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The world according to Trump; unashamedly white, and right


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"At the same time I would put a lot of pressure on China. We have tremendous power over China."clap2.gif

How is this possible? the USA owes China $1254.8 billion dollars, how does this give the USA tremendous power over China? facepalm.gif

I wonder how many US citizens know this ? or that the Total U.S. National Debt: $19,214,128,824,849.92gigglem.gif

Who is Trump kidding?

Maybe China does not want to have the loan go to default.

What people don't understand about the debt is it's denominated in US DOLLARS! All the US has to do to come up with the money is to flip a few switches at the Fed and turn a few dials at the Treasury and presto...19 trillion dollars. That's how sovereign finance works...its not like you and me oweing money...we don't have printers in our basements as that would be illegal...but governments do.

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China and other asian nations are giving Americans the better life, not the other way around. Americans are able to afford stuff and live a decent life due to all the cheap items produce overseas. I still don't see how other nations are taking advantage of US like Trump claims. Any Trump supporters care to chime in here?

I am not speaking as a Trump supporter but one answer to your question is: NATO.

NATO member states are required to spend at least 2% of their GDP on defense. Only 2-3 of the European members spend that (UK, Estonia and maybe another).

The remaining countries ARE taking advantage of the American taxpayer to subsidize their defense.

btw - I support NATO and think Trump's remark about pulling out if they don't pay their fair share is the only truly dangerous thing he has said. It will likely cost thousands of lives at a minimum because if he becomes president, he has already sent a dangerous message to Putin proving that the foundation of NATO is weak. Putin most definitely will exploit this.

Oh, I'm sorry, I hope I didn't break any rules against discussing actual issues with regards to Trump. I meant to write something about his fake, orange hair, and how he hates women, Hispanics, and has gone bankrupt before.

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China and other asian nations are giving Americans the better life, not the other way around. Americans are able to afford stuff and live a decent life due to all the cheap items produce overseas. I still don't see how other nations are taking advantage of US like Trump claims. Any Trump supporters care to chime in here?

I am not speaking as a Trump supporter but one answer to your question is: NATO.

NATO member states are required to spend at least 2% of their GDP on defense. Only 2-3 of the European members spend that (UK, Estonia and maybe another).

The remaining countries ARE taking advantage of the American taxpayer to subsidize their defense.

btw - I support NATO and think Trump's remark about pulling out if they don't pay their fair share is the only truly dangerous thing he has said. It will likely cost thousands of lives at a minimum because if he becomes president, he has already sent a dangerous message to Putin proving that the foundation of NATO is weak. Putin most definitely will exploit this.

Oh, I'm sorry, I hope I didn't break any rules against discussing actual issues with regards to Trump. I meant to write something about his fake, orange hair, and how he hates women, Hispanics, and has gone bankrupt before.

Obama is weak.

Putin may be your boogeyman but there is no evidence he has aspirations to implement regime changes on the scale the US does.

If he had, he would have taken advantage of the weak Obama, not the strong Trump.

Socialism should not extend beyond the borders of the US to free military protection. It has a cost, why should US tax payers bear that cost?

Or do you think this is 'government money' being spent? Such a thing does not exist...

Edited by Dagnabbit
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"At the same time I would put a lot of pressure on China. We have tremendous power over China."clap2.gif

How is this possible? the USA owes China $1254.8 billion dollars, how does this give the USA tremendous power over China? facepalm.gif

I wonder how many US citizens know this ? or that the Total U.S. National Debt: $19,214,128,824,849.92gigglem.gif

Who is Trump kidding?

Maybe China does not want to have the loan go to default.
What people don't understand about the debt is it's denominated in US DOLLARS! All the US has to do to come up with the money is to flip a few switches at the Fed and turn a few dials at the Treasury and presto...19 trillion dollars. That's how sovereign finance works...its not like you and me oweing money...we don't have printers in our basements as that would be illegal...but governments do.
If you believe what you just posted, than you realy need some help.

But thank you anyway, you just proofed how the Trump fans are thinking.

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China and other asian nations are giving Americans the better life, not the other way around. Americans are able to afford stuff and live a decent life due to all the cheap items produce overseas. I still don't see how other nations are taking advantage of US like Trump claims. Any Trump supporters care to chime in here?

The US has lost 4.5 million decent paying manufacturing jobs to other countries since mid 1990s when Bill Clinton pushed thru the NAFTA Trade agreement...China and Mexico have been major recipients of these jobs lost in America...the American workers are now looking at mostly low paying minimum wage service sector jobs as replacements...lower wages...lower standard of living...the person who stays home and collects government assistance...is on equal or better footing with the new low wage middle-class...

