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Barack Obama officially endorses Hillary Clinton


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Barack Obama officially endorses Hillary Clinton


WASHINGTON: -- The White House said US President Barack Obama’s formal endorsement of Hillary Clinton for president did not come as a surprise to her Democratic rival Bernie Sanders.

After meeting with Obama, the senator from Vermont warned that Donald Trump would be a “disaster” as president.

“I look forward to meeting with her in the near future to see how we can work together to defeat Donald Trump and to create a government which represents all of us and not just the one percent,” said Sanders.

The former first lady, former secretary of state and former New York senator welcomed Obama’s endorsement.

She said it “means the world” that her former Democratic rival has her back in the 2016 campaign.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-10
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With careful staging, Obama backs Clinton, nudges Sanders

WASHINGTON (AP) — Testifying to Hillary Clinton's grit and experience, President Barack Obama endorsed his former secretary of state's bid to succeed him on Thursday and urged Democrats to line up behind her. It was all part of a carefully orchestrated pressure campaign aimed at easing Clinton rival Bernie Sanders toward the exit and turning fully to the fight against Republican Donald Trump.

Obama's long-expected endorsement, delivered via web video , included a forceful call for unity and for "embracing" Sanders' economic message, which has fired up much of the liberal wing of his party. Obama sought to reassure Democrats that Clinton shares their values and is ready for the job.

"Look, I know how hard this job can be. That's why I know Hillary will be so good at it," Obama said. "I have seen her judgment. I have seen her toughness. I've seen her commitment to our values."

Obama's testimonial came less than an hour after the president met privately with Sanders at the White House to discuss the future of Sanders so-called political revolution — one that will not include him taking up residence at the White House. Sanders emerged from the meeting subdued and indicated he had gotten the message.

Although he stopped short of endorsing Clinton, the Vermont senator told reporters he planned to press for his "issues" — rather than victory — at the party's July convention and would work with Clinton to defeat Trump.

"Needless to say, I am going to do everything in my power and I will work as hard as I can to make sure that Donald Trump does not become president of the United States," Sanders said, standing in the White House driveway with his wife, Jane, at his side.

Clinton declared victory over Sanders on Tuesday, having captured the number of delegates needed to become the first female nominee from a major party. Her late and somewhat sputtering victory set off a blitz of private phone calls and back-channel negotiations, all aimed at sussing out Sanders' demands, easing him out of the race and putting the full-court press on Trump.

Obama's endorsement and Sanders' visit were the public culmination of that work.

The wording of Sanders' statement to reporters was prepared in advance of his meeting with Obama. The White House acknowledged it had taped Obama's endorsement video on Tuesday, before Clinton claimed victory in the primary.

The careful choreography was part of the Democrats' attempt to show some respect to Sanders, even as they steered the long-time senator toward the campaign off-ramp.

Obama greeted Sanders and his wife in the residence and then strolled with the senator, smiling and laughing warmly, past the Rose Garden to the Oval Office, where he opened the door for the senator as cameras recorded the moment.

The ceremony and scrutiny didn't appear to faze Sanders. Ever the everyman, he started the day by stopping for a cup of coffee and a scone at the Peet's coffee shop across from the White House, while dozens of reporters awaited his arrival.

Sanders' campaign had little to say about his conversation with the president, saying the men discussed "how we can all work together to create an economy that works for all people and not just the 1 percent."

Sander had vowed to keep up his campaign. But on Thursday, he highlighted a different goal. Sanders said he would compete in the Washington, D.C., primary on Tuesday, the party's final contest, but said his interest was largely in pushing for D.C. statehood.

Leaders on Capitol Hill underscored Obama's message. After leaving the White House, Sanders met with Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y. The Vermont senator planned to meet with Vice President Joe Biden, too.

As he walked through the halls he knows so well, Sanders ignored a reporter's question about the president's endorsement of Clinton.

Even some of Sanders' staunchest supporters have started looking to Clinton. Sen. Jeff Merkley of Oregon, the one Senate Democrat to endorse Sanders, said Clinton was the nominee and offered his congratulations. And Rep. Raul Grijalva, a Sanders backer from Arizona, suggested the time to rally behind Clinton would come after the D.C. primary.

"Bernie's going to do the right thing," Grijalva said.

The situation has put Obama, the out-going leader of his party, in the sensitive position of having to broker detente between Clinton and Sanders without alienating the runner-up's supporters, many of whom are angry over what they see as the Democratic establishment's efforts to strong-arm him out of the race. Clinton is counting on Sanders' supporters to help her defeat Trump.

Obama has been trying to give Sanders the courtesy of exiting the race on his own terms. Much of his endorsement video was spent thanking Sanders for his work energizing the party.

