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All vocational colleges to open English Program courses over next 5 years


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"The Ministry of Education has appointed OVEC to upgrade English courses at vocational colleges to ensure that all students can use the English language effectively."

That would put them way ahead of the present day English teachers.

So, who are they going to get to teach these courses? Right now, in order of who is best qualified to teach English::

1) Native English speakers

2) Europeans who speak English as a second language

3) Non-Thai Asians

4) Thai Bar Girls

5) Thai English teachers.

Something has to change in the Land That Resists Change For The Sake Of Saving Face..

Judging by the quality of the grammar and spelling I've seen here on TV I think your idea of "Native English speakers" should be qualified a bit more. Perhaps "Trained, Native English speakers". whistling.gif

At the moment they're really struggling to find native-English speakers to teach. I guess Thailand isn't that appealing when working for 30-35k a month with a 10 month contract.

Trained or qualified native-English speakers for 35k? No chance. It's very simple - if you want qualified teachers, you have to pay. If you're not willing to pay, you make do with what you can get, and you keep blaming everyone else but the people who are responsible. It's called the 'head in the sand' approach.

Sad is that the fresh graduates aren't really better in English, because they went thru a system of no fail. Lost faces are scattered all around.

Older teachers always had/have the excuse that they didn't have NES teachers when they were young. But all possible and free websites these days to learn English for free aren't often used by Thais, because it's not written in their language.

What about sending all Thais who want to become English teachers to an English speaking country, let them study until they pass their test without copying from others.

And when they come back they do speak English and they don't ran around headless. Aeeh ,they don't lose face anymore.

Why don't they need NES teachers, Asian teachers, or Nigerians to teach English in some European countries, where English isn't the first language?

Neither a tablet per child, nor the amazing hub of education in SEA became true. When Army and Navy generals have to make decisions, it can't get any better.

Does anybody know if foreigners are allowed to become a general, or admiral in this country?

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Sending students to an English speaking country isn't going to work either. Thais abroad are very clicky and stick together. They become good at writing English but that's about it. How do I know? I have on numerous occasions interviewed Thai candidates for my company who studied in the US, UK or Australia. The level of spoken English of many is (still) appalling, no better than a bar girl for reasons mentioned earlier on. It wasn't so bad 10-15 years ago but ironically now that more and more Thais have the means to send their kids abroad the situation is getting worse. More Thais abroad = more Thais sticking with Thais. Sad but true.

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I was just prosecuted for teaching 3 year old to speak English. Half of the children learned free one hour per week. 10 kids. The ministry ordered me not to teach children for free as it is not fair to everyone.

They ordered that I can teach 7 kids per day. If I teach 8 I will now go to prison for 1 year. Crazy ministry of education, there is no end to the ways they stop people teaching English ???

I am pleasantly surprised that they are allowing you to teach 7 kids a day.

Here probably has laws defining what is a coaching school etc and if the number of students defined there as being the maximum without a permit as in most countries I cannot argue about that.

It appears however they are permitting you to continue teaching as long as you do not exceed legal limits for non registered schools.

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"The Ministry of Education has appointed OVEC to upgrade English courses at vocational colleges to ensure that all students can use the English language effectively."

That would put them way ahead of the present day English teachers.

So, who are they going to get to teach these courses? Right now, in order of who is best qualified to teach English::

1) Native English speakers

2) Europeans who speak English as a second language

3) Non-Thai Asians

4) Thai Bar Girls

5) Thai English teachers.

Something has to change in the Land That Resists Change For The Sake Of Saving Face..

Judging by the quality of the grammar and spelling I've seen here on TV I think your idea of "Native English speakers" should be qualified a bit more. Perhaps "Trained, Native English speakers". whistling.gif

Yes and that must be qualified a bit more, native speakers from areas were they speak straight English.

Note: I base this on my work as a Commercial Pilot in my days going back mid-fifties if you did speak with a Texas, Australia or any other twang there was no need to apply for the job as Commercial Pilot.

