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1st Thai Mount Everest woman summiter meets PM Prayut


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I did not ask for the world's press to be stopped. I only asked for the pointless negative comments to be toned down.

Not everyone can be objective about 'challenges'. An obsession with taking challenges like this one stems from a low self-esteem. Always. If you saw yesterday's news coverage of her meeting the PM (another one with self-esteem issues), the source and nature of her psych problems will have been very evident.

Admiration for other people who take up challenges in order to improve their self-esteem, merely serves to legitimise one's own obsession to 'prove one's worth'. If one is denied legitimisation, or worse, if it is questioned, and worse still if it is mocked, you'll see the abuse coming out as you can read for yourself above, especially with people for whom it's their way or no way.

It's all a bit sad really, but true. The need to 'prove ones self' is a part of our make up, for some it's more important than for others, especially if their low self esteem is combined with other issues. Handy for our evolution, but much more useful for neanderthals than 21st century men.



But I would be interested in your analysis of people who feel the need to publicly belittle the achievements of others and to denigrate those who feel empathy towards somebody meeting a challenge, rather than skip over to the next topic.


Alas not. The psychology is sound. If you knew more about it you wouldn't call it drivel, but I strongly suspect that is a cry of pain because you don't quite like the informal analysis. Not my problem though, it is what it is.

"But I would be interested in your analysis of people who feel the need to publicly belittle the achievements of others and to denigrate those who feel empathy towards somebody meeting a challenge, rather than skip over to the next topic."

Nobody is publicly belittling or denigrating anyone, certainly not me. A few people have administered a bucket of cold water reality to some fawning adrenalin junkies. Rightly. Not my problem if you don't quite like it very much.


Edited by Winniedapu
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it's an achievement but 500 a year do it and pay a big sum to get the much needed assistance but does it warrant all this fuss? but I guess Thais achieve so little they have to go OTT when one does something but I don't think the other 499 should expect a trip to their respective PM's (elected or not)

500 a year ATTEMPT it...only 4000 in history have made the summit


1000 ATTEMPT 500 make it to the summit

And the percentage is likely to go up, with better gear and routes becoming more of routine. I doubt it'll be the #1 mass tourism site any time soon, but wouldn't be surprised if after a decade about 90% make it.

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Moving along...

The "because it is there" axiom was Mallory's. One I am sure we have all heard many times before.

Indeed, it is a good one to consider the unknown. Humanity has benefited from such quests in beautiful, and at the times, unknown ways. However, if you are unsure of the history of the ascent of Everest, Mallory's story is an interesting one. He could well have ascented the summit, on a good morning, 30 years before Norgay and Hillary. Died on the descent. His body was only recovered in 1999 i think.

Anyway, in the esprit d'coup of the topic, here is an interesting interview with him circa 1922 pre ascent.

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It's funny all those bashing comments, coming from people who most probably would not even be able to follow her on a slow walk for more than a few KM.

"most probably"

Always good to hedge your bets eh? Because you don't actually know anything but still want to say something...


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It's funny all those bashing comments, coming from people who most probably would not even be able to follow her on a slow walk for more than a few KM.

"most probably"

Always good to hedge your bets eh? Because you don't actually know anything but still want to say something...


Well, you can't 100% rule out the possibility, that one of them could actually get up off his couch and walk farther away from their nearest 7-11 without collapsing.

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It's funny all those bashing comments, coming from people who most probably would not even be able to follow her on a slow walk for more than a few KM.

"most probably"

Always good to hedge your bets eh? Because you don't actually know anything but still want to say something...


Well, you can't 100% rule out the possibility, that one of them could actually get up off his couch and walk farther away from their nearest 7-11 without collapsing.

Or that you're wrong and the whole thread of your commentary is based on your conviction that you are superior to the people you rubbish.

Not a very encouraging aspect on your qualifications to make comments one way or the other really.


