenue. They're always fighting amongst themselves anyway, so there's no reason not to have something positive come out of it.

Turning a negative into a positive is a worthwhile goal.


Was chased by a giant rottweiler last night, I never saw it until he ran out from a dark spot, his breathing was what made me turn my head, that s how close he was. Had I been on foot, I was screwed, good thing I was on the motorcycle.

I won't be sorry running that one over with the truck if the opportunity presents itself. Stupid dog owners. :o

mmmmm... if he's in good health, let me know when you do the right thing and please try to do it in such a way that you can save me a big, undamaged hind quarter for me... Big breed dogs like Rottweilers are great on a Rotisserie bar-b-q. :D

The feast we could have on a rotweiler.. :D

Heck, we can hang it under my car port, gut it, split it in quarters, 50/50.

Rot Chops, Rotî, Rot Dogs, bRotwurst, Rot-au-Feu, Rot-au-vin.

With red or white wine?

well, I'd have to go along with this recommendation and have a nice

bottle of Trentino Cabernet Sauvignon, but it's good to know beforehand we'll need 6 kilos of meat if we're going to make a double recipe and those hindquarters are tops

Stewed Dog (wedding style)

Serving Size: 30

Preparation Time: 3:00

Categories: Ethnic/Philippines

3 kg dog meat

1/2 cup vinegar

60 peppercorns -- crushed *I heard you like pepper*

6 tablespoons salt

12 cloves garlic -- crushed

1/2 cup cooking oil

6 cups onion -- sliced

3 cups tomato sauce

10 cups boiling water

6 cups red pepper -- cut into strips

6 pieces bay leaf

1 teaspoon tabasco sauce

1 1/2 cups liver spread -- ** see note

1 whole fresh pineapple -- cut 1/2 inch thick

1. First, kill a medium sized dog, then burn off the fur over a hot fire.

2. Carefully remove the skin while still warm and set aside for later (may be

used in other recpies)

3. Cut meat into 1" cubes. Marinade meat in mixture of vinegar,

peppercorn, salt and garlic for 2 hours.

4. Fry meat in oil using a large wok over an open fire, then add onions and

chopped pineapple and suate until tender.

5. Pour in tomato sauce and boiling water, add green peper, bay leaf and


6. Cover and simmer over warm coals until meat is tender. Blend in liver spread

and cook for additional 5-7 minutes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Suggested Wine: Trentino Cabernet Sauvignon


Trentino Cabernet Sauvignon

quite the feast, eh?


I worry about you sometimes SJ :D:D:D

Thanks. Just trying to come up with some alternatives (sparring matches... meat dishes... etc.) to deal with the problem outlined in the OP.

The obvious shortfall with consuming them is that they are unfit, but it could certainly help reduce the concurrent problem of dogs in good shape, but unattended to by their owners and allowed to roam free.

Personally, for the soi dogs, I think the supervised fighting option might be best. Instead of being considered a blight on the landscape, people could come to view their own particular neighborhood soi dog with pride, eg. "We got a big, bad soi dog in Sriracha that would kick the a$$ of any Pattaya soi dog." Also, they would be better looked after before a big match, which 4baht would appreciate. An entire, previously untouched, industry could be built up around the events, providing jobs and revenue. They're always fighting amongst themselves anyway, so there's no reason not to have something positive come out of it.

Turning a negative into a positive is a worthwhile goal.

Great idea, could we some how get the ladyboy muggers from Beach Road involved ?

They like to fight, a couple of them versus a couple of Soi Dogs would bring the crowds in. :D


There is no welcome to your Pattaya Grand Jomtien Palace warmer than with a stray dog.

Thats one BIG doggy. Its covered the camera lens!!! :o

Maybe your screen can't display it? It is a nightshot but on my PC the dog is clearly visible.


Perhaps a solution would be a baiting/birth control program. Where I live we have problems with racoons having rabies. The local government uses baits dropped around the towns infused with a vaccine.

I dont know if such a drug exists(but certainly seems plausible) that would render the consumer sterile.This would not be an instant correction, but certainly a long term answer, and would seem a humane solution to the problem. Does anyone know of such a drug? If it were readily available, and not too costly, this may even be possible for just a small neighborhood group to accomplish.

So its not the garbage, unfinished building work, drunken thais on the beach promenade, holes in the pavements everywhere, blackfumes from cars that should be taken off the road, stray dogs and dog sh^t? Of course all Thai villages are beautiful retreats into the country with no plastic bottles, boxes and empty chang bottles every where, Do you and I live in a different country ?

