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Germany becomes 27th nation to recognise Armenian genocide


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Germany becomes 27th nation to recognise Armenian genocide
By Robert Hackwill


BERLIN: -- Thursday’s vote in the German parliament recognising a genocide of Armenians in Turkey a century ago has enraged the Turks and delighted the Armenians.

Ahead of the vote Turkey, which has always denied the accusations, warned Germany that it would cause problems between them. As soon as the result was announced the Turkish ambassador was recalled to Ankara for “consultations”. Angela Merkel believes it will end there.

“Regarding the vote in the German parliament I would like to say that there is a lot that binds Germany to Turkey. And even if we have a difference of opinion on an individual matter, the breadth of our links, our friendship, our strategic ties, is great, starting with defence issues and many other issues, and last but not least the three million Turkish citizens that live in our country,” she said.

The Armenian genocide was the first foreign human rights issue to enflame the American public, which called on Washington to issue this diplomatic telegram along with Britain and France…in 1915

Armenian lobbies around the world have long pushed hard for the events of WWI to be recognised as a deliberate attempt to exterminate them. A group danced for joy outside parliament.

“Our example is the proof that it will never be forgotten if one commits such atrocities, either in the future or today,” said a woman carrying an Armenian flag.

“It is of course fantastic, but it is very sad that the German government, which is so intelligent and has experienced some history of its own, needed so long to accomplish this,” said one man.

The Turks insist that the events happened during wartime when there was violence on both sides, and they dispute the numbers.

The Armenians also have a number of high-profile international celebrities who have championed their cause, notably Charles Aznavour, and Kim Kardashian. In all 27 countries now recognize the event.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-03
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Germany recognizing this genocide may be the beginning of the trend where other countries will step forward

to do the same, This is not going to go down well with the Turkish people and specially the president, who have for many years denied and denied the mass exterminations of the Arminian people.......

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Great coverage! Who are the 27 nations? Is the UK included? Armenian-American leaders have urged Obama each year to make good on a pledge he made as a candidate in 2008, when he said the U.S. government had a responsibility to recognize the killings as genocide and vowed to do so if elected.

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Great coverage! Who are the 27 nations? Is the UK included? Armenian-American leaders have urged Obama each year to make good on a pledge he made as a candidate in 2008, when he said the U.S. government had a responsibility to recognize the killings as genocide and vowed to do so if elected.


A lot of brave countries there on the right side of history.

The UK is not there Scot, neither is Aussie. Aussie is probably too scared Turkey will turn the ANZAC tap off.

Edited by NumbNut
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Great coverage! Who are the 27 nations? Is the UK included? Armenian-American leaders have urged Obama each year to make good on a pledge he made as a candidate in 2008, when he said the U.S. government had a responsibility to recognize the killings as genocide and vowed to do so if elected.


A lot of brave countries there on the right side of history.

The UK is not there Scot, neither is Aussie. Aussie is probably too scared Turkey will turn the ANZAC tap off.

It's disgraceful that any country doesn't accept the reality, despite Turkey's attempts to threaten and intimidate as they try and cover it up. More respect for Turkey if the accepted this, apologized for the past and moved on. But they don't want to because they don't see they did any wrong. Plenty of evidence easily research and the German Imperial Army had observers there.

Well done to the German Parliament.

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everybody speaks about killed Armenians but no one speaks about crimes of Armenian gangs massacring Turkish villages with the help of Britain and France just bc Armenians was promised to have a big state including Ottoman soil where majority were Turks.

So, due to such actions from Armenians and push by the promise of a bigger state for Armenians, Turks i believe was forced to commit horrible actions. Keep in mind, Armenians were an integral part of Ottoman Empire and Turks and Armenians lived together for nearly a millennium without issues until imperialist powers arrived Anatolia. Not that different from how they formed Israel - Palestine conflict which again started after the rise of imperialist powers by inserting Jewish people to middle east.

Foreign powers wanted to hand some land to Armenians. That makes Armenians to form illegal gangs to raid and massacre Turkish villagers and attacked army posts and government institutions.

