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Potential pedophilia sex scandal brewing at one of Thailand's oldest secondary schools


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This creature is clearly a disgusting animal, but there is nothing in this report to justify him being labeled a pedophile. A pedophile, by definition, is someone who preys on pre-pubescent children, not teenagers.

It is worrying that so many newspapers use the word pedophile in headlines where it is not justified, presumably because they believe it will help boost their sales.

PAEDO - short for 'paedophile'. One who molests young children.


a paedophile molests prepubuscent children

Not wrong. You are being rather pedantic.

Broadly speaking, all children are prepubescent prior to the onset of puberty.

I was merely trying to point out that teenagers, as mentioned in this article, are usually experiencing puberty or in some cases have passed through it.

In other words, not paedophile material as Don Mega pointed out.

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There seems to be a couple of this type of Thai teacher at most schools, I have worked with several over the years. Some are really open about it, everyone knows, the staff, the students; the guy is never sacked. I knew one male teacher who made it his personal business to seduce young girl pupils, the way he dressed, the big bike he rode around school, the flirting/massaging in the classroom, all geared towards one end.

Also met some foreigners up to the same stuff. All were caught, all were sacked, and two were sent to jail.

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This creature is clearly a disgusting animal, but there is nothing in this report to justify him being labeled a pedophile. A pedophile, by definition, is someone who preys on pre-pubescent children, not teenagers.

It is worrying that so many newspapers use the word pedophile in headlines where it is not justified, presumably because they believe it will help boost their sales.

paedophilia and hebephilia overlap and are considered the same. One is prepubescent and the other pubescent, both are children and minors.
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.....do you expect that:

-There will be a confession

-An acknowledgement by authorities

-Action taken by the law

....let's go through how many incidents in the past 6 months...all nature of crimes....have just disappeared...

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ezzra wrote

"A sickening cover ups by the teacher's friends and school officials says it all, really, the society that allows

such ongoing rampant abuse of children in full knowledge of everyone need to re examine it self and it's morals

checks and balances........"

Ditto the Catholic church maybe?

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This creature is clearly a disgusting animal, but there is nothing in this report to justify him being labeled a pedophile. A pedophile, by definition, is someone who preys on pre-pubescent children, not teenagers.

It is worrying that so many newspapers use the word pedophile in headlines where it is not justified, presumably because they believe it will help boost their sales.

PAEDO - short for 'paedophile'. One who molests young children.


a paedophile molests prepubuscent children

Are secondary school students prepubuscent?

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It is not only teachers who do this. Other authoritative figures do it, it is well known in Isan. This is something that is not spoken about because these people are very dangerous. Ask your Thai GF about that! Oh, and I know nothing!

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I wonder, when I read posts by people arguing over the semantics of the word 'Paedophile' why it bothers them so much?

Look at this case, teacher has sex with pupils and posts photos of the sex on line in which the faces of the pupils can be seen.

Why the angst over the term 'paedophile'?

Of course I understand the need for a very accurate definition if their own behaviour strays very close to the line.

My ex wife, a very jealous woman, told me (at our divorce hearing) it was anyone under 55 years of age.

Maybe you get maybe you don't but there are people who think an age difference of more than a couple of years between couples is pedophilia

Edited by Scotwight
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Odd.... at least thus far in these reports... the Thai police are nowhere to be seen/heard. Talk of a school investigation, but nothing of a criminal investigation.

The Khaosod article has one of the school officials advising families of victims to file criminal complaints with the police if they desire to.

But in a case like this, you'd think the police wouldn't have to wait for someone to come and complain. Whatever happened to the good ole' Computer Crimes Act and the wide discretion that Thai authorities have over online offenses.

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Yes,i have to say that i understood a pedophile,is a person who molests children under the age of consent,and are incapable of giving their consent,because they are of prepubescent age.When i was 15 i used to screw girls of 14.Does that make me a pedophile? Of course when i grew older then so did the age of the girls.

Example, if a guy of say 24 goes to a club and takes home a young mini skirted miss who is made up and dressed up to look a lot older.He takes her home and the next day,her mother is banging down his door claiming she is only 15.But t the club,she looked about 20.When he goes to court,the young lady turns up in her school uniform and freshly scrubbed face.Several judges in the past(UK) have asked that the 'victim comes dressed as she was on the night in question.

