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Is this fair and reasonable

Today I met a young lady who was convicted of selling Yaba. She is 21 years old.

She was sentenced to 5 years 8 months in jail. Although she was just 18 at the time and just out of school the Judge saw fit to pass this sentence. Her boyfriend, of course, had fled and left her to face Thai “Justice”.

Inside the local Prison are 208 women prisoners, nearly all with children at home, every one abandoned by their partners and over 95% of them in jail for dealing with yaba, all doing 3 years or more!

My problem is this; these women were failed by the Education system, they were failed by the community and most of all they were failed by their Government!

I understand, by the “unofficial” rules of Sakdina they’ve got what they deserved, but what a waste! If they were smart enough and dumb enough & desperate enough to sell drugs then how good would they have been if given a chance at life!

One would think it was reasonable that if the government was serious about combating drugs in the community they would have some other plan other than putting poor people in jail?

Imagine the effect of having some of these men and women prisoners telling students in High School the real pitfalls of doing drugs! Telling them that the man selling you the drugs will most probably be a friend of the man who arrests you and while you go to jail for years and years he will get a bonus and his superiors will get a bounty from another country’s DEA.

Is it fair and reasonable that young and old, male and female are sacrificed for years at a time, when other punishments are available and the chance for rehabilitation is high, for the sake of the self-aggrandizement of the countries involved?

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How many lives did her yaba sales ruin ? How many teenagers did she sell to who then stole from their parents, gave up educational opportunities and made other's live's miserable hells. ?

Yes...it is quite fair for drug sellers. For Users maybe harsh...but for dealers...throw the book at them.


There is no justification for greed that hurts others. It is more than bad choices,it is selfish uncaring me first at all costs to others.attitude. Dealers will waste many more lifes than the one you want to save.One against hundreds pretty easy choice huh.Let them rot in jail.or kill each other with their lack of respect for mankind.


This is not a Thai problem, it is universal. The jails all over the world are rammed to bursting point with petty criminals, most of their offences drug and drink related in some respect, the majority of whom pose no real danger to society; their offences tend to be against property. I've never understood the logic in such a ridiculous system but it is alive well and kicking in most so called first world countries.


Do the crime do the time.

If only the locals were handed down the same sentence for drugs as what foreigners are. Speaking of which, I wonder if that English lad in Pattaya that got 100 years for selling drugs is loving life ?


She sell drugs she got caught her choice. Glad she in jail can't sell to other people or kids. No sympathy here got what she deserved


I don't think many people have sympathy for drug dealers.

But TPI has a point. Kids needs the support of the schools, the community and family...but if there is no education for the family, and the schools are either in denial or plain ignorant about drugs, and the Government is clueless on what to do, then these "at risk" kids will keep making the same mistakes for a fistful of dollars.

It is a tragedy that these young kids, with limited education and opportunities are lured to using and dealing drugs...but when one gets banged up, another one will fill the void. It's perceived as easy money...until you're caught.


Same here, no sympathy for drug dealers, but i get the point your raising. She'd have been better of running over & killing 3 cyclists - that only gets you 2 years


Well locking up/executing drug dealers/traffickers and locking up drug users is really working.

The drug problem is almost solved.


How many lives did her yaba sales ruin ? How many teenagers did she sell to who then stole from their parents, gave up educational opportunities and made other's live's miserable hells. ?

Yes...it is quite fair for drug sellers. For Users maybe harsh...but for dealers...throw the book at them.

She hasn't ruined any lives except her own. Every single user is solely responsible for their own life choices, unless they're human slaves being forced to use the product, in which case the slave masters are the criminals, not the sales people.


How many lives did her yaba sales ruin ? How many teenagers did she sell to who then stole from their parents, gave up educational opportunities and made other's live's miserable hells. ?

Yes...it is quite fair for drug sellers. For Users maybe harsh...but for dealers...throw the book at them.

She hasn't ruined any lives except her own. Every single user is solely responsible for their own life choices, unless they're human slaves being forced to use the product, in which case the slave masters are the criminals, not the sales people.

How do you know that someone has had there lives ruined because the woman SOLD drugs to a young person who then committed a crime under the influence of the drug . Don't you think that that has ruined the person and his/her mum and dad lives as well


It is no secret that those from the lower echelons of Thai society caught with drugs will be shown little sympathy by the police, (unless of course they have permission of the police to sell in the area), and will be severely punished by the courts.

It is how things are in this backward country. She is probably not the sharpest knife in the draw, was brought up with poor role models and after a few years in the Thai education system has been rendered barely able to make sensible decisions for herself. Her choice of friends too would have been severely limited to the local irresponsible scrotes who prey upon women and there you have a recipe for yet another young person with no chance of advancing herself in this awful society.

Expecting a reasonable and sensible policy towards drugs or anything else from the authorities is just silly, they serve only themselves.

Having said all that, she will have been fully aware of the penalties should she be caught in possession of or in the company of somebody in possession of illegal drugs and must bear full responsibility for the predicament she found herself in.

Thais rarely learn from their mistakes, and in all probability will offend again and you as a friend should be careful of her, because she could, without thinking or intent, involve an innocent party in her problems.


To be honest it is fair that if they are caught they should do time but the sad thing is it never stops the problem. Why? Usually it is because these people are the small fries, the big fish are who are the ones running the business are either in a powerful position or they are the pigs. Where I am living I have heard many a story usually coming from the moo baans where the cops are the ones recruiting said sellers of the goods and have set it up that if their mule is caught they will not face any repercussions. I do like the idea of getting some of these people who were duped into this situation to be able to visit schools so that they could hold a seminar with students to explain exactly how life is like when you go to prison. I am sure this might in a small way alter some of the children's possible future, obviously not all but it would be a damn good start in the right direction, even if it is only one.


