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Clinton claims historic victory in Democratic primary


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Some leftwingenuts go on and on about FOX News being politically biased.

Do they know that ABC, CNN and CBS all have family ties to the Democrats or is that overlooked?

The president of CBS has a brother who is a White House security advisor. A senior correspondent at ABC News is married to The White House Press Secretary.The President of ABC News is brother to an advisor to Obama. CNN vice president and Washington Bureau chief is married to a deputy Secretary of State under Barrack Obama.

Is it any wonder why there is so much protection of Hillary when she should be indicted for national security breaches and ignoring directives, but they jump on Trump. Interesting that the judge that wants to prosecute Trump over his university has announced the hearing on the day of the Republican Convention. That is political interference while his appointed law firm paid the Clintons $675,000 in speaking fees..Hillary will not be indicted because Obama will endorse her, but Trump will be pursued because of some private citizen complainants.

The corruption is rife from people who think they are above the law.

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The press is in league with the corrupt politicians since they cheered at their own announcement that Hillary was the winner before 6 states voted.This is how to skew an election and shows how much the press is out to defeat the people's vote. This was to prevent Bernie from taking California and they had to poll the super delegates beforehand so to influence the outcome and cause Bernie supporters to stay at home rather than vote.Regardless of the strong result for Hillary which they did not know beforehand it demonstrates how much the press is in the pockets of the political elite.

Of course she's amoral...always has been. That's why...amorality follows her the way honor follows some of our heroes and icons. Character sticks like an aura, it's unshakable.

I've no time to find the legal reasoning of badwagoning, etc., but there's plenty of evidence to suggest Hillary did to Sanders the same thing as Commodus pre-wounding Maximus in 'Gladiator' before their fight.

'Sanders. Sanders. Sanders..."





Thank you, really interesting stuff about exit polling. That it can influence the voter turnout up to 12% to stay at home for the loser and bandwagon voting, influencing people to get out and vote for the winner. After neck and neck pre-polling or even showing Bernie slightly ahead in California, it does make it highly suspicious how much the effect the Press release had on the result.

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Trump hasn't even started on Crooked Clinton yet. He's been gaining in the polls for over a month, and strongly.

Wrong on both counts. Trump has tried putting down HRC but has been failing with all but his die-hard redneck core. In typical Trump fashion, he calls her immature schoolyard taunting names. If I was a teacher at an elementary school, I wouldn't accept that from any kids. Yet Trump is positioning himself as being a major influence - particularly on American youngsters. If you had little kids, would you want them influenced by someone like Trump? I sure wouldn't.

As for gaining in the polls, that's simply untrue. He had a little bit of a bump of a few % points recently, but he's at his zenith or losing popularity in the past week, depending on who you look to for stats. Some prominent Republican wheeler dealers recently (and reluctantly) got on board with The Divider recently, but are already looking to bail out. Gary Hart got dumped from being presidential contender by just having a pretty blond woman sit on his knee for a moment, on a private boat. Trump makes worse faux pas on a daily basis. Trump has a slicker teflon coating than Reagan or Putin. Let's see how long he can continue to hoodwink the dumb-ass 17% who like him.

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Some leftwingenuts go on and on about FOX News being politically biased.

Do they know that ABC, CNN and CBS all have family ties to the Democrats or is that overlooked?

The president of CBS has a brother who is a White House security advisor. A senior correspondent at ABC News is married to The White House Press Secretary.The President of ABC News is brother to an advisor to Obama. CNN vice president and Washington Bureau chief is married to a deputy Secretary of State under Barrack Obama.

Is it any wonder why there is so much protection of Hillary when she should be indicted for national security breaches and ignoring directives, but they jump on Trump. Interesting that the judge that wants to prosecute Trump over his university has announced the hearing on the day of the Republican Convention. That is political interference while his appointed law firm paid the Clintons $675,000 in speaking fees..Hillary will not be indicted because Obama will endorse her, but Trump will be pursued because of some private citizen complainants.

The corruption is rife from people who think they are above the law.

The power of high ground has belonged to liberals for a long time. Not moral high ground, mind you, but relative high ground because their opposition has no game. Progressive opposition finds it hard to compete at the game managing level the Progressives play it. Why? Because it requires a total abuse of ethics. In an ends justifies the means mindset traditional parameters and rules are to be massaged, not followed. Only the End matters.

