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North Korea's media praise Trump talk about US troops


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I think this is one of those rare cases (unique case?) where Trump is actually correct. South Korea doesn't need our troops. In a conventional war, the South Korean army could easily defeat the North Korean army. But if North Korea seriously threatens the south with nuclear weapons, our people there won't be soldiers. They'll be hostages. In addition, China and Japan, the worlds 2nd and 3rd largest economies in the area, are the other 2 nations most directly affected by North Korea's conduct. They can easily afford to deal with the problem.

However, as in the Korean War, China would be backing Nothing Korea. We do have a presence in Japan, but it is rather limited. Japan is against an increase in us military personnel.

I trained with the South Korean military and they are very adept.....but if I was South Korean, I sure would like reassurances.

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All you Trump knockers still think he's an idiot ? blink.png Peace on the peninsular and he hasn't been elected yet. Champion.

On a more serious note, it is good policy. Withdrawing from the Korean peninsular. Give the South Koreans and Japanese the deterrent they need and leave them to it. The problem is there's and nobody else's. The North would never have the balls to go up against the South or Japan if they both had a few nukes.

You didn't hear about the Korean War?

Global Nuclear proliferation. Good idea.

Wonderful strategy. So simple. What could go wrong.

Trump is quite the strategist. All looking good so far.

I wasn't quite born when that war kicked off. But I heard something about it once.

It's not a good idea, but a great idea. I am all for Nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsular if it means the withdrawal of US troops.

Yes. Stuff can always go wrong. And if it does it will go wrong on the "Korean Peninsular". Problem belonging to dem'.

So it will be okay for China to provide Nuclear weapons to Kim Jong Un? Or are Nuclear weapons only provided to those who you deem should have them. What about Palestine? Iran? ISIS would you suggest they be armed with Nuclear weapons and 'let them sort it out'?

Should we role out this, not just good idea but Great! idea globally?

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An incredible situation. Obamas appeasement of terrorists and weak stance on everything led to NK having nuclear ballistic missiles. Obviously a bit of a setback - particularly for the SK and Japs. Now, with a potential Trump administration and the promise of applying common sense to political situations instead of moronic PC hand-holding and kumbaya chanting, we see positive statements coming from NK, and the left are trying to claim this is a bad thing!!! Let's be clear about one thing, a stable Korean peninsula is a very good thing, no matter who the peacemaker is - in this case DT.

It may have gone un-noticed by many - but the more the far left attack DT, the more the silent majority show their support. Err, in this case the far left should perhaps be quiet and reflect on the damage to the world the rampant liberalism and appeasing the enemy has caused. One of Obamas legacies. A nuclear NK.

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An incredible situation. Obamas appeasement of terrorists and weak stance on everything led to NK having nuclear ballistic missiles. Obviously a bit of a setback - particularly for the SK and Japs. Now, with a potential Trump administration and the promise of applying common sense to political situations instead of moronic PC hand-holding and kumbaya chanting, we see positive statements coming from NK, and the left are trying to claim this is a bad thing!!! Let's be clear about one thing, a stable Korean peninsula is a very good thing, no matter who the peacemaker is - in this case DT.

It may have gone un-noticed by many - but the more the far left attack DT, the more the silent majority show their support. Err, in this case the far left should perhaps be quiet and reflect on the damage to the world the rampant liberalism and appeasing the enemy has caused. One of Obamas legacies. A nuclear NK.

Liberals and their childish dreams of equality and no war have weakened the world

Strong and ready is the way to go.

Just being nice and tolerant makes things worse. Some countries will take advantage....when they see a way.

The world is not ready for peace.

Edited by slipperylobster
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I think this is one of those rare cases (unique case?) where Trump is actually correct. South Korea doesn't need our troops. In a conventional war, the South Korean army could easily defeat the North Korean army. But if North Korea seriously threatens the south with nuclear weapons, our people there won't be soldiers. They'll be hostages. In addition, China and Japan, the worlds 2nd and 3rd largest economies in the area, are the other 2 nations most directly affected by North Korea's conduct. They can easily afford to deal with the problem.

But if North Korea suffers a reversal in any future conflict and looks like falling of its perch do you think China will stand by and watch South Korea roll on up next to their border?

I can't see it happening. China will get involved just as it did in the first Korean Conflict. And who knows where any military action will go if it escalates?