I learned my English conversation in New Zealand and California two place were people speak "Straight English".

It always amazed me that Texans and Aussies and all the other Commercial Plots I came in contact with in my days of flying all did speak Straight English instead of their native twang. I guess when it ment a job or no job they had no problem to forget their twang.

Back to Thailand. Why in the hell do they have to wait Five (5) years???? They already have been waiting for the past fifty (50) years that I have been in and out of the place, may they should have one more change of name for the country which started with Siam, then came Thailand and now it should be called In Waiting Land.


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Quote from futsakayoi:

"Of course it is racist and also non-factual.

Doing/completing/accomplishing/improving are things which most Singaporeans, Koreans, Japanese and Hong Kong etc seem able to accomplish at least as well as most western countries."

"Thainess" is not a matter of race, it is a matter of culture, tradition and, most apposite to this thread, education.

They act and think as they do because they have been taught to.

And they don't get taught the same as those in your list of of top performing Asian countries do they?

Nothing to do with race.

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Post #22

Aahh Thainess and it's great escape clause, foreigners don't understand.

Most of them don't - even on this page many ask what it is.

I have the definition in Thai but for some insane reason Thai language is not allowed on this forum.

So here is my personal translation which may not be entirely accurate:-


- Refers to things that indicate the nature of the Thai people, art, culture, customs and traditions of the Thai.

- Those who proudly love Thainess, appreciate, praise, and protect by their conduct, the continuation and propagation of Thai people’s attributes along with Art, Culture, Customs and Traditions

Good characteristics of a Thai(Ethics, Gratitude, Benevolence, Sacrifice)

Thai ethics

- Showing respect

- Speech

- Dress conduct

- deference

"Good characteristics of a Thai"

And the "bad" characteristics are?

Of course there are none.

That's the problem.

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"The Ministry of Education has appointed OVEC to upgrade English courses at vocational colleges to ensure that all students can use the English language effectively."

That would put them way ahead of the present day English teachers.

So, who are they going to get to teach these courses? Right now, in order of who is best qualified to teach English::

1) Native English speakers

2) Europeans who speak English as a second language

3) Non-Thai Asians

4) Thai Bar Girls

5) Thai English teachers.

Something has to change in the Land That Resists Change For The Sake Of Saving Face..

Judging by the quality of the grammar and spelling I've seen here on TV I think your idea of "Native English speakers" should be qualified a bit more. Perhaps "Trained, Native English speakers". whistling.gif

At the moment they're really struggling to find native-English speakers to teach. I guess Thailand isn't that appealing when working for 30-35k a month with a 10 month contract.

Trained or qualified native-English speakers for 35k? No chance. It's very simple - if you want qualified teachers, you have to pay. If you're not willing to pay, you make do with what you can get, and you keep blaming everyone else but the people who are responsible. It's called the 'head in the sand' approach.

Sad is that the fresh graduates aren't really better in English, because they went thru a system of no fail. Lost faces are scattered all around.

Older teachers always had/have the excuse that they didn't have NES teachers when they were young. But all possible and free websites these days to learn English for free aren't often used by Thais, because it's not written in their language.

What about sending all Thais who want to become English teachers to an English speaking country, let them study until they pass their test without copying from others.

And when they come back they do speak English and they don't ran around headless. Aeeh ,they don't lose face anymore.

Why don't they need NES teachers, Asian teachers, or Nigerians to teach English in some European countries, where English isn't the first language?

Neither a tablet per child, nor the amazing hub of education in SEA became true. When Army and Navy generals have to make decisions, it can't get any better.

Does anybody know if foreigners are allowed to become a general, or admiral in this country?

There is a list of what foreigners can't do and be a member of the armed forces is one , another is a member of the security forces ( Spy ) another is a member of parliament , but you can own a bar with a Thai partner , who holds 47% company shares , what more could you want ................cheesy.gif

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Yea,,,, "going TO" "planning TO" are part of Thainess.