First the good news...manufacturers are starting to return to the US as foreign workers wages have risen over the past twenty years making being overseas less profitable...now the bad news...they are building new facilities employing robots to do the work formerly done by American middle-class...

Trade agreements do need to be revisited to be more fair to future generations of American workers...some of your children could benefit...

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unashamedly white...What the hey does that mean? Is the new war cry of the unhinged left...whites should be ashamed of their color? The rhetoric is becoming a bit disturbing...but many...including myself...will fight for the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...what are you fighting for? A larger piece of the free pie?

The left will try to demonize Trump as a white power neo-nazi homophobic racist misogynist who has no grasp of the subtleties of foreign policies or diplomacy and who doesn't understand complexity like they do.

They do that to anyone who speak out against them - why should he be different?

Meanwhile, they want to use the white power thing to try and con blacks, hispanics, native Americans, and Asians to vote for the geriatric "honest Hilary" whose murky dodgy history is quickly glossed over.

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China and other asian nations are giving Americans the better life, not the other way around. Americans are able to afford stuff and live a decent life due to all the cheap items produce overseas. I still don't see how other nations are taking advantage of US like Trump claims. Any Trump supporters care to chime in here?

The US has lost 4.5 million decent paying manufacturing jobs to other countries since mid 1990s when Bill Clinton pushed thru the NAFTA Trade agreement...China and Mexico have been major recipients of these jobs lost in America...the American workers are now looking at mostly low paying minimum wage service sector jobs as replacements...lower wages...lower standard of living...the person who stays home and collects government assistance...is on equal or better footing with the new low wage middle-class...

First the good news...manufacturers are starting to return to the US as foreign workers wages have risen over the past twenty years making being overseas less profitable...now the bad news...they are building new facilities employing robots to do the work formerly done by American middle-class...

Trade agreements do need to be revisited to be more fair to future generations of American workers...some of your children could benefit...

Yes but Bill, Hilary and all their pals have made a hell of a lot of money for themselves.

Shining example of left wing politics. The "more equal" chosen members of society benefit fantastically whilst the masses they "represent" go backwards.

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China and other asian nations are giving Americans the better life, not the other way around. Americans are able to afford stuff and live a decent life due to all the cheap items produce overseas. I still don't see how other nations are taking advantage of US like Trump claims. Any Trump supporters care to chime in here?

The US has lost 4.5 million decent paying manufacturing jobs to other countries since mid 1990s when Bill Clinton pushed thru the NAFTA Trade agreement...China and Mexico have been major recipients of these jobs lost in America...the American workers are now looking at mostly low paying minimum wage service sector jobs as replacements...lower wages...lower standard of living...the person who stays home and collects government assistance...is on equal or better footing with the new low wage middle-class...

First the good news...manufacturers are starting to return to the US as foreign workers wages have risen over the past twenty years making being overseas less profitable...now the bad news...they are building new facilities employing robots to do the work formerly done by American middle-class...

Trade agreements do need to be revisited to be more fair to future generations of American workers...some of your children could benefit...

Let's get something straight. The democrats in the house voted against Nafta by a wide margin. It was the house Republicans that put Nafta over the top. Also, the deal was negotiated during the term of George H.W. Bush.

And as for those decent paying jobs. You think there's something magic about manufacturing. The reason that most of those jobs paid well is because they were union jobs. Thanks to the Republicans the union movement in industry is on life support. Recently Bob Corker, supposedly one of the candidates to be Trump's vicepresident, actually threatened both Volkswagen and its workers that there would be serious negative consequences if they voted for unionization. Since the 1980's American workers have received virtually no share of their increased productivity. One of the big reasons: Reagan's tax cuts on the wealthy. Before those cuts, it made a lot less sense to try and keep all the increase for themselves thanks to high maginal tax rates. Once that was gone, there was virtually no incentive for executives to share the wealth.

And as for minimum wage, Trump is against any federal rise in that. He says he wouldn't be against individual states raising it. In other words, the status quo.

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"He has been notably policy-light, but with the nomination sewn up, Trump is now making policy pronouncements to send shivers down the spines of many."

It has been almost a year since Trump declared. If voters don't know much about his policy ideas it isn't Trump's fault.

The media has only itself to blame. The Trump-hating media that for months has focused on twisting things Trump has said ("he wants to ban ALL Muslims!!", "Trump hates women!!") instead of focusing on his position on issues.

During the debates, instead of asking his about policies, they asked about silly, tabloid crap trying to get the candidates to fight with each other just to boost ratings. Shameful, really.

I really wonder how many people who parrot the comments like 'Trump hates women' and 'He a racist bigot' have every sat through an entire hour long speech he's given outlining his positions, like the need to get the American workforce working again and how he's go about doing that. My guess: virtually none.

