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Shooting at Dallas Airport sparks frantic scenes


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Shooting at Dallas Airport sparks frantic scenes


Passengers ran for cover amid terrifying scenes at Dallas Love Field airport in Texas on Friday.

Video posted to Instagram captured the drama as a police officer fired several times at a man involved in a domestic disturbance outside a baggage claim area.

The man is said to have attacked a woman’s car with a rock and then charged at the police officer who intervened.

Police said the suspect appeared to be the father of the woman’s children.

He was conscious when taken away by ambulance but his condition is unknown, Dallas Assistant Police Chief Randy Blankenbaker told reporters.

In the confusion, some people entered secure areas of the busy airport without proper screening – triggering delays as security checks were carried out.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-11

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This is probably how that Michael Brown POS acted, but we unfortunately don't have that on video. I mean WTH is that and WTH are they doing . . . both of them. Then this dumb a** stalks and chases an armed cop. Who the heck is dumb enough to do that?

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Identified the perp as "The man." I know what this likely means.

Afraid to say what you mean?

Go to my next post. I said what I meant and provided proof that I was correct in my assumption.

You did neither, just double speak.

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Why do they have to use guns?

I thought this is why tasers and the like were invented sad really how a domestic situation can escalate to a murder... not defending the guys behaviour at all and at an airport he is going to get put down without much thought as is what happened.

The police must be able to use some sort of unleathel weaponry to stop this and not inflict death on people so easily.

He wasn't armed as far as i could see in the video.

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Tasers are an option, but they do not always work, especially if a person is hopped up on drugs or if they are in an extreme rage.

They could probably also employ a counselor and try to talk to the guy, but airports are security areas.

What if this guy was nothing but a distraction while some other action was taking place? It's sad, but if you are going to mess about, it is best not to do it anywhere near an airport.

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Why do they have to use guns?

I thought this is why tasers and the like were invented sad really how a domestic situation can escalate to a murder... not defending the guys behaviour at all and at an airport he is going to get put down without much thought as is what happened.

The police must be able to use some sort of unleathel weaponry to stop this and not inflict death on people so easily.

He wasn't armed as far as i could see in the video.

Typical US of A police violence. The man was of no treat to anyone but the car at that time. Obviously there was some argument that caused the woman to start her idiotic behavior oblivious to other people around her - she just blocked at least 2 cars (the cars that are seen in the VDO) scattering everything on the road. The guy reacted buy "attacking" the CAR - not the woman, not the by-standers. When the police arrived it was clear e was NOT armed and was not holding a rock or any other threatening object. The officer however drew his weapon before even confronting the man.

At a place like an airport where there are hundreds of security officers and thousands of people - opening fire in such a way is actually endangering more innocent people. The way it SHOULD have been played out is by physical force of many officers blocking the man's way and getting control of him, OR buy a stun gun

Edited by LukKrueng
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This should never happen! We need some sort of mass media campaign, perhaps even a nationwide organization that would help get the word out to all young black guys that there is an excellent chance they could get shot by if they behave in an aggressive way towards other people with guns pointed at them.

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^ In this instance the guns should have stayed in their holsters. As other posted have noted, the guy was unarmed. Non-lethal methods to control the guy were not even attempted.

All the hallmarks of a Police State

Edited by NumbNut
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^ In this instance the guns should have stayed in their holsters. As other posted have noted, the guy was unarmed. Non-lethal methods to control the guy were not even attempted.

All the hallmarks of a Police State

Nope. The point here is that do not mess around if you are at an airport.

The police officer did everything he could to avoid shooting the guy. The guy was very aggressive and challenging. That's not a wise thing to do under any circumstances, but especially at an airport where security is tight.

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Not that it matters much ... but Love Field Airport is the much older Dallas Airport -- it is not an international airport that I know of... but being out of control at any airport, aggressive, not following police orders - gets a bad reaction. Aggressive - out of control people seem to assume great strength with adrenaline rushing through their systems... and are known to tackle police officers - take their guns and shoot them .. It happens far more times than most people realize. I too wonder about non lethal take down such as taser or gas spray ... but I wasn't on the receiving end of the physical threat in this video.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Another great example of shoot first, what happened to taser? What happened to CS spray? Nope, lets just shoot an unarmed man

The guy got shot by the officer's gun, falls down briefly, but then gets up and charges the officer again.

I doubt whether Taser & CS spray would have worked any better.

