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Big Trump checks to vets groups sent on day of media report


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Yeah, it appears you two Aussies finally got something right.

I was confusing you with your better educated cousins, the Kiwis.

They even have their very own Poppy Day just prior to ANZAC Day.

My mistake.

Edited by chuckd
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"Most of the money went out quite a while ago," Trump said. "Some of it went out more recently. But all of this has gone out."

A long time ago…huge time ago….

Care to provide some prove for that?

Naaaaah, didn’t think so!

"Instead of being like, 'Thank you very much, Mr. Trump,' or 'Trump did a good job,' everyone's saying, 'Who got it? Who got it? Who got it?' And you make me look very bad," Trump complained, taking on reporters in the room. "I have never received such bad publicity for doing such a good job."

Yeah…that is maybe because you are a damn @#$%&* liar and no one with a sane mind believes any of the BS you spout!

"It was very unfair that the press treated us so badly," Trump complained Tuesday.

Well booo- $#@!^&* - hoooo!

This guy is so full of sh1t, it is amazing!

I really pity any American, who finds any positive words for this fascist, lying, arrogant, self –absorbed, piece of excrement.

What a President you’ll be getting!

A guy who is a pathological liar, who speaks and argues like an 8 year old!

Look forward to him “telling like it is” on a world stage!

“I have the best words!”

Oh dear!

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Yeah, it appears you two Aussies finally got something right.

I was confusing you with your better educated cousins, the Kiwis.

They even have their very own Poppy Day just prior to ANZAC Day.

My mistake.

That's perfectly understandable chuckd. I confuse Americans with better educated Canadians all the time. Easy to do eh!

Edited by NumbNut
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As a US Veteran- I admire John McCain for his service and his grit- as a POW he was offered an early release due to his father being an Admiral. He refused and stated all POWS must be released and he thus remained in Hanoi. Donald Trump had no right to criticize him since Trump never served and avoid military service. I am glad Trump gave the Veterans charities money regardless of why he did it.

Trump is not the answer to what ails America. He is a greedy businessman who would have you believe he actually cares about the middle class and poor. He is the ultimate narcissist who only wants to add the Presidency to his list. He plays on America's bigotry by claiming building a wall on the Southern border would actually solve America's Immigration problems. Everyone who knows anything about this issue knows his plan is nonsense. He has no real plan for anything and speaks in generalities hidden in his bombast.

Hillary Clinton is not much better as she too is beholden to the wealthy and knows nothing about how the middle class and poor in America suffer. Neither Trump nor Clinton will give America real universal healthcare, which almost all industrialize countries consider a right; they will not provide no cost higher education instead of the current system which in-debts graduates to the government for decades; neither will raise the minimum American wage from its current $7.25 per hour which is considered poverty. The only real change would be if Bernie Sanders could get elected. If not, the other two are just smoke and mirrors and all their rhetoric is just BS.

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As a US Veteran- I admire John McCain for his service and his grit- as a POW he was offered an early release due to his father being an Admiral. He refused and stated all POWS must be released and he thus remained in Hanoi. Donald Trump had no right to criticize him since Trump never served and avoid military service. I am glad Trump gave the Veterans charities money regardless of why he did it.

Trump is not the answer to what ails America. He is a greedy businessman who would have you believe he actually cares about the middle class and poor. He is the ultimate narcissist who only wants to add the Presidency to his list. He plays on America's bigotry by claiming building a wall on the Southern border would actually solve America's Immigration problems. Everyone who knows anything about this issue knows his plan is nonsense. He has no real plan for anything and speaks in generalities hidden in his bombast.

Hillary Clinton is not much better as she too is beholden to the wealthy and knows nothing about how the middle class and poor in America suffer. Neither Trump nor Clinton will give America real universal healthcare, which almost all industrialize countries consider a right; they will not provide no cost higher education instead of the current system which in-debts graduates to the government for decades; neither will raise the minimum American wage from its current $7.25 per hour which is considered poverty. The only real change would be if Bernie Sanders could get elected. If not, the other two are just smoke and mirrors and all their rhetoric is just BS.

People who honeymoon in Moscow (while it was still communist no less) don't go far in American politics (except in Vermont). Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Trump is just beyond belief.

He organises a Veterans fund-raiser to get votes from Veterans and then pockets the cash.