Doing/completing/accomplishing/improving lol part of western initiatives.

What a racist post.

Can I ask why you live here?

I hope you never married any of these types. Or is yours different cheesy.gif

Sawan Chan 7, I hope you are a Thai person;If you are farang, you have a problem. . Your posts are interesting, but sometimes you attempt to defend the indefensible.

There is no need to use the old "If you don't like or respect Thais, then go home" mantra. People who post on TVF are concerned about Thailand's future one way or another.

There are just too many items on this forum illustrating why the Thai people and their government need to take a hard look in the mirror.

There's the constant reference to Thailand being a hub of this and that. One day they will need a reality check, but not today, maybe tomorrow or whenever.

Mai pen rai.

I never said such a mantra.

What makes me laugh is the moaners constantly downing Thailand and making sweeping generalizations while they are married to a Thai. Totally hypocritical. They are not concerned about Thailand's future. Hell, most of them don't even attempt to learn the language.

And you know this - how?


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I never said such a mantra.

What makes me laugh is the moaners constantly downing Thailand and making sweeping generalizations while they are married to a Thai. Totally hypocritical. They are not concerned about Thailand's future. Hell, most of them don't even attempt to learn the language.

And you know this - how?


Something called experience. I've lived most of my life(3 decades) in Thailand and have known hundreds of foreigners.

How long have you lived here? Just asking so we can compare our qualification to make such generalizations.

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Post #22

Aahh Thainess and it's great escape clause, foreigners don't understand.

Most of them don't - even on this page many ask what it is.

I have the definition in Thai but for some insane reason Thai language is not allowed on this forum.

So here is my personal translation which may not be entirely accurate:-


- Refers to things that indicate the nature of the Thai people, art, culture, customs and traditions of the Thai.

- Those who proudly love Thainess, appreciate, praise, and protect by their conduct, the continuation and propagation of Thai people’s attributes along with Art, Culture, Customs and Traditions

Good characteristics of a Thai(Ethics, Gratitude, Benevolence, Sacrifice)

Thai ethics

- Showing respect

- Speech

- Dress conduct

- deference

Now there's Thainess for you boyo.

This is an English language forum but you complain it's insane you are not emitted to use Thai. cheesy.gif

"boyo" - how arrogant

Show me another website for people based in a certain country that bans the language of that country mr.knowitall.

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I never said such a mantra.

What makes me laugh is the moaners constantly downing Thailand and making sweeping generalizations while they are married to a Thai. Totally hypocritical. They are not concerned about Thailand's future. Hell, most of them don't even attempt to learn the language.

And you know this - how?


Something called experience. I've lived most of my life(3 decades) in Thailand and have known hundreds of foreigners.

How long have you lived here? Just asking so we can compare our qualification to make such generalizations.

"Something called experience. I've lived most of my life(3 decades) in Thailand and have known hundreds of foreigners."

So you're about 30 years of age.

That explains a good deal, thanks.

Good luck with your rosy picture of Thailand. When the crash comes, and it will, you will get hurt and wish you'd listened to others when you had the chance. Why do you think so many foreigners lambast Thais and you don't? Because you're smarter? Got better insights?


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Post #22

Aahh Thainess and it's great escape clause, foreigners don't understand.

Most of them don't - even on this page many ask what it is.

I have the definition in Thai but for some insane reason Thai language is not allowed on this forum.

So here is my personal translation which may not be entirely accurate:-


- Refers to things that indicate the nature of the Thai people, art, culture, customs and traditions of the Thai.

- Those who proudly love Thainess, appreciate, praise, and protect by their conduct, the continuation and propagation of Thai people’s attributes along with Art, Culture, Customs and Traditions

Good characteristics of a Thai(Ethics, Gratitude, Benevolence, Sacrifice)

Thai ethics

- Showing respect

- Speech

- Dress conduct

- deference

Now there's Thainess for you boyo.