You're right...it's impossible to sit through an hour long Trump speech.

Just for the record, unemployment is under 5%, half of what it was through the previous Republican administration.

Get educated.

"U-6 Total unemployed, plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally attached to the labor force"

The U-6 unemployment rate for April 2016 is...9.7%.


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unashamedly white...What the hey does that mean? Is the new war cry of the unhinged left...whites should be ashamed of their color? The rhetoric is becoming a bit disturbing...but many...including myself...will fight for the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...what are you fighting for? A larger piece of the free pie?

The left will try to demonize Trump as a white power neo-nazi homophobic racist misogynist who has no grasp of the subtleties of foreign policies or diplomacy and who doesn't understand complexity like they do.

They do that to anyone who speak out against them - why should he be different?

Meanwhile, they want to use the white power thing to try and con blacks, hispanics, native Americans, and Asians to vote for the geriatric "honest Hilary" whose murky dodgy history is quickly glossed over.

Yup "unashamedly white" implies that there is shame in being white.

It won't last.

This is the death throes of the SJW movement.

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Trump. A dangerous moron. I really can't believe that so many of my fellow Americans have voted for this imbecile. It is sad, very sad that so many people are turned on by the lies and vitriol that flows out of his open mouth on a daily basis. We will be the embarrassment of the world if he is elected.

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China and other asian nations are giving Americans the better life, not the other way around. Americans are able to afford stuff and live a decent life due to all the cheap items produce overseas. I still don't see how other nations are taking advantage of US like Trump claims. Any Trump supporters care to chime in here?

The US has lost 4.5 million decent paying manufacturing jobs to other countries since mid 1990s when Bill Clinton pushed thru the NAFTA Trade agreement...China and Mexico have been major recipients of these jobs lost in America...the American workers are now looking at mostly low paying minimum wage service sector jobs as replacements...lower wages...lower standard of living...the person who stays home and collects government assistance...is on equal or better footing with the new low wage middle-class...

First the good news...manufacturers are starting to return to the US as foreign workers wages have risen over the past twenty years making being overseas less profitable...now the bad news...they are building new facilities employing robots to do the work formerly done by American middle-class...

Trade agreements do need to be revisited to be more fair to future generations of American workers...some of your children could benefit...

The job loss figure is closer to 700,000. NAFTA stands for North American Free Trade Agreement, hence only Mexico and Canada were parts of this agreement, China has nothing to do with it. Yes majority of the lost jobs were under the manufacturing sector, NAFTA accelerated the lost of these jobs, but truth be told, many of these manufacturing jobs were about to be exported overseas anyways due to the increasing labor wages.

If you look at the agriculture sector, the US benefited greatly while more than 2 million Mexicans in the agriculture lost their jobs as a result of the agreement too.

Manufacturing is returning due to the efficiency of machines and rising foreign wages, so like you say many jobs are being automated, but nonetheless its still good for US manufacturing sector.

You have to blame the big corporations for moving job overseas, companies want to cut cost, its human nature.

Another point to bring up is that trade deficient is not a bad thing, many people mistaken that since US has billions in trade deficit, they are at the unfavorable end of trade with other countries.

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Trump. A dangerous moron. I really can't believe that so many of my fellow Americans have voted for this imbecile. It is sad, very sad that so many people are turned on by the lies and vitriol that flows out of his open mouth on a daily basis. We will be the embarrassment of the world if he is elected.

Trump voters are the smart ones. The people tuning into Bill Maher circle jerks are the dummies.

Democracy is dead in the USA.

Trump is popular because of what he isnt.

Only the brainwashed would vote for another establishment shoe-in.

If it wasnt Trump it would have been some other non-politician.

The time of establishment rule is coming to an end. Better this way than through violence.

The rise of liberal fascism these days simply made it a perfect storm for someone as politically incorrect as Trump.

Edited by Dagnabbit
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As people seem so interested in Jews and Israel, I'll add this.

American Jews will vote overwhelmingly for Clinton (somewhat less so for Sanders if nominated because Sanders is now being perceived by many as being overtly NOT supportive of Israel) the democrat as American Jews always do.

At least 75 percent, probably closer to 85 percent for Clinton over trump.

The fact that trump attracts white supremacists and American Nazis is not appreciated by American Jews.

Liberal American Jews also of course don't like his race baiting against Mexicans and Muslims, and they remember how RACIST he was as a leader of the "birther" movement absurdly challenging Obama's American nationality ... and many other reasons too numerous to list.

AIPAC is indeed a powerful right wing lobbying group more associated with republicans, and as such poorly represents American Jews in general, who are overwhelmingly liberal and democrat.

Clinton also spoke to AIPAC and was received very well.