Part of this game mastery has been the media, long the product of the dumbing down of the Dewey Education system. Human interest draws journalists. Emotion draws human interest. Progressivism thrives on emotion. Progressivism/Socialism is only human interest- social engineering. Thus media is a predictable arm of social engineering.

Ownership is also constantly telegraphed by the Left. They own race, though they are its biggest assailants. They own injury, offense, media, POV. There's an inherent arrogance in the operation of the left. What really insurges America is a deficiency of mind, acting out emotion as reason. (An inevitable byproduct of equality in outcomes, not opportunity).

Two example suffice: the left debases themselves as citizens and humans and is shameless in stating its Trump's fault. Vacuous. The Holocaust made clear far more than words and people still retained dignity and honor. Trump speaks and it's a call to violence? It declares "I'm an inferior Man."

In a Huff Post piece the left now openly calls for violence. Shamelessly, it's justified because of "feeling," and processing this as logic/reason. Trump has never met a standard for 'inciting,' it's subjective. The law is not.


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"There's an inherent arrogance": ( and paranoia )

In everything you have said.

Simplistic, marginalizing, myopic, pontification.

Arrogant in every manner and form.

And patently dangerous to free thinking people.

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One further example of the unholy alliance of the left and progressivism in America today (actually EU and US). When news reporters are activists and call rioters protestors, produce 'news' on demand (night before CA primary), and tweak camera filters in production, they are a wholly owned extension of a political party.


*This hybrid marriage between progressivism and media is also apparent with FB.

Edit: "Patently dangerous" is the siren call of the left to silence others. Never before in American history have social or political views been so abused as today. Again, evidence of the intolerance of the left and their penchant for all manner of violence, even, ironically, intellectual. We see this in the Huff Post piece today calling for physical violence because they oppose another's speech. Sick! It's a sickness.

Edited by arjunadawn
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Hillary is the worst choice for President. For many reasons but also for one that rarely gets mentioned.

If America elects Hillary, does any really expect the Republican to really give her a pass? Democrats may not care about her crimes but just putting "Mrs. President" in front of her name will not deter anyone else. The gov't will be even more ineffective than ever.

Unless of course Democrats take back control of Congress. Then we will end up with another ruinous two years like we did Obama's first two years.

And a Trump presidency wouldn't be another "Morning in America" moment. It would also be a mess.

We are doomed.

What people seem to forget is just how appalling the approval rating of congress is. And coupled with that is just how much Trump is putting people off Republicans.

If enough of those voters change horses and kick out some of the dead wood, you might see a completely different political landscape come November.

Congress as a whole has a low approval rating and has for a long, long time. The problem is that people give their individual Congressman higher marks. Like, "Congress sucks but my Senator is one of the good ones". That is probably because they are bringing home the bacon in the form of pork spending that is good for their home district but bad for the country.

Throw all the bums out.

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One further example of the unholy alliance of the left and progressivism in America today (actually EU and US). When news reporters are activists and call rioters protestors, produce 'news' on demand (night before CA primary), and tweak camera filters in production, they are a wholly owned extension of a political party.


*This hybrid marriage between progressivism and media is also apparent with FB.

Edit: "Patently dangerous" is the siren call of the left to silence others. Never before in American history have social or political views been so abused as today. Again, evidence of the intolerance of the left and their penchant for all manner of violence, even, ironically, intellectual. We see this in the Huff Post piece today calling for physical violence because they oppose another's speech. Sick! It's a sickness.

1) The Press needs to lose its constitutional protection when they behave like activists.

2) There has always been evidence of intolerance of the left...from the killing fields, gas chambers and gulags to college campuses across the country and rioters in the streets.

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Similar expression of this same intolerance from the left is borne out on TVF with so many posts riddled with condescension towards anyone who is not of the liberal left immediately and simplistically being branded "rightwinge" from "low info rightwingenuttia" ad nauseum arrogant, emotive snobby put downs of those who differ from their so called educated class. I have resisted retaliation but it seems to be the kind of language they understand as any reasoned argument is suspect if it does not fit well with their particular bias and is immediately condemned as low social class info. The right does not have the right to a voice because it is considered a fascist derivative, therefore the left presumably deserves more say and therefore manipulation is morally defensible. (All men are equal, but some are more equal than others)

The leftist philosophy will manipulate elections economies and society and legislate even nature itself in order to achieve the equality of outcomes they believe best fits their Marxist social engineering programs. What's sad is America and Americans still believe they're leaders of the FREE world but is rapidly (as is the EU) creeping towards powerbroker authoritarianism and by that I don't mean Trump.There is little understanding of the rise of Trump and that he is the symptom of what is wrong with America today expressed in a groundswell movement (as with Bernie) against the ruling 'me first' political establishment.