The Washington Post gets onto the story and on the very day the Post flags the story all the checks start appearing.

A $1M check from his personal account? What was the fund-raiser money doing in his personal account?

How can ANYONE consider Trump a candidate for the highest Office in America.

Republicans have totally lost their minds. I didn't think you could get anything more embarrassing than Palin.

"A $1M check from his personal account? What was the fund-raiser money doing in his personal account?"

How do you know he was co-mingling funds? The $1 Million was his personal contribution so the check was written on his personal account.

Seems perfectly reasonable to me.

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Good or bad publicity it doesn't matter. Having his name in the media spotlight does. Do you honestly think that fading starlets who flash their vaginas getting out of car do it accidentally? How about stars punching paparazzi or getting caught taking drugs? I'ts all publicity if they lose their spotlight they lose money or elections.

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Donations made...end of story. No need to try and slant a story one way or the other...REPORT THE NEWS!

It takes time to vet organizations...otherwise the campaign would be accused of stupidity or incompetence for giving to fraudulent or inefficient charities.

You'd like it to be 'end of story' ....but it's not for thinking people. Several angles on this story prove, once again, how Trump is an indelible liar and unabashedly drowning in crass self-publicity .

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As a US Veteran- I admire John McCain for his service and his grit- as a POW he was offered an early release due to his father being an Admiral. He refused and stated all POWS must be released and he thus remained in Hanoi. Donald Trump had no right to criticize him since Trump never served and avoid military service. I am glad Trump gave the Veterans charities money regardless of why he did it.

Trump is not the answer to what ails America. He is a greedy businessman who would have you believe he actually cares about the middle class and poor. He is the ultimate narcissist who only wants to add the Presidency to his list. He plays on America's bigotry by claiming building a wall on the Southern border would actually solve America's Immigration problems. Everyone who knows anything about this issue knows his plan is nonsense. He has no real plan for anything and speaks in generalities hidden in his bombast.

Hillary Clinton is not much better as she too is beholden to the wealthy and knows nothing about how the middle class and poor in America suffer. Neither Trump nor Clinton will give America real universal healthcare, which almost all industrialize countries consider a right; they will not provide no cost higher education instead of the current system which in-debts graduates to the government for decades; neither will raise the minimum American wage from its current $7.25 per hour which is considered poverty. The only real change would be if Bernie Sanders could get elected. If not, the other two are just smoke and mirrors and all their rhetoric is just BS.

Hillary Clinton is in favor of a higher federal minimum wage and is on record saying so many times. Trump is currentlly on record saying no to a higher federal minimum wage. One of the reasons he's become so beloved of the extreme right.

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It's interesting to hear the excuses that people will make for Trump, but anyone giving money to the Clinton Foundation.....now that's pure evil.

Hypocrisy at it's finest.

I'm wondering how many wounded warriors the Clinton Foundation has helped. Memorial Day just passed and that would have been a good time for them to announce their donations.

The silence is deafening.

No, the Clinton Foundation just donates to useless causes like AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis treatment in poor countries, sanitation projects, and disaster relief after catastrophes like hurricane Katrina, the Indian Ocean tsunami, the Haiti earthquake.

And of course no one has EVER criticized the Clinton Foundation, unlike the horrible, mean, unfair treatment that Trump has been given by the press who actually DARED to ask him where the money went. Shame on them for actually questioning a politician about his claims.

Face it, Trump is a thin-skinned cry baby who can dish it out but can't take it.

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It's interesting to hear the excuses that people will make for Trump, but anyone giving money to the Clinton Foundation.....now that's pure evil.

Hypocrisy at it's finest.

I'm wondering how many wounded warriors the Clinton Foundation has helped. Memorial Day just passed and that would have been a good time for them to announce their donations.

The silence is deafening.

Because if the Clinton Foundation is not aiding veterans then it's not really a charity?

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It's interesting to hear the excuses that people will make for Trump, but anyone giving money to the Clinton Foundation.....now that's pure evil.

Hypocrisy at it's finest.

I'm wondering how many wounded warriors the Clinton Foundation has helped. Memorial Day just passed and that would have been a good time for them to announce their donations.

The silence is deafening.

Because if the Clinton Foundation is not aiding veterans then it's not really a charity?

Breitbart dug it out for us. Here is what the Clinton Family Foundation has donated to veteran's groups in the past few years.

