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We will get you one way or another - DSI warns fugitive jet setting monk


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If they can't even arrest a local hi-so monk how do they expect to bring this guy in? And what about the monk sitting behind him? All talk and no action.

Why has the monk (boy) at the back not had his head shaved . whistling.gif

​Monks get their head shaved on the full moon of every month. Some people's hair just grows faster than others.

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It's very difficult to get a visa to the usa. He wouldn't get it if he had any pending charges in Thailand. So the assumption is that they really haven't filed any charges on him. All bluster , no action. Must have cost him plenty.

US Visa for a monk not available?

Don't make me laugh, there are several that is more than the fingers on one hand Thai monks in the US (Arizona for one with killings among themselves even US law leaves them alone because they are killings among Thai monks themselves) running from the Thai law. All they do and have for years thump their noses at the Thai Laws. Instead of the US calling them Political Exiles they are classified as Religious Exiles. Only ones not being political exiles are not all but, some Muslims. I.E. the Uighurs from Xinjiang, China are political exiles according to the Washington clique because the Washington fascist clique has a use for them making problems in China and using them by Turkey to fight for Turkey in Syria.

You are way off base. There is no such thing as a religious visa in the US. The monks who come to the US are given a 6 month tourist visa. The monks killed in Arizona were killed by 2 teenage boys looking for gold and money. This happened in 1991. The temple is still there, although lots of Thai's won't come there because of the monk ghosts. 9 people were killed, shot in the back of the head. 6 monks, 2 old ladies working there and a teenage novice. The teenage boys are in prison with life without parole. I live in Arizona and go to that temple.

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I have never understood exactly what Thai monks actually do. They seem to take rather than give. People have to wait for monks to eat first at ceremonies like weddings, they can be seen collecting alms every morning, but what do they actually contribute to society? What do they bring to the table?

Merit, societal cohesiveness and promises of a better life in the hereafter.

You can ask the same about any religion. They are all used to exert power over the believers and make the managers rich.

Karl Marx was right ...

It is the opium of the people

The average ThaiVisa members ignorance of Theravada Buddhism and the role of the Sangha on display here is not particularly surprising to me. That there are Thai clergy who take advantage of the system for personal gain is no different than the many televangelists in the US.

But yes, Marx's reflections on religion is just one of many of his observations that hit the nail on the head. It is a shame that the ruling western oligarchies have so twisted classical economics that in western universities about the only place you will find Marxists is in the English Department. But in Thailand the ruling Sino-Thai oligarchy has not only religion to opiate the populace, but they have the concentrated heroin in their back pocket to use as well.

That makes me laugh when they call Buddhism a religion. Its not!its a a following,a way of life.A Buddhist wedding ceremony is not even considered lawful,unless it is registered at the Amphur.

Well that makes it as hilarious as Christianity here in the US where all marriages must also be be legally registered at the local county offices. But I am a atheist so I find it ironic when one person mocks another person's belief in the imaginary world or religion.
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I have never understood exactly what Thai monks actually do. They seem to take rather than give. People have to wait for monks to eat first at ceremonies like weddings, they can be seen collecting alms every morning, but what do they actually contribute to society? What do they bring to the table?

Good karma?

Nah, just kidding.

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Running for the hills is a time-honoured tradition that generally results in the runner stopping their nefarious activities and having a miserable time of life thereafter. Same same Julian Assange.

Lawmakers should take comfort from it, not waste time beating their chests and their brains out

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It's very difficult to get a visa to the usa. He wouldn't get it if he had any pending charges in Thailand. So the assumption is that they really haven't filed any charges on him. All bluster , no action. Must have cost him plenty.

It's not that difficult unless you're a single woman / bar girl or have no assets.

You also are assuming there are real charges pending here and it's not all just talk. If there are real charges, Thailand could seek the assistance of INTERPOL, or the local authorities wherever he is.

Me thinks they don't want him too badly.

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It's very difficult to get a visa to the usa. He wouldn't get it if he had any pending charges in Thailand. So the assumption is that they really haven't filed any charges on him. All bluster , no action. Must have cost him plenty.

It's not that difficult unless you're a single woman / bar girl or have no assets.

You also are assuming there are real charges pending here and it's not all just talk. If there are real charges, Thailand could seek the assistance of INTERPOL, or the local authorities wherever he is.

Me thinks they don't want him too badly.

To make any charges stick, they're going to have to prove he knew the donations from the Klong Dan guy were dodgy.

Thinking and knowing and proving are all different. I suspect the government has just made a very public fool of itself. Certainly, Paiboon's body language during his recent televised homily on the matter showed just how frightened he is of this troublesome monk.

I suspect the government would be well advised to clean up corruption elsewhere, Lord knows there's enough low-hanging fruit, though they will need to avoid any matter in which the police force or armed forces are believed to have been involved. That;s a real danger for them.


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Thai police are just horrible at putting a case together with evidence to submit to the interpol to get assistance in arresting fugitives....its not like evidence is not there or crimes are made up, police are just incompetent at their jobs

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Thai police are just horrible at putting a case together with evidence to submit to the interpol to get assistance in arresting fugitives....its not like evidence is not there or crimes are made up, police are just incompetent at their jobs

If the Boys in Brown did what they are supposed to do, they would be poor, and possibly short of oxygen.

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I had an open mind 12 years ago when I arrived here but having lived in Issan and Bangkok my mind is against the Monks.

They take money from poor people who cannot afford it.

Many of their Temples are Filthy ( certainly in Issan )

They do not work.

They live free on donations of Food and Money and do nothing.

Get privileged seating on trains etc.

It is common knowledge that many are ex crooks or indeed still crooks as the current scandals show.

I was 'invited' to give alms to a monk a few weeks ago, but refused. I told my companion and the monk in Thai that I had seen Buddha Issara, and that any organisation that allowed him to be a member would have to find a way to do without my donations.


Activist Monk Calls for Mass Religious Reform in Thailand

At the forefront of Thailand’s revolution to bring transparency to Buddhism in the country is Buddhist monk Phra Buddha Issara. The activist has called for nationwide reforms after a series of controversies involving the monastic sangha, casting a dark cloud over the country’s most popular religion.



"Everyone knows that Dhammakaya is the Shinawatra family’s political tool"


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If they can't even arrest a local hi-so monk how do they expect to bring this guy in? And what about the monk sitting behind him? All talk and no action.

where do you join ,i won't to be Monk , sounds Great ,do you get Yacht and RR ,Jet when you Join ,little take care girl ,Villa ,with swimming pool ,sun all year ,and swiss bank account ,hope its all tax free ,plus free Tiger

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Extradition can be tricky. I don't understand why they can't just revoke his passport? If he doesn't have a valid passport he would then be deported which is a straight forward process. Normally when a person is deported it is mandatory that they are deported to their country of origin.

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