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I believe an elderly Japanese woman was the first female up there in 1975 and almost 500 since, not a stroll in the park and still dangerous, rather like crossing a road in Thailand, smile.png

...I went to what I thought was the top with a woman once..and what a terrible descent...summit wrong somewhere...must have been me...women are always right...just ask them.

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I am sorry in my thinking with this because I don't know the answer with any certainty. But given Thai unique outlook on accomplishments, one has to ask if she actually climbed this herself, or if she had paid experienced climbers to get her the way up to the top?

If you mean did she hire Nepalese porters and Sherpas to help here then, like most other mountaineers, she most probably did.

Anybody who doesn't is foolish to the extreme.

Even Sir Edmund Hilary did way back in 1953.

Mt Everest still has bodies lying up there after years and decades who though that they knew better.

I am impressed that she even tried to climb Mt Everest and filled with admiration that she succeeded. Thailand is not known for mountain climbing and who is surprised when most people will take a lift to go up 2 floors let alone think of climbing the highest mountain in the world.

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Congratulations. Hopefully an inspiration to many Thai people to show you can do anything you dream of. smile.png

Thank you. A sensible post acknowledging a great accomplishment.
Sensible?? 555... their is a lot of room for doubt as with so many accomplishments published in the news done by Thai and then proven to be lacking substance.

There is little room for doubt that she did it but don't let that get in the way of your Thai bashing.

Do you have that proof?

What I would be impressed with is when any of you keyboard warriors and Thai bashers would do something like this yourself.

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I am sorry in my thinking with this because I don't know the answer with any certainty. But given Thai unique outlook on accomplishments, one has to ask if she actually climbed this herself, or if she had paid experienced climbers to get her the way up to the top?

Google 1996 disaster on Everest. You will learn that experienced guides can aid you to reach a summit, but this is by no means guaranteed. More than half of the "clients" on commercial expeditions fail to reach the summit, and a good number of those lose their life on the way up or down.

so it's a little bit dangerous, and not everyone rich enough to do it makes it, big deal

Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and try it yourself.

After all it is only a little bit dangerous. You said that yourself.

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I have no doubt she climbed the sodding mountain. For me' it's more revealing to wonder why she climbed the sodding mountain, and forget her claiming it was a tribute for someone else's glory, if it was really that, she would have announced it with some hoo-ha before the started climbing. Just a bit of opportunism to say so after the event (and lack of self-confidence perhaps in case she failed, but I always claimed self-esteem is at the root of dangerous stupidities like mountain-climbing or riding a motorbike in Bangkok). I'll bet she got a call from the big house to suggest a dedication after the event - fame and fortune to follow no doubt.


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Yeah well done, almost as impressive as running the mile in four minutes or 100 meters in 10 seconds, amazing really smile.png

You can do that yourself?

I would be impressed.

What have you achieved that is worthy of the attention of the worlds press?

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Yeah well done, almost as impressive as running the mile in four minutes or 100 meters in 10 seconds, amazing really smile.png

You can do that yourself?

I would be impressed.

What have you achieved that is worthy of the attention of the worlds press?

Finalist in Moron of the year.

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Yeah well done, almost as impressive as running the mile in four minutes or 100 meters in 10 seconds, amazing really smile.png

You can do that yourself?

I would be impressed.

What have you achieved that is worthy of the attention of the worlds press?

Finalist in Moron of the year.

You are far more polite and eloquent than I would have been.

I would probably have something along the lines of "all mouth and no trousers" which is an English slang term.


tend to talk boastfully without any intention of acting on one's words.
"he thought Francis was all mouth"
synonyms: boasting, bragging, empty talk, idle talk, bombast, fustian;
informalhot air, gas;
"he's not all mouth—he gets results"

I admit to going to Google for a better explanation of the term.

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I am sorry in my thinking with this because I don't know the answer with any certainty. But given Thai unique outlook on accomplishments, one has to ask if she actually climbed this herself, or if she had paid experienced climbers to get her the way up to the top?

You are so right... lol

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