There was controversy about even inviting trump, but yes, he came and gave a predictable teleprompter speech.

The horrible right wing Jewish billionaire, Adelson, however, doesn't like trump but is giving him lots of money anyway, and his reason is loyalty to his party, the republicans.

Like MOST republicans, he would have preferred a more normal candidate, but alas, they got the crazy one.

More interesting as it's less predictable, Israelis who have been polled who of course overwhelmingly do not like Obama, strongly prefer Hillary Clinton over Trump. I think probably because trump is obviously a psychopathic liar that changes his "policies" every five minutes.

Hillary Clinton is correctly perceived as being to the right of Obama on Israel policy issues.

My understanding is that Israelis loved George W. Bush while American Jews overwhelmingly despised him. Showing American Jews and Israelis of course have a very different POV.


The Jewish American always votes against their own interests. The majority voted for Obama twice, correct? The most anti-Israel US president by far in history. Case closed.

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"He has been notably policy-light, but with the nomination sewn up, Trump is now making policy pronouncements to send shivers down the spines of many."

It has been almost a year since Trump declared. If voters don't know much about his policy ideas it isn't Trump's fault.

The media has only itself to blame. The Trump-hating media that for months has focused on twisting things Trump has said ("he wants to ban ALL Muslims!!", "Trump hates women!!") instead of focusing on his position on issues.

During the debates, instead of asking his about policies, they asked about silly, tabloid crap trying to get the candidates to fight with each other just to boost ratings. Shameful, really.

I really wonder how many people who parrot the comments like 'Trump hates women' and 'He a racist bigot' have every sat through an entire hour long speech he's given outlining his positions, like the need to get the American workforce working again and how he's go about doing that. My guess: virtually none.

You're right...it's impossible to sit through an hour long Trump speech.

Just for the record, unemployment is under 5%, half of what it was through the previous Republican administration.


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As people seem so interested in Jews and Israel, I'll add this.

American Jews will vote overwhelmingly for Clinton (somewhat less so for Sanders if nominated because Sanders is now being perceived by many as being overtly NOT supportive of Israel) the democrat as American Jews always do.

At least 75 percent, probably closer to 85 percent for Clinton over trump.

The fact that trump attracts white supremacists and American Nazis is not appreciated by American Jews.

Liberal American Jews also of course don't like his race baiting against Mexicans and Muslims, and they remember how RACIST he was as a leader of the "birther" movement absurdly challenging Obama's American nationality ... and many other reasons too numerous to list.

AIPAC is indeed a powerful right wing lobbying group more associated with republicans, and as such poorly represents American Jews in general, who are overwhelmingly liberal and democrat.

Clinton also spoke to AIPAC and was received very well.

There was controversy about even inviting trump, but yes, he came and gave a predictable teleprompter speech.

The horrible right wing Jewish billionaire, Adelson, however, doesn't like trump but is giving him lots of money anyway, and his reason is loyalty to his party, the republicans.

Like MOST republicans, he would have preferred a more normal candidate, but alas, they got the crazy one.

More interesting as it's less predictable, Israelis who have been polled who of course overwhelmingly do not like Obama, strongly prefer Hillary Clinton over Trump. I think probably because trump is obviously a psychopathic liar that changes his "policies" every five minutes.

Hillary Clinton is correctly perceived as being to the right of Obama on Israel policy issues.

My understanding is that Israelis loved George W. Bush while American Jews overwhelmingly despised him. Showing American Jews and Israelis of course have a very different POV.


The Jewish American always votes against their own interests. The majority voted for Obama twice, correct? The most anti-Israel US president by far in history. Case closed.

I find your comment offensive. Jewish Americans are Americans. Israel policy is indeed an important issue to most Jewish Americans ... yes. So are many other issues such as civil rights, health care access, environment, etc. Also don't assume that most Jewish Americans are as right wing as most Israelis on Israel policy which of course they aren't. That said, it is well understand Israelis are on the front lines against a lot of hostile forces there so it's easy to be more liberal from a long distance.

It is true there are always some ONE issue voters for different issues. Such as gun fanatics, they vote for the NRA choices. But more thoughtful voters consider multiple issues.

My impression is that the only scenario where the democrats would lose a significant number of Jewish voters is if the candidate was explicitly hostile to Israel. I don't think Obama was that even though many Israelis do, and clearly neither did most Jewish voters electing Obama two times.

Netanyahu has been a pain in the tuchus and it's been clear Obama and Netanyahu hate each other ... but I don't think that meant that Obama was against the right of Israel to exist and defend itself, it's just that he wanted a less fear mongering and more reasonable Israeli PM to deal with.

Ironically, the man that could lose the most Jewish votes might be Bernie Sanders ... he seems to crossing lines with some of his allies. He seems to me to be a BDS type ... that's going too far.

