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Electing Trump would be 'historic mistake,' Clinton says


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Electing Trump would be 'historic mistake,' Clinton says

SAN DIEGO (AP) — Previewing a rancorous fall campaign, Hillary Clinton assailed Donald Trump on Thursday as a potential president who would lead America toward war and economic crisis. She portrayed her own foreign policy as optimistic, inclusive and diplomatic, born from long experience in public life.

There was nothing diplomatic in her remarks, a clear indication of how she'll take Trump on. Electing him, she said, would be "a historic mistake."

During a speech in San Diego that was billed as a foreign policy address, the Democratic former secretary of state unloaded on her likely Republican election opponent, counting down reasons he is not qualified - from his aggressive Twitter attacks to his emotional outbursts.

"He is not just unprepared; he is temperamentally unfit," she told supporters in a ballroom. "We cannot let him roll the dice with America."

She said a Trump presidency could spark nuclear conflicts overseas and ignite economic catastrophe at home.

"There's no risk of people losing their lives if you blow up a golf course deal, but it doesn't work like that in world affairs," Clinton said of the celebrity businessman. "The stakes in global statecraft are infinitely higher and more complex than in the world of luxury hotels."

She mocked Trump's Twitter blasts and predicted he was preparing more as she spoke. As if on cue, he tweeted after she finished: "Bad performance by Crooked Hillary Clinton! Reading poorly from the telepromter! She doesn't even look presidential!"

Trump, meanwhile, got an endorsement he'd been seeking, from Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan, who had resisted even after the businessman clinched the GOP nomination.

Clinton's robust assault on Trump was widely carried on television, a change for the leading Democratic candidate who's frequently struggled to break through coverage of Trump.

She is ramping up her criticism of the presumptive Republican nominee and trying to quell concerns within her own party that she isn't ready to rumble with the famously combative Trump. She offered a number of aggressive new attack lines, at times baiting Trump to respond by calling him "thin skinned."

She hit Trump for his reality television past, for his snarky Twitter feed, for his hotel experience.

She ran down a list of people he has insulted, including the pope.

And she assailed Trump over many statements, criticizing him for seeking to ban Muslims from entering the country, for talking about leaving NATO and for suggesting Japan could one day acquire nuclear weapons.

"He has the gall to say prisoners of war like John McCain aren't heroes," Clinton said. "He says he has foreign policy experience because he ran the Miss Universe pageant."

Emphasizing her experience as first lady, senator and secretary of state, Clinton said she recognizes what it means to deploy American troops and would provide the steady diplomacy the country needs.

Clinton and Trump offer starkly different visions of U.S. foreign policy. Her proposals reflect the traditional approach of both major parties. Despite differences on some issues, such as the Iraq war and Iran, Democratic and Republican presidents have been generally consistent on policies affecting China, Russia, North Korea, nuclear proliferation, trade, alliances and many other issues.

Trump's "America first" approach is short on details but appeals to angry voters who believe that successive leaders have weakened the country and have been duped into bad trade deals that cost American jobs.

Trump accused Clinton of lying about his foreign policy plans at a rally in Sacramento, California, Wednesday night.

"She lies. She made a speech and she's making another one tomorrow. And they sent me a copy of the speech and it was such lies about my foreign policy," Trump said.

"They said I want Japan ... to get nuclear weapons. Give me a break," he objected. "I want Japan and Germany and Saudi Arabia and South Korea and many of the NATO nations - they owe us tremendous. We're taking care of all these people. And what I want them to do is pay up."

Trump has suggested in the past that he might be OK with Japan one day obtaining nuclear weapons.

In recent days, Clinton has criticized Trump over his business practices, his resistance to disclose which charities received money he raised during a January fundraiser for veterans' causes, and the now-defunct Trump University. On Wednesday she called him a "fraud" and said the real estate mogul had taken advantage of vulnerable Americans.

Trump has pushed back. On the education company, he has maintained that customers were overwhelmingly satisfied with the offerings.

While Clinton is stressing her concerns about Trump, she is still dealing with her primary race. She needs just 70 more delegates to win the Democratic primary, but is dealing with a tough fight with rival Bernie Sanders in California.


Associated Press writers Lisa Lerer in Washington and Jill Colvin and Julie Pace in New York contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-03

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Fortunately for the listeners she lost that shrill witches whine that came across like fingers on a chalk board. Her foreign policy speech was void of substance and just old down in the ditch politics. How low will Hillary get with her personal attacks that contain no policy?

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Electing either Trump or Clinton would be a historic mistake.

I can't see Trump acting more mature at this point.

Of course, I am having these doubts while watching Fox News hammer him for his latest rant against a Hispanic judge. As all the enlightened liberals keep chanting, "Faux News" is all lies so maybe Trump will do all right after all.

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If Trump is elected by the public why would it be an historic mistake?, maybe doesn't fit in with her agenda but fairly elected he deserves to be the president.

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Electing Trump would be 'historic mistake,' Clinton says

and electing Clinton would be an endorsement of historic governmental values such as endemic corruption, entitlement, impunity, arrogance and lies.

oh, well, I'm not voting.

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If Trump is elected by the public why would it be an historic mistake?, maybe doesn't fit in with her agenda but fairly elected he deserves to be the president.

You just don't understand! Hillary is entitled. Bill was entitled. They must get what they want and desire, because they want and desire it. The world owes them, especially her.