It is no secret that those from the lower echelons of Thai society caught with drugs will be shown little sympathy by the police and will be severely punished by the courts.

It is how things are in this backward country. She is probably not the sharpest knife in the draw, was brought up with poor role models and after a few years in the Thai education system has been rendered barely able to make sensible decisions for herself. Her choice of friends too would have been severely limited to the local irresponsible scrotes who prey upon women and there you have a recipe for yet another young person with no chance of advancing herself in this awful society.

Expecting a reasonable and sensible policy towards drugs or anything else from the authorities is just silly, they serve only themselves.

Having said all that, she will have been fully aware of the penalties should she be caught in possession of or in the company of somebody in possession of illegal drugs and must bear full responsibility for the predicament she found herself in.

Thais rarely learn from their mistakes, and in all probability will offend again and you as a friend should be careful of her, because she could, without thinking or intent, involve an innocent party in her problems.

My goodness you must have known her very well!! No just using assumptions based on TV folk law I presume. "In this backward country" implies you live here!!!why if it's so backwards for your taste. She is guilty and deserves everything she got her fault not her school not what you call local scrotes!!!!. Her and no one else.

She is guilty and deserves everything she got her fault not her school not what you call local scrotes!!!!. Her and no one else

I think I said that too, but her background, upbringing, education and choice of peers made it difficult for her to choose any other path in life.

And yes, I have been here a long time, it used to be a wonderful country, but it is not now.


She is guilty and deserves everything she got her fault not her school not what you call local scrotes!!!!. Her and no one else

I think I said that too, but her background, upbringing, education and choice of peers made it difficult for her to choose any other path in life.

And yes, I have been here a long time, it used to be a wonderful country, but it is not now.

Easy to quote a small snip of what I say I've been here for a longer time and it still is a wonderful country. If it's not good for you now there isany flights to other countries which might suit you better. Your original post was pure assumption on your part

there isany flights to other countries

That seems to be the standard answer given to anyone who dare disagree and criticise Thailand by those unable and/or unwilling to listen to an opposing viewpoint. Are you Thai?

I've been here for a longer time

I didnt actually say how long I have been here for.

I certainly haven't come here for an argument, so that is the last comment I will make on your posts.


there isany flights to other countries

That seems to be the standard answer given to anyone who dare disagree and criticise Thailand by those unable and/or unwilling to listen to an opposing viewpoint. Are you Thai?

I've been here for a longer time

I didnt actually say how long I have been here for.

I certainly haven't come here for an argument, so that is the last comment I will make on your posts.

No you come to make assumptions. My answer about leaving because you say not good here any more.


How many lives did her yaba sales ruin ? How many teenagers did she sell to who then stole from their parents, gave up educational opportunities and made other's live's miserable hells. ?

Yes...it is quite fair for drug sellers. For Users maybe harsh...but for dealers...throw the book at them.

She hasn't ruined any lives except her own. Every single user is solely responsible for their own life choices, unless they're human slaves being forced to use the product, in which case the slave masters are the criminals, not the sales people.

What a load of crap. no dealers no drugs simple as that. Take away the source there is no choice.or opportunity to use drugs


Some jails in Thailand have a very good education system inside.

I disagree with your comment about the education system failing her, maybe if she had put more effort in, she might have achieved more.

Did she take advantage of any education system inside whilst incarcerated ?


How many lives did her yaba sales ruin ? How many teenagers did she sell to who then stole from their parents, gave up educational opportunities and made other's live's miserable hells. ?

Yes...it is quite fair for drug sellers. For Users maybe harsh...but for dealers...throw the book at them.

Your post shows that you know nothing about drugs, users, dealers and I do not say this in any nasty or malicious manner.

As per usual the real "dealers" get away with murder, literally.

Th street dealers are usually addicts themselves and have become "dealers" to maintain their own addictions.

This "lock them away and throw away the key" reaction is typical of those who know nothing about drugs or their use and not the answer.


there isany flights to other countries

That seems to be the standard answer given to anyone who dare disagree and criticise Thailand by those unable and/or unwilling to listen to an opposing viewpoint. Are you Thai?

I've been here for a longer time

I didnt actually say how long I have been here for.

I certainly haven't come here for an argument, so that is the last comment I will make on your posts.

No you come to make assumptions. My answer about leaving because you say not good here any more.

I have to agree with the sentiments of Musty Jack.

Thailand, and I have been coming here for over 30 years is definitely not the place it used to be, crime. attitudes, have changed for the worst in my opinion and Musty knows what he is talking about.

You on the other hand seem to think that yours is the only point of view worth listening too and then to add insult to your arrogance you make that overly used snide comment about leaving if you dont like it her.

Your "Leaving sentiment" and obvious to any sensible reader smacks of you not having any sensible reply to Musty's posts.

I love my Thai family as I love my Uk family but I am not immune from the antics of those both in the UK and here in Thailand who make the place uncomfortable to decent law abiding folk


Whatever only point out if you not like say goodbye many other places to live. Arrogance you say we're is my arrogance !!@!! 30 years that all then you know nothing.


She knew what she was doing all drug sellers do ! Iv met a fair few young adults as you stated who have been failed by the system, yet have no thoughts of selling drugs and work an honest living !


Not as harsh as it appears unless you were talking to her in the prison, if she is free now she only served about half that, or less.


It's not fair and reasonable. Some oft these dealers should be executed any MAYBE others would learn of this.


Remember this is thailand and zero tolerance, unless you can buy your way out! !

I say to people if you want to play with drugs; leave Thailand first, I like a little weed from time to time but NOT in Thailand

In the USA some low category drugs/ Marijuana are now legal; and I understand personal consumption may not be prosecuted in the UK


Do not drink and drive in the UK, Thailand however more lenient, but I hope that changes

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