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"ISIL claims responsibility" for Orlando gay nightclub shooting that left 50 dead


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That is what you get if you start meddling in conflicts you know nothing about, in territory which is not yours and with a strategy nody understands.

If Bush had'nt removed Sadam Hussein and Muammar Khadafi, IS would have been eradicated long time ago.

I am afraid that this is only the beginning.

Eitherway it might also help that idiot Trump to get elected.

Rip to the victims and speedy recovery to the injured.

Im not a Trump supporter but yes, i also think this will work in his favour.

One thing i do like about him is his statement that were he to embark on a mission/combat/strategy he would not announce it to the world 3 months in advance like the idiots in charge have always done.

About the homeland terrorism threats..different strategies need to be engaged.

but who knows. Maybe form a secret special taskforce that employs good American middleastern guys to be spys.

Send them into the Muslim communities as fake clerics, they will soon be able to find the worst loonies and deal with em one by one.

Of course its a radical idea that the Obamas would be horrified at but someone like Trump would probably do it.

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f ing bloody muslim ignorant extremists!

Hope they all get exterminated soon!

RIP and patience for the families of victims:(

very sad indeed:(

on the other hand, f ing ignorant and uneducated people supporting second amendment from wild west times and stupid legislators and politicians that cannot do anything to ban guns for votes and for their chair.

too many guns in US and a lot of maniacs from Muslim radicals to individuals.

Ban the guns in US for once and for all!

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This thread shows the disease which is progressivism in a nutshell. A man runs into a gay club with a semi-automatic weapon shouting Allahu Akbar and proceeds to murder fifty people.

So what do progressives do?

1. Blame Trump

2. Blame the years out of office George Bush.

3. Blame the gun lobby.

4. Pretend motive nothing to do with Islam.

5. Rinse, wash and repeat as the dead bodies pile up.

Well the list above is indeed silly. So is denying that anything to do with Islamic terrorism got anything to do with Western leadership & policies, the relative ease of getting firearms, and lumping together all those who follow Islam. The two "lists" are mirror images in that they highlight extreme left/right political agendas and views. This often results in simplified positions and at the expense of better understanding a complex reality.

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If true.......Payback's a bitch Obama!......But this is what you want!!.....Perpetual war serves you (the corporate schill) and your corporate buddies ....

Added bonus........you get to crack-down on the people at homesmile.png ..........

All these wars in the middle east are at the heart of this hatred towards america and it's 'allies'

You memory is short...remember who started these wars.

I do remember. It was the European folk who started this war. I believe the year was 1095.

Nope..... . it was the Muslims that started the war.......not the Europeans.

.... from the time Mohammad conquered Arabia.. and then invaded the rest of the middle east and North Africa and then moved into Spain etc... They almost made it to the gates of Vienna at one point in history... They want the planet for "Allah"

Mohammad and his army were fighters from the very start... slaughtering other Arabs that continued to worship in pagan religions or in Christianity if they refused to convert.

The Crusades were just Christianity's attempt to free the Holy Land from the Muslim invaders that took it following the Siege of Jerusalem in 637 A.D. (or C.E. if you prefer that way)

The Muslims followed up the capture of Jerusalem the attack and capture of Antioch... and with attacking Caesarea.... but Caesarea did not fall until 640 A.D. They also invaded Egypt in 639.... and from there they spread across north Africa, and eventually invaded Spain...

The Muslim army conquered Persia, and from there invaded Afghanistan in 667 A.D.... the Afghans putting up great resistance.. but eventually they fell to Islam around the year 1000..

The Muslim invasion of India which took place from the 12th to the 16th century... led to one of the most horrifying mass slaughters in recorded history... millions and millions of Hindus and Buddhists slaughtered.. and in some areas... when Indians realized they could not win.... mass suicide of Hindu and Buddhist families to avoid being taken and either murdered or being taken for slavery...

Buddhism was effectively wiped out from India for hundreds of years.... temples destroyed...

The great Buddhist monastery and famous University at Nalanda in the ancient Kingdom of Magadha in northern India were looted destroyed and monks murdered by the Muslim leader Muhammad-i-Bakht-yar about the year 1200.

The great historian, Will Durant (1885 - 1981) said: "The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex of order and freedom, culture and peace, can at any moment be overthrown by barbarians invading from without or multiplying within."

