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Agree that True internet pricing for "above" 30Mb speed plans is not competitive when only comparing price to some 3BB & AIS fiber optics plans which have recently came out. But I think True has such a huge advantage in internet service areas covered, especially in higher income and high population service areas, along with their TV service they are not under much pressure customer lost-wise to lower prices. Captive audience type situation.

From looking at the AIS service area for their fiber optics internet they are definitely focusing on high population, highrise buidlings at this point in time (not to imply they are not stringing some fiber in lower population places also). Much easier and cheaper installation-wise to get a lot of customers by getting service capability say to a highrise condo building with hundreds of condos/apartments (lot of customers in a confined location) versus stringing fiber around a moobaan with fewer detached/single family homes (fewer customers per square XYZ...higher frontend/installation costs). Go where you can get the max number of customers with lower front-end/installation costs first and then spread out to higher front-end/installation costs areas afterwards.

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Agree that True internet pricing for "above" 30Mb speed plans is not competitive when only comparing price to some 3BB & AIS fiber optics plans which have recently came out. But I think True has such a huge advantage in internet service areas covered, especially in higher income and high population service areas, along with their TV service they are not under much pressure customer lost-wise to lower prices. Captive audience type situation.

From looking at the AIS service area for their fiber optics internet they are definitely focusing on high population, highrise buidlings at this point in time (not to imply they are not stringing some fiber in lower population places also). Much easier and cheaper installation-wise to get a lot of customers by getting service capability say to a highrise condo building with hundreds of condos/apartments (lot of customers in a confined location) versus stringing fiber around a moobaan with fewer detached/single family homes (fewer customers per square XYZ...higher frontend/installation costs). Go where you can get the max number of customers with lower front-end/installation costs first and then spread out to higher front-end/installation costs areas afterwards.

They are also not that interested in providing a decent service either.. throttling and over subscription is rampant..For anyone wanting international access TRUE are <deleted>!

Agree that True internet pricing for "above" 30Mb speed plans is not competitive when only comparing price to some 3BB & AIS fiber optics plans which have recently came out. But I think True has such a huge advantage in internet service areas covered, especially in higher income and high population service areas, along with their TV service they are not under much pressure customer lost-wise to lower prices. Captive audience type situation.

From looking at the AIS service area for their fiber optics internet they are definitely focusing on high population, highrise buidlings at this point in time (not to imply they are not stringing some fiber in lower population places also). Much easier and cheaper installation-wise to get a lot of customers by getting service capability say to a highrise condo building with hundreds of condos/apartments (lot of customers in a confined location) versus stringing fiber around a moobaan with fewer detached/single family homes (fewer customers per square XYZ...higher frontend/installation costs). Go where you can get the max number of customers with lower front-end/installation costs first and then spread out to higher front-end/installation costs areas afterwards.

They are also not that interested in providing a decent service either.. throttling and over subscription is rampant..For anyone wanting international access TRUE are <deleted>!

Yeap, the international speed can suck sometimes. That's why I usually run with a VPN connection which helps BIGTIME...keeps the browsing very snappy. Probably Sunday evening/night is the slowest time during the week I just did a Testmy.Net Combined test with a LA VPN connection (I'm in Bangkok) to Testmy.net's LA server at 8:42pm Bangkok Time. I have a True 15Mb down/1.5 up plan. Below are my results (and it a far cry from my test at 4:06pm where when I got 17.7Mb down:


Now above is slow as I did a series of Testmy.net and Speedtest.net speedtests to with Singapore, Los Angeles, and San Francisco VPN connections today...first one run at 8:19am this morning. Up until this evening/early night my Testmy.net Combined test results were averaging approx 18Mb to LA. SF around 13Mb. And Singapore around 20Mb. Usually during a weekday they will stay pretty close to that even at night....but Sunday evening/night is a different case.

And for my Speedtest.net results (yea, yea, I know it an OOKLA/flash-based speedtester that usually give glorious results) they averaging around 21Mb to Singapore, LA around 19Mb, and SF around 20Mb.

I also ran a couple of tests to London today and was getting around 18Mb on testmy.net and 28Mb on Speedtest.net. Must have had a really good connection to London because the ping time in the tests was around 220ms which is very good.

And to close out this post, at 8:51pm (a few minutes ago) I ran a Speedtest.net test with a LA VPN connection to a LA Speedtest.net server. Below are my results. And just as a reminder I'm on a True DOCSIS/cable 15Mb down/1.5Mb up plan which includes "bursting" capability that allows short term higher speed than the 15Mb which improves browsing speed, speedtesting, but doesn't help with live video streaming.



And with a Singapore VPN connection and using a Testmy.net Combined speedtest to their Signapore speedtest server below are my results at 9:20pm/Sunday night on my True DOCSIS/cable/FCI 15Mb down/1.5 up plan.


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