But supporting the vile monster ... NEVER!

Edited by Jingthing
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As people seem so interested in Jews and Israel, I'll add this.

American Jews will vote overwhelmingly for Clinton (somewhat less so for Sanders if nominated because Sanders is now being perceived by many as being overtly NOT supportive of Israel) the democrat as American Jews always do.

At least 75 percent, probably closer to 85 percent for Clinton over trump.

The fact that trump attracts white supremacists and American Nazis is not appreciated by American Jews.

Liberal American Jews also of course don't like his race baiting against Mexicans and Muslims, and they remember how RACIST he was as a leader of the "birther" movement absurdly challenging Obama's American nationality ... and many other reasons too numerous to list.

AIPAC is indeed a powerful right wing lobbying group more associated with republicans, and as such poorly represents American Jews in general, who are overwhelmingly liberal and democrat.

Clinton also spoke to AIPAC and was received very well.

There was controversy about even inviting trump, but yes, he came and gave a predictable teleprompter speech.

The horrible right wing Jewish billionaire, Adelson, however, doesn't like trump but is giving him lots of money anyway, and his reason is loyalty to his party, the republicans.

Like MOST republicans, he would have preferred a more normal candidate, but alas, they got the crazy one.

More interesting as it's less predictable, Israelis who have been polled who of course overwhelmingly do not like Obama, strongly prefer Hillary Clinton over Trump. I think probably because trump is obviously a psychopathic liar that changes his "policies" every five minutes.

Hillary Clinton is correctly perceived as being to the right of Obama on Israel policy issues.

My understanding is that Israelis loved George W. Bush while American Jews overwhelmingly despised him. Showing American Jews and Israelis of course have a very different POV.


The Jewish American always votes against their own interests. The majority voted for Obama twice, correct? The most anti-Israel US president by far in history. Case closed.

The far right wing government and policies of Israel and the interests of Jewish Americans are two entirely different things. American Jews realize that and vote accordingly.

If you want to get into people who vote against their own self interest, just look at the Republican party. If you're not making at least $250k/yr, you're voting against your own self interest. Republicans will take away health insurance, medicare and Social Security. They answer only to the 1%. It's well documented Republicans always vote against their own self interest in favor of their cultural biases. They hate everyone who isn't a christian white male.

HRC will get the votes of Jews, the young, the women, the minorities and most white men. Trump will get the wingnuts and a few reluctant Republican party regulars who hold their nose and pull the lever for Trump. Fox has absolutely no choice but to support the monster they created and the worst Presidential candidate in history. Trump now owns the Republican party and this is all going to end very badly for Republicans. Deal with it.

There is so many delusional expats on this forum. You get the same tired nonsense over and over again. 22 million people watch one of the network news channels every night. 3 million poorly informed wingnuts watch Fox News. Point being...you're sadly misinformed about what's happening in the world. Take a break from Fox and the rest of the right wing media echo chamber. Come back to reality.


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"He has been notably policy-light, but with the nomination sewn up, Trump is now making policy pronouncements to send shivers down the spines of many."

It has been almost a year since Trump declared. If voters don't know much about his policy ideas it isn't Trump's fault.

The media has only itself to blame. The Trump-hating media that for months has focused on twisting things Trump has said ("he wants to ban ALL Muslims!!", "Trump hates women!!") instead of focusing on his position on issues.

During the debates, instead of asking his about policies, they asked about silly, tabloid crap trying to get the candidates to fight with each other just to boost ratings. Shameful, really.

I really wonder how many people who parrot the comments like 'Trump hates women' and 'He a racist bigot' have every sat through an entire hour long speech he's given outlining his positions, like the need to get the American workforce working again and how he's go about doing that. My guess: virtually none.

You're right...it's impossible to sit through an hour long Trump speech.

Just for the record, unemployment is under 5%, half of what it was through the previous Republican administration.


Sounds convincing until it gets explained what the labor force participation rate is. It's everybody who is legally capable of working. That includes retirees, high school students, college students. Starting in 2010 lots and lots of baby boomers began to retire.Long before Obama came into office the number was declining. Just as the Bureau of Labor Statistics said it would. Bureau of Labor Statistics, November 2006: Every year after 2000, the rate declined gradually, from 66.8 percent in 2001 to 66.0 percent in 2004 and 2005. According to the BLS projections, the overall participation rate will continue its gradual decrease each decade and reach 60.4 percent in 2050.


Another possible contribution to this number might be one of the many good effects of Obamacare. People who were ill but couldn't get insurance outside of the workplance are now able to get that insurance thanks to Obamacare. So giving up working for them is no longer a sentence of death or prolonged misery.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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As people seem so interested in Jews and Israel, I'll add this.