You really do love it here.. I can see why you want to stay

I take it that you do not live in the tourist resort,

The reason why i think the dogs are a problem are - they walk sleep and live very badly in the heart of the tourist resort, barking at tourists, chasing tourists, fighting in front of tourists, sh&&ting where tourists walk. Sleeping in the middle of the foot path so as tourists have to walk around them and as the pavements are not wide enough onto the road, Some of these tourists are familys with children.

If thailand can not feed and care for the street animals, they should remove them from the streets. If that means feeding then to crocs or tigers so be it.

As to what happens where you live fourbht who cares, as you live in Thailand and not in its tourist resort, let Thailand have its stray dogs that it seams to love so much... Prehaps city hall could arrange for all the dogs to be relocated to your residential area, that would give you some more charity work to shout about.


my two bobs worth,

tony's has a dog pound near the end of jomtien beach road, (tucked behind a restaurant side lane), there are about 3-4 thai guys that look after the dogs daily,

when a dog arrives to be pounded it is vaccinated immedately,

and place in the what they would class as the most appropraite kennel cage. (as they have 3 or 4 different sections)

these guys as far as i know work under the direction of tony (the gym owner)

he has sort farang sponsorship from business owners also the council is involved as they regularly send vet's down to the pound to carryout castiration etc. so if you really want to help go down there have a look and donated, also there is a truck allocated to pick up strays but you must remember these guys don't have and protective gear, so would you like to donate some protective gear for these guys to get the dangerous stray dogs that we all complain about.

the guys at the pound a great people and are always helpful, also you are welcome to take dogs that you can catch and place them there i have caught about 6 so far, they ask me to donated the for vaccine which i am happy to do, i mainly focus on stray female so they are sterelized it will help with control.

hope this helps those that want to help but don't know where to start.

i use to go and take food etc there regularly but it broke my heart to see what condition some of these dogs are in so i have stop going.

forgive my spelling mistakes


from a dog lover

:D:o I was also chase by dogs on my motorbike, so I started to carry a rock or two. One day I went to the market to buy eggs, the vendor ask what the rocks were for, I said the dogs, he had the same problem, he suggested water bags. Gave it a try, only I didn't use water, something a little bit stronger :D :D not :D anymore
So its not the garbage, unfinished building work, drunken thais on the beach promenade, holes in the pavements everywhere, blackfumes from cars that should be taken off the road, stray dogs and dog sh^t? Of course all Thai villages are beautiful retreats into the country with no plastic bottles, boxes and empty chang bottles every where, Do you and I live in a different country ?

You really do love it here.. I can see why you want to stay

I take it that you do not live in the tourist resort,

The reason why i think the dogs are a problem are - they walk sleep and live very badly in the heart of the tourist resort, barking at tourists, chasing tourists, fighting in front of tourists, sh&&ting where tourists walk. Sleeping in the middle of the foot path so as tourists have to walk around them and as the pavements are not wide enough onto the road, Some of these tourists are familys with children.

If thailand can not feed and care for the street animals, they should remove them from the streets. If that means feeding then to crocs or tigers so be it.

As to what happens where you live fourbht who cares, as you live in Thailand and not in its tourist resort, let Thailand have its stray dogs that it seams to love so much... Prehaps city hall could arrange for all the dogs to be relocated to your residential area, that would give you some more charity work to shout about.

Thats your problem Rocky you just assume.. I do live in Pattaya and give me stray dogs any day over cheap charlie t**sers like you who prefer to complain rather than take a possitive helpful attitude.

I don't shout about anything I do here as it is not that much and not worth shouting about it, I was answering another posters comment on where my efforts were better spent. However I do take offense to people who do nothing but complain without contributing.

I just wish there was an IQ test at the airport, maybe I will petition city hall to get rid of the fat bellied cheap charlies and just hope you fall into that group.

My Last post on the subject.. PM me if you want to abuse me rocky I could do with taking the wee out of a village idiot for a while.


Stray dogs everywhere are a problem bigger than personal likes/dislikes. It's an apprent sign of poor governance.

Stray dogs are not meant to exist in any well structured society. It just opens a series of questions - how are other less evident matters dealt with.

As I posted earler, there is no one single stray dog to be seen in Japan. Is it a big cost to remove them, is it a strategic investment into controlling them?

Strategic it may be in health and PR area - no matter what a country puts into their tourism campaigns, evident stray dogs void most of that.



