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G7: Brexit 'risk to global growth'


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G7: Brexit 'risk to global growth'

ISE-SHIMA: -- A declaration at the G7 meeting in Japan says a vote by the UK to leave the European Union would pose a "serious threat to global growth".

The leaders of the G7 nations are concluding their meeting in Japan on Friday after two days of talks on the health of the global economy and security situation.

The meeting in Ise-Shima brings together the world's leading seven industrialised nations - the US, Canada, Britain, Italy, Germany, France and Japan.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/business-36394905

-- BBC 2016-05-27

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How can anyone be expected to take the G7 seriously with the deflation situation in Japan going from bad to worse ?

According to Reuters: A massive 70% of Japanese companies see no foreseeable escape from deflation, up from 48% in January when the same question was asked.


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Funny but there are some "experts" who believe that the GFC the banks caused, has permanently broken the system. That global growth is a thing of the past.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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Remain can't make up their mind, either we are insignificant and need europe to survive or we will destroy the world.

Project fear still going strong. coffee1.gif

Every time I read stuff like this it make me wonder why little old UK is not ruling the whole world let alone the EU.

Yet in the EU any of the 27 other countries can veto any other countries plans.

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WOW! The whole frign world will suffer if Britain exits the EU. Damn!

The "stays" are getting desperate.

one of those stays the IMF(international mafia federation-the lenders of last resort)just want to keep lending.....gives us you ports,water supply,

electrical grid,road projects etc.....for in the end when nobody can repay these loans they will take the lot!......hit-the-fan.gif

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What growth..........cheesy.gif

Right !!

They may want to explain to us in detail what THEY mean by global growth.

Probably growth through the TTIP and TPP the first steps toward domination by a few banker boys we all know.

Yeah, another one: negative interest rates.

Lets get rid of these thugs.

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I'm lost for words,, finally every post above is spot on,

we live in a different world now, real information can

be accessed at speed lightning, no more reading lies

from a newspaper or watching sanitized news on the

television, they keep lying but people know the truth.

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By taking lies to the extreme the Remain campaign is doing itself a lot of harm. Food will be more expensive, pensions will lose value, holidays will cost more, house prices will fall, jobs will be lost, the threat of terrorists will increase etc etc AND NOW the World's economy will suffer. Please Remainers, give it a break, by totally focusing on the negatives you are missing the point, just what are the actual benefits of remaining, if any? All is doom and gloom if we leave, so what positive things are in the pipe-line for the EU ?????

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Of course those G7 leaders say this, they are part of the scheme.

Do they really think we are dumb?

Grouse does 555

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No I think you're dumb

Edited by Grouse
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