The pocketbook will always rule. This election will be determined by the numbers of people who are hurting versus the numbers who feel good about themselves versus the powerbrokers.If HRC becomes president the distortion can only get worse so stand by for some pretty rough times ahead.

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Some leftwingenuts go on and on about FOX News being politically biased.

Do they know that ABC, CNN and CBS all have family ties to the Democrats or is that overlooked?

The president of CBS has a brother who is a White House security advisor. A senior correspondent at ABC News is married to The White House Press Secretary.The President of ABC News is brother to an advisor to Obama. CNN vice president and Washington Bureau chief is married to a deputy Secretary of State under Barrack Obama.

Is it any wonder why there is so much protection of Hillary when she should be indicted for national security breaches and ignoring directives, but they jump on Trump. Interesting that the judge that wants to prosecute Trump over his university has announced the hearing on the day of the Republican Convention. That is political interference while his appointed law firm paid the Clintons $675,000 in speaking fees..Hillary will not be indicted because Obama will endorse her, but Trump will be pursued because of some private citizen complainants.

The corruption is rife from people who think they are above the law.

The power of high ground has belonged to liberals for a long time. Not moral high ground, mind you, but relative high ground because their opposition has no game. Progressive opposition finds it hard to compete at the game managing level the Progressives play it. Why? Because it requires a total abuse of ethics. In an ends justifies the means mindset traditional parameters and rules are to be massaged, not followed. Only the End matters.

Part of this game mastery has been the media, long the product of the dumbing down of the Dewey Education system. Human interest draws journalists. Emotion draws human interest. Progressivism thrives on emotion. Progressivism/Socialism is only human interest- social engineering. Thus media is a predictable arm of social engineering.

Ownership is also constantly telegraphed by the Left. They own race, though they are its biggest assailants. They own injury, offense, media, POV. There's an inherent arrogance in the operation of the left. What really insurges America is a deficiency of mind, acting out emotion as reason. (An inevitable byproduct of equality in outcomes, not opportunity).

Two example suffice: the left debases themselves as citizens and humans and is shameless in stating its Trump's fault. Vacuous. The Holocaust made clear far more than words and people still retained dignity and honor. Trump speaks and it's a call to violence? It declares "I'm an inferior Man."

In a Huff Post piece the left now openly calls for violence. Shamelessly, it's justified because of "feeling," and processing this as logic/reason. Trump has never met a standard for 'inciting,' it's subjective. The law is not.


What a mixed-up bunch of misdirection, above. Just one weird excerpt; "They (progressives) own race, though they are its biggest assailants. "

First off, how can anyone or any group of people 'own race' ? Secondly, how can someone or a group assail something they own?

It sounds like you're gearing up to write a grand manifesto like Karl Marx, but do yourself a favor; get your ideas together before you string bunches of multi-syllable words together, trying to sound sage.

Never before in American history have social or political views been so abused as today.

Are you referring to the social and political views that Trump puts forth? ....his views (and those of his followers) being 'so abused' ? Oh poor Trump, should we feel sorry for him and his "many many billions of dollars"?

Trump's social views (which arjunadawn thinks are being abused) encompass: "they're rapists" (referring to Mexicans). Or maybe Trump's view that some women are 'fat pigs' ...are being abused. The mind reels when hearing Trump's and his followers' excuses for their depraved crassness.

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Boomer you need to address the issues instead of just falling into the emotive trap of abusing what comes out of Trump's mouth or as I said earlier folk who have a different view from you. I don't think I am crass or depraved (if you are lumping me in with that). You kind of missed what she was saying too. Cheers

Edited by Linzz
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Seems like the majority of democrats like to see a crook in office. Way to go folks, you deserve the traitor.

A person who's not even indicted yet, much less convicted, is a crook? This is what is known as Trumped-up justice.

many crooks are not indicted nor convicted, just for starters, to name Bush and his criminal thugs? Trumped-up justice? my behind.

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Some leftwingenuts go on and on about FOX News being politically biased.

Do they know that ABC, CNN and CBS all have family ties to the Democrats or is that overlooked?

