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Lufthansa prepares to suspend fights to Venezuela


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Lufthansa prepares to suspend fights to Venezuela


FRANKFURT: -- German airline Lufthansa has said it plans to suspend flights to Venezuela next month due to the worsening economic situation in the country.

The carrier said currency controls in the South American nation had made it impossible for it to convert earnings into dollars and repatriate revenue.

Lufthansa added that it hoped to restore services in the near future.

The low oil price has badly hit Venezuela’s economy currently suffering triple digit inflation and a chronic shortage of basic goods.

Last week, Coca Cola also announced a halt to some of its operations in the country due to a lack of sugar.

The deepening economic crisis has led Venezuela’s opposition to push for a referendum to recall President Nicolas Maduro.

So far he has refused to budge, despite efforts from several former leaders, including Spain’s ex-Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, to mediate the political stand-off.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-05-30

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Venezuela should be a daily object lesson for the Western World. As Europe doubles down shoveling bad socialism after bad, and the US is forcibly choking on the Obama leftist/Progressive sandwich being forced down its throat, both regions also peddle amnesia.

Socialism/Statism poisons everything it touches. Venezuela is but one more horrible example of the impossibilities of socialism/despotism and it's inevitable tendency toward tyranny and poverty. In this regard Venezuela is an oracle for the West. However, it's not necessary to look to Venezuela's future, the past provides many examples of its degeneracy and bankruptcy and why it attracts inferior minds.

Edited by arjunadawn
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Other airlines abandoned Venezuela long ago because of the same reason....I imagine the amount Lufthansa has tied up is quite substantial by now. Venezuela's leader is a very bad apple- they need new leadership badly.

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Venezuela should be a daily object lesson for the Western World. As Europe doubles down shoveling bad socialism after bad, and the US is forcibly choking on the Obama leftist/Progressive sandwich being forced down its throat, both regions also peddle amnesia.

Socialism/Statism poisons everything it touches. Venezuela is but one more horrible example of the impossibilities of socialism/despotism and it's inevitable tendency toward tyranny and poverty. In this regard Venezuela is an oracle for the West. However, it's not necessary to look to Venezuela's future, the past provides many examples of its degeneracy and bankruptcy and why it attracts inferior minds.

The situation in Venezuela has no similarity to social welfare programs in Europe of America. Apples and oranges. Also, America is not "choking" on the Obama leftist / Progressive sandwich being forced down its throat either. Americans elected Obama twice of their own free will because they wanted what he was selling. The economy has fully recovered from the 2008 financial crisis and now rates of uninsured are at historic lows. I'm not saying that all has gone smoothly but its gone pretty damn well.

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Venezuela should be a daily object lesson for the Western World. As Europe doubles down shoveling bad socialism after bad, and the US is forcibly choking on the Obama leftist/Progressive sandwich being forced down its throat, both regions also peddle amnesia.

Socialism/Statism poisons everything it touches. Venezuela is but one more horrible example of the impossibilities of socialism/despotism and it's inevitable tendency toward tyranny and poverty. In this regard Venezuela is an oracle for the West. However, it's not necessary to look to Venezuela's future, the past provides many examples of its degeneracy and bankruptcy and why it attracts inferior minds.

The situation in Venezuela has no similarity to social welfare programs in Europe of America. Apples and oranges. Also, America is not "choking" on the Obama leftist / Progressive sandwich being forced down its throat either. Americans elected Obama twice of their own free will because they wanted what he was selling. The economy has fully recovered from the 2008 financial crisis and now rates of uninsured are at historic lows. I'm not saying that all has gone smoothly but its gone pretty damn well.

the american economy is in extremely poor shape. interest rates are 0% when they couldnt lower them any more the government started pumping bailout and stimulus money into the economy to keep it looking healthy. eventually the money being pumped into the economy will run out, and debt servicing will exceed capacity. the number of homeless people and people on food stamps continues to rise. wealth is being transferred from the general masses to the rich. please read this article.


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Einstein said there are two things which are unlimited, the universre and human stupidity while I am not sure about the universe. We have seen all communist and socialist economies collapsing. It is only a matter of time. But people want to exercise it again and again. Bob Dylan's song is always relevant ... when will they ever learn?

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Other airlines abandoned Venezuela long ago because of the same reason....I imagine the amount Lufthansa has tied up is quite substantial by now. Venezuela's leader is a very bad apple- they need new leadership badly.

No one person is going to be able to fix the deeply-seated, innumerable & convoluted problem in Venezuela. I gotta feeling things there are going to get much much worse before they get better.

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Einstein said there are two things which are unlimited, the universre and human stupidity while I am not sure about the universe. We have seen all communist and socialist economies collapsing. It is only a matter of time. But people want to exercise it again and again. Bob Dylan's song is always relevant ... when will they ever learn?

Democracies flavored with a dash of socialism really is the answer to stability and prosper.

Individual countries in Europe have proven that.

Well, as long as the capitalists in Brussels keep their hands off.

