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Horrible Discovery in Tiger Temple: Dozens of Dead Tiger Kittens


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i saw it was $17 for a selfie!!!!

backpackers very happy, put on youtube, blog and say, "what a wonderful place, best day of my life"

and now they say they saw nothing wrong and ..... ah.....hmmmm..... silence

i've been to a zoo in Vietnam where i thought the animals were drugged to move around more.....i didn't leave, felt bad, but i did nothing

the only way to really stop this is to not go....

and we all know that isn't going to happen

but open your eyes people!!!!

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i saw it was $17 for a selfie!!!!

backpackers very happy, put on youtube, blog and say, "what a wonderful place, best day of my life"

and now they say they saw nothing wrong and ..... ah.....hmmmm..... silence

i've been to a zoo in Vietnam where i thought the animals were drugged to move around more.....i didn't leave, felt bad, but i did nothing

the only way to really stop this is to not go....

and we all know that isn't going to happen

but open your eyes people!!!!

Hey - i charge 20 dollars for a selfie with me, and i can purr for an extra 5!!

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The plans for the future were so different back in December 2008


the plans that the temple talked about even back in 2005 were all smoke and mirrors - nothing has changed the temple has been on the same course for almost 20 years.

it shows how naive the volunteers are - it also admits to taking cubs from their mothers at 3 weeks - presumably either to help speed breeding or end up in the freezer?

Edited by cumgranosalum
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Once this mess is sorted out the Thai Authorities should turn their attention to other "Tiger" attractions such as the one on Phuket where a tourist was mauled by a "tame" Tiger.


one would hope that this is a turning point in Thai animal welfare in general.

this is a country that has virtually NO leal protection for animals outside the international treaties they have signed.....and even less enforcement.

There is abuse of wildlife, captive animals and domesticated animal and pets.

thailand last year proudly announced that the population of wild tigers had increased - as yet this isn't even shown as a trend rather than a one off....so what do the authorities do - they decide to by-pass all eco/conservation advice and use article $$ to build a dam right next to the tiger reserve that has worked tirelessly for decades to conserve the wild population of tigers - in short they will undo work that started in the 1980s.

elephants in Thailand (the National Animal) have about the same rights as a pickup truck........

zoos operate all around Thailand with impunity - they aren't zoos as in the western concept of a zoological society that researches and conserves animals, they are in reality circus side shows that treat animals as a commodity to be exploited until their health or behaviour renders them useless.

Roof-top collections of cages, the Sri Racha zoo that appears to be run on the lines of a Chinese tiger farm, elephants with back legs maimed and paralysed by having to work day in, day out with huge loads of tourists inappropriately parked on their backs, dogs allowed to roam with festering wounds and prolapsed vaginas due to relentless series of pregnancies.......small birds and fish repeatedly re-caught and handled in order to give some a misleading feeling of "making merit"....b slaughter houses where animals are killed in the most horrific conditions, buffaloes that collapse and die due to bad care and exhaustion, hunting allowed as a sport by those who think killing animals is more pleasurable, the more "exotic" or endangered the animal is, corrupt rangers and officials who lead illegal hunting trips, poach wild animals for their ivory, skins etc....encroachment on national parks and nature reserves, often sanctioned by the military or corrupt local officials, animals left in agony for days weeks until they slowly die because ill-trained vets refuse euthanasia or proper humane treatment......I'm sure many could add to this list.....

...but isn't it about time that the people of Thailand took note of the vast sway of international feeling about wildlife, conservation and animal welfare in general and started to do something about it?

let's see how they handle the temple.........

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i saw it was $17 for a selfie!!!!

backpackers very happy, put on youtube, blog and say, "what a wonderful place, best day of my life"

and now they say they saw nothing wrong and ..... ah.....hmmmm..... silence

i've been to a zoo in Vietnam where i thought the animals were drugged to move around more.....i didn't leave, felt bad, but i did nothing

the only way to really stop this is to not go....

and we all know that isn't going to happen

but open your eyes people!!!!

One important step is to not visit any of these places in the first place.

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Lots of negative comments on facebook about thailand. reading it and commenting the thread was shut down halfway through.

Wonder who did this. Take a guess.

It has just been on the Al Jazeera news channel and it wasn't very complimentary either

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Lots of negative comments on facebook about thailand. reading it and commenting the thread was shut down halfway through.

Wonder who did this. Take a guess.