Koenraad Elst , the german historian writes in "Negation in India":

"The Muslim conquests, down to the 16th century, were for the Hindus a pure struggle of life and death. Entire cities were burnt down and the populations massacred, with hundreds of thousands killed in every campaign, and similar numbers deported as slaves. Every new invader made (often literally) his hills of Hindus skulls. Thus, the conquest of Afghanistan in the year 1000 was followed by the annihilation of the Hindu population; the region is still called the Hindu Kush, i.e. Hindu slaughter. The Bahmani sultans (1347-1480) in central India made it a rule to kill 100,000 captives in a single day, and many more on other occasions. The conquest of the Vijayanagar empire in 1564 left the capital plus large areas of Karnataka depopulated. And so on."


This...... is Islam.....

Edited by Catoni
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There is no way he could have killed 50 people in a short period of time unless he was using an automatic or semi-automatic weapon. Those kind of weapons are not for hunting animals, their only function is to kill large number of people.

Why when these terrible things happen do folks feel the need to give unqualified opinions on the hardware used?

FYI: A semi auto weapon is any weapon of the closed bolt variety.

Meaning 1 pull of the trigger fires one round. That means the majority of firearms except the bolt types where you need to manually cycle the bolt

after each shot

Even a double action western style six shooter is a semi auto weapon

(one trigger pull fires one round with no further cocking needed)

So yes semi autos are in fact used in hunting as well as bolt type rifles.

Semi auto pump shotguns are used for bird hunting etc also.

Then folks like to go on & say "High Powered" or "Assault Weapon" yet again have not the vaguest idea of what they are talking about

Yet it sounds good to sensationalize a sad event

Events like these are all about capacity period

Any person with the slightest training can pull a trigger very quickly.

So someone with a crazy capacity of any caliber is going to inflict a lot of damage.

If folks want to look at something to cite as reason such numbers were possible look at this...

not make sensational claims about things they know nothing about but hear sound bites of

Lastly it is 99.9% likely that if you heard any full auto sounds on video tapes etc they were from the SWAT members weapons

Since full auto has been banned since 1986 with few exceptions

Edited by mania
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One incredibly ignorant post after another as the wingnuts pat themselves on the back and wallow in the weird justification for their Muslim xenophobia. This guarantees a Trump election? Buddha give me strength.

This was another mass shooting, this week on the LGBT community by someone who should never have had a gun. ISIS didn't do this, another mental patient with a gun did this.

Violence against the LGBT community, the lack of ANY effective gun laws (Florida?) are what should be addressed, yet the low-infos take a victory lap over having pointed out the danger of ISIS in America.

Somehow, it's Obama's fault? facepalm.gif

We are standing for this violence time and time again. This isn't about Muslims. This incident is about guns. There will be another mass shooting next week and it won't be about Muslims. It will be about what it's always about...GUNS and at a minimum better regulatory system for guns — just like there is for anything else related to our safety.

The NRA runs the Republican party and is the reason for our regularly scheduled mass shootings. Enough is enough kowtowing to the Americans who cling to their weapons for dear life allowing a continuous loop of mass killing after mass killing.

We don't need guns. We need sanity, something in short supply on this thread.

Enough is enough.

Xenophobia?? This is the idiot who was celebrating 9/11 on the school bus the next day, and was spoken to by the FBI over making terrorist comments to work colleagues (who wisely dropped him in), claimed to have ISIS links, and then rang authorities after he started the killing to tell them it was a terrorist act.

This is not about muslims?? Buddha give me strength. It's certainly not about Presbyterians!!

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I used to have quite an "exotic" gun collection when I lived in the states. And I'm a vegetarian aspiring Buddhist. Got in regular range time and also did some competitive events. I retired a couple of years ago in Thailand. Now I don't own a gun.

Friends and acquaintances in Issan and many in Bangkok do own guns. All unregistered as far as I know.

Did you know Thailand has twice the gun violence as the United States.


It's confusing to me that in 11 Middle Eastern countries if a guy gets caught taking it up the <deleted> or blowing some other guy they will get executed. Gee talk about "risky sex."

May the souls of those slaughtered RIP...