Americans, many as ignorant as thais, refuse to believe that.

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Basket case venezula ,Chavezs state controlled oil policies and socialism 30 years ago doomed it

It's not the socialism, it is the mass corruption. Everyone fleecing the state for what it can get. bah.gif

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Venezuela should be a daily object lesson for the Western World. As Europe doubles down shoveling bad socialism after bad, and the US is forcibly choking on the Obama leftist/Progressive sandwich being forced down its throat, both regions also peddle amnesia.

Socialism/Statism poisons everything it touches. Venezuela is but one more horrible example of the impossibilities of socialism/despotism and it's inevitable tendency toward tyranny and poverty. In this regard Venezuela is an oracle for the West. However, it's not necessary to look to Venezuela's future, the past provides many examples of its degeneracy and bankruptcy and why it attracts inferior minds.

The situation in Venezuela has no similarity to social welfare programs in Europe of America. Apples and oranges. Also, America is not "choking" on the Obama leftist / Progressive sandwich being forced down its throat either. Americans elected Obama twice of their own free will because they wanted what he was selling. The economy has fully recovered from the 2008 financial crisis and now rates of uninsured are at historic lows. I'm not saying that all has gone smoothly but its gone pretty damn well.
Yes, of course,mnothing to see here folks, move along... The economy recovered... Ha! It'd be hilarious if not part of the same socialist sandwich fed to America and EU one bite at a time. Under Obama, elected or not, the bites became mouthful. Tip: the rationalization that Obama was elected twice is neutralized by the same reasoning the mid terms rejected him.

Excepting the protest that Venezuela is different... it's not, and everyone knows it!

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Venezuela should be a daily object lesson for the Western World. As Europe doubles down shoveling bad socialism after bad, and the US is forcibly choking on the Obama leftist/Progressive sandwich being forced down its throat, both regions also peddle amnesia.

Socialism/Statism poisons everything it touches. Venezuela is but one more horrible example of the impossibilities of socialism/despotism and it's inevitable tendency toward tyranny and poverty. In this regard Venezuela is an oracle for the West. However, it's not necessary to look to Venezuela's future, the past provides many examples of its degeneracy and bankruptcy and why it attracts inferior minds.

The situation in Venezuela has no similarity to social welfare programs in Europe of America. Apples and oranges. Also, America is not "choking" on the Obama leftist / Progressive sandwich being forced down its throat either. Americans elected Obama twice of their own free will because they wanted what he was selling. The economy has fully recovered from the 2008 financial crisis and now rates of uninsured are at historic lows. I'm not saying that all has gone smoothly but its gone pretty damn well.

" The economy has fully recovered from the 2008 financial crisis "

just in time for the next onegiggle.gif Damian McBride former special adviser to UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown said this one coming will be 20 times worse than the 2008 onefacepalm.gif

Why are the IMF, the UN, the BIS and Citibank all warning that an economic crisis could be imminent?


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Venezuela should be a daily object lesson for the Western World. As Europe doubles down shoveling bad socialism after bad, and the US is forcibly choking on the Obama leftist/Progressive sandwich being forced down its throat, both regions also peddle amnesia.

Socialism/Statism poisons everything it touches. Venezuela is but one more horrible example of the impossibilities of socialism/despotism and it's inevitable tendency toward tyranny and poverty. In this regard Venezuela is an oracle for the West. However, it's not necessary to look to Venezuela's future, the past provides many examples of its degeneracy and bankruptcy and why it attracts inferior minds.

Is it socialism that is depressing oil prices or is it capitalism?

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I never bought into the Chavez thing as the second coming of Bolivar. To me he was just another megalomaniac. He used to have these Sunday speeches that went on for hours that was the only thing televised at that time. Part of the show involved his dressing-down of his dedicated staff, not too different from a certain US television personality telling people they were fired. Even at the height of his economic success the word on the traveler's grapevine was that Maracaibo was an extremely dangerous high-crime area and that at Caracas airport there was the possibility of getting robbed upon crossing out of the customs-immigration area. How's that for a socialist utopia?

They pump a lot of crude, but what kind of fuel do they need for their warships to reach Spain? Wait, warships?

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Venezuela should be a daily object lesson for the Western World. As Europe doubles down shoveling bad socialism after bad, and the US is forcibly choking on the Obama leftist/Progressive sandwich being forced down its throat, both regions also peddle amnesia.

Socialism/Statism poisons everything it touches. Venezuela is but one more horrible example of the impossibilities of socialism/despotism and it's inevitable tendency toward tyranny and poverty. In this regard Venezuela is an oracle for the West. However, it's not necessary to look to Venezuela's future, the past provides many examples of its degeneracy and bankruptcy and why it attracts inferior minds.

The situation in Venezuela has no similarity to social welfare programs in Europe of America. Apples and oranges. Also, America is not "choking" on the Obama leftist / Progressive sandwich being forced down its throat either. Americans elected Obama twice of their own free will because they wanted what he was selling. The economy has fully recovered from the 2008 financial crisis and now rates of uninsured are at historic lows. I'm not saying that all has gone smoothly but its gone pretty damn well.

