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Man, that is so old even the guy in the video must have moved on

it does not matter young or old, most gals cheat here, what i ve discovered recently is that they also hide their gigs cleverly from their Thai bfs, one visible sign that the woman you recently met is cheating on someone is her refusal to invite you back to her place, many women here sleep with others on lunch time for example.


This kind of Thai women with older farang relationship is probably more common than one filled with committment and fidelity...

He may know already...chooses to ignore it as she has enough discretion to act decent when he is around...

This is Thailand...finding a loyal companion is about as hard as winning the lotto...

Don't worry about this guy...he will probably not appreciate your interference...


Stay out of it.

Yes, indeed. I lost a very good friend by telling him he was being cuckolded. Even after he found out himself, he doesn't want to speak to me.


This kind of Thai women with older farang relationship is probably more common than one filled with committment and fidelity...

He may know already...chooses to ignore it as she has enough discretion to act decent when he is around...

This is Thailand...finding a loyal companion is about as hard as winning the lotto...

Don't worry about this guy...he will probably not appreciate your interference...

I don't blame the women, it s the fault of these gullible westerners, I know many old farangs(70s) who are clever enough and have successuful relationship with thai women but the thing is never invest anything under her name, live on a month by month basis in a rented place, teach her to earn your hard earned cash by giving back something in return (chores, work, favors etc..) never spread your cash easily and if she s not happy then show her the door and look for someone else, the world have more than 4 billion females.


we told a bloke once his gf was cheating on him with all sorts, including a gang bang with motor cy blokes. Pointed out that 'his baby' could not possibly be his as she had it 7.5 months after he was last in Bkk, he still would not believe us and never talked to us again. Oh and she was married and lived with a Thai bloke as well but he was only interested in his amulet collection. She was a right one, frequented the nana disco as a freelancer.


Make a video of the "guests " and put it on Youtube.

Watch out for him coming home and somehow give him the Youtube link, a note under the door, f.ex.

Have camera ready for possible fireworks , catch that on video and put up on You tube as a follow up. Get it viral and sell advertising.

Think creatively and start a Cheaters, Thailand channel. Get sponsorship. Enjoy your work.

I don't think that would lead to a handy.


It is not something you can give or show someone. However you could ask him if he uses Google translate to understand thai. It may not be the best but if he is interested and read her FB he would get the guts. Or as others said may not care. I had a mate who,s missus was playing around. But I knew he was to so I figured good enough for the Goose etc etc. Its a damned if you do , damned if you dont situation. Personally unless he is your best mate I would bite my lip.


I have walked down this road more than once.


Keep to your own business!

This goes on with others, not just this guy that is not your friend.

Do you think you should go around notifying others to let them all know what is going on and that the reason is that you want to make it your business?

Just curious... How would you feel if you told him and he ended-up taking his own life because he was so distraught?

Maybe then you would say to yourself, maybe I shouldn't have said anything. Maybe he would still be alive.

Don't destroy someone else. It's not your place to get into another person's personal affairs.

You will do what your mind tells you. I'm only suggesting based on my opinion.

Good luck in sorting it out in your own mind.


Best thing to is to blackmail her, not telling who you are of course.

You have a good potential here to make so money as she wouldn't want to loose her face.

Good luck !

Is this really sound advise or are you only joking? If you are serious and really think this way, you are thinking like a person with a demented mind that is in need of some serious mental adjustment.

On the other hand, if you're joking then... Haha!


Best thing to is to blackmail her, not telling who you are of course.

You have a good potential here to make so money as she wouldn't want to loose her face.

Good luck !

Or he might get a free shag.

Foreigner Neighbor is getting cheated on by girlfriend.

It could be that he knows, and just gives a damn of it.

remember that he is old too much bedding can kill him

...pretty sad.....

,,,'they' stick up for each other.....

...'we'....every guy is smarter than the next.....

...until he finds himself on the receiving end...


Normally, I would say, mind your own business.
But this woman is not endeavored to discretion.
pparently she tells of her infidelities indeed the condo staff.
represents her "boyfriend" publicly as an idiot.
Very unappealing.

An alternative would be to give your neighbor a harmless indirect hint without to bring yourself into the firing line.
For example:

Perhaps you have an old key that you no longer need.
You can then ask your neighbor.
“I found beside your front door this key. Perhaps the key belongs to you, or it is from your girlfriend?
Or may the man who was yesterday with her over here, lost it?”
Give him the key, walk away and let him check it.


How many of you guys have had relationships with prostitutes back in your own country? I would hazard a guess that it would be less than 1%. Yet you all come over here and try and start deep meaningful relationships with prostitutes simply because they are called "BAR GIRLS" not prostitutes. They are one and the same. Think about it. No matter what the tale is they are still dirty prostitutes you are bedding that probably had enough dick in their time that it would be counted in miles not feet. Take the dirty skanks for what they are. They are for playing with not for taking home to meet the family and for marrying.


I have heard it so many times from guys. "I met my wife in a bar." Trying to make out like it was a normal chat up in a nightclub. A good girl out for a night relaxing and meet the man of their dreams 555555. Never once have I heard "This is my wife and she is an ex prostitute". People must be true to themselves and realize what they got, after the other 100 or so others before them 5555. You gotta love life and its little nuisances. I guess half or more of TV members are pissed with me for telling it straight but be true to yourself fellas. We all know what you got, what's more so do you. blink.png


The guy she brought to the Condo is probably her cuisine. laugh.png

She's going to eat him?

Given that one of the ways Thais describe the sex act is to "eat", then she probably did "eat" the guy.

Did he have a stupid grin on his face?


if you confront him he wont believe you because most men are weak and don't have the balls to do anything about it anyway. if I was you, you could write him a note explaining all and seal it in a envelope and either put it under his door when you know he's there or post it to him.


I have heard it so many times from guys. "I met my wife in a bar." Trying to make out like it was a normal chat up in a nightclub. A good girl out for a night relaxing and meet the man of their dreams 555555. Never once have I heard "This is my wife and she is an ex prostitute". People must be true to themselves and realize what they got, after the other 100 or so others before them 5555. You gotta love life and its little nuisances. I guess half or more of TV members are pissed with me for telling it straight but be true to yourself fellas. We all know what you got, what's more so do you. blink.png

luv it but you forgot these blokes have got NO BALLScheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


I has a nearly identical situation to yours a few years ago. I did nothing and last year they broke up for good. He found out in the end anyway,

Yes....Assuming he does not know what is going on then let him find out on his own.

When you realize what is happening and going on around you and you figure it on your own then that way has a far more lasting effect than other people try to inform you about what is going on around you.

However, if the man is being milked and cheated out of his money by a lying, cheating, no good, low life, rotten to the core Woman....then a wake up call may be needed.....but I would do it anonymously....somehow ..someway....while you make like nothing at all is going on.



If he was cheating on her, would you tell her?

Good point.

Even if he is not cheating on her and never did, he is always suspect of cheating on her.

Besides, someone else will inform her or imply to her that the Husband or BF is cheating....because the men are always suspect of cheating anyhow...and just the way it is with Women....that being, you are cheating on her ...even if you are not.

Neither should be cheating of course but the significant difference concerning women cheating is the fact that all too often they get Pregnant while cheating....and that changes everything....while many men ( how many?? who knows ) are raising children that are not theirs and they do not know it.

But yes...you bring up a valid point so best not to get involved and let the 2 of them work it out on their own and make their own discoveries about one another.


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