The president of CBS has a brother who is a White House security advisor. A senior correspondent at ABC News is married to The White House Press Secretary.The President of ABC News is brother to an advisor to Obama. CNN vice president and Washington Bureau chief is married to a deputy Secretary of State under Barrack Obama.

Is it any wonder why there is so much protection of Hillary when she should be indicted for national security breaches and ignoring directives, but they jump on Trump. Interesting that the judge that wants to prosecute Trump over his university has announced the hearing on the day of the Republican Convention. That is political interference while his appointed law firm paid the Clintons $675,000 in speaking fees..Hillary will not be indicted because Obama will endorse her, but Trump will be pursued because of some private citizen complainants.

The corruption is rife from people who think they are above the law.

The power of high ground has belonged to liberals for a long time. Not moral high ground, mind you, but relative high ground because their opposition has no game. Progressive opposition finds it hard to compete at the game managing level the Progressives play it. Why? Because it requires a total abuse of ethics. In an ends justifies the means mindset traditional parameters and rules are to be massaged, not followed. Only the End matters.

Part of this game mastery has been the media, long the product of the dumbing down of the Dewey Education system. Human interest draws journalists. Emotion draws human interest. Progressivism thrives on emotion. Progressivism/Socialism is only human interest- social engineering. Thus media is a predictable arm of social engineering.

Ownership is also constantly telegraphed by the Left. They own race, though they are its biggest assailants. They own injury, offense, media, POV. There's an inherent arrogance in the operation of the left. What really insurges America is a deficiency of mind, acting out emotion as reason. (An inevitable byproduct of equality in outcomes, not opportunity).

Two example suffice: the left debases themselves as citizens and humans and is shameless in stating its Trump's fault. Vacuous. The Holocaust made clear far more than words and people still retained dignity and honor. Trump speaks and it's a call to violence? It declares "I'm an inferior Man."

In a Huff Post piece the left now openly calls for violence. Shamelessly, it's justified because of "feeling," and processing this as logic/reason. Trump has never met a standard for 'inciting,' it's subjective. The law is not.


"Two example suffice: the left debases themselves as citizens and humans and is shameless in stating its Trump's fault. Vacuous. The Holocaust made clear far more than words and people still retained dignity and honor. Trump speaks and it's a call to violence? It declares "I'm an inferior Man."

Thanks arj. Those "two example" really helped. I often ponder the deeper meaning of your musings. That was deep, man. And throwing in the holocaust...genius.

Anyone else notice how far out in bizarro wingnuttia these delusional posts are getting?

Historic victory for HRC in the Democratic primary. I expect Sanders will fall in line. He knows what's at stake. It's over before it begins.

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Similar expression of this same intolerance from the left is borne out on TVF with so many posts riddled with condescension towards anyone who is not of the liberal left immediately and simplistically being branded "rightwinge" from "low info rightwingenuttia" ad nauseum arrogant, emotive snobby put downs of those who differ from their so called educated class. I have resisted retaliation but it seems to be the kind of language they understand as any reasoned argument is suspect if it does not fit well with their particular bias and is immediately condemned as low social class info. The right does not have the right to a voice because it is considered a fascist derivative, therefore the left presumably deserves more say and therefore manipulation is morally defensible. (All men are equal, but some are more equal than others)

The leftist philosophy will manipulate elections economies and society and legislate even nature itself in order to achieve the equality of outcomes they believe best fits their Marxist social engineering programs. What's sad is America and Americans still believe they're leaders of the FREE world but is rapidly (as is the EU) creeping towards powerbroker authoritarianism and by that I don't mean Trump.There is little understanding of the rise of Trump and that he is the symptom of what is wrong with America today expressed in a groundswell movement (as with Bernie) against the ruling 'me first' political establishment.

The pocketbook will always rule. This election will be determined by the numbers of people who are hurting versus the numbers who feel good about themselves versus the powerbrokers.If HRC becomes president the distortion can only get worse so stand by for some pretty rough times ahead.

100 % !!!

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Can't see how this is news- like being surprised when someone with malignant disease finally passes- we've known it all along. Clinton has declared her intention all along, in word and deed.

The crimes and 'omertà, the manipulation of election night 'news,' the legal huddles and obstruction of her RICO partners, the pay for play la Costa nostra of her Foundation and State... Ad nuaseum. Clinton's been hungering for the presidency the same way Gotti wanted Big Paul whacked. It was inevitable he aimed for capo de capo. It's obvious her whole life followed the same script.