So its not the garbage, unfinished building work, drunken thais on the beach promenade, holes in the pavements everywhere, blackfumes from cars that should be taken off the road, stray dogs and dog sh^t? Of course all Thai villages are beautiful retreats into the country with no plastic bottles, boxes and empty chang bottles every where, Do you and I live in a different country ?

You really do love it here.. I can see why you want to stay

I take it that you do not live in the tourist resort,

The reason why i think the dogs are a problem are - they walk sleep and live very badly in the heart of the tourist resort, barking at tourists, chasing tourists, fighting in front of tourists, sh&&ting where tourists walk. Sleeping in the middle of the foot path so as tourists have to walk around them and as the pavements are not wide enough onto the road, Some of these tourists are familys with children.

If thailand can not feed and care for the street animals, they should remove them from the streets. If that means feeding then to crocs or tigers so be it.

As to what happens where you live fourbht who cares, as you live in Thailand and not in its tourist resort, let Thailand have its stray dogs that it seams to love so much... Prehaps city hall could arrange for all the dogs to be relocated to your residential area, that would give you some more charity work to shout about.

Thats your problem Rocky you just assume.. I do live in Pattaya and give me stray dogs any day over cheap charlie t**sers like you who prefer to complain rather than take a possitive helpful attitude.

I don't shout about anything I do here as it is not that much and not worth shouting about it, I was answering another posters comment on where my efforts were better spent. However I do take offense to people who do nothing but complain without contributing.

I just wish there was an IQ test at the airport, maybe I will petition city hall to get rid of the fat bellied cheap charlies and just hope you fall into that group.

My Last post on the subject.. PM me if you want to abuse me rocky I could do with taking the wee out of a village idiot for a while.

Calling me a cheap charlie fat bellied farang, it is you assumes, but hey it made me smile, fourbht, lets not fight like cat and dogs its only a forum, :D

and after all we know city hall sooner or later will round up the dogs and feed them live to the crocs, you still have time to carry out the charity work for the dogs before they meet there maker, and dont forget to come back and tell us all about it. :D

So its not the garbage, unfinished building work, drunken thais on the beach promenade, holes in the pavements everywhere, blackfumes from cars that should be taken off the road, stray dogs and dog sh^t? Of course all Thai villages are beautiful retreats into the country with no plastic bottles, boxes and empty chang bottles every where, Do you and I live in a different country ?

You really do love it here.. I can see why you want to stay

I take it that you do not live in the tourist resort,

The reason why i think the dogs are a problem are - they walk sleep and live very badly in the heart of the tourist resort, barking at tourists, chasing tourists, fighting in front of tourists, sh&&ting where tourists walk. Sleeping in the middle of the foot path so as tourists have to walk around them and as the pavements are not wide enough onto the road, Some of these tourists are familys with children.

If thailand can not feed and care for the street animals, they should remove them from the streets. If that means feeding then to crocs or tigers so be it.

As to what happens where you live fourbht who cares, as you live in Thailand and not in its tourist resort, let Thailand have its stray dogs that it seams to love so much... Prehaps city hall could arrange for all the dogs to be relocated to your residential area, that would give you some more charity work to shout about.

Thats your problem Rocky you just assume.. I do live in Pattaya and give me stray dogs any day over cheap charlie t**sers like you who prefer to complain rather than take a possitive helpful attitude.

I don't shout about anything I do here as it is not that much and not worth shouting about it, I was answering another posters comment on where my efforts were better spent. However I do take offense to people who do nothing but complain without contributing.

I just wish there was an IQ test at the airport, maybe I will petition city hall to get rid of the fat bellied cheap charlies and just hope you fall into that group.

My Last post on the subject.. PM me if you want to abuse me rocky I could do with taking the wee out of a village idiot for a while.

Calling me a cheap charlie fat bellied farang, it is you assumes, but hey it made me smile, fourbht, lets not fight like cat and dogs its only a forum, :D

and after all we know city hall sooner or later will round up the dogs and feed them live to the crocs, you still have time to carry out the charity work for the dogs before they meet there maker, and dont forget to come back and tell us all about it. :D

Are you bald as well?? :D:D:D



So its not the garbage, unfinished building work, drunken thais on the beach promenade, holes in the pavements everywhere, blackfumes from cars that should be taken off the road, stray dogs and dog sh^t? Of course all Thai villages are beautiful retreats into the country with no plastic bottles, boxes and empty chang bottles every where, Do you and I live in a different country ?