Now head-to-head in the presidential race, Clinton and Trump have one thing in common: Both are working to woo Sanders supporters. Trump has said he welcomes Sanders' voters "with open arms" while Clinton has vowed to reach out to voters who backed her opponent in the Democratic primary.

The two took to Trump's preferred medium to tangle Thursday. Trump responded to Obama's endorsement by tweeting: "Obama just endorsed Crooked Hillary. He wants four more years of Obama_but nobody else does!"

The Clinton campaign tweeted back: "Delete Your Account."


Associated Press writers Ken Thomas, Erica Werner, Laurie Kellman and Lisa Lerer contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-10

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Just how silly are the American people that they can possbily swallow, a standing president, nominating a successor who is under investigation for serious crime.

What is wrong with this picture? Can someone explain?

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Bernie Sanders vows to work with Hillary Clinton as Democrats move toward party unity
By MJ Lee, CNN

Washington (CNN)Democrats took giant steps toward party unity Thursday as Bernie Sanders vowed to work together with Hillary Clinton to defeat Donald Trump in November and President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden formally endorsed Clinton for president.

Sanders' decision to continue his White House bid even after Clinton became the party's presumptive presidential nominee has had Democrats on high alert as they seek to quickly change gears and take on Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. Sanders' first explicit promise on Thursday to join forces with Clinton to take on the Republicans will help quell concerns among Democrats about divisions in the party.

Emerging from the White House after a meeting with Obama that lasted more than an hour, Sanders warned that a Trump presidency would be a "disaster" and that he would "work as hard as I can to make sure that Donald Trump does not become president of the United States."

Full story: http://us.cnn.com/2016/06/09/politics/bernie-sanders-washington/index.html

-- CNN 2016-06-10

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#1 and #2 and the low-info wingnut hate list with HRC and Obama and there are the TV baggers all spewing their bile with 5 posts in a row. You guys sleep in the same bed?

Bernie will come around and the Democrats will be united in stopping the far right wing, that now owns the Republican party, from getting anywhere near the White House. The Republican party is in total melt down and all they've got is tired HRC conspiracy nonsense.

Can't you just make your point without flaming other posters (which is against Forum rules)?

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#1 and #2 and the low-info wingnut hate list with HRC and Obama and there are the TV baggers all spewing their bile with 5 posts in a row. You guys sleep in the same bed?

Bernie will come around and the Democrats will be united in stopping the far right wing, that now owns the Republican party, from getting anywhere near the White House. The Republican party is in total melt down and all they've got is tired HRC conspiracy nonsense.

Can't you just make your point without flaming other posters (which is against Forum rules)?

It's called self elevation.

It is quite normal for the left/progressives to presume they have the monopoly on truth and information because of their "education". This leads to a belief that anyone that does not share their point of view must necessarily be a lower social class hence the arrogant condescension. In their eyes the end justifies the means because they own intelligence and own even the race card because they are of, or support minority groups therefore their higher morality justifies hate speech and even violence as we are now witnessing and is being recommended from certain quarters. Of course they feel justified because it's not their fault, it's Trump's fault.

The FBI investigation is not a conspiracy. It's real and Obama is hedging his bets. He has to support the Dem party but can't look to be thwarting justice. However Hillary knows that all Obama needs to do is to pardon her and it will all go away.

Bernie has given up his revolution and his supporters will feel really let down that he now has to get behind a traitor who has sold her influence as Secretary of State, just to save the Democratic party.

Now to add to the rigging, GET THIS, the State Department refuses to release her emails until AFTER the election. But wait there's more..... they will be released on November the 31st of which there is no date because November only has 30 days! Then of course they have made a promise they don't have to keep because of no obligation and it will all fade away.


Now why don't those who can say more intelligent stuff than "low info wingenuts" , please add some of their high information to the debate.

Edited by Linzz
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"Make no mistake, the previous eight years were hilarious..., now, the American public deserve another 4 years of hilarity"

It will be Hillaryous to see her Trumpenated in November.

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Just how silly are the American people that they can possbily swallow, a standing president, nominating a successor who is under investigation for serious crime.

What is wrong with this picture? Can someone explain?

The photo writes a whole book for anyone to read if you have time that is.

That C woman's face invites for a KO though.

Great shot photographer !!

Edited by wabothai
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Endorses her while "investigating" her. I guess we know how the "investigation" will turn out now....buried like Bin Laden at sea in the middle of the night

America better check into hospital and undergo brain transplant.

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#1 and #2 and the low-info wingnut hate list with HRC and Obama and there are the TV baggers all spewing their bile with 5 posts in a row. You guys sleep in the same bed?

Bernie will come around and the Democrats will be united in stopping the far right wing, that now owns the Republican party, from getting anywhere near the White House. The Republican party is in total melt down and all they've got is tired HRC conspiracy nonsense.