And why do you suppose that is? Why such a pathological fear of homosexual acts? My guess is that it is very prevalent, and that it is simply a mask, for the relative lack of heterosexuality within their societies. An extreme reaction is typically caused by something inherent within society. Granted, there is the Muslim element. But, I doubt that is what this is all about.

When you repress a people to the extent these Middle Eastern societies have been repressed, some strange stuff is going to happen! Perhaps, when it is so difficult to have something, you are going to look for something else.

I have wondered for some time how this squares with the pevelance of homosexuality in Afganistan where young boys even put on makeup for the occasion and everyone knows what's up.

My guess would be that it is prevalent throughout the Middle East. That pathological fear and repression comes from somewhere! Mankind needs sex. It is that simple. Take away women, and what does that leave?

The arabs/muslims don't appear to be repressing any sexual desires in Soi Nana, pissed with lady boys and/or hookers on their arms heading to their hotels, boners showing through their robes.

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There is no way he could have killed 50 people in a short period of time unless he was using an automatic or semi-automatic weapon. Those kind of weapons are not for hunting animals, their only function is to kill large number of people.

Why when these terrible things happen do folks feel the need to give unqualified opinions on the hardware used?

FYI: A semi auto weapon is any weapon of the closed bolt variety.

Meaning 1 pull of the trigger fires one round. That means the majority of firearms except the bolt types where you need to manually cycle the bolt

after each shot

Even a double action western style six shooter is a semi auto weapon

(one trigger pull fires one round with no further cocking needed)

So yes semi autos are in fact used in hunting as well as bolt type rifles.

Semi auto pump shotguns are used for bird hunting etc also.

Then folks like to go on & say "High Powered" or "Assault Weapon" yet again have not the vaguest idea of what they are talking about

Yet it sounds good to sensationalize a sad event

Events like these are all about capacity period

Any person with the slightest training can pull a trigger very quickly.

So someone with a crazy capacity of any caliber is going to inflict a lot of damage.

If folks want to look at something to cite as reason such numbers were possible look at this...

not make sensational claims about things they know nothing about but hear sound bites of

Lastly it is 99.9% likely that if you heard any full auto sounds on video tapes etc they were from the SWAT members weapons

Since full auto has been banned since 1986 with few exceptions

You have to try to forgive them. Most people have little knowledge of firearms. I often grin at the news articles written by journalists who pretend that they know what they are talking about... when they actually know nothing of the subject..

Like saying "silver handgun" to describe a stainless steel hand gun. No gun is made of silver as far as I know...

Confusing Magazines and Clips.. not knowing there is a difference.. Even Hollywood and story writers make the mistake... and then others copy their mistakes..

I grin every time I hear in a Hollywood movie when the hero character calls a magazine a clip...... when he should know better. They are definitely not the same thing..

A magazine is NOT a clip. A clip is Not a magazine... But people just don't know it...

A clip is a strip of metal that holds a number of rounds to be inserted into a magazine...... A clip is exactly that: it clips rounds together so that they can more easily be fed into a magazine or directly into a weapon’s chamber. A clip has zero moving parts. All it does is clip ammunition together.

Magazines contain moving parts, most often springs. They are inserted directly into and remain in a firearm, unlike clips, (exception... for the eight round "en bloc" clip for the M-1 Garand rifle) The springs move another round into position so it can be chambered when necessary.


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This act by a muslin group may very well have secured Donald Trump the Presidency.

Is he going to build a wall around Florida?

Offer each Muslim $5,000 to relocate, preferably to Saudi that cesspit of everything that's wrong with Islam.

If they don't take the offer, drop them off anyway (without the money), the sick Saudi's will look after them.

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If true.......Payback's a bitch Obama!......But this is what you want!!.....Perpetual war serves you (the corporate schill) and your corporate buddies ....

Added bonus........you get to crack-down on the people at homesmile.png ..........

All these wars in the middle east are at the heart of this hatred towards america and it's 'allies'

You memory is short...remember who started these wars.

I do remember. It was the European folk who started this war. I believe the year was 1095.

Nope..... . it was the Muslims that started the war.......not the Europeans.

.... from the time Mohammad conquered Arabia.. and then invaded the rest of the middle east and North Africa and then moved into Spain etc... They almost made it to the gates of Vienna at one point in history... They want the planet for "Allah"

Mohammad and his army were fighters from the very start... slaughtering other Arabs that continued to worship in pagan religions or in Christianity if they refused to convert.