This forced war stricken Ottoman Empire to exile them or unfortunately kill them. Otherwise, they were killing Turks there and grabbing Turkish soil.

And Of course those were war times. Any country did the same during those war times.

Not that different from US that massacred millions of native Americans to get their land or France killed millions of Algerians or not that different from the crimes Britain did during its colonization times in India, Africa(not to mention slavery) etc.

Moreover, how come a parliament formed by politicians can decide a historical act? They are not historians and most just vote with their empty feelings or through the push of Armenian lobbies and most are ignorant about the subject.

And such actions are creating sharp cliffs between Turks and Armenians. Simply, who is Germany stirring s..h....it. and dictating things about other countries and spoiling relationships?

There are around a million Armenians living in Turkey now, some stay legally and most illegally. They work and earn money and they are allowed to do this. Their kids go to Turkish schools, they are served at Turkish hospitals (although they are staying illegally) and they get benefits from Turkey as there are no jobs or money in Armenia. And Turks allow them to do that and do not touch Armenians living in Turkey illegally. and let them to stay. Some got Turkish citizenship too over the years.

Germans did the biggest massacre and holocaust in this world so i believe they start to frame other countries bc they do not want to be only country on the paper did a holocaust i guess.

for me i dont accept what Turks did but also dont accept what Armenians did and what imperialist powers like Britain, France etc did for creating this.

at least there were one German MP voted no and with good reasons. She clearly stated that it is just a political event and not a historical one and no proper resolution is presented before the voting! So, MPs just blindly voted clearly.


Bettina Kudla, a MP from German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU), posted a statement on her website after the vote on June 2.

“It’s not the duty of the Federal Parliament to evaluate historical events that took place in other countries. In the resolution presented to parliament, there was also no assessment from historians showing that this was genocide,” read the statement.

Edited by Galactus
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Just to be clear, I agree this was a deliberate attempt to wipe out a people.

However, strange to see the date of the telegram, and at the same time knowing the attempt to subdue the natives in USA continued after that date. Not wanting to hijack the thread, but the telegram is more a political/power (military) issue than a humanitarian issue, knowing what was going on in Europe those years.

100 years on, and still the new generation of Turkish politicians can not issue a sorry for what happen back then.

But then again, Japan, Thailand, China, have the same issues.

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And now what then? It took a hundred years to do so.

We can continue now with for instance myanmar? Where muslim people were killed by boedhists?

Or northern ireland where protestants and catholics try to erase eachother?

Servs against bosniers?

Palestines against jews or vv? blacks against whites?

Africa one tribe against another?

Financial sector against all others?

Pffffffffffffffff already tired of mentioning a few, wellcome to the human race.

And then they say we all came out of Africa, we all have about the same DNA.

And then i think to myself: what a wonderfull world, ooooh Yeaaaah

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And now what then? It took a hundred years to do so.

We can continue now with for instance myanmar? Where muslim people were killed by boedhists?

Or northern ireland where protestants and catholics try to erase eachother?

Servs against bosniers?

Palestines against jews or vv? blacks against whites?

Africa one tribe against another?

Financial sector against all others?

Pffffffffffffffff already tired of mentioning a few, wellcome to the human race.

And then they say we all came out of Africa, we all have about the same DNA.

And then i think to myself: what a wonderfull world, ooooh Yeaaaah

Hows about we start with them 1% bastards first eh?

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And now what then? It took a hundred years to do so.

We can continue now with for instance myanmar? Where muslim people were killed by boedhists?

Or northern ireland where protestants and catholics try to erase eachother?

Servs against bosniers?

Palestines against jews or vv? blacks against whites?

Africa one tribe against another?

Financial sector against all others?

Pffffffffffffffff already tired of mentioning a few, wellcome to the human race.

And then they say we all came out of Africa, we all have about the same DNA.

And then i think to myself: what a wonderfull world, ooooh Yeaaaah

I never claimed to be the sharpest tool in the box, so I fail to see your point here.

Pls explain.

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