" The economy has fully recovered from the 2008 financial crisis "

just in time for the next onegiggle.gif Damian McBride former special adviser to UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown said this one coming will be 20 times worse than the 2008 onefacepalm.gifWhy are the IMF, the UN, the BIS and Citibank all warning that an economic crisis could be imminent?


Not sure what's worse, you funding and reading these fake news hysteria websites or you apparently believing them citing them as authoritative.

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Venezuela should be a daily object lesson for the Western World. As Europe doubles down shoveling bad socialism after bad, and the US is forcibly choking on the Obama leftist/Progressive sandwich being forced down its throat, both regions also peddle amnesia.

Socialism/Statism poisons everything it touches. Venezuela is but one more horrible example of the impossibilities of socialism/despotism and it's inevitable tendency toward tyranny and poverty. In this regard Venezuela is an oracle for the West. However, it's not necessary to look to Venezuela's future, the past provides many examples of its degeneracy and bankruptcy and why it attracts inferior minds.

The situation in Venezuela has no similarity to social welfare programs in Europe of America. Apples and oranges. Also, America is not "choking" on the Obama leftist / Progressive sandwich being forced down its throat either. Americans elected Obama twice of their own free will because they wanted what he was selling. The economy has fully recovered from the 2008 financial crisis and now rates of uninsured are at historic lows. I'm not saying that all has gone smoothly but its gone pretty damn well.

" The economy has fully recovered from the 2008 financial crisis "

just in time for the next onegiggle.gif Damian McBride former special adviser to UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown said this one coming will be 20 times worse than the 2008 onefacepalm.gifWhy are the IMF, the UN, the BIS and Citibank all warning that an economic crisis could be imminent?


Not sure what's worse, you funding and reading these fake news hysteria websites or you apparently believing them citing them as authoritative.

Yeah yeah yeahcoffee1.gif

it doesn’t matter which news source you try to criticise the fact is the Japanese Prime Minister made this warning last week. But please tell us in your infinite wisdom why we should not believe his warning?ermm.gif

Global Financial Crisis Coming – Japan Warns of “Lehman-Scale” Crisis At G7


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The situation in Venezuela has no similarity to social welfare programs in Europe of America. Apples and oranges. Also, America is not "choking" on the Obama leftist / Progressive sandwich being forced down its throat either. Americans elected Obama twice of their own free will because they wanted what he was selling. The economy has fully recovered from the 2008 financial crisis and now rates of uninsured are at historic lows. I'm not saying that all has gone smoothly but its gone pretty damn well.

" The economy has fully recovered from the 2008 financial crisis "

just in time for the next onegiggle.gif Damian McBride former special adviser to UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown said this one coming will be 20 times worse than the 2008 onefacepalm.gifWhy are the IMF, the UN, the BIS and Citibank all warning that an economic crisis could be imminent?


Not sure what's worse, you funding and reading these fake news hysteria websites or you apparently believing them citing them as authoritative.

Yeah yeah yeahcoffee1.gif

it doesn’t matter which news source you try to criticise the fact is the Japanese Prime Minister made this warning last week. But please tell us in your infinite wisdom why we should not believe his warning?ermm.gif

Global Financial Crisis Coming – Japan Warns of “Lehman-Scale” Crisis At G7


want to try to discredit this news source F430murci ?giggle.gif

Japan’s Shinzo Abe Hints at Tax Delay With Warning of Global Crisis


Edited by midas
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Venezuela should be a daily object lesson for the Western World. As Europe doubles down shoveling bad socialism after bad, and the US is forcibly choking on the Obama leftist/Progressive sandwich being forced down its throat, both regions also peddle amnesia.

Socialism/Statism poisons everything it touches. Venezuela is but one more horrible example of the impossibilities of socialism/despotism and it's inevitable tendency toward tyranny and poverty. In this regard Venezuela is an oracle for the West. However, it's not necessary to look to Venezuela's future, the past provides many examples of its degeneracy and bankruptcy and why it attracts inferior minds.

Is it socialism that is depressing oil prices or is it capitalism?
Flip a coin; false question imo. Socialism has positively screwed up every aspect of every thing it has ever infected. Period! Socialism is inherently evil as it machines into practice abuse of the minority under the cover of the whole. Socialism always insinuates this couched in identity politics. This is most absurd. Identify politics celebrates the pieces, the minorities, yet reduces the whole to zero individual parts in time.

The greatest success for Progressivsm/Socialism is their revising history. Socialism is the single greatest cause of fascism and the hydra headed Communism tyrannies. Socialism/Progressivism is the mother of eugenics, the mother of Fabianism, the mother of the new world order, the mother of European Socialism, the sister of communism, bolshevikism, slavery in the US, Jim Crowe, Trotskyism, Leninism, Maoism... socialism/ Progressivism cannot be rehabilitated, it can only be obfuscated, disassembled.

Venezuela is as Socialism does!

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