The Crusades were just Christianity's attempt to free the Holy Land from the Muslim invaders that took it following the Siege of Jerusalem in 637 A.D. (or C.E. if you prefer that way)

The Muslims followed up the capture of Jerusalem the attack and capture of Antioch... and with attacking Caesarea.... but Caesarea did not fall until 640 A.D. They also invaded Egypt in 639.... and from there they spread across north Africa, and eventually invaded Spain...

The Muslim army conquered Persia, and from there invaded Afghanistan in 667 A.D.... the Afghans putting up great resistance.. but eventually they fell to Islam around the year 1000..

The Muslim invasion of India which took place from the 12th to the 16th century... led to one of the most horrifying mass slaughters in recorded history... millions and millions of Hindus and Buddhists slaughtered.. and in some areas... when Indians realized they could not win.... mass suicide of Hindu and Buddhist families to avoid being taken and either murdered or being taken for slavery...

Buddhism was effectively wiped out from India for hundreds of years.... temples destroyed...

The great Buddhist monastery and famous University at Nalanda in the ancient Kingdom of Magadha in northern India were looted destroyed and monks murdered by the Muslim leader Muhammad-i-Bakht-yar about the year 1200.

The great historian, Will Durant (1885 - 1981) said: "The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex of order and freedom, culture and peace, can at any moment be overthrown by barbarians invading from without or multiplying within."

Koenraad Elst , the german historian writes in "Negation in India":

"The Muslim conquests, down to the 16th century, were for the Hindus a pure struggle of life and death. Entire cities were burnt down and the populations massacred, with hundreds of thousands killed in every campaign, and similar numbers deported as slaves. Every new invader made (often literally) his hills of Hindus skulls. Thus, the conquest of Afghanistan in the year 1000 was followed by the annihilation of the Hindu population; the region is still called the Hindu Kush, i.e. Hindu slaughter. The Bahmani sultans (1347-1480) in central India made it a rule to kill 100,000 captives in a single day, and many more on other occasions. The conquest of the Vijayanagar empire in 1564 left the capital plus large areas of Karnataka depopulated. And so on."


This...... is Islam.....

here we go.

one more thread is going towards a muslim bashing one. Many massacres were done by christians in USA from Columbine to many, yet we never bash Christianity?

this post though is coming from someone totally brainwashed with hate that can see only one side.

so, what about all these bloody christians, judaists, hindus? slavery, burning people in the name of religion, holocaust, atomic bombs, world wars and supporting muslim jihadists which eventually make f ing jihadis rise which led to this event.

what about ignorant people supporting the right(coming from wild wild west times) to bear arms?

these are all by Christians mostly so please go bash them too!

it is a sad and tragic event, yes but look what where we are going now in this thread:?

- Send them to Arabia! (Like all muslim is arab)

- Wall them!

- Camp them!

- Castrate them!

- Kill them!

Like <deleted> nazis sorry, no difference.

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here we go.

one more thread is going towards a muslim bashing one. Many massacres were done by christians in USA from Columbine to many, yet we never bash Christianity?

this post though is coming from someone totally brainwashed with hate that can see only one side.

so, what about all these bloody christians, judaists, hindus? slavery, burning people in the name of religion, holocaust, atomic bombs, world wars and supporting muslim jihadists which eventually make f ing jihadis rise which led to this event.

what about ignorant people supporting the right(coming from wild wild west times) to bear arms?

these are all by Christians mostly so please go bash them too!

I believe this thread is about, "Mateen called dispatchers about 20 minutes into the attack, pledging allegiance to ISIS."

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This act by a muslin group may very well have secured Donald Trump the Presidency.

Is he going to build a wall around Florida?

Offer each Muslim $5,000 to relocate, preferably to Saudi that cesspit of everything that's wrong with Islam.

If they don't take the offer, drop them off anyway (without the money), the sick Saudi's will look after them.

Not sure why you want to tar every moslem with the same brush?

I've known a couple of moslems that were v nice and FAR from radical. Actually, they were the only moslems I ever got to know on a day to day basis!

Anyway, this thread is about one horrendous nutter that killed many people sad.png .

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This act by a muslin group may very well have secured Donald Trump the Presidency.

Is he going to build a wall around Florida?