You really seem to want Hillary Clinton to win. So what have you got against the USA to wish something so bad on them?

Just making a joke. It doesn't matter whether it's HC or DT who claims victory in November -- very bad news for America. Deciding which of them is the greater of two evils is almost impossible -- both awful people.

Trump is exactly what the USA and the rest of the world needs.

There is not all that much awful about this man, even more so when you'd compare him with the track record of Clinton.

In politics you can't 100% please everyone so even if you not always agree with the standpoints of a certain candidate he'd still be the best option.

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Trump is exactly what the USA and the rest of the world needs.

There is not all that much awful about this man, even more so when you'd compare him with the track record of Clinton.

In politics you can't 100% please everyone so even if you not always agree with the standpoints of a certain candidate he'd still be the best option.

He's an unintelligent, bullying loudmouth who doesn't care about anything about making money, even illegally, treats little people with utter contempt except when he wants their votes, and you think the world "needs him"?

The world needs him like most people need an STD.

You do your best to avoid it and if you are unlucky you try and get rid of it as quickly as possible unless you are terminally stupid.

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Trump is exactly what the USA and the rest of the world needs.

There is not all that much awful about this man, even more so when you'd compare him with the track record of Clinton.

In politics you can't 100% please everyone so even if you not always agree with the standpoints of a certain candidate he'd still be the best option.

He's an unintelligent, bullying loudmouth who doesn't care about anything about making money, even illegally, treats little people with utter contempt except when he wants their votes, and you think the world "needs him"?

The world needs him like most people need an STD.

You do your best to avoid it and if you are unlucky you try and get rid of it as quickly as possible unless you are terminally stupid.

I take it you don't like him then? biggrin.png

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Just how silly are the American people that they can possbily swallow, a standing president, nominating a successor who is under investigation for serious crime.

What is wrong with this picture? Can someone explain?

Do you really believe the people in any country can make a change now? If you answer yes, than your in for a big surprise!

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Just how silly are the American people that they can possbily swallow, a standing president, nominating a successor who is under investigation for serious crime.

What is wrong with this picture? Can someone explain?

Do you really believe the people in any country can make a change now? If you answer yes, than your in for a big surprise!

Compared to people who come to these internet forums, a significant amount of the voters are disengaged and get all their info from a few sound bytes off TV news. When the media treats this like there is nothing to see here while doing a 24/7 full court press on whether Trumps comment about the judge is "racist", then that's the theme that gets seared into their heads, You don't have to manipulate all the voters, just slightly over half to effect the election.

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Endorses her while "investigating" her. I guess we know how the "investigation" will turn out now....buried like Bin Laden at sea in the middle of the night

Exactly. Or, if we consider the mechanics of his past malfeasance perhaps endorsing her is the bullet he bites to win her voters, then drop the criminal boom, get Sanders out, and usher in Biden when neither are standing. Based on every other machevilian issue he's touched this scenario is not impossible.

*Its wise to always remember every single time a post begins first with pejorative it necessarily follows the post is garbage. Emotion in. Emotion out. Hardly any room remains for reason.

Edited by arjunadawn
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lol...The photo above shows both with the same "knowing" smirk. He's thinking..."Get ready Joe, I'm going to shltcan this bi*ch and her competition and roll the carpet out for you".....Meanwhile, she's thinking..."after you get rid of my legal "issue", your legacy is toast.....if there's anything there worth keeping, I'll remake it into mine because.....IM THE EMPRESS!!!"

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Anyone who has been a disastrous failure relentlessly campaigning to assassinate Barack Obama's character for 7+ years really should find a hobby.

President Obama will be right up front in the political carpetbombing of Trump the rest of the way, to November. So will Michelle Obama.

And Joe Biden.

With Bernie Sanders. Elizabeth Warren too.


Led by Hillary Clinton as the Democratic party nominee and vp candidate coming out of the convention.

All of 'em easily cover the several swing states on the same day....or a couple of days...or more.

The Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia starting July 25 will have all of 'em speak individually, probably two a night, night after night.

In a sharp contrast, who knows what The Ignoramus will be mixed up in the week before in Cleveland which increasing numbers of regular Republicans are boycotting. No fear for Trump however as Chris Christie will fill the empty space.

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Just how silly are the American people that they can possbily swallow, a standing president, nominating a successor who is under investigation for serious crime.

What is wrong with this picture? Can someone explain?

Do you really believe the people in any country can make a change now? If you answer yes, than your in for a big surprise!

Compared to people who come to these internet forums, a significant amount of the voters are disengaged and get all their info from a few sound bytes off TV news. When the media treats this like there is nothing to see here while doing a 24/7 full court press on whether Trumps comment about the judge is "racist", then that's the theme that gets seared into their heads, You don't have to manipulate all the voters, just slightly over half to effect the election.


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