So is it a case of the guy is a pedophile? or is it under age sex? There is a difference.

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If it's true that this has happened before and that the school has covered it up by paying hush money, then the school authorities should be held accountable, ie, dismissed. Same situation as the creepy bishop in Australia who knew about rogue priests and did nothing. Unfortunately that guy is all powerful in Rome and we will see the same situation in Thailand because these people are connected by definition.

Believe he has resigned, what ever that means to this bunch of hypocrites, but will retain his job in the Vatican. Hard to believe - but anything is possible to these people.

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This is also common in America many teachers getting caught. Many people who go into this low paying job are Pedophiles. Very few Garbage Truck drive are Pedophiles because the know very little chance to be around children

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Multiple images of the teacher have been posted by him on Twitter with his victims' faces plain to see

Well why not? The culture here allows it.

Where's "here" ? Because the Thailand I'm in takes a very dim view of statutory rape.

How can u be sure it is rape? Even 14 year old boys are capable and sometimes willing to have consensual sex with an adult. Often the only question is what is in it for him??

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If it's true that this has happened before and that the school has covered it up by paying hush money, then the school authorities should be held accountable, ie, dismissed. Same situation as the creepy bishop in Australia who knew about rogue priests and did nothing. Unfortunately that guy is all powerful in Rome and we will see the same situation in Thailand because these people are connected by definition.

Believe he has resigned, what ever that means to this bunch of hypocrites, but will retain his job in the Vatican. Hard to believe - but anything is possible to these people.

It is true nothing is going to be done not because he is a Priest but because he is a teacher. Many Teachers do the same and are protected by the School Systems all over the world

The happens in Jewish Schools, Protestant Schools Muslims Schools and Public Schools in America where no one believes in God. But they are Teachers get it man

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Multiple images of the teacher have been posted by him on Twitter with his victims' faces plain to see

Well why not? The culture here allows it.

Where's "here" ? Because the Thailand I'm in takes a very dim view of statutory rape.

How can u be sure it is rape? Even 14 year old boys are capable and sometimes willing to have consensual sex with an adult. Often the only question is what is in it for him??
Is a 14 yr old at the age of consent? If not it's rape and sex pen of a minor/child. How on earth could a person of sound mind and morals even ask this question. Many paedophiles use the defence of the child loved me, I loved him/her and they consented. Sorry a child consenting doesn't cut it.
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I wonder, when I read posts by people arguing over the semantics of the word 'Paedophile' why it bothers them so much?

Look at this case, teacher has sex with pupils and posts photos of the sex on line in which the faces of the pupils can be seen.

Why the angst over the term 'paedophile'?

Of course I understand the need for a very accurate definition if their own behaviour strays very close to the line.

I see your point here.

But half of the members here are actually extremely happy the the word pedo has been used. Even if (only if) the teacher had been with 16 year old students (Which I do not like).

The word pedo makes them very happy, because it gives them an excuse to come out with all guns blazing towards whatever they do not like (Thai stuff in general).

The perp should be punished. And so should whomever helped cover him up.

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A male teacher is under probe for having sex with male students


The Office of Basic Education Commission (OBEC) has ordered a teacher of a prestigious high school to be transferred to the office pending an investigation into his alleged indecent acts for having sex with male students.

The teacher of Suan Kularb school in Bangkok whose name was not disclosed was summoned to meet with the school director, Mr Vithoon Wong-in. Friday morning and he allegedly admitted of the wrongdoings.

Mr Vithoon told the media that the teacher admitted of having sex with underaged students of the other students. Nevertheless, the teacher was moved to an inactive post at OBRC’s zone one pending a fact-finding probe.

The teacher will face gross disciplinary action which may lead to his dismissal from the service if the probe found him guilty of the indecent acts, said OBEC secretary-general Karoon Sakulpradit.

The alleged indecent acts reportedly appeared on the teacher’s twitter account when he posted several images of him having sex with male students with some of their faces clearly shown.

The posted images have caused an uproar among many netizens who demanded a probe and punishment against the alleged molester.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/male-teacher-probe-sex-male-students/

-- Thai PBS 2016-06-10

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I believe the headline in this thread is incorrect and should be retracted.

Hardly dignificant in comparison with the reported crimes and suggestion these crimes have been swept under the carpet for so long.