Offer each Muslim $5,000 to relocate, preferably to Saudi that cesspit of everything that's wrong with Islam.

If they don't take the offer, drop them off anyway (without the money), the sick Saudi's will look after them.

Not sure why you want to tar every moslem with the same brush?

I've known a couple of moslems that were v nice and FAR from radical. Actually, they were the only moslems I ever got to know on a day to day basis!

Anyway, this thread is about one horrendous nutter that killed many people sad.png .

Yeah, I'll agree there's a couple here and there.

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here we go.

one more thread is going towards a muslim bashing one. Many massacres were done by christians in USA from Columbine to many, yet we never bash Christianity?

this post though is coming from someone totally brainwashed with hate that can see only one side.

so, what about all these bloody christians, judaists, hindus? slavery, burning people in the name of religion, holocaust, atomic bombs, world wars and supporting muslim jihadists which eventually make f ing jihadis rise which led to this event.

what about ignorant people supporting the right(coming from wild wild west times) to bear arms?

these are all by Christians mostly so please go bash them too!

I believe this thread is about, "Mateen called dispatchers about 20 minutes into the attack, pledging allegiance to ISIS."

yes, that is the thread then why it turns to a muslim bashing one once again?

go bash ISIS. send your armies to Syria to bash ISIS so where are you?

ISIS is a pervert sect and has no relation with Islam.

So do you think all muslim in this world related with ISIS? or ignorance is bliss for you?

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There is no way he could have killed 50 people in a short period of time unless he was using an automatic or semi-automatic weapon. Those kind of weapons are not for hunting animals, their only function is to kill large number of people.

Why when these terrible things happen do folks feel the need to give unqualified opinions on the hardware used?

FYI: A semi auto weapon is any weapon of the closed bolt variety.

Meaning 1 pull of the trigger fires one round. That means the majority of firearms except the bolt types where you need to manually cycle the bolt

after each shot

Even a double action western style six shooter is a semi auto weapon

(one trigger pull fires one round with no further cocking needed)

So yes semi autos are in fact used in hunting as well as bolt type rifles.

Semi auto pump shotguns are used for bird hunting etc also.

Then folks like to go on & say "High Powered" or "Assault Weapon" yet again have not the vaguest idea of what they are talking about

Yet it sounds good to sensationalize a sad event

Events like these are all about capacity period

Any person with the slightest training can pull a trigger very quickly.

So someone with a crazy capacity of any caliber is going to inflict a lot of damage.

If folks want to look at something to cite as reason such numbers were possible look at this...

not make sensational claims about things they know nothing about but hear sound bites of

Lastly it is 99.9% likely that if you heard any full auto sounds on video tapes etc they were from the SWAT members weapons

Since full auto has been banned since 1986 with few exceptions

You have to try to forgive them. Most people have little knowledge of firearms. I often grin at the news articles written by journalists who pretend that they know what they are talking about... when they actually know nothing of the subject..

Like saying "silver handgun" to describe a stainless steel hand gun. No gun is made of silver as far as I know...

Confusing Magazines and Clips.. not knowing there is a difference.. Even Hollywood and story writers make the mistake... and then others copy their mistakes..

I grin every time I hear in a Hollywood movie when the hero character calls a magazine a clip...... when he should know better. They are definitely not the same thing..

A magazine is NOT a clip. A clip is Not a magazine... But people just don't know it...

A clip is a strip of metal that holds a number of rounds to be inserted into a magazine...... A clip is exactly that: it clips rounds together so that they can more easily be fed into a magazine or directly into a weapon’s chamber. A clip has zero moving parts. All it does is clip ammunition together.

Magazines contain moving parts, most often springs. They are inserted directly into and remain in a firearm, unlike clips, (exception... for the eight round "en bloc" clip for the M-1 Garand rifle) The springs move another round into position so it can be chambered when necessary.


It doesn't matter if someone calls a stainless steel pistol a silver pistol - the person being shot is just as dead. How about addressing the issue instead of posting smug drivel.

The issue here is that there is an abundance of firearms available to practically everyone in the US, and many of these firearms are made solely to kill other people. Those type of weapons should be banned outside the military and law enforcement.