In 2009, The Clinton Family Foundation gave $25,000 to the Friends Of American Lake Veterans Golf Course.
In 2010, The Clinton Family Foundation gave $5,000 to the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society, $5,000 to Operation Gratitude, and $10,000 to Any Soldier.
In 2011, The Clinton Family Foundation gave $5,000 to Our Military Kids Inc.
In 2012, The Clinton Family Foundation gave $10,000 to Operation Homefront, and $5,000 to Operation Hat Trick.
In 2014, The Clinton Family Foundation gave $5,000 to Operation Hat Trick.
Interestingly during the period from February 2001 to May 2015 the Clinton's made 729 speeches at an average fee of $210,795 per speech which generated a total income of $153,669,555.
These figures have nothing to do with the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton Foundation did not respond to a request for information.
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Face it, Trump is a thin-skinned cry baby who can dish it out but can't take it.

That's a nicer way of putting it. He's a coward and a liar, not a good character combination for a parking lot attendant, let alone leader of the world's most powerful military. Imagine if he was concerned about Sanders or HRC releasing their tax statements (which they have, btw). He'd be shouting like a brain damaged bully every day. Threatening them in the mafia-wannabe fashion that Trump is so adept at. Name calling, offers to donate to charity (which he never honors), and so on. I'd rather have Rosie O'donnel as prez. At least she has a bit of decent character.

I don't care if Sanders had his honeymoon in Moscow; North Korea or Iran. He is the only one with a program that will actually change America. The rest are worthless.

What exactly will he do to change America?

I can't speak for Mr. Sanders, but I have some ideas what he proposes (note, he's an experience politician so, unlike Trump, he knows how to get things done inside the Beltway). He will try to enact a level playing field. For example, currently corporation execs make about 36 times more than their salaried employees. That happens even if the company is losing money. Standard Oil CEO had his annual paycheck lowered from 36 million to 23 million $$'s / year. That's still an obscene amount. And that for a man who is so stupid he doesn't know what's going on with climate change. The average 5th grader in the US knows more about climate change than he does, though the overpriced exec probably knows all about green fees at deluxe golf courses, and prices for deluxe suites at Bora Bora and St. Moritz.

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A post with the aberrant spelling of a politician's name has been removed. Please use the correct spelling of politician's. Deliberate distortions will be removed.

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Trump turns it around again...eh?

Nobody is keeping up with him.

If you haven't noticed, he is an expert at using the media for fools.

(as well as the no trumpers)

Sure he let it get in the news, waited until he was called on it, then put it back in the news.

Bottom line....Vets got the money....media look like fools....and so do the no trumpers.

He wins all around. Vets win as well.

Additionally, makes his opponents look stupid and admonished them for using vets for political pawns.

He left the ace up the sleeve, and slammed it down in your **face** at the last minute.

brilliant. Hillary won't even talk to the press. She is scared out of her skivvies.

Edited by slipperylobster
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It's interesting to hear the excuses that people will make for Trump, but anyone giving money to the Clinton Foundation.....now that's pure evil.

Hypocrisy at it's finest.

I'm wondering how many wounded warriors the Clinton Foundation has helped. Memorial Day just passed and that would have been a good time for them to announce their donations.

The silence is deafening.

Or Clinton, Inc. could just shake loose with some of the cash Hillary received for those Wall Street speaking fees.

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It's interesting to hear the excuses that people will make for Trump, but anyone giving money to the Clinton Foundation.....now that's pure evil.

Hypocrisy at it's finest.

I'm wondering how many wounded warriors the Clinton Foundation has helped. Memorial Day just passed and that would have been a good time for them to announce their donations.

The silence is deafening.

Or Clinton, Inc. could just shake loose with some of the cash Hillary received for those Wall Street speaking fees.

So, if Trump makes a lot of money, it's an admirable thing. If Clinton makes a lot of money its a capital crime.

I see.

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It's interesting to hear the excuses that people will make for Trump, but anyone giving money to the Clinton Foundation.....now that's pure evil.

Hypocrisy at it's finest.

I'm wondering how many wounded warriors the Clinton Foundation has helped. Memorial Day just passed and that would have been a good time for them to announce their donations.

The silence is deafening.

Or Clinton, Inc. could just shake loose with some of the cash Hillary received for those Wall Street speaking fees.