In the same way as Russia desires a Ukrainian (Baltic States?) buffer zone to NATO, so does China.

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An incredible situation. Obamas appeasement of terrorists and weak stance on everything led to NK having nuclear ballistic missiles. Obviously a bit of a setback - particularly for the SK and Japs. Now, with a potential Trump administration and the promise of applying common sense to political situations instead of moronic PC hand-holding and kumbaya chanting, we see positive statements coming from NK, and the left are trying to claim this is a bad thing!!! Let's be clear about one thing, a stable Korean peninsula is a very good thing, no matter who the peacemaker is - in this case DT.

It may have gone un-noticed by many - but the more the far left attack DT, the more the silent majority show their support. Err, in this case the far left should perhaps be quiet and reflect on the damage to the world the rampant liberalism and appeasing the enemy has caused. One of Obamas legacies. A nuclear NK.

North Korean actually announced it had nuclear weapons in 2006. this was in the Bush era. No, they weren't ballisitic then, but that somehow makes them okay? It was fine that George Bush did nothing about it? . What could Obama do to stop North Korea from developing nuclear weapons? Invade the north. Couldn't really do that without the South's assistance. And I guarantee the last thing the south wants is to have to do for North Korea what West Germany had to do for the east. And, of course, there is the small question of China. Back in the 50's MacArthur made the mistake of invading North Korea. The Chinese quite forcefully let him know that they were unhappy with that decision. If there's one good thing to be said about Trump, he doesn't believe, unlike you, that the US can be the world's policeman. Well, at least sometimes he believes that. Like most beliefs when it comes to Trump..

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An incredible situation. Obamas appeasement of terrorists and weak stance on everything led to NK having nuclear ballistic missiles. Obviously a bit of a setback - particularly for the SK and Japs. Now, with a potential Trump administration and the promise of applying common sense to political situations instead of moronic PC hand-holding and kumbaya chanting, we see positive statements coming from NK, and the left are trying to claim this is a bad thing!!! Let's be clear about one thing, a stable Korean peninsula is a very good thing, no matter who the peacemaker is - in this case DT.

It may have gone un-noticed by many - but the more the far left attack DT, the more the silent majority show their support. Err, in this case the far left should perhaps be quiet and reflect on the damage to the world the rampant liberalism and appeasing the enemy has caused. One of Obamas legacies. A nuclear NK.

North Korean actually announced it had nuclear weapons in 2006. this was in the Bush era. No, they weren't ballisitic then, but that somehow makes them okay? It was fine that George Bush did nothing about it? . What could Obama do to stop North Korea from developing nuclear weapons? Invade the north. Couldn't really do that without the South's assistance. And I guarantee the last thing the south wants is to have to do for North Korea what West Germany had to do for the east. And, of course, there is the small question of China. Back in the 50's MacArthur made the mistake of invading North Korea. The Chinese quite forcefully let him know that they were unhappy with that decision. If there's one good thing to be said about Trump, he doesn't believe, unlike you, that the US can be the world's policeman. Well, at least sometimes he believes that. Like most beliefs when it comes to Trump..

I had it up to my ears with liberal idiots.

They claim they are smart, educated and wiser than the common man (what the fq?)

I know many people without a lick of college, who are much wiser and smarter.

Most of these liberal democrats are village idiots with a degree in underwater basket weaving.

People like my father grew up in the depression. They learned the value of real life experiences.

Who are these idiot liberal democrats who moan all the time. Most cannot even pay off their school loans?

Many cannot even work....they just milk the democratic tatas....

That is why they fear Trump.

Besides Bush, and stupid Obama/Hillary....who else is willing to talk to the North Korean Rascals.

Hope it happens...

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This sounds like a bunch of angry personal opinion with no basis in fact, concluding with "that is why they fear Trump". What rubbish.

Trump says things sometimes that don't sound too stupid but they are always self-serving and contradict some other inane bloviation he made previously.

As for Kim, I don't think it would hurt to "reward" the North Korean dictator with direct negotiations with The Donald. Trump, he can make one of his famous "deals". The North Koreans would be happy to sign a peace accord as long as we (US) admitted defeat and war crimes, and of course withdrew all Military forces from the Peninsula.

What would Trumps counter offer sound like, nuclear war?