Edited by MZurf
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here we go.

one more thread is going towards a muslim bashing one. Many massacres were done by christians in USA from Columbine to many, yet we never bash Christianity?

this post though is coming from someone totally brainwashed with hate that can see only one side.

so, what about all these bloody christians, judaists, hindus? slavery, burning people in the name of religion, holocaust, atomic bombs, world wars and supporting muslim jihadists which eventually make f ing jihadis rise which led to this event.

what about ignorant people supporting the right(coming from wild wild west times) to bear arms?

these are all by Christians mostly so please go bash them too!

I believe this thread is about, "Mateen called dispatchers about 20 minutes into the attack, pledging allegiance to ISIS."

yes, that is the thread then why it turns to a muslim bashing one once again?

go bash ISIS. send your armies to Syria to bash ISIS so where are you?

ISIS is a pervert sect and has no relation with Islam.

So do you think all muslim in this world related with ISIS? or ignorance is bliss for you?

I think you're missing something Galactus.

My understanding is that none of the mass killings perpetrated by religions other than muslims have been carried out in the name of religion. This pos was a muslim and swore allegiance to IS.....Islamic State. Islam is the religion, and they want an islamic state.

I don't know of any of the others who have killed masses of people swearing allegiance to Presbyterianism, Hinduism, etc., but you may be able to point out some??

I think there are a good many more who wish success for the islamic state than you will ever know. Islamic state are following the islamic doctrine. Those who appear moderate are seen as the outsiders by IS, but I'm sure would change their attitude if they felt threatened.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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Not sure why you want to tar every moslem with the same brush?

I've known a couple of moslems that were v nice and FAR from radical. Actually, they were the only moslems I ever got to know on a day to day basis!

Anyway, this thread is about one horrendous nutter that killed many people sad.png .

The trouble is that even the nice ones brainwash their children, genetically predisposed to believe every thing they say, with this outdated rubbish. The seed is planted, and nurtured, and with a little pruning can produce really violent fruit.

The trouble is, the original migrants remember what a dump they left behind. The next and subsequent generations don't have that comparison, and grow bitter when they don't achieve the success they see others enjoy, and don't see it is a result of their religious based education, lack of social skills and low IQ. 1400 years of marrying cousins HAS had an effect.

Edited by halloween
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This act by a muslin group may very well have secured Donald Trump the Presidency.

Is he going to build a wall around Florida?

Offer each Muslim $5,000 to relocate, preferably to Saudi that cesspit of everything that's wrong with Islam.

If they don't take the offer, drop them off anyway (without the money), the sick Saudi's will look after them.

Spouting some racist rants and having Camus as a profile photo is something quite "interesting" I think you should read "l'etranger" and choose to change your mind or your profile pic

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here we go.

one more thread is going towards a muslim bashing one. Many massacres were done by christians in USA from Columbine to many, yet we never bash Christianity?

this post though is coming from someone totally brainwashed with hate that can see only one side.

so, what about all these bloody christians, judaists, hindus? slavery, burning people in the name of religion, holocaust, atomic bombs, world wars and supporting muslim jihadists which eventually make f ing jihadis rise which led to this event.

what about ignorant people supporting the right(coming from wild wild west times) to bear arms?

these are all by Christians mostly so please go bash them too!

I believe this thread is about, "Mateen called dispatchers about 20 minutes into the attack, pledging allegiance to ISIS."

yes, that is the thread then why it turns to a muslim bashing one once again?

go bash ISIS. send your armies to Syria to bash ISIS so where are you?

ISIS is a pervert sect and has no relation with Islam.

So do you think all muslim in this world related with ISIS? or ignorance is bliss for you?

I think you're missing something Galactus.

My understanding is that none of the mass killings perpetrated by religions other than muslims have been carried out in the name of religion. This pos was a muslim and swore allegiance to IS.....Islamic State. Islam is the religion, and they want an islamic state.

I don't know of any of the others who have killed masses of people swearing allegiance to Presbyterianism, Hinduism, etc., but you may be able to point out some??

I think there are a good many more who wish success for the islamic state than you will ever know.

i think you are missing holocaust, atomic bombs, world wars, inquisition courts, crusades etc etc. i can count more.

that ISIS you mention is a pervert sect again and again rise of ISIS is in relation with the support US and its partners gave them to fight with Assad before and now it turns and bites their a..s..s..e..s.

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Trump must be feeling all his birthdays have come at once. Not only can he claim it was what he predicted but also taking out 50+ homosexuals (some of them Mexicans) kills many birds with one stone.