So, if Trump makes a lot of money, it's an admirable thing. If Clinton makes a lot of money its a capital crime.

I see.

Who said anything about a crime? The criminal indictment will come because of the emails. That Hillary Clinton, with her rhetorical charm, wit, graciousness, deep insight, and harmonizing voice was able to make millions off of some sort of secret speeches we're not allowed to know about is not illegal. Compromising national security on your private server is, however.

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Trump turns it around again...eh?

Nobody is keeping up with him.

If you haven't noticed, he is an expert at using the media for fools.

(as well as the no trumpers)

Sure he let it get in the news, waited until he was called on it, then put it back in the news.

Bottom line....Vets got the money....media look like fools....and so do the no trumpers.

He wins all around. Vets win as well.

Additionally, makes his opponents look stupid and admonished them for using vets for political pawns.

He left the ace up the sleeve, and slammed it down in your **face** at the last minute.

brilliant. Hillary won't even talk to the press. She is scared out of her skivvies.

Trump is such a fat target. HRC is wisely holding back. She's letting him shoot his own feet. That's why Trump is saying less and less about anything with any substance. If the only people listening to him were his fans, then he could go happily on, saying ridiculous things. But the general public is not only listening, they're fact-checking things, and most of the time, Trump comes out smelling like a pile of rotten roses whenever the words that come out of his pie hole are scrutinized.

As for "vets got the money" .....some people just don't see the gist of the story. HE GROSSLY OVERSTATED HOW MUCH WAS RAISED, AND HE DIDN'T GIVE THE $1 MILLION HE SAID HE GAVE. In other words, he lied, lied some more, and then lied again. He only ponied up when the the press corps showed he was blatantly lying, .....and then only partially. Keep talking Trump, you'll get a Tony award for entertainer of the year.

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It's interesting to hear the excuses that people will make for Trump, but anyone giving money to the Clinton Foundation.....now that's pure evil.

Hypocrisy at it's finest.

Not comparable to the 20 countries including Saudi Arabia that HRC sold $165 Billion weapons to who donated to the Clinton Foundation and similarly US contractors while she was Sec of State.Her campaign team will not answer questions on this and Obama turns a blind eye.

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How about you chuckd, how much did you stump up?

Two years of my life on active duty.

Other than that, around 20 years working with the US Military in Saudi Arabia.

My question was about the Clinton's. If I had been making a quarter of a million US for a half hour speech to Wall Street bankers, I might have donated.

Sadly, I didn't so I don't.

How do you celebrate ANZAC day? Stick that poppy in your lapel and go to the pub?

The Poppy is remembrance / Armistice day not ANZAC Day.

Rosemary is ANZAC Day

Who is Rosemary?

Anzac Day is poppy day both in Aust and NZ, I'm a kiwi, I buy them every year, stick them in my lapel but sadly my pub days are long gone burp.gif

It remembers the losses from all theatres, of all wars we were involved in including the Vietnam war helping the Americans

Edited by Linzz
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It's interesting to hear the excuses that people will make for Trump, but anyone giving money to the Clinton Foundation.....now that's pure evil.

Hypocrisy at it's finest.

I'm wondering how many wounded warriors the Clinton Foundation has helped. Memorial Day just passed and that would have been a good time for them to announce their donations.

The silence is deafening.

Because if the Clinton Foundation is not aiding veterans then it's not really a charity?

Breitbart dug it out for us. Here is what the Clinton Family Foundation has donated to veteran's groups in the past few years.

In 2009, The Clinton Family Foundation gave $25,000 to the Friends Of American Lake Veterans Golf Course.
In 2010, The Clinton Family Foundation gave $5,000 to the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society, $5,000 to Operation Gratitude, and $10,000 to Any Soldier.
In 2011, The Clinton Family Foundation gave $5,000 to Our Military Kids Inc.
In 2012, The Clinton Family Foundation gave $10,000 to Operation Homefront, and $5,000 to Operation Hat Trick.
In 2014, The Clinton Family Foundation gave $5,000 to Operation Hat Trick.
Interestingly during the period from February 2001 to May 2015 the Clinton's made 729 speeches at an average fee of $210,795 per speech which generated a total income of $153,669,555.
These figures have nothing to do with the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton Foundation did not respond to a request for information.

This is peanuts compared to the millions from countries donating to the Clinton Foundation from arms sales (see my above post)

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