"Make America Great again, we're gonna win so much you'll get tired of winning". "Build a wall and have Mexico pay for it". (No freakin' way gringo)

I feel sorry for the simps who fall for this hucksterism. Trump could win, but he is way way out of his league.

Edited by arunsakda
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i am not a big friend of political discussion. however, i grew up and got school educated in post - war germany.

the rise of adolf hitler and his political party, the NSDAP, originated out of disillusionment of the german blue - collar citizens.

uneducated peasants devoid of the intellectual ability to grasp the bigger picture.

seeking simple solutions to the complex problems they where unable to understand.

this is the biggest problem with the so called 'democracy': un - intelligent and un - educated simpletons being allowed to judge on the same intellectual level as their mentally superior piers. back than it elevated a lunatic to the position of one of the most powerful people on this planet.

and that is exactly what will happen again.

hitler had the support of jet another moron, the japanese's emperor. for his own needs and purposes.

trump gets supported by kim - boy.

history never repeats?

glad i'll be dead soon...

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trump has already declared war on the media. He'd be the Putin of the USA -- there would no free press with him as president. He constantly threatens law suits and has a long history of filing lawsuits over nothing. He threatens to use libel laws to silence criticism. He puts reporters in CAGES in his rallies which are more like commercial entertainment wrestling events, indeed as Hawking correctly charged, appealing to the LOWEST (and darkest) elements of Americans. He openly calls specific reporters SLEAZE in press conferences. The man is massively personally VINDICTIVE and clearly insane and the USA will have gone insane to elect such a madman as their president. Will they? Maybe but not without a HUGE fight.

Lawsuits and libel laws. Yes, he uses these so you now attack him for being lawful.

Perhaps you don't like him because he's a real man and not the handbag type.

trump, a real man?

tiny hands trump?

You're joking.

Ignoring your homophobic slur ... that's just stupid.

Personal and childish comments about Trump. I'll rest my case here.

You've nothing really to say.

Just the kind of thing a "handbag type" would say.

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Some attribute these odd salutes to the like-mindedness of authoritarian personalities, but this misses the point. More likely, Putin and Kim pine for a Trump presidency because they see he’s an easy mark, someone who thinks he’s smart and tough but who, in fact, is all set to give away the store.

Most leaders, perhaps especially authoritarian ones, don’t care about an opposite number’s charms or lack thereof; they care only about advancing their interests. Putin’s main interest in global affairs is to preserve what little semblance of an empire Russia once had—and, toward that end, to split the Western powers: both within Europe and across the trans-Atlantic alliance with the United States.


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All the rhetoric here by those against Trump every time they see his name. Trump makes campaign statements about Japan and Korean pulling more of their weight in the costs to have American troops in those countries. In fact, at least in the case of Japan, the Japanese government does foot the bill for some portion of the costs. Trump makes a simple case basically about other countries whether in Asia or Europe carrying more of the load is right on the mark in my opinion. Why take things so literally when Trumps says troops should be pulled out if nations don't step up to the plate. Maybe what he is doing is setting the stage for making a better deal. It's doubtful that things would change greatly in a short period of time but you got to start somewhere. This is an argument about nothing really. The news report from North Korea is nothing but propaganda in the first place so who give any credence to it. Further, if Trumps can start talks with Kim more power to him. Doubtful it will go anywhere but no harm in trying.

I am tired of the anti Trump people constantly calling anyone who supports Trump a fool. The is the typical leftist rhetoric in trying to intimidate people into thinking themselves stupid and foolish if they like some to the things Trumps talks about. Unlike the liberal candidates promising everyone everything, Trump at least expresses his opinion on things like it or not. All Hillary and Bernie do is promise various sectors of society things they can't really deliver on or pay for. It all sounds like trying to deliver a utopian society rather than facing hard reality. That plays well to the masses but doesn't make things work any better. I can't imagine another four years of the same policies we have now. The USA in mired in problems, both nationally and internationally. In my opinion electing Hillary is just creating 4 more years of stagnation. I certainly don't know whether Trump is the goof-ball the liberals want him to be or whether he is really the sharp businessman he appears. But given the way things are currently going for the USA in the world, I might just give Trump a chance. After all, we all know the President can only do so much good or damage depending on the Congress. Honestly, it seems a small risk electing Trump. He will either be successful or a failure. Can't be much worst that what we have now.

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