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Electing Crooked Hillary would be the 'historic mistake' as we all know. Her criticism of Trump University has come full circle to grab her by the neck:

Hillary University: Bill Clinton Bagged $16.46 Million from For-Profit College as State Dept. Funneled $55 Million Back


Appears to be some heavy-duty corruption going on there, eh? thumbsup.gif

Edited by Boon Mee
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Voting should be compulsory for residents of a country. However there should be a non of the above option. If a non of the above wins, the above should not be able to stand for election for 8 years. It might make better/politicians.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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Voting should be compulsory for residents of a country. However there should be a non of the above option. If a non of the above wins, the above should not be able to stand for election for 8 years. It might make better/politicians.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

Really scraping the bottom of the barrel with these two options, how did it get to this point?

You can't look at me and tell me these are the two best options that the USA could must up.

Kim Jung Un should have thrown his hat in. :D

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Electing Trump a mistake, well electing Clinton would be an even bigger mistake.

You are right, that women would sell her soul, she wouldn't think twice about selling Americas......errrr hold on a minute

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Jeez you right-whingers get out of bed early, do you all have to change your colostomy bags or something? Strewth! Give a bloke a chance to read the news and respond eh!

Okay, read it now. She's right. Next!


They haaaaaaaaaate HRC. They spew this delusional nonsense about her about her, nonstop. All the conspiracies that float around the Republican brain sad.png . How do they function as a normal human beings with all that hate inside them?

We've got a couple here in town. I avoid them. I can say hello and maybe bring up American sports but they always go off on the Obama/HRC hate tangent. Sorry...I gotta go.

So many Republican "solutions" are far worse than the original problems even for problems that actually exist!

I can't imagine a Trump presidency would be like. Hillary nails it, "an historic mistake". It's not something I worry about.

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Electing Crooked Hillary would be the 'historic mistake' as we all know. Her criticism of Trump University has come full circle to grab her by the neck:

Hillary University: Bill Clinton Bagged $16.46 Million from For-Profit College as State Dept. Funneled $55 Million Back


Appears to be some heavy-duty corruption going on there, eh? thumbsup.gif

Oh dear oh dear. This couple are just about as crooked as any and more than most. She'll no doubt claim there was no conflict of interest, no misuse of tax payers' money and all was perfectly above board.

Surely, some American check and balance organization will be investigating this?

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Electing Crooked Hillary would be the 'historic mistake' as we all know. Her criticism of Trump University has come full circle to grab her by the neck:

Hillary University: Bill Clinton Bagged $16.46 Million from For-Profit College as State Dept. Funneled $55 Million Back


Appears to be some heavy-duty corruption going on there, eh? thumbsup.gif

Oh dear oh dear. This couple are just about as crooked as any and more than most. She'll no doubt claim there was no conflict of interest, no misuse of tax payers' money and all was perfectly above board.

Surely, some American check and balance organization will be investigating this?

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If Trump is elected by the public why would it be an historic mistake?, maybe doesn't fit in with her agenda but fairly elected he deserves to be the president.

Put another way ... the people get the government they deserve ... being as they are the ones doing the voting.

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Hillary makes a good point.

If a steak turns out tough and chewy and tastes like shit and the business goes belly up thousands aren't going to lose their lives. Make a bad foreign policy decision like W Bush did and hundreds of thousands of people die and it impacts economically on the people who can least afford it.

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Right now, it seems that Trump is the lesser of two evils, and without another candidate, the people prefer to

go with the bully rather than the untrusted one....

My defense of Trump centers around the opposition's characterization of him being "evil" or "dangerous". That is hogwash. He is crass, rude, boorish, insulting, childish, a bully...but he isn't evil. He has said something about NATO which I find dangerous, but that doesn't make the man himself dangerous.

So for me, the election choices are between an immature billionaire and a career political criminal and enemy of the people...or the guy I will probably vote for, Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party.

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It was an excellent speech.

She is presidential big time. The vile monster ill tempered vindictive psychopathic trump buffoon is a carnival barker con man.

It shows Hillary Clinton has got her moxie back and the tactics to crush the vile fascist monster have been decided on.

Compared to the vile monster's constant rants ... as Bill Maher calls him, "whiny little (b-word)" there is no choice any rational voter would make except for Hillary Clinton.

Edited by Jingthing
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Now, what about Supreme Court nominees?

Nominating the USSC judges is really the only important role a president plays that can directly effect the country long term.

I would HATE to see who Hillary would try to put in there. Has she put forth a list yet like Trump has?

As for Trump, I don't really trust him either to be honest. He is not a true conservative or true Republican. Historically I think he has swayed with the political winds.

Trump holds grudges (like the current prez) so anyone he nominates will be checked for "loyalty". Any judge put forth by the Republican establishment is no automatic either. Trump could very well end up nominating a judge who would vote with the liberal side more often. He sure wouldn't be the first Republican president to do that.

So as far as judges go, I think the Democrats should feel pretty good no matter who wins. America is doomed.

Now, what about Supreme Court nominees? Nominating the USSC judges is really the only important role a president plays that can directly effect the country long term. I would HATE to see what Hillary would try to put in there. Trump? I don't really trust him either to be honest.

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If she can't handle her email how can she handle being commander in chief with her shaky finger on the bomb? This lying, corrupt piece of work as leader of the free world is simply too preposterous to contemplate. Obama's dog would be better than Hillary. Trump may be many things but he ain't stupid. I would rather him pick the next supreme court justice's than that crank Hillary. As said before on this thread, how can anyone in their right mind support her?

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