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Raw till 4 CM bike and fruit fest.


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They remind me of the sparrows fron Game of Thrones......

It's not normal to live on mangoes for months on end,

Invariably they wind up with serious nutritional problems.

It is though, very much a cult type thing.

Raw to 4 CM on the YouTube sure looks like a pretty

grubby world of foul mouthed vulgar individuals.

Living on bananas must also give them brain deficiencies

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They remind me of the sparrows fron Game of Thrones......

It's not normal to live on mangoes for months on end,

Invariably they wind up with serious nutritional problems.

It is though, very much a cult type thing.

Raw to 4 CM on the YouTube sure looks like a pretty

grubby world of foul mouthed vulgar individuals.

Living on bananas must also give them brain deficiencies

Most of their videos do not depict anyone with metally challenging occupations, but that may be because the occupations of the video makers are mainly promoting veganism and selling their ebooks, the raw till four durianrider group seem to exist just to "carbthef##kup" and ride their bycycles. On the other hand, I have a raw vegan friend that is a brilliant inventor that has made millions in the non vegan resto business before the age of 40 and has a few amazing patents that are making him some serious money also. He also loves to eat shrooms, smoke pot and indulge in his extensive wine collection.

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I have a raw vegan friend that is a brilliant inventor that has made millions in the non vegan resto business before the age of 40 and has a few amazing patents with that are making him some serious money also. He also loves to eat shrooms, smoke pot and indulge in his extensive wine collection.

Was he a vegan when he was doing the inventing.

I ask because I know several rather large ladies who claim to be vegan, and cycle with the 30 bananas vegan group (this month), and I'm thinking it's another 1 month fad diet, in a string of 1 month fad diets, which will shortly fail when they don't lose any weight. Cycling is usually a very short diet fad in the failure stakes, because they tend to put on weight rather quickly for the first couple of months as their flabby bodies grow muscles.

I'm guessing you could lose a lot of weight on a 'beer, burger and fries' diet if you cycled up to Doi Suthep every day. It's the exercise that counts, not the diet.

Edited by MissAndry
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Yes , he has been R.V. for at least 15 years and is very slim with high energy. He eats more nuts, seeds and raw chocolate than the most of the people in the Rawto4 videos. There is also a guy i know in CM, (have not seen him around lately) that is from Angola but lived a long time in Amsterdam, that had withered legs from I think polio, this guy is cool, non judgemental great personality, he rides around on a quadrcycle that he peddles with his hands, very strong upper body, he eats alot of coconut, avocado and raw coco beans.

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Wasn't there some big infighting/drama, played out over social media, between DurianRider and his cult followers last year? Some women claimed unwanted sexual advances made or something, one click supporting her story, the other click supporting other. Then some of the disenfranchised followers then accused him of promoting the lifestyle in order to make money, etc.

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I'm guessing you could lose a lot of weight on a 'beer, burger and fries' diet if you cycled up to Doi Suthep every day. It's the exercise that counts, not the diet.

You can, ive been pigging out at KFC, Tops bakery and pizza co alot lately but still losing weight cycling up to Doi Suthep 4-5x per week, at the end of the day i think its calories in vs out regardless if vegan or not

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Here's "Sun Fruit Dan" (seriously!) Another vegan vlogger (yawn, of course he is) who seems to be setting up a company/selling health products here in Chiang Mai.

His protocol here for ingesting turpentine to 'cleanse your system' is bat&$!t bonkers.

How long before someone gets real unhealthy real fast (dead?) ingesting a diet of 300 bananas and turps while being mowed down by a Hilux on the way up to Doi Sutteph?

And if you think no one would be crazy enough to follow this kind of nutty advice, check out these two brainless idiots who literally confess to giving up their jobs, and selling their couch, to follow DurianRider to Chiang Mai!

There's another couple of guys who've followed their Cult God Durian Rider to have vasectomys while here in CM, and have then instantly regretted it!

Beyond words!

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Until now, I'd been able to live merrily in Chiang Mai as both a cyclist and a vegetarian, completely unaware of their presence. Nothing wrong with vegans, per se. My sister back home has been one for decades and is both sane and incredibly healthy. But these guys are fruitbats.

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Here's "Sun Fruit Dan" (seriously!) Another vegan vlogger (yawn, of course he is) who seems to be setting up a company/selling health products here in Chiang Mai.

His protocol here for ingesting turpentine to 'cleanse your system' is bat&$!t bonkers.

How long before someone gets real unhealthy real fast (dead?) ingesting a diet of 300 bananas and turps while being mowed down by a Hilux on the way up to Doi Sutteph?

And if you think no one would be crazy enough to follow this kind of nutty advice, check out these two brainless idiots who literally confess to giving up their jobs, and selling their couch, to follow DurianRider to Chiang Mai!

There's another couple of guys who've followed their Cult God Durian Rider to have vasectomys while here in CM, and have then instantly regretted it!

Beyond words!

Sun Fruit Dan is a real nutter, watched one of his vids yesterday where says ingesting turpentine has decalcified his pineal gland so now he is able to time travel and see the future and past as well as other crazy new age guru stuff, in another he counters peoples concerns for the possible danger of ingesting turpentine by stating it is just another type of vegetable oil, like olive oil !!! He is wrong and obviously crazy but he has followers and decipels. .... he lives in CM.

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Nutter is right @daoyai!

It's worrying that peddles his 'theories' and 'products' through the power of you tube with no accountability or responsibility for outcomes. I expect that means when he kills someone he'll get off scot-free. I wonder if this is what Chiang Mai really needs as it becomes more popular and well known as a digital nomad hub? So any freak or weirdo can come here, sit in a coffee shop, and convince followers to ingest poison.

Edited by SundayAfternoon
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