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App for paying PWA / PEA


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I rent a place here in CM and move around often so setting up DDs from my bank to pay these is not an option. I'm also with Kasikorn bank and, stupidly, the bank is not supported for online payment! That means either a trip to the 7 or to their offices to pay if you miss the 7 deadline. Talk about archaic!!!

I did find an AIS app called MPay which you can use whether or not you are an AIS customer which you can top up from an ATM to pay both electric and water. For water you just scan your barcode and for water you input your account number then click pay. Of course you have to go to the ATM to top it up but I go just once put enough to pay the water for a year. Downside is because you need to scan the barcode you need the physical bill. It would be better if you could just input account number so you could check and pay if away. I'm still looking for a way to do that. Or another app. I know True Money works the same way but it's a pain to set up, insists on a Thai ID card.

I know some think the systems here are great, being able to pay at a 7. Fine if you are always here when the bill arrives. If you are not I find their systems to be very backward.

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K Bank works with MEA in Bangkok, you don't even need the bill, just the account number. The system is linked to the MEA and they have the current balance automatically. But I don't think this works with the provincial authorities (PEA).

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I ended up messaging AIS asking them about this app and top-ups from Kasikorn. Seems it has to be a minimum of 300 baht and it would work. Didn't bother going back to test it as I'd largely lost interest seeing as you have to have the bill in your hand to pay it anyway, which also entails actually being here to get it. If I'm here to get it I'm here to pay it so it kinda defeats the object.

My PWA bill for this month came today so I tested the app with last month's bill to see if the app queried your account status and amount outstanding, or the actual bill you have in your mit. Given that the bar code ALSO contains the bill number, as expected, it brought up the last month's bill figure, even though I'd paid it. So, not much use to me. For electric it's better as it's an account number entry which returns you your balance. Not with PWA though, bar code scanner only, that bill only, paid or not, not amount you actually owe. Back to the drawing board.

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There may be another option, again, works for MEA. I get one of my electricity bills by SMS, has the bill number, amount and due date. You can pay by online banking. Not sure if they could do this in CNX PEA.

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Cheers. I'll take a look and maybe ask. Or maybe I'll just put up with it another 6 months before I pull the trigger on operation bail out and head back to Phuket. Or even Pattaya.... I feel a look-see coming on :)

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