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Thankfully plenty of foreign visitors WERE able to see what was really going on at the temple and had the stomach to step up and do something about it.

I can understand people like the maker of the posted video though... Imagine you live a rather boring and mediocre live somewhere in the developed world and the only really spectacular thing you've ever done is go on holiday to Thailand and pet some drugged tigers in a "temple". Only to find out afterwards the whole thing was a massive scam and front for wildlife trafficking, animal abuse, etc... For some people, it's just easier to clinch to whatever they thought it was rather then face the reality.


These are educated people from one of the richest countries in the world!

"Thankfully plenty of foreign visitors WERE able to see what was really going on at the temple and had the stomach to step up and do something about it" - and not really - foreigners and others - some in the Thai authorities had been complaining for nearly 2 decades - but stuff like this just prolonged the whole procedure....

What I find so disturbing though is that anyone with the slightest idea about animal welfare or conservation would have looked at the temple and seen questions that needed to be asked and answered - even in that video there they engage in activities that are questionable - and don't consider anything about WHERE all those cubs came from etc. and why they think it's OK to interact with tigers like that - then they claim to be investigators...what has galled me all along is the stubborn resistance put up by some in the face of clear evidence that the temple was doing many things that were wrong. They would argue that black was white........one has to wonder if the makers of this video received any kind of help from the temple itself.

The other thing I find interesting is the promise of a part 2 - anyone found that on the net yet?


I only watched the first 5 minutes - everything about the video made me cringe.

But yes, they were extremely gullible and obviously stupid.

Edit - although to be fair, I've been gullible too. It took a couple of trips before I saw the cruelty practised by those offering elephant rides here sad.png .


I only watched the first 5 minutes - everything about the video made me cringe.

But yes, they were extremely gullible and obviously stupid.

Edit - although to be fair, I've been gullible too. It took a couple of trips before I saw the cruelty practised by those offering elephant rides here sad.png .

I sat through all of it - some of the things they say are as your point out "cringeworthy" in the extreme - some is just down to pure ignorance


I only watched the first 5 minutes - everything about the video made me cringe.

But yes, they were extremely gullible and obviously stupid.

Edit - although to be fair, I've been gullible too. It took a couple of trips before I saw the cruelty practised by those offering elephant rides here sad.png .

I sat through all of it - some of the things they say are as your point out "cringeworthy" in the extreme - some is just down to pure ignorance

I don't mean to argue, as I agree with you! But why on earth would you watch the whole video when it was obvious from the first few minutes that it was extremely stupid/embarrassing and cringe-worthy??

To look on the bright side, they will realise this now.


First I flicked though it - I was rather increDulous but at one point when they said they were going to "investigate" I thought I'd see what they did - the answer was "nothing".

I also wanted to make sure it was as pathetic as it looked - I wondered how 2 apparently normal people could spend so much effort and get it so completely wrong.

I also am still trying to understand how the temple has got away with this for so long and why members of the public felt so strongly in favour of a place that was so clearly wrong.

i had no idea how bad things really were, but I could see from the early 2000s that this place had glaring problems - now we see what thwy were able to get away with - helped in many ways by the kind of people who made that video rather than listen to reason.


I only watched the first 5 minutes - everything about the video made me cringe.

But yes, they were extremely gullible and obviously stupid.

Edit - although to be fair, I've been gullible too. It took a couple of trips before I saw the cruelty practised by those offering elephant rides here sad.png .

I sat through all of it - some of the things they say are as your point out "cringeworthy" in the extreme - some is just down to pure ignorance

I don't mean to argue, as I agree with you! But why on earth would you watch the whole video when it was obvious from the first few minutes that it was extremely stupid/embarrassing and cringe-worthy??

To look on the bright side, they will realise this now.

"“But few things worth having in life come free" - I think a lot of people will prove to have selective memories and they will say "it was fine when we were there" or "there was no evidence"


See the same kind of stupidity from people visiting the elephant camps too... watching the elephants being forced to do the shows, paintings and carrying people about... all the time clearly frightened of their trainers and being stabbed in the neck with the hooks, or having their ears pulled etc.

The people don't look and see what is really going on... they somehow can't see the huge chains around the animals legs, can't see the stressed out elephants rocking back and forth out of madness on short chains, or the baby elephants forced to be separated from their mothers, etc.. and they don't want the even think about how they steal the young elephants from the wild, and torture then into submission.

Its about time all these animal places were closed down and the animals released or re homes in a properly run sanctuary.

And don't get me started on the poor monkeys with collars and chains around their necks being forced to ride little bikes or wear lip stick and make up for the shows.. then getting locks away in tiny cages out of sight when the sow is over.


See the same kind of stupidity from people visiting the elephant camps too... watching the elephants being forced to do the shows, paintings and carrying people about... all the time clearly frightened of their trainers and being stabbed in the neck with the hooks, or having their ears pulled etc.

The people don't look and see what is really going on... they somehow can't see the huge chains around the animals legs, can't see the stressed out elephants rocking back and forth out of madness on short chains, or the baby elephants forced to be separated from their mothers, etc.. and they don't want the even think about how they steal the young elephants from the wild, and torture then into submission.

Its about time all these animal places were closed down and the animals released or re homes in a properly run sanctuary.

And don't get me started on the poor monkeys with collars and chains around their necks being forced to ride little bikes or wear lip stick and make up for the shows.. then getting locks away in tiny cages out of sight when the sow is over.

the ignorance and attitudes expressed in this video encapsulate how tourism feeds and supports the misery and exploitation of animals of all kinds, the degradation of our environment and the flourishing of a criminal classes.

THey are as much a part of the problem as the monks at the temple or those unscrupulous owners of elephants.

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