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Student and teacher relationships are always hitting the headlines. The word paedophile is used a lot more. Back when I was at comprehensive school, it was quite a common occurence for a teacher to be having an affair with a 14-16 year old student. People got in trouble but nothing as serious as today. In this case a randy teacher with a penchant for 14-16 year old boys. Bring out the paedophile word and his life is ruined. Of course that is the way it is now. But 30 years ago it wasn't really so serious.

Just saying before you nail me to the carpet.

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If it's true that this has happened before and that the school has covered it up by paying hush money, then the school authorities should be held accountable, ie, dismissed. Same situation as the creepy bishop in Australia who knew about rogue priests and did nothing. Unfortunately that guy is all powerful in Rome and we will see the same situation in Thailand because these people are connected by definition.

You refer to one bishop in Australia as if it was a one-off... Almost the entire catholic church was implicitly involved in the largest pedophile sex ring the world has ever seen, and was also shown to be guilty of covering up known acts of child abuse on an almost global scale... and yet it came out the other side of the scandal relatively unscathed, and that is something that I find unbelievable and repugnant... Anyone who complains about the way that the rich in this country get away with all sorts of wrongdoings because of their wealth should also fire the same accusations at the Catholic Church, only with more vigour... The Catholic Church is probably the wealthiest institution on the planet, and that is the only reason it was not brought down by all of the child sex scandals. I find it despicable and here's why:

A priest is supposed to be someone who has devoted their life to the religion they follow - they are a supposed to be a servant of God, and closer to God than your regular Joe Public sitting in the congregation. So if the ones who are supposed to be spreading God's word are indulging in acts of child abuse - what does that say about the church that they represent? Most religions send a very general message that goes along the lines of: Live your life according to the guidelines laid down in the ancient scriptures and you will be rewarded in the afterlife - or else if you don't you will be damned to having a miserable time in the afterlife... and that ain't such a bad message really - the church is acting as the morality police.

In my mind there are only 3 choices regarding these priests and those that covered up for them:

1. The priests who took part in such acts did not see that there was anything wrong with what they were doing and did not think it would condemn them to an eternity in hell.

2. The priests who took part in such acts knew what they were doing was wrong but did not have any fear of the punishment they would face for their actions - i.e. they weren't too worried about spending an eternity in hell.

3. The priests who took part in such acts were never true believers, were never close to the God they alleged to represent and had only become priests because they knew that that they were joining a "secret club", and that a small amount of pretense and some study would allow them to engage in a life that most pedophiles can only dream of, without fear of reproach and under the protection of the more senior members

And there really is no other option. What's scariest is that No. 3 looks like the most probable... and the Catholic Church was/is really nothing more than a money-collecting pedophile club, which would explain the setting up of all the homes for wayward boys, firebrand priests etc...

Funny as well how most of the abuse focuses on boys... Doesn't it say in the Bible that homosexuality is an abomination? Guess the priests don't believe that to be true either.

Anyway, rant over. I totally agree with all those who are condemning this teacher, because he is also in a position of responsibility and trust, and he has abused that position in the most despicable fashion. If my kid was one of the one's he had abused I would make this guy's life hell until the day that he died.

I also apologize to any Catholics offended by my rant, but sorry... you need to take a long hard look at that church that you support. because it is probably the most <deleted> up institution on the face of this earth and it has ruined the lives of thousands, if not millions of kids... Sick!

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I believe the headline in this thread is incorrect and should be retracted.

Hardly dignificant in comparison with the reported crimes and suggestion these crimes have been swept under the carpet for so long.

I'm not sure but I think the difference between a prepubescent child and an 17 year old minor is like 50 years in jail. I'm sure you have never been to a go go but if anyone has they have probably seen a 17 year old Thai woman dance. Big difference between that and a prepubescent child. Don't you think? Or maybe you think it's the same?

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All boys school.

Is it a catholic school?

This sort of thing is very common at all boy catholic schools.


And of course there are the always the people who know about it and do nothing who are almost as sick as the pedophiles.

Like in this very case, other teachers are reported to have known about it and done nothing. Victims were silenced with money(and probably threatened.)


Over 40,000 priests and teachers (brothers) and over 1million victims reported with more coming forward daily.

I would think that it would be only the tip of the iceberg, it is the sort of thing a lot of victims would want to forget.

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