American Jews will vote overwhelmingly for Clinton (somewhat less so for Sanders if nominated because Sanders is now being perceived by many as being overtly NOT supportive of Israel) the democrat as American Jews always do.

At least 75 percent, probably closer to 85 percent for Clinton over trump.

The fact that trump attracts white supremacists and American Nazis is not appreciated by American Jews.

Liberal American Jews also of course don't like his race baiting against Mexicans and Muslims, and they remember how RACIST he was as a leader of the "birther" movement absurdly challenging Obama's American nationality ... and many other reasons too numerous to list.

AIPAC is indeed a powerful right wing lobbying group more associated with republicans, and as such poorly represents American Jews in general, who are overwhelmingly liberal and democrat.

Clinton also spoke to AIPAC and was received very well.

There was controversy about even inviting trump, but yes, he came and gave a predictable teleprompter speech.

The horrible right wing Jewish billionaire, Adelson, however, doesn't like trump but is giving him lots of money anyway, and his reason is loyalty to his party, the republicans.

Like MOST republicans, he would have preferred a more normal candidate, but alas, they got the crazy one.

More interesting as it's less predictable, Israelis who have been polled who of course overwhelmingly do not like Obama, strongly prefer Hillary Clinton over Trump. I think probably because trump is obviously a psychopathic liar that changes his "policies" every five minutes.

Hillary Clinton is correctly perceived as being to the right of Obama on Israel policy issues.

My understanding is that Israelis loved George W. Bush while American Jews overwhelmingly despised him. Showing American Jews and Israelis of course have a very different POV.


The Jewish American always votes against their own interests. The majority voted for Obama twice, correct? The most anti-Israel US president by far in history. Case closed.

I find your comment offensive. Jewish Americans are Americans. Israel policy is indeed an important issue to most Jewish Americans ... yes. So are many other issues such as civil rights, health care access, environment, etc. Also don't assume that most Jewish Americans are as right wing as most Israelis on Israel policy which of course they aren't. That said, it is well understand Israelis are on the front lines against a lot of hostile forces there so it's easy to be more liberal from a long distance.

It is true there are always some ONE issue voters for different issues. Such as gun fanatics, they vote for the NRA choices. But more thoughtful voters consider multiple issues.

My impression is that the only scenario where the democrats would lose a significant number of Jewish voters is if the candidate was explicitly hostile to Israel. I don't think Obama was that even though many Israelis do, and clearly neither did most Jewish voters electing Obama two times.

Netanyahu has been a pain in the tuchus and it's been clear Obama and Netanyahu hate each other ... but I don't think that meant that Obama was against the right of Israel to exist and defend itself, it's just that he wanted a less fear mongering and more reasonable Israeli PM to deal with.

Ironically, the man that could lose the most Jewish votes might be Bernie Sanders ... he seems to crossing lines with some of his allies. He seems to me to be a BDS type ... that's going too far.

But supporting the vile monster ... NEVER!

One line of this comment is an oft-repeated disclaimer. namely That said, it is well understand Israelis are on the front lines against a lot of hostile forces there so it's easy to be more liberal from a long distance.

I never hear the complementary phrase: That said, it is well understand Palestinans are on the front lines against a lot of hostile forces there so it's easy to be more conservative from a long distance.

Why does distance give the benefit of the doubt only to Israelis? I've never heard an answer to that one.

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I'd say that the author of this Euronews article is an unashamedly racist. Invoking the 'white' = bad meme is getting old because it is a racist comment, but the progressives believe they can push that hot-button with abandon without repercussions. It's blatantly racist and it is used to invoke racial hatred and racial divide. That's not ok. That's the negative.

The positive? The more the progressives publish missives such as this in main-stream media, the more disenfranchise independent and middle-class voters turn to Trump, exactly because he is anti-establishment, and the 'establishment', their apologists, and their supporters (both liberal and neo-con) literally hate him. The average Joe/Jane on the street is tired of the 'establishment', especially the ingrained establishment in Congress, the Administration, and in the US bureaucracy that has flourished under an increasingly socialistic and oppressive system of governance. The 'vote for the lesser of two evils' is now a choice between more of the same vs the possibility of bringing America back to a system of government that we enjoyed in the later half of the 20th Century. It wasn't perfect, but those of us who lived during that time understand that it was far better that what we have now or we will have if an "Establishment" candidate is elected into the White House.

BTW. My ancestors came from Europe. Politically I consider myself independent. And it's exactly garbage like this article that have recently helped me to make the decision to join the Trump camp. If 'The Establishment' and the 'politically correct' literally hate him, then he's obviously the candidate to turn the status quo on head and give it a solid boot in the butt. That would be 'change to believe in'.