You really do love it here.. I can see why you want to stay

I take it that you do not live in the tourist resort,

The reason why i think the dogs are a problem are - they walk sleep and live very badly in the heart of the tourist resort, barking at tourists, chasing tourists, fighting in front of tourists, sh&&ting where tourists walk. Sleeping in the middle of the foot path so as tourists have to walk around them and as the pavements are not wide enough onto the road, Some of these tourists are familys with children.

If thailand can not feed and care for the street animals, they should remove them from the streets. If that means feeding then to crocs or tigers so be it.

As to what happens where you live fourbht who cares, as you live in Thailand and not in its tourist resort, let Thailand have its stray dogs that it seams to love so much... Prehaps city hall could arrange for all the dogs to be relocated to your residential area, that would give you some more charity work to shout about.

Thats your problem Rocky you just assume.. I do live in Pattaya and give me stray dogs any day over cheap charlie t**sers like you who prefer to complain rather than take a possitive helpful attitude.

I don't shout about anything I do here as it is not that much and not worth shouting about it, I was answering another posters comment on where my efforts were better spent. However I do take offense to people who do nothing but complain without contributing.

I just wish there was an IQ test at the airport, maybe I will petition city hall to get rid of the fat bellied cheap charlies and just hope you fall into that group.

My Last post on the subject.. PM me if you want to abuse me rocky I could do with taking the wee out of a village idiot for a while.

Calling me a cheap charlie fat bellied farang, it is you assumes, but hey it made me smile, fourbht, lets not fight like cat and dogs its only a forum, :D

and after all we know city hall sooner or later will round up the dogs and feed them live to the crocs, you still have time to carry out the charity work for the dogs before they meet there maker, and dont forget to come back and tell us all about it. :D

Are you bald as well?? :D:D:D

You forgot to add "And Drunk" "With Tattoos"


Rocky >>

Cheap Charlie>> not an assumption, just read your previous posts.

Fat Beer Bellied >> Never assumed if you actually took the time to read I said "and just hope you fall into that group"

And you know word has a spell checker, there is a difference between wont and want

Take a read through your previous posts and you will see what I mean.

Ok so I lied it was my last but one post. :o


and just so you all dont think I am a heartless B

here is what to do when you find a poisoned animal

Before You Call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center

If you suspect that your pet has been exposed to a poison, it is important not to panic. While rapid response is important, panicking generally interferes with the process of helping your animal.

DONT PANIC - grab a beer and have a few cigarettes, then another beer.


Take 30 to 60 seconds to safely collect and have at hand the material involved. This may be of great benefit to the Center professionals as they determine exactly what poison or poisons are involved. In the event that you need to take your animal to your local veterinarian, be sure to take with you any product container. Also bring any material your pet may have vomited or chewed, collected in a zip-lock bag.

Its probably a good idea to get someone else to fill the barf bag. So wait to see who volunteers.

If your animal is seizuring, losing consciousness, unconscious or having difficulty breathing, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.

Start mouth to mouth immediately

First wipe off all the green bubbly matter from the dogs nouth and nose

then try to fit the entire nose and mouth of the dog into your mouth and breath hard into them.

Do this 10 times

and repeatedly hit the dog hard on the rib cage

Most veterinarians are familiar with the consulting services of the Center. Depending on your particular situation, your local veterinarian may want to contact the Center personally while you bring your pet to the animal hospital.

The animal hospital charges are resonable at 250% more than humans.



Was bitten by a dog owned by a convenience store owner opposite Jomtiem Beach when using the toilet and still had to pay 5 baht for the experience. Ended up at the hospital to have the wound treated and the mandatory rabies medication. This was back in 1999 so not sure but I think the bill came to about 6,000Bt.

I returned to the shop to confront the owner with the hospital bill. The owner had disappeared and the shop attendant told me to return at 6pm, which I did.

The owner and I had just sat down when a friend of his, in full police uniform, joined us at the table. The police man drew his weapon from the holster, placed it on the table between himself and me and said in so many words the Thai equivalent of (What seems to be the problem here ?"

I left shortly thereafter, emptyhanded of course. To add further insult to injury and financial loss, I went back to Australia about 10 days later for an extended period. Rabies medication is a course of injections over many months. Due to Australia being rabies-free stocks were not held there. The serum had to imported specially and wasn't covered by the government health program. It ended up costing a small fortune.

My view ? Soi dogs (and irresponsible dog owners) are something which Thailand can do without. Any solution to get rid of them is ok by me.

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