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Pissed up monks defrocked - but they say they will just find another temple to keep on boozing


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Monks think about themselves only. They do not care about people.

Many men go into monkhood only to make money/ drink / fornicate/ gamble.

Yes not only Buddist monks, Christian church has had its fair share of scandal.

What a deluded negative post!

Monks practice compassion, taking in stray dogs that nobody wants, alcoholics to try to help them sober up, again nobody else wants or can help them.

Many men do NOT go into the monkhood to make money, gamble, drink and fornicate. This is total nonsense. You are really deluded if you think this and so are the people who "liked" your post. Get off this forum and go out into the real world. Visit temples and talk to the monks, there are some very wise, good men out there. Just because there are a few bad ones, which are posted about her on the news doesn't make them all bad, think rationally please.

I've noticed you are very bitter towards the country you are, I presume, living in. Maybe it's time to move on if you haven't been pressured into building a house in Nakhon Nowhere.smile.png

Looks like me speaking the truth has upset you.

Please take off your rose tinted glasses and see what is happening in the real world.

Far from the truth buddy. You will upset many speaking like that, including me.
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These guys in robes are not setting a good example.Budda will forgive them though, as they are Thai

Ehhhm, you do know, Buddha was a regular man, who is dead. He is not a God.

And he was not Thai either.

At least the villagers were good Buddhists as they did not accept this behavior from the Monks.

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Pissed up monks defrocked!

How goods the headline? Don't see that to much.

I think a lot now falls back to the senior monks and the council itself. There are just to many headlines of rouge monks recently for them to just ignore the ongoing actions of these bad apples.

They can't just rely on mai ben rai or karma.They must show that these actions are unacceptable and they should start with the big headline grabbers and show that abuse of the Buddhists faith will no be tolerated .

Maybe it's time for a registery. Not easy I know but as the pissed up monks will just find another temple maybe it's worth a thought.


Actually, there is a registry. Every new monk is registered with the head monk of a province. The problem is, there is pretty much no way to check from province to province. Supposedly, all monks are registered at the National Office of Buddhism. I know farang monks are and I think all monks are. But I don't know if they keep up to date records. Up to the present, it would appear these type of monks just fall through the cracks. Better accountability is needed.

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Isn't it the male version of being a bar girl? .... become a Monk for an easy/lazy/free life? ......

Obviously not taring everybody with the same brush. there are also good Monks out there.

Doesn't matter if they're good monks out...will you be able to determine that?...forget the whole lot of them and you're safe.

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Plenty of suggestions here that the monkhood is an easy life.

You know I am not so sure, this evening, whilst stocking up on Rich Tea biscuits (a particular weakness) I took a close look at those yellow buckets the supermarkets sell for presenting to monks.

They appear to subsist on a diet of UHT milk, tinned pilchards in tomato sauce. soap powder, toothpaste and jossticks . It must make for some spectacular bowel movements!

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The loophole in Buddhism....every male can become a monk...in an instant.

Priests however have the ordeal of years of study........and still many went wrong.

Religion ...its all between the ears.....eventually

Edited by hgma
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Get arrested and defrocked for having a whiskey but if you steal millions you are protected and untouchable.

They should have said they were "sick", a local doctor gives them a certificate (50 baht) and away they go!!! It works for abbots?? smile.pngwhistling.gifsad.pngwai.gif

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You normally need a degree and/or years of study to be a priest in a church, same for Imam and Rabbi, but to be a monk...well, juat turn up. I've ofen asked what monks and temples give back to society (Churchea, mosques etc are places where people go to be taught about their religion), because with the large number of monks and temples 99% of the monks are collecting and temples are just for donating. Do some monks teach? Yes? Do some perform community services? Yes (funerals, weddings etc. though the number could be questioned since many people chanting the same thing in unison negates the need for so many).

Too many monks in my opinion.

As an aside: ask a Thai person how much any service and/or trinket from a temple costs and they'll all say it's free, then ask them how much they gave the temple anyway wink.png

There are nuns and monks in christian faiths... they need no qualifications, but priests, vicars, bishops, arch bishops do tend to have qualification, but then their also other officials who have not, but what is clear there are few religions that would tolerate the behaviour demonstrated by some Buddhist monks in Thailand, what is clear there is no structured command to keep order.

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Monks think about themselves only. They do not care about people.

Many men go into monkhood only to make money/ drink / fornicate/ gamble.

Yes not only Buddist monks, Christian church has had its fair share of scandal.

What a deluded negative post!

Monks practice compassion, taking in stray dogs that nobody wants, alcoholics to try to help them sober up, again nobody else wants or can help them.

Many men do NOT go into the monkhood to make money, gamble, drink and fornicate. This is total nonsense. You are really deluded if you think this and so are the people who "liked" your post. Get off this forum and go out into the real world. Visit temples and talk to the monks, there are some very wise, good men out there. Just because there are a few bad ones, which are posted about her on the news doesn't make them all bad, think rationally please.

I've noticed you are very bitter towards the country you are, I presume, living in. Maybe it's time to move on if you haven't been pressured into building a house in Nakhon Nowhere.smile.png

Yes quite right. All hail John the expert (on every subject). Perhaps you should start a separate thread where we can all 'ask the expert' and live life as pious and heroic as you, although even you are not perfect as you send threats over messenger.

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