Act weird at a secure facility like an airport, disobey repeated orders of armed officers, even charge at them, and you deserve everything you get.

Only criticism is that the firearm did not stop the looney the first time, and the officer should have reloaded and be ready for the 2nd charge.

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Another great example of shoot first, what happened to taser? What happened to CS spray? Nope, lets just shoot an unarmed man

The guy got shot by the officer's gun, falls down briefly, but then gets up and charges the officer again.

I doubt whether Taser & CS spray would have worked any better.

Act weird at a secure facility like an airport, disobey repeated orders of armed officers, even charge at them, and you deserve everything you get.

Only criticism is that the firearm did not stop the looney the first time, and the officer should have reloaded and be ready for the 2nd charge.

Yep, all of the Monday morning quarterbacks are obviously completely clueless about about people like this. No resoect for propert, no resoect for self, no resoect for the law, charges a cop with gun drawn . . . total animal mentality. Good f'in ruddence to people like this. Sad, but he brought this on himself.

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Another great example of shoot first, what happened to taser? What happened to CS spray? Nope, lets just shoot an unarmed man

The guy got shot by the officer's gun, falls down briefly, but then gets up and charges the officer again.

I doubt whether Taser & CS spray would have worked any better.

Act weird at a secure facility like an airport, disobey repeated orders of armed officers, even charge at them, and you deserve everything you get.

Only criticism is that the firearm did not stop the looney the first time, and the officer should have reloaded and be ready for the 2nd charge.

Yep, all of the Monday morning quarterbacks are obviously completely clueless about about people like this. No resoect for propert, no resoect for self, no resoect for the law, charges a cop with gun drawn . . . total animal mentality. Good f'in ruddence to people like this. Sad, but he brought this on himself.
They have respect for life, which many posters here seem to be lacking.
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Why pick on the car, wouldn't it start or summat?

We'll never know now, will me?

Still blows my mind this... those videos are starkly clear. Airport or not, and crazy or not, an unarmed man getting blown away is hard to justify in any form or fashion.

Can't believe that guns were employed in such lethal fashion, with so many innocent bystanders in the IMMEDIATE VICINITY... what were those officers thinking?

I'm shocked at the attitude of some of the posters on this thread too, we're talking about a human life here, now sadly extinguished. Humanity must be respected! It's what separates us from the animal kingdom, don't you think?

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Why pick on the car, wouldn't it start or summat?

We'll never know now, will me?

Still blows my mind this... those videos are starkly clear. Airport or not, and crazy or not, an unarmed man getting blown away is hard to justify in any form or fashion.

Can't believe that guns were employed in such lethal fashion, with so many innocent bystanders in the IMMEDIATE VICINITY... what were those officers thinking?

I'm shocked at the attitude of some of the posters on this thread too, we're talking about a human life here, now sadly extinguished. Humanity must be respected! It's what separates us from the animal kingdom, don't you think?

Go ahead and be shocked and incensed or whatever, but there is probably not an airport in the world where there are not armed security somewhere. If you wish to mess around at an airport, there is a good chance you will get taken down by a bullet.

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Why do they have to use guns?

I thought this is why tasers and the like were invented sad really how a domestic situation can escalate to a murder... not defending the guys behaviour at all and at an airport he is going to get put down without much thought as is what happened.

The police must be able to use some sort of unleathel weaponry to stop this and not inflict death on people so easily.

He wasn't armed as far as i could see in the video.

There's no obligation on the Police officer to slowly move through his range of 'tactical options, from the least forceful to the most severe, testing each one and leaving the fatal option until last. It's not how it works. Normally it starts with something verbal and sometimes proceeds through several option, sometimes only one option is used. Sometimes Police only have a split second to react to a situation and sometimes they get it wrong. None of us were there. Police and other emergency service personnel are not boxing bags, they have a right to go to work and go home.

It's better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6.

Talk a walk in a Police Officers shoes before you're so quick to critise. Let a formal investigation establish all the facts first. Maybe there's something we couldn't see, didn't hear or know that this police officer did know.

Not every Police officer carries a taser at all times. I can't really tell what was going on from the video.

Like others have said, best not to fekk around at airports or when a police officer tells you to do something. If you're told to do something and you disagree with it, challenge it at court.

That Police officer most likely didn't go to work expecting to kill someone, it's not what motivates these guys.

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Why pick on the car, wouldn't it start or summat?

We'll never know now, will me?

