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Thailand: ICT Ministry seeking access to internet users’ emails and logins


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Next they will install a camera in everyone's bedroom.

I just have 2 words more to say. Guess what they are?

Chance would be a fine thing for me these days...
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What an article. Scaremongery at its finest.

However, if there is any truth at all in the 'leak', and this has been suggested by anyone in anyway involved with IT security, the very mention of 'banning SSL' is mind-boggling and the person should be removed from their area of work immediately.

Point of note, none of my business email accounts will work without encryption, none of my cloud access either and this is not ISP controlled par se.

It's the only sensible approach. Nobody should think like the Chairman and say 'if I don't do anything wrong I have nothing to fear' - that's BS

For example, given what everybody understands the honesty to be in the police and army, if they can break https, how long is it before money goes missing from online bank accounts?

Lockdown is the only smart option. VPN to an overseas server using a secure protocol (OpenVPN is a bit harder to crack than https) and always use it, don't re-use passwords (use a strong password manager with a strong password). And never ever use Facebook because they cannot be trusted, I don't know about Line. In general social media is a really bad idea, though Thais cannot survive without peer approval and to be honest, social media can fuel the fightback against the Chairman.

And lets hope Anonymous kicks the Chairman's bottom as they did before but eased up when their demands were met, Bad idea with Thais.


Do you really think 'https' (TLS) can simply be 'cracked' and one of the various cipher suites supported by OpenVPN is just a 'bit harder' ?

The issue with SSL/TLS is certificate authorities and who controls them. Are there any default CA's bundled with the main browsers which are located within Thailand ?

I have no idea what you just said.

But it sounds good.

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Many people are so molded in the a certain direction that hey forget to look it from for example this point of view, And doing it from this point of view you will admire the current Administration of the Thai Government.

They tell openly what they want and what they are doing.

in Europe and the USA we need to find it out by wikileaks et. al.

Dear oh dear.

Look every government has the unenviable task of trying to avert nut cases from bombing people, in this task they clearly need to "spy" in some form or another. I don't think any sensible person would disagree with this. So, yes my emails have probably been through some kind of "filter" but I am no threat so they just get ignored, I don't care about that, do you?

The issue is this. Spying on people and information to find potential terrorist threats is very different from restricting free speech and expression.

I was born in the UK and I have never, not once in my life been "threatened" by the authorities to keep my mouth shut when I have strong feelings about what the Government are doing. Can you say with confidence that it's the same here? Do you think freedom of speech and the right to an opinion is protected and respected as it should be in a democracy? You cannot have democracy without the right to voice what you believe, good or bad.

So, here in Thailand do you believe this control is about seeking out terrorists? Do you trust it will not be used to crush the people who bad mouth the Government? Do you think it will preserve freedom of speech and democracy?

Please wake up.

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Makes my future plans for opening another shop and buying some condos on hold. W.T.F is happening? Why aren't the thais upsett by this?

Like everything else here there has not been much fan fare and drum beating on this issue its flying under the radar.

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Google, Facebook, Hotmail, etc would never provide the password.....the General is on a sinking ship

He will get off first and will have to take a runner.

"He will get off first and will have to take a runner swimmer."

He hasn't yet mastered the water walk.

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It's almost certainly going to end in tears. This despotic outfit just don't know when to stop. The veneer of order will slip as almost every section of society are having their buttons pushed. I am certain that once a campaign against kicks off the backtracking will start. But they haven't learned from the single gateway feedback obviously

The fact there is no rule of law is the most frightening part. Even a lawyer can't help you here.

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It's almost certainly going to end in tears. This despotic outfit just don't know when to stop. The veneer of order will slip as almost every section of society are having their buttons pushed. I am certain that once a campaign against kicks off the backtracking will start. But they haven't learned from the single gateway feedback obviously

The fact there is no rule of law is the most frightening part. Even a lawyer can't help you here.

Quite frankly dealing with lawyers in the past and governments now its a hard choice as to trust the most or least. I am still looking for what I consider to be an honest lawyer here to make out a simple will. Very few precious stones among the gravel so to speak. 90 percent of the lawyers I have dealt with were shysters.

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