It has just been on the Al Jazeera news channel and it wasn't very complimentary either

was on Australian ABC News also and again not complementary either. A lot of disgust at Thai in the news media and social media.
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BBC World is reporting the authorities say a monk has been arrested trying to remove skins from the temple.

The way things are he should consider himself unlucky but let's see what happens next and if charges are actually laid. Will he cop the lot while the more senior monks ' escape ' ?

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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this article in the National (Daily Brownnose) is tantamount to an apology on behalf of the temple!


Let’s put an end to the litany of grisly discoveries and complaints against the tourist attraction" - ....... - no let's find ALL the evidence and pursue it to the bitter end!


Edited by cumgranosalum
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BBC World is reporting the authorities say a monk has been arrested trying to remove skins from the temple.

The way things are he should consider himself unlucky but let's see what happens next and if charges are actually laid. Will he cop the lot while the more senior monks ' escape ' ?

As I said earlier tare they offering up a scapegoat?

they've got their amulets back, so what happens to that monk shouldn't worry them too much......

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BP reporting another 30 dead cubs found - 70 so far

Reportedly these cubs were found preserved in glass jars. (?For Sale ?)

Tiger wine?

From Phuket News:


Chinese tiger farms usually have a winery at the back for bottling the tiger parts

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There are good monks, and I use the term loosely, bad monks and heinous monks. These monks fall into the last category. I hope there is a law whereby the courts can nail every one of them.

They should be prosecuted for 'bringing Buddhism into disrepute'. This heinous activity above and beyond wearing a 'stupa shaped' dress or Buddha images on bloody T shirts. How on earth could this have been allowed to go on for so long?

gigglem.gif as if, they're untouchable as written in law - facts mean nothing, an idealism that went rogue. Line these monks up and shoot them, stack 'em in the temple and burn the lot. Without this action nothing will change, 5 years from now it'll be up and running again. AFM Anything For Money

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There are good monks, and I use the term loosely, bad monks and heinous monks. These monks fall into the last category. I hope there is a law whereby the courts can nail every one of them.

They should be prosecuted for 'bringing Buddhism into disrepute'. This heinous activity above and beyond wearing a 'stupa shaped' dress or Buddha images on bloody T shirts. How on earth could this have been allowed to go on for so long?

I posted this comment somewhere else in a different form but I thought it could be a reply to this too;

As with every religion, this one is also mostly a 'business' that attracts a lot of idiots, dropouts, psychopaths, losers, jailbirds and scam artists. Not all monks and abbots thank goodness. A lot are genuine nice people. But for the bad ones it's very easy money and gives one a lot of perks, authority and respect.

It's time the world got rid of all dogma, brainwashing and BS.

The true teachings of Siddhartha Gautama are amazing btw and very useful for everyone and have nothing to do with temples, gold, praying, statues, rituals, worshipping and superstitions but like all institutions this one created so-called places of worship and small so-called heavens with small gods or Buddha's who run the show and pull the true meaning of things apart. All to suck gold out of people and to keep them small, docile and meaningless while in reality people are amazing creatures with unlimited powers and abilities. All religions should be abolished and people need to rediscover this paradise that we live in because that is what the Buddha really taught. We have the ability to rid our lives of all suffering and to see that this place we call Earth is in fact Heaven.....only if we can get rid of all dogma's and brainwashing and that of course includes one of the biggest dogma's; religion. I better stop before this reply becomes dogmatic too wink.png

I forgot to mention that a lot of clerics should be prosecuted for giving religions a bad reputation. I'm not sure if any have clean hands when it comes to pulling the true meaning of goodness out of context

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There's nothing particularly wrong with the religion here per se....what is going on here is that unscrupulous traders have used religion as a cover for their operation.

Seriously? Nothing wrong? Please read above again.

I agree with the unscrupulous trader part and using 'their' religion as a cover....but lots and lots is wrong with all religions

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There's nothing particularly wrong with the religion here per se....what is going on here is that unscrupulous traders have used religion as a cover for their operation.

Seriously? Nothing wrong? Please read above again.

I agree with the unscrupulous trader part and using 'their' religion as a cover....but lots and lots is wrong with all religions

you're trying to link religion to the crimes of the temple - the temple was used as a cover by criminals - they has nothing to do with religion - you're confusing association with causation....a false syllogism, no less

Edited by cumgranosalum
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