When I first heard the news I thought it was just another American nutter with a gun shooting people. Especially as I was told he was a US citizen born in New York. Then it turns out he was a Muslim American citizen and that he had phoned the police to pledge his loyalty to ISIL. Of course ISIL then claimed he was one their soldiers because hey! It's not just Trump who is homophobic!

It is a terrible loss of life and my heart goes out to all the grieving families and friends of the deceased. For Trump to be trying to make political gain from it is disgusting but totally expected. No point in mentioning the assault rifle because everyone needs one of those in the USA as we all know

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Amazing the lack of intellect by some . A member of the public .A US citizen had access to An automatic weapon used in war. Head in the "18th century constitution" sand. Failed state

Was not an automatic weapon.

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here we go.

one more thread is going towards a muslim bashing one. Many massacres were done by christians in USA from Columbine to many, yet we never bash Christianity?
this post though is coming from someone totally brainwashed with hate that can see only one side.
so, what about all these bloody christians, judaists, hindus? slavery, burning people in the name of religion, holocaust, atomic bombs, world wars and supporting muslim jihadists which eventually make f ing jihadis rise which led to this event.
what about ignorant people supporting the right(coming from wild wild west times) to bear arms?
these are all by Christians mostly so please go bash them too!

I believe this thread is about, "Mateen called dispatchers about 20 minutes into the attack, pledging allegiance to ISIS."

yes, that is the thread then why it turns to a muslim bashing one once again?
go bash ISIS. send your armies to Syria to bash ISIS so where are you?
ISIS is a pervert sect and has no relation with Islam.
So do you think all muslim in this world related with ISIS? or ignorance is bliss for you?

I think you're missing something Galactus.

My understanding is that none of the mass killings perpetrated by religions other than muslims have been carried out in the name of religion. This pos was a muslim and swore allegiance to IS.....Islamic State. Islam is the religion, and they want an islamic state.

I don't know of any of the others who have killed masses of people swearing allegiance to Presbyterianism, Hinduism, etc., but you may be able to point out some??

I think there are a good many more who wish success for the islamic state than you will ever know.

i think you are missing holocaust, atomic bombs, world wars, inquisition courts, crusades etc etc. i can count more.
that ISIS you mention is a pervert sect again and again rise of ISIS is in relation with the support US and its partners gave them to fight with Assad before and now it turns and bites their a..s..s..e..s.

everyone is definitely entitled to have and express their opinion (oops... That's not right is it?)... But herein the topic is largely terrorism, and none of your examples pertain to terrorism.... Even though terror was undoubtedly a commonly felt emotion...

Terrorism is deliberately indiscriminate, your examples are not.

The crusaders came as an army, not a band of terrorists... But interestingly, as an occupation force, they were attacked by Muslim terrorists ( hash fueled assassins... Some view these as the first terrorists)

World wars and the atomic bomb were... Wars... Religion was not a factor

The holocost can be viewed as a political weapon, but was, arguably, also a continuation of the persecution of Jews since the death of Christ.... by all and sundry.... For political or financial reward.

Ironically, by and large, the inquisitions saw Christians killing Christians, more than anything else, and was also, arguably, a political tool, vs a religious tool.

And... If you have followed TV enough, you would know that Catholics get the s.h.one.t bashed out of them regularly.... Just mention another pedo priest, and watch this forum light up.

That said.... Muslims should not be persecuted.... Terrorists should.
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Never hear a word from "innocent" muslims to condone this tragedy or do anything to stop the terrorism.

Apparently Iran is biggest supporter of muslim terrorists. Put a Tesla in every driveway and good riddance to Iran and rest

of Arab countries.

It is high time the west takes the gloves off and cut the snake's head off for good.

Nice view of the World Iran and Afghanistan are not Arab Countries. Neither is Pakistan and Bangladesh whom I assume you lob into the same Basket. Isil is a backward looking bunch of Psychopathic Killers whom would claim any large killings as the work of their fighters. Until proven one must work on the logic it could just be some righteous nut with an axe to grind. Or would you say of some non Muslim person who attacks and kills many in an American Mosque a patriot? Wait until the Authorities give a balanced and authoritative statement before you Nuke the World. Isnt that how we got in this mess in the first place.

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