This is one of the few posts I have seen that actually seems to address the true nature of what is going on in this election. This election has nothing to do with Republican vs. Democrats, although the powers that be and the media are trying desperately to try and frame it as such, because that is what their rule book says it is supposed to be.

This is an election between more of the same, and something different. And when push comes to shove, the majority aren't going to care about the minutia of the platform that makes up the something different, or whether or not he is a racist or chauvinist. Trump is winning not because he is Trump, but because he isn't establishment. To coin a statement made in Thailand, a street light pole could run against Hillary and win. People are that sick of the status quo.

Trump offers them something different, and they are going to take it. The scary thing is the historical precedent for this type of thing. The French revolution came about due to exactly the same sentiment, and what they got for their trouble was Napoleon. Yes...the something different can be dramatically worse than the status quo, and historically it usually is.

Trump won't save America, but he does indicate that the country is about to enter a period of chaos where anything can happen. My prediction as an American, based on history and looking at the unbridgeable philosophical divide among people in the USA, is that the ultimate result of this chaos is likely the breakup of the country into multiple, smaller states. This may take 50 years and while it may be largely peaceful, it could also include death that makes the civil war look like a bar room brawl by comparison. Whatever happens the election of a demagogue is never a good sign for a country, and it always heralds the end to an era of stability.

I hope I am wrong, but history suggests I won't be.

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The Jewish American always votes against their own interests. The majority voted for Obama twice, correct? The most anti-Israel US president by far in history. Case closed.

I find your comment offensive. Jewish Americans are Americans. Israel policy is indeed an important issue to most Jewish Americans ... yes. So are many other issues such as civil rights, health care access, environment, etc. Also don't assume that most Jewish Americans are as right wing as most Israelis on Israel policy which of course they aren't. That said, it is well understand Israelis are on the front lines against a lot of hostile forces there so it's easy to be more liberal from a long distance.

It is true there are always some ONE issue voters for different issues. Such as gun fanatics, they vote for the NRA choices. But more thoughtful voters consider multiple issues.

My impression is that the only scenario where the democrats would lose a significant number of Jewish voters is if the candidate was explicitly hostile to Israel. I don't think Obama was that even though many Israelis do, and clearly neither did most Jewish voters electing Obama two times.

Netanyahu has been a pain in the tuchus and it's been clear Obama and Netanyahu hate each other ... but I don't think that meant that Obama was against the right of Israel to exist and defend itself, it's just that he wanted a less fear mongering and more reasonable Israeli PM to deal with.

Ironically, the man that could lose the most Jewish votes might be Bernie Sanders ... he seems to crossing lines with some of his allies. He seems to me to be a BDS type ... that's going too far.

But supporting the vile monster ... NEVER!

It is great that Jewish Americans are allowed to vote based on a wide range of issues. Some day maybe other groups the Democrats like to scare will be able to do the same. Imagine a world where women don't have to vote based solely on gender issues? Or black & Hispanics don't have to vote only based on racial issues? Imagine a gay voter being able to look past LGBT issues and vote based on issues like the economy, national debt, national security, etc. Such a world would doom the Democrats. That is why they are so ready to attack members of those groups whenever they support someone other than a Democrat.

Oh, and are you calling Hillary or Trump a "vile monster"?

Edited by mopar71
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unashamedly white...What the hey does that mean? Is the new war cry of the unhinged left...whites should be ashamed of their color? The rhetoric is becoming a bit disturbing...but many...including myself...will fight for the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness...what are you fighting for? A larger piece of the free pie?

Brilliant. This succinctly captures a core tenet/consequence of the slow motion coup de etat that is America today.

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Your stats taken from which socialist rag?

Epistemic closure. It applies to people who manage to lock out bad news or cluelessly discredit it. I remember in the last presidential election when the right wing press was claiming that the polls were skewed and Romney was going to win. It wasn't even close. A few polling organization like Rasmussen and Gravis gave Republicans what they wanted to hear, They're doing it again.

So, most likely, you'll probably shut out these 2 separate polls about Asian Americans.( Oh, and by the way, about 71 percent of asian americans went for Barack Obama in the last election. You could look that one up. But I'll spare you the trouble.

http://www.politico.com/story/2012/12/poll-obama-won-71-of-asian-vote-085013 )



Here's some more info. The highest correlation of voters for Trump is white without a high school diploma.


What is your point?

Should they not be entitled to vote? Do you look down upon them? Do you feel superior?

Is that what your education gave you?

It is interesting how some overlook the fact that someone without a high school diploma and a college professor both have one vote. But often the "educated" seem to think their vote is more valuable or should be worth two.