This is an English language forum but you complain it's insane you are not emitted to use Thai. cheesy.gif

"boyo" - how arrogant

Show me another website for people based in a certain country that bans the language of that country mr.knowitall.

You could always complain to the new owners.

Might work...


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Judging by the quality of the grammar and spelling I've seen here on TV I think your idea of "Native English speakers" should be qualified a bit more. Perhaps "Trained, Native English speakers". whistling.gif

At the moment they're really struggling to find native-English speakers to teach. I guess Thailand isn't that appealing when working for 30-35k a month with a 10 month contract.

Trained or qualified native-English speakers for 35k? No chance. It's very simple - if you want qualified teachers, you have to pay. If you're not willing to pay, you make do with what you can get, and you keep blaming everyone else but the people who are responsible. It's called the 'head in the sand' approach.

Sad is that the fresh graduates aren't really better in English, because they went thru a system of no fail. Lost faces are scattered all around.

Older teachers always had/have the excuse that they didn't have NES teachers when they were young. But all possible and free websites these days to learn English for free aren't often used by Thais, because it's not written in their language.

What about sending all Thais who want to become English teachers to an English speaking country, let them study until they pass their test without copying from others.

And when they come back they do speak English and they don't ran around headless. Aeeh ,they don't lose face anymore.

Why don't they need NES teachers, Asian teachers, or Nigerians to teach English in some European countries, where English isn't the first language?

Neither a tablet per child, nor the amazing hub of education in SEA became true. When Army and Navy generals have to make decisions, it can't get any better.

Does anybody know if foreigners are allowed to become a general, or admiral in this country?

There is a list of what foreigners can't do and be a member of the armed forces is one , another is a member of the security forces ( Spy ) another is a member of parliament , but you can own a bar with a Thai partner , who holds 47% company shares , what more could you want ................cheesy.gif

Actually I have some sympathy with the rules on 'reserved occupations', for what my opinion is worth.

Imagine if you will, a Thailand where unbiased employers (who are looking for [say] an IT manager or director) and are looking for the best skillset and experience, and they have a choice between a foreigner who can speak excellent Thai, with a well-rounded education, experience, honesty, integrity, professionalism, and a Thai educated in Thailand who has worked for Thais in Thailand in similar industries.

With respect, who in their right mind would employ the Thai, unless from a xenophobic perspective? I do believe you will not find any Thai company which employs on a level playing field; culture and appropriate deference are always going to take precedence, that's the Thai psychology.

*That* is the reason for the extreme protectionism, both formal and informal (ie with the weight of law and by natural bias) in Thailand. and I believe that without it, Thailand would collapse, so it is important.

In my life i only ever met one Thai (well OK, he was Sino-Thai) working in a western company who was half-way competent, and he was arrogant and simply not to be trusted as a colleague. Can't have it all it seems...


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"The Ministry of Education has appointed OVEC to upgrade English courses at vocational colleges to ensure that all students can use the English language effectively."

That would put them way ahead of the present day English teachers.

So, who are they going to get to teach these courses? Right now, in order of who is best qualified to teach English::

1) Native English speakers

2) Europeans who speak English as a second language

3) Non-Thai Asians

4) Thai Bar Girls

5) Thai English teachers.

Something has to change in the Land That Resists Change For The Sake Of Saving Face..

seems strange that this list excludes 'qualified and experienced native or non-native speakers' - i work in academic management and know many excellent non-native ESL teachers

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I never said such a mantra.

What makes me laugh is the moaners constantly downing Thailand and making sweeping generalizations while they are married to a Thai. Totally hypocritical. They are not concerned about Thailand's future. Hell, most of them don't even attempt to learn the language.

And you know this - how?


Something called experience. I've lived most of my life(3 decades) in Thailand and have known hundreds of foreigners.

How long have you lived here? Just asking so we can compare our qualification to make such generalizations.

"Something called experience. I've lived most of my life(3 decades) in Thailand and have known hundreds of foreigners."

So you're about 30 years of age.

That explains a good deal, thanks.

