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Thailand to Welcome New Digital Ministry

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Thailand to Welcome New Digital Ministry
Sasiwan Mokkhasen


A file photo of the National Legislative Assembly room

BANGKOK — Thailand will soon welcome its first new ministry in a decade as the National Legislative Assembly Friday approved the formation of the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society.

The junta-appointed assembly unanimously approved the draft to establish a 21st century ministry to develop the digital economy, something the military government has promoted heavily since seizing power in May 2014. Digital freedom and rights activists worry it is really a government power grab to increase their control online.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1465015721

-- Khaosod English 2016-06-05

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to develop the digital economy,

If that's their true reason, I'm Tina Turner.

Thank God I can leave this place at the drop of a hat.

The thought of being a Thai in their 20's or 30's and stuck in this place without hope for the next 40 years is simply horrible.

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Better call it Ministry of Digital Censorship and Eavesdropping, because that's what it's going to be.

You are correct, as that would seem to be it's primary purpose. I would guess the Great Firewall of Thailand is now a done deal, despite all the denials.

For the last 3 days, I cannot even get dialup speeds. Complaining to True gets the usual responses... reset router and run speedtest to verify all is well. Total BS responses. I now intend to call in daily until I get something that resembles decent speed again. Not that it will last, it never does.

Digital economy, my ass.

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The Chinese have managed to have a "closed circuit" internet because they have local equivalents of Google, Line, Facebook etc.

If the junta want to reach the same level of insulation from the free internet (and I have no doubts they do) then they must bring up acceptable replacements for these immensely popular services.

I don't see any Thai company, even with massive funding from the government, being able to reach this goal.

That's where they will fail IMO. This might sound silly to some, but having to give up their favourite social networks for lame half-baked dysfunctional erzats might well be what will cause the Thai youth to stand up!

Oh wait... actually they might ask the Chinese to do that for them. That's a possibility.

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to develop the digital economy,

If that's their true reason, I'm Tina Turner.

Thank God I can leave this place at the drop of a hat.

The thought of being a Thai in their 20's or 30's and stuck in this place without hope for the next 40 years is simply horrible.

I am optimistic enough to think it won't come to that: Attempts to turn back the clock to some Eden which never actually existed in the first place is doomed to failure in this day and age. Youngsters now are far more knowledgeable than the dinosaurs give them credit for and will find a way to put an end to any enforced 'paradise' one way or another.
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Better call it Ministry of Digital Censorship and Eavesdropping, because that's what it's going to be.

However the very cunning govt gives it a total innocuous title that everyone will accept and absolutely NOBODY will see through. rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif

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Rub hands with glee, mouth drooling...I'm hoping I get a big high level corner office in the new huuuuuge ministry building....and a good car park space. Oohhh the benefits.

I bet they still do everything by paper memos.

All you need is a few whizzos on laptops and phones, sitting in a coffee shop all day (let's make that an expensive coffee shop, cos we are saving mega bahts), and that's your ministry infrastructure. Would be ultra cool.

Edit: better still, open a national owned coffee shop chain "ministry of coffee", profit go to charities, support Thai farmed coffee, and the shops can all double up as micro distributed office space. No double pricing for Farang, and guaranteed safe zone for tourist. Kill about 4 birds with one stone. Oh, they might defeat starbucks, so hit them on their tax naff thingy, plus show what can be done without all the usual LoS BS cultural baggage...that makes 6 birds with one stone.

One small flaw in the plan, I've ran out of stones. Anyone got a spare stone?

Edited by BlindMagician
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