Still blows my mind this... those videos are starkly clear. Airport or not, and crazy or not, an unarmed man getting blown away is hard to justify in any form or fashion.

Can't believe that guns were employed in such lethal fashion, with so many innocent bystanders in the IMMEDIATE VICINITY... what were those officers thinking?

I'm shocked at the attitude of some of the posters on this thread too, we're talking about a human life here, now sadly extinguished. Humanity must be respected! It's what separates us from the animal kingdom, don't you think?

Go ahead and be shocked and incensed or whatever, but there is probably not an airport in the world where there are not armed security somewhere. If you wish to mess around at an airport, there is a good chance you will get taken down by a bullet.

I understand your point Credo, I'm the first to agree you shouldn't carry on like a pork chop in an airport (or any transport hub for that matter, train station, bus terminal, ferry port, etc.). And I didn't mention incensed, that's your word.

Can't agree with getting taken down by firearms though when the subject is unarmed... that's extra-judicial. The only harm I saw being caused to anyone or any object was the car he flogged with the witches hat. He lobbed a rock at the car too, but that was well before the officers arrived on the scene with their firearms out according to the videos. He had no weapon of any description in his hands when he was shot. And the multiple shots fired with so many folks in the vicinity! What's your thoughts about that?

I can't see anyone coming out of this with any credit, not the bloke himself, the lady he was pissed with or the officers involved... everyone lost the plot.

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Why pick on the car, wouldn't it start or summat?

We'll never know now, will me?

Still blows my mind this... those videos are starkly clear. Airport or not, and crazy or not, an unarmed man getting blown away is hard to justify in any form or fashion.

Can't believe that guns were employed in such lethal fashion, with so many innocent bystanders in the IMMEDIATE VICINITY... what were those officers thinking?

I'm shocked at the attitude of some of the posters on this thread too, we're talking about a human life here, now sadly extinguished. Humanity must be respected! It's what separates us from the animal kingdom, don't you think?

Go ahead and be shocked and incensed or whatever, but there is probably not an airport in the world where there are not armed security somewhere. If you wish to mess around at an airport, there is a good chance you will get taken down by a bullet.

I understand your point Credo, I'm the first to agree you shouldn't carry on like a pork chop in an airport (or any transport hub for that matter, train station, bus terminal, ferry port, etc.). And I didn't mention incensed, that's your word.

Can't agree with getting taken down by firearms though when the subject is unarmed... that's extra-judicial. The only harm I saw being caused to anyone or any object was the car he flogged with the witches hat. He lobbed a rock at the car too, but that was well before the officers arrived on the scene with their firearms out according to the videos. He had no weapon of any description in his hands when he was shot. And the multiple shots fired with so many folks in the vicinity! What's your thoughts about that?

I can't see anyone coming out of this with any credit, not the bloke himself, the lady he was pissed with or the officers involved... everyone lost the plot.

Sorry that he got shot, but he could just as well been a handy diversion while something more dangerous goes down. How many officers should be called out of secure areas to deal with this guy?

Places like the Brussels airport come to mind. ....and if you're going to try those tactics, it's probably best to try an airport outside of Texas, and preferably outside the US....but do your homework first, because some are going to act even quicker than this situation, which wasn't particularly quick by the way.

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Why do they have to use guns?

I thought this is why tasers and the like were invented sad really how a domestic situation can escalate to a murder... not defending the guys behaviour at all and at an airport he is going to get put down without much thought as is what happened.

The police must be able to use some sort of unleathel weaponry to stop this and not inflict death on people so easily.

He wasn't armed as far as i could see in the video.

Murder - you are joking? He had turned violent and aggressive and was not responding to police instructions. In fact quite the opposite and becoming more threatening.

He could see the police were armed but ignored it. Drugged, drunk, unable to control his emotions and actions? The fact is he was violent and motioning to attack the officer. In the UK most police are unarmed and would have to rely on pepper spray, baton, or self defense. American police, like most other police forces are armed and perfectly entitled to use their weapon to defend themselves.

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This shooting could have been avoided.

If the idiot that got himself shot had stopped acting aggressively.

The police are not experts in unarmed combat. If it comes to a one on one, the cop could not only get beat up but also have his weapon turned against him.

Simply put, if you have a gun in your hand/holster and you dont use it, it could very well be used against you.

So the fact the cops are armed means they are at risk if death if even an unarmed perp attacks them.

Bottom line. Dont rush cops, you wont get shot.

Edited by Dagnabbit
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