This is not news. Americans debase themselves.

Isn't it the orange guy with the mob connections? Whatever. coffee1.gif

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Ownership is also constantly telegraphed by the Left. They own race, though they are its biggest assailants. They own injury, offense, media, POV. There's an inherent arrogance in the operation of the left. What really insurges America is a deficiency of mind, acting out emotion as reason. (An inevitable byproduct of equality in outcomes, not opportunity).

What a mixed-up bunch of misdirection, above. Just one weird excerpt; "They (progressives) own race, though they are its biggest assailants. "

First off, how can anyone or any group of people 'own race' ? Secondly, how can someone or a group assail something they own?

I understood it as the progressives "own" the discussion when the topic is race. They are the "big tent" that includes all races while the conservatives are "old white people" (despite the Dem candidates being only old white people this year while the Republican candidates had white, black, Hispanic, & Asian). This somehow makes the progressives the "authority" on issues of race, defending minorities from the evil conservatives.

However, progressive policies are causing more harm to minorities than anything else. Minorities are suffering in cities that have been under progressive control for decades. Progressive policies are not designed to lift up minorities. They are designed to do the exact opposite, to keep them down and "on the plantation". Why? Simply because as these minorities become more successful they tend to start leaning right.

No, truly helping minorities stand on their own feet would be the beginning of the end for progressives. So while the world looks at them as being the great defenders of minorities against the racist right wing...the reverse is closer to the truth.

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CONFIRMED=> Hillary Clinton Received 1.5 Million FEWER Votes in 2016 than in 2008 (when she lost to Obama) — Democrats Down 7 Million Votes
It was another rough primary season for Hillary. Even after California primary Hillary Clinton STILL does not have enough pledged delegates to win the Democratic primary. As of Tuesday night Hillary Clinton has 2,203 pledged delegates, But she does have 574 super-delegates. She needs 2.383 delegates to win the nomination.
HISTORY! Trump Shatters Republican Primary Vote Record by 1.4 Million Votes Trump received 13,406,108 votes to date in the elections according to www.thegreenpapers.com. Trump has 1,536 delegates and counting. (Needed only 1237.)
Edited by NeverSure
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The orange monster is nothing but a fascist, demagogue, racist, misogynist, bigot, lying, cowardly, bully conman . Those that support him are in the same catagory. He is not "popular" with his ignorant followers for his "populist" view, he has none, he is popular because of the above list. The "Republican Party" put up a field of right wingnuts and has been sowing what they are reaping for years. On the other hand the Democrat Party rigged the election from the git-go, learned well from the Republicans, so that that Clintons could be annointed empress. They are no longer the party of the people, they are the party of Wall Street criminals/banksters and the military/spy/industial complex. A bunch of neocon/neoliberals just as Clintons are. The Clinton's destroyed the party of the people during Bill's reign. The Democrat Party has to get back to "The New Deal" party.

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clinton is a republican in disguise.

Democrats are just there to make it all look swell.

Funny, I thought Trump was really a Democrat in disguise. smile.png

Because he wants to slash taxes for the rich?

Because he wants to make it easier for big banks to crash the economy again?

Because he's against a rise in the federal minium wage?

Because he wants to appoint right wing judges to the Supreme court?

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Victoria Woodhull, ladies and gentlemen


Victoria Claflin Woodhull, later Victoria Woodhull Martin was an American leader of the woman's suffrage movement. In 1872, Woodhull was the first female to run for President of the United States. Wikipedia

Woodhull spent Election Day in jail.

Wouldn't that be a nice parallel?
Edited by Boon Mee
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clinton is a republican in disguise.

Democrats are just there to make it all look swell.

Funny, I thought Trump was really a Democrat in disguise. smile.png

Because he wants to slash taxes for the rich?

Because he wants to make it easier for big banks to crash the economy again?

Because he's against a rise in the federal minium wage?

Because he wants to appoint right wing judges to the Supreme court?

Is Trump a Democrat?


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Laureate "University" Paid Bill Clinton $16.5 Million to be Its "Honorary" Chancellor; Then Hillary's State Department Pumped Millions Into a Laureate-Connected Group.

Quick, let's elect this corrupt woman.


Just when you thought the corruption couldn't get worse, we learn new revelations - this pair of shysters need to be jailed. thumbsup.gif

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