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Many lives lost in Orlando nightclub shooting

Jonathan Fairfield

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Yes I agree, he was a radical islamist and his brain has been fxxx up . Why he choose a gay club was maybe because he was a racist targeting latinos , maybe he had some bad experiences in the past . We can speculate forever.

The wise speculation looks at the totality of the evidence we know thus far: him being on FBI radar, declaring his loyalty to ISIS, age, religion and ethnicity- oh and the fact that witnesses heard him yell "Allahu Akbar" doing the shooting and make some pretty wise speculation. In fact, part of the problem in the US is our leaders refuse to do such speculation and act accordingly.

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It turns out the killer was gay or bisexual in the closet . He had been at this club for 3 years , visiting it twice a month . And his ex-wife knew.

Sounds more like he was casing the joint. But perhaps you're right. Let's suppose you are. That could cause terrible conflict in the mind of a radical Islam extremist who has pledged his loyalty to ISIS. No wonder he acted out in such a horrific fashion. Good point.

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"Sometimes he would go over in the corner and sit and drink by himself, and other times he would get so drunk he was loud and belligerent," Smith told the Orlando Sentinel.

Doesn't really sound like a practicing Muslim.

Religious fanatics are often extreme hypocrites, so this is not exclusive to Islam at all. In fact, I believe we are all hypocrites to some degree. But this isn't surprising. The 9/11 hijackers hung out in strip bars, yet planned and implemented a very complex massacre that took months. Of course the attack was based on their religious beliefs, hatred of America and infidels.

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Excerpt from NPR story on the Orlando mass murder (biggest non-combat mass-murder in US history)......

"According to a search of public records, Mateen is 29 years old and listed as living in Port St. Lucie, Fl. The search shows that Mateen had a firearm license and he received a security officer license in both 2011 and 2013. The search did not turn up any criminal record."


Boomer's comment; The above quote proves that gun lovers are wrong when they say only good guys will be legally carrying guns, if gun laws continue to be as loose as the elastic on gym shorts in the trash can. The mass murderer in today's shooting was officially a good guy up until the moment he started shooting. He had a security guard license and was carrying licensed guns. It proves that gun insanity continues in the USA. Guns should be banned for anyone not in law enforcement or military while in uniform on the job. Also exception for gun ranges, and some exceptions for hunting - though I and many others think hunting with guns is immoral and should eventually be banned also.

If the shooter was stopped at the door by a guard in an open-carry or concealed-carry state, he would have been let in, probably with a grin and friendly pat on the back. Is that insanity or what?! All gun lovers in the US should quietly take their guns to a patch of soil, dig a 4' deep trench and bury them, including ammo.

Ouch. So all the good guys turn in their weapons and all the bad guys just give up their bad behavior, call 911

Sounds crazy enough to work. How did that work out for the French?

Less guns = less gun violence. Do the math.

If flame throwers and grenades were as legal as guns, then there would be a lot more deaths from people getting burned and blown up.

Human nature is not going to change much. There are going to be <deleted> not matter what the laws try to do. I'd rather have less guns circulating for those <deleted> to get ahold of. If you had an orphanage with 50 kids, and there were 3,000 straight razors all through the house, you would expect some razor cuts each week.

well we can relax, Obama still thinks Islam is a religion of peace, your president is a disgrace and thank god the fool only has six months left to embarrass the country

Still six months to go? Please kill me.

Here's a loaded gun. Gun lovers would say; "Do with it as you please."

The US has been improved by having a prez like Obama. He has tried valiantly and succeeded somewhat in patching up the gross mismanagement of the preceding Bush years. When Obama took over, the US was on the brink of a giant depression, Millions of Americans were facing foreclosure, The US was fighting two wars, and hundreds of thousands of Americans didn't have health care who do now.

Things are a bit (or a lot) better now, depending on perspective. Just as important as the improvements under Obama, is the general respect that Obama has among nearly all world leaders. All that respect will get flushed down the drain if The Divider takes over. Plus, we'll probably get a lot more shooting deaths, because Trump has taken a gamble that; being cozy with gun-lovers will win him more votes than he'll lose. He'll find out the hard way that he's wrong, as he's on the wrong side of many other issues.

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"Sometimes he would go over in the corner and sit and drink by himself, and other times he would get so drunk he was loud and belligerent," Smith told the Orlando Sentinel.

Doesn't really sound like a practicing Muslim.

Certainly not a "good" Muslim.

There are reports he went to mosque to pray, not sure how regularly.

Dude, this really isn't about Islam as a RELIGION.

It's about a case of a self radicalized American terrorist Muslim man who became a follower of radical Islamist extremist ideology to such a great degree that he carried out the largest mass shooting terrorist incident in American history.

Was his behavior consistent with a devout practicing Muslim man? Obviously not. Often these terrorist dudes are shown to be involved in drinking and often whoring. They're still Islamist terrorists!

Edited by Jingthing
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"Sometimes he would go over in the corner and sit and drink by himself, and other times he would get so drunk he was loud and belligerent," Smith told the Orlando Sentinel.

Doesn't really sound like a practicing Muslim.

It sounds like a highly conflicted person, if indeed he above was the case, a victim of religion him self.

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