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Trump. A dangerous moron. I really can't believe that so many of my fellow Americans have voted for this imbecile. It is sad, very sad that so many people are turned on by the lies and vitriol that flows out of his open mouth on a daily basis. We will be the embarrassment of the world if he is elected.

It looks like you don't understand why so many have voted and why he is so popular and why he has arisen in the first place.If your wages had not improved in a decade or more then you would be voting for him too, nevermind the morality - which you can't eat

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Trump. A dangerous moron. I really can't believe that so many of my fellow Americans have voted for this imbecile. It is sad, very sad that so many people are turned on by the lies and vitriol that flows out of his open mouth on a daily basis. We will be the embarrassment of the world if he is elected.

It looks like you don't understand why so many have voted and why he is so popular and why he has arisen in the first place.If your wages had not improved in a decade or more then you would be voting for him too, nevermind the morality - which you can't eat

No, Trump is popular because his fans are full of hate.
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As people seem so interested in Jews and Israel, I'll add this.

American Jews will vote overwhelmingly for Clinton (somewhat less so for Sanders if nominated because Sanders is now being perceived by many as being overtly NOT supportive of Israel) the democrat as American Jews always do.

At least 75 percent, probably closer to 85 percent for Clinton over trump.

The fact that trump attracts white supremacists and American Nazis is not appreciated by American Jews.

Liberal American Jews also of course don't like his race baiting against Mexicans and Muslims, and they remember how RACIST he was as a leader of the "birther" movement absurdly challenging Obama's American nationality ... and many other reasons too numerous to list.

AIPAC is indeed a powerful right wing lobbying group more associated with republicans, and as such poorly represents American Jews in general, who are overwhelmingly liberal and democrat.

Clinton also spoke to AIPAC and was received very well.

There was controversy about even inviting trump, but yes, he came and gave a predictable teleprompter speech.

The horrible right wing Jewish billionaire, Adelson, however, doesn't like trump but is giving him lots of money anyway, and his reason is loyalty to his party, the republicans.

Like MOST republicans, he would have preferred a more normal candidate, but alas, they got the crazy one.

More interesting as it's less predictable, Israelis who have been polled who of course overwhelmingly do not like Obama, strongly prefer Hillary Clinton over Trump. I think probably because trump is obviously a psychopathic liar that changes his "policies" every five minutes.

Hillary Clinton is correctly perceived as being to the right of Obama on Israel policy issues.

My understanding is that Israelis loved George W. Bush while American Jews overwhelmingly despised him. Showing American Jews and Israelis of course have a very different POV.


The Jewish American always votes against their own interests. The majority voted for Obama twice, correct? The most anti-Israel US president by far in history. Case closed.

The far right wing government and policies of Israel and the interests of Jewish Americans are two entirely different things. American Jews realize that and vote accordingly.

If you want to get into people who vote against their own self interest, just look at the Republican party. If you're not making at least $250k/yr, you're voting against your own self interest. Republicans will take away health insurance, medicare and Social Security. They answer only to the 1%. It's well documented Republicans always vote against their own self interest in favor of their cultural biases. They hate everyone who isn't a christian white male.

HRC will get the votes of Jews, the young, the women, the minorities and most white men. Trump will get the wingnuts and a few reluctant Republican party regulars who hold their nose and pull the lever for Trump. Fox has absolutely no choice but to support the monster they created and the worst Presidential candidate in history. Trump now owns the Republican party and this is all going to end very badly for Republicans. Deal with it.

There is so many delusional expats on this forum. You get the same tired nonsense over and over again. 22 million people watch one of the network news channels every night. 3 million poorly informed wingnuts watch Fox News. Point being...you're sadly misinformed about what's happening in the world. Take a break from Fox and the rest of the right wing media echo chamber. Come back to reality.


Some of us watch Fox News, CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, RT but are not OBSESSED with Fox News. But some are incessantly fixated on it and scorn it without end. Made the point. Tedious. There's bias everywhere, get over it. Please.

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Trump. A dangerous moron. I really can't believe that so many of my fellow Americans have voted for this imbecile. It is sad, very sad that so many people are turned on by the lies and vitriol that flows out of his open mouth on a daily basis. We will be the embarrassment of the world if he is elected.

It looks like you don't understand why so many have voted and why he is so popular and why he has arisen in the first place.If your wages had not improved in a decade or more then you would be voting for him too, nevermind the morality - which you can't eat

No, Trump is popular because his fans are full of hate.

Oh I'm sure there would be some. Just as in Black Lives Matter. It's no good shooting the messenger or his supporters.The electorate that supports Trump feel betrayed, angry, are worried about their future because the political class has failed them. Gradually the status quo is leading towards disaster. If Trump doesn't win the people will be as mad as hell and there could be a major collapse in confidence in government. Time will tell

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