Good luck with your rosy picture of Thailand. When the crash comes, and it will, you will get hurt and wish you'd listened to others when you had the chance. Why do you think so many foreigners lambast Thais and you don't? Because you're smarter? Got better insights?


I take it English isn't your first language. Quite a simple question - how long have you lived here? I'd really like to know.

I am 55 years old btw. Started working here when I was 25.

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And quite frankly, if the children have reached vocational college without a reasonable profiency in basic English, they don't have a hope in hell.

They should be drenching these kids in English by native speakers at kindergarten and prathom level. Then bring in the Philippinoes and Thai English teachers for grammar at vocational level. They are starting at the asewhole, when they should be starting at the mouth.

I think for languages a child picks up the best around 3 to 5 years, then they adopt bad habits , I did.

I have 3 year olds come once a week, by about 5 I can chat away with them about quite a few topics. I don't even bother with high school kids that still can't grasp how are you today after learning for 10 years.

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I never said such a mantra.

What makes me laugh is the moaners constantly downing Thailand and making sweeping generalizations while they are married to a Thai. Totally hypocritical. They are not concerned about Thailand's future. Hell, most of them don't even attempt to learn the language.

And you know this - how?


Something called experience. I've lived most of my life(3 decades) in Thailand and have known hundreds of foreigners.

How long have you lived here? Just asking so we can compare our qualification to make such generalizations.

"Something called experience. I've lived most of my life(3 decades) in Thailand and have known hundreds of foreigners."

So you're about 30 years of age.

That explains a good deal, thanks.

Good luck with your rosy picture of Thailand. When the crash comes, and it will, you will get hurt and wish you'd listened to others when you had the chance. Why do you think so many foreigners lambast Thais and you don't? Because you're smarter? Got better insights?


It's rather obvious that he means he has lived here 30 years.

I've only lived here 25 years but have no idea what you talking about.

Please explain to me how you think he will get hurt and what isn't he listening to from your wise self?

I if I am going to get hurt, please enlighten me with your wisdom.

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I never said such a mantra.

What makes me laugh is the moaners constantly downing Thailand and making sweeping generalizations while they are married to a Thai. Totally hypocritical. They are not concerned about Thailand's future. Hell, most of them don't even attempt to learn the language.

And you know this - how?


Something called experience. I've lived most of my life(3 decades) in Thailand and have known hundreds of foreigners.

How long have you lived here? Just asking so we can compare our qualification to make such generalizations.

"Something called experience. I've lived most of my life(3 decades) in Thailand and have known hundreds of foreigners."

So you're about 30 years of age.

That explains a good deal, thanks.

Good luck with your rosy picture of Thailand. When the crash comes, and it will, you will get hurt and wish you'd listened to others when you had the chance. Why do you think so many foreigners lambast Thais and you don't? Because you're smarter? Got better insights?


It's rather obvious that he means he has lived here 30 years.

I've only lived here 25 years but have no idea what you talking about.

Please explain to me how you think he will get hurt and what isn't he listening to from your wise self?

I if I am going to get hurt, please enlighten me with your wisdom.

"It's rather obvious that he means he has lived here 30 years"

Is it? He said "Something called experience. I've lived most of my life(3 decades) "

I read that to mean his life was 3 decades long. Silly me.

"I've only lived here 25 years but have no idea what you talking about."

Yes, that's very clear.

"Please explain to me how you think he will get hurt and what isn't he listening to from your wise self?"

Not what I said.

"I if I am going to get hurt, please enlighten me with your wisdom."

Not what I said either.

Maybe if you went to one of those Thai vocational colleges and learn to read English?


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"Something called experience. I've lived most of my life(3 decades) in Thailand and have known hundreds of foreigners."

So you're about 30 years of age.

That explains a good deal, thanks.

Good luck with your rosy picture of Thailand. When the crash comes, and it will, you will get hurt and wish you'd listened to others when you had the chance. Why do you think so many foreigners lambast Thais and you don't? Because you're smarter? Got better insights?


It's rather obvious that he means he has lived here 30 years.

I've only lived here 25 years but have no idea what you talking about.

Please explain to me how you think he will get hurt and what isn't he listening to from your wise self?

I if I am going to get hurt, please enlighten me with your wisdom.

"It's rather obvious that he means he has lived here 30 years"

Is it? He said "Something called experience. I've lived most of my life(3 decades) "

I read that to mean his life was 3 decades long. Silly me.

"I've only lived here 25 years but have no idea what you talking about."

Yes, that's very clear.

"Please explain to me how you think he will get hurt and what isn't he listening to from your wise self?"

Not what I said.

"I if I am going to get hurt, please enlighten me with your wisdom."

Not what I said either.

Maybe if you went to one of those Thai vocational colleges and learn to read English?



I think WTP is delusional. I also have no idea what he's talking about and I've lived here as longer than you.

He's probably someone who retired here and due to his age, lack of local friends etc has too much time on his hands.

So winnie just answer the man's question - HOW LONG HAVE YOU LIVE HERE? It ain't hard.

You sort remind me of the American retired businessmen who lie in the Florida sunshine, complaining about the state of the nation.

It's all a matter of attitude and yours is a shitty one.

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I never said such a mantra.

What makes me laugh is the moaners constantly downing Thailand and making sweeping generalizations while they are married to a Thai. Totally hypocritical. They are not concerned about Thailand's future. Hell, most of them don't even attempt to learn the language.

And you know this - how?


Something called experience. I've lived most of my life(3 decades) in Thailand and have known hundreds of foreigners.

How long have you lived here? Just asking so we can compare our qualification to make such generalizations.

"Something called experience. I've lived most of my life(3 decades) in Thailand and have known hundreds of foreigners."

So you're about 30 years of age.

That explains a good deal, thanks.

Good luck with your rosy picture of Thailand. When the crash comes, and it will, you will get hurt and wish you'd listened to others when you had the chance. Why do you think so many foreigners lambast Thais and you don't? Because you're smarter? Got better insights?


It's rather obvious that he means he has lived here 30 years.

I've only lived here 25 years but have no idea what you talking about.

Please explain to me how you think he will get hurt and what isn't he listening to from your wise self?

I if I am going to get hurt, please enlighten me with your wisdom.

"It's rather obvious that he means he has lived here 30 years"

Is it? He said "Something called experience. I've lived most of my life(3 decades) "

I read that to mean his life was 3 decades long. Silly me.

"I've only lived here 25 years but have no idea what you talking about."

Yes, that's very clear.

"Please explain to me how you think he will get hurt and what isn't he listening to from your wise self?"

Not what I said.

"I if I am going to get hurt, please enlighten me with your wisdom."

Not what I said either.

Maybe if you went to one of those Thai vocational colleges and learn to read English?


I hate people who misquote. He said 3 decades in Thailand.

You said he was going to get hurt by not listening to you.

Please explain and stop avoiding questions.

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The Ministry of Education has appointed OVWC to upgrade Welsh courses at vocational colleges to ensure that all students can use the Welsh language effectively. Students must be able to communicate in Welsh when they finish school.

This would be equally believeable and just about as likely to happen.

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I hate people who misquote. He said 3 decades in Thailand.

You said he was going to get hurt by not listening to you.

Please explain and stop avoiding questions.

He has been a member here for 2 months. Probably doesn't even live here and that's why he's avoiding SC7's question.

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Post #22

Aahh Thainess and it's great escape clause, foreigners don't understand.

Most of them don't - even on this page many ask what it is.

I have the definition in Thai but for some insane reason Thai language is not allowed on this forum.

So here is my personal translation which may not be entirely accurate:-


- Refers to things that indicate the nature of the Thai people, art, culture, customs and traditions of the Thai.

- Those who proudly love Thainess, appreciate, praise, and protect by their conduct, the continuation and propagation of Thai people’s attributes along with Art, Culture, Customs and Traditions

Good characteristics of a Thai(Ethics, Gratitude, Benevolence, Sacrifice)

Thai ethics

- Showing respect

- Speech

- Dress conduct

- deference

Now there's Thainess for you boyo.

This is an English language forum but you complain it's insane you are not emitted to use Thai. cheesy.gif

"boyo" - how arrogant

Show me another website for people based in a certain country that bans the language of that country mr.knowitall.

Not very worldly wise are you or you would understand the usage.

I'm now wondering if you are really ' genuine ' or a troll and with the latter in mind are you an independent troll or one that's officially approved considering all the reports that some posters have links to the forum ?

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"Something called experience. I've lived most of my life(3 decades) in Thailand and have known hundreds of foreigners."

So you're about 30 years of age.

That explains a good deal, thanks.

Good luck with your rosy picture of Thailand. When the crash comes, and it will, you will get hurt and wish you'd listened to others when you had the chance. Why do you think so many foreigners lambast Thais and you don't? Because you're smarter? Got better insights?


It's rather obvious that he means he has lived here 30 years.

I've only lived here 25 years but have no idea what you talking about.

Please explain to me how you think he will get hurt and what isn't he listening to from your wise self?

I if I am going to get hurt, please enlighten me with your wisdom.

"It's rather obvious that he means he has lived here 30 years"

Is it? He said "Something called experience. I've lived most of my life(3 decades) "

I read that to mean his life was 3 decades long. Silly me.

"I've only lived here 25 years but have no idea what you talking about."

Yes, that's very clear.

"Please explain to me how you think he will get hurt and what isn't he listening to from your wise self?"

Not what I said.

"I if I am going to get hurt, please enlighten me with your wisdom."

Not what I said either.

Maybe if you went to one of those Thai vocational colleges and learn to read English?


I hate people who misquote. He said 3 decades in Thailand.

You said he was going to get hurt by not listening to you.

Please explain and stop avoiding questions.

I hate people who clearly lack understanding.

He actually said "I've lived most of my life(3 decades) in Thailand"

The content of the bracket refers to the word(s) immediately preceding the bracket - in this case 'life'. Thus the length of his life is 3 decades. Had he meant he has spent 3 decades in Thailand, he should/would have written "I've lived most of my life in Thailand (3 decades)" , thereby modifying the passage "I've lived most of my life in Thailand" or "I've lived most (3 decades) of my life in Thailand", thereby modifying the word "most". IIRC, the more correct version would be the first.

"You said he was going to get hurt by not listening to you."

Not what I wrote.

"Please explain and stop avoiding questions."

Please stop asking questions which are based on faulty understanding of the language or which have no sensible answers, I'm old, semi-literacy confuses me.

I really shouldn't have to explain this to a native English language speaker, but maybe you're not. I didn't think it was *that* complicated really. I guess the level of English language education has slipped since I went to school. Apologies to the other posters, whose language skills are better and who already understood wot I writ wrat writted


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... anyone know what happened with that drive to get rid of western english teachers in favor of more local ones?[


Well, the first objective (get rid of western English teachers) seems to have been quite successful. 'More local ones' presumably means Filipino/a. coffee1.gif

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... anyone know what happened with that drive to get rid of western english teachers in favor of more local ones?[


Well, the first objective (get rid of western English teachers) seems to have been quite successful. 'More local ones' presumably means Filipino/a. coffee1.gif

Indeed, which means poorer English skills for Thai students but more profit in some Thai pockets.

There's always a silver lining...


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... anyone know what happened with that drive to get rid of western english teachers in favor of more local ones?[


Well, the first objective (get rid of western English teachers) seems to have been quite successful. 'More local ones' presumably means Filipino/a. coffee1.gif

Indeed, which means poorer English skills for Thai students but more profit in some Thai pockets.

There's always a silver lining...


Have you been in the Land Of Smiles long